989 resultados para Asymptotic analysis


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Multiuser diversity (MUDiv) is one of the central concepts in multiuser (MU) systems. In particular, MUDiv allows for scheduling among users in order to eliminate the negative effects of unfavorable channel fading conditions of some users on the system performance. Scheduling, however, consumes energy (e.g., for making users' channel state information available to the scheduler). This extra usage of energy, which could potentially be used for data transmission, can be very wasteful, especially if the number of users is large. In this paper, we answer the question of how much MUDiv is required for energy limited MU systems. Focusing on uplink MU wireless systems, we develop MU scheduling algorithms which aim at maximizing the MUDiv gain. Toward this end, we introduce a new realistic energy model which accounts for scheduling energy and describes the distribution of the total energy between scheduling and data transmission stages. Using the fact that such energy distribution can be controlled by varying the number of active users, we optimize this number by either i) minimizing the overall system bit error rate (BER) for a fixed total energy of all users in the system or ii) minimizing the total energy of all users for fixed BER requirements. We find that for a fixed number of available users, the achievable MUDiv gain can be improved by activating only a subset of users. Using asymptotic analysis and numerical simulations, we show that our approach benefits from MUDiv gains higher than that achievable by generic greedy access algorithm, which is the optimal scheduling method for energy unlimited systems. © 2010 IEEE.


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In this paper, the impact of multiple active eavesdroppers on cooperative single carrier systems with multiple relays and multiple destinations is examined. To achieve the secrecy diversity gains in the form of opportunistic selection, a two-stage scheme is proposed for joint relay and destination selection, in which, after the selection of the relay with the minimum effective maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to a cluster of eavesdroppers, the destination that has the maximum SNR from the chosen relay is selected. In order to accurately assess the secrecy performance, the exact and asymptotic expressions are obtained in closed-form for several security metrics including the secrecy outage probability, the probability of non-zero secrecy rate, and the ergodic secrecy rate in frequency selective fading. Based on the asymptotic analysis, key design parameters such as secrecy diversity gain, secrecy array gain, secrecy multiplexing gain, and power cost are characterized, from which new insights are drawn. Moreover, it is concluded that secrecy performance limits occur when the average received power at the eavesdropper is proportional to the counterpart at the destination. Specifically, for the secrecy outage probability, it is confirmed that the secrecy diversity gain collapses to zero with outage floor, whereas for the ergodic secrecy rate, it is confirmed confirm that its slope collapses to zero with capacity ceiling.


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In this paper, we study the information-theoretical security of a downlink multiuser cooperative relaying network with multiple intermediate amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, where there exist multiple eavesdroppers which can overhear the message. To prevent the wiretap and strength the network security, we select one best relay and user pair, so that the selected user can receive the message from the base station assisted by the selected relay. The relay and user selection is performed by maximizing the ratio of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the user to the eavesdroppers, which is based on both the main and eavesdropper links. For the considered system, we derive the closed-form expression of the secrecy outage probability, and provide the asymptotic expression in high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) region. From the asymptotic analysis, we can find that the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.


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This paper proposes relay selection in order to increase the physical layer security in multiuser cooperative relay networks with multiple amplify-and-forward (AF) relays, in the presence of multiple eavesdroppers. To strengthen the network security against eavesdropping attack, we present three criteria to select the best relay and user pair. Specifically, criterion I and II study the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receivers, and perform the selection by maximizing the SNR ratio of the user to the eavesdroppers. To this end, criterion I relies on both the main and eavesdropper links, while criterion II relies on the main links only. Criterion III is the standard max-min selection criterion,
which maximizes the minimum of the dual-hop channel gains of main links. For the three selection criteria, we examine the system secrecy performance by deriving the analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability. We also derive the asymptotic analysis for the secrecy outage probability with high main-to eavesdropper ratio (MER). From the asymptotic analysis, an interesting observation is reached: for each criterion, the system diversity order is equivalent to the number of relays regardless of the number of users and eavesdroppers.


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In this paper, we analyze the performance of cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relay networks with beamforming under the peak interference power constraint of the primary user (PU). We focus on the scenario that beamforming is applied at the multi-antenna secondary transmitter and receiver. Also, the secondary relay network operates in channel state information-assisted AF mode, and the signals undergo independent Nakagami-m fading. In particular, closed-form expressions for the outage probability and symbol error rate (SER) of the considered network over Nakagami-m fading are presented. More importantly, asymptotic closed-form expressions for the outage probability and SER are derived. These tractable closed-form expressions for the network performance readily enable us to evaluate and examine the impact of network parameters on the system performance. Specifically, the impact of the number of antennas, the fading severity parameters, the channel mean powers, and the peak interference power is addressed. The asymptotic analysis manifests that the peak interference power constraint imposed on the secondary relay network has no effect on the diversity gain. However, the coding gain is affected by the fading parameters of the links from the primary receiver to the secondary relay network


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On s’intéresse ici aux erreurs de modélisation liées à l’usage de modèles de flammelette sous-maille en combustion turbulente non prémélangée. Le but de cette thèse est de développer une stratégie d’estimation d’erreur a posteriori pour déterminer le meilleur modèle parmi une hiérarchie, à un coût numérique similaire à l’utilisation de ces mêmes modèles. Dans un premier temps, une stratégie faisant appel à un estimateur basé sur les résidus pondérés est développée et testée sur un système d’équations d’advection-diffusion-réaction. Dans un deuxième temps, on teste la méthodologie d’estimation d’erreur sur un autre système d’équations, où des effets d’extinction et de réallumage sont ajoutés. Lorsqu’il n’y a pas d’advection, une analyse asymptotique rigoureuse montre l’existence de plusieurs régimes de combustion déjà observés dans les simulations numériques. Nous obtenons une approximation des paramètres de réallumage et d’extinction avec la courbe en «S», un graphe de la température maximale de la flamme en fonction du nombre de Damköhler, composée de trois branches et d’une double courbure. En ajoutant des effets advectifs, on obtient également une courbe en «S» correspondant aux régimes de combustion déjà identifiés. Nous comparons les erreurs de modélisation liées aux approximations asymptotiques dans les deux régimes stables et établissons une nouvelle hiérarchie des modèles en fonction du régime de combustion. Ces erreurs sont comparées aux estimations données par la stratégie d’estimation d’erreur. Si un seul régime stable de combustion existe, l’estimateur d’erreur l’identifie correctement ; si plus d’un régime est possible, on obtient une fac˛on systématique de choisir un régime. Pour les régimes où plus d’un modèle est approprié, la hiérarchie prédite par l’estimateur est correcte.


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In [4], Guillard and Viozat propose a finite volume method for the simulation of inviscid steady as well as unsteady flows at low Mach numbers, based on a preconditioning technique. The scheme satisfies the results of a single scale asymptotic analysis in a discrete sense and comprises the advantage that this can be derived by a slight modification of the dissipation term within the numerical flux function. Unfortunately, it can be observed by numerical experiments that the preconditioned approach combined with an explicit time integration scheme turns out to be unstable if the time step Dt does not satisfy the requirement to be O(M2) as the Mach number M tends to zero, whereas the corresponding standard method remains stable up to Dt=O(M), M to 0, which results from the well-known CFL-condition. We present a comprehensive mathematical substantiation of this numerical phenomenon by means of a von Neumann stability analysis, which reveals that in contrast to the standard approach, the dissipation matrix of the preconditioned numerical flux function possesses an eigenvalue growing like M-2 as M tends to zero, thus causing the diminishment of the stability region of the explicit scheme. Thereby, we present statements for both the standard preconditioner used by Guillard and Viozat [4] and the more general one due to Turkel [21]. The theoretical results are after wards confirmed by numerical experiments.


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This work is concerned with finite volume methods for flows at low mach numbers which are under buoyancy and heat sources. As a particular application, fires in car tunnels will be considered. To extend the scheme for compressible flow into the low Mach number regime, a preconditioning technique is used and a stability result on this is proven. The source terms for gravity and heat are incorporated using operator splitting and the resulting method is analyzed.


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Individuals with elevated levels of plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (LDL-C) are considered to be at risk of developing coronary heart disease. LDL particles are removed from the blood by a process known as receptor-mediated endocytosis, which occurs mainly in the liver. A series of classical experiments delineated the major steps in the endocytotic process; apolipoprotein B-100 present on LDL particles binds to a specific receptor (LDL receptor, LDL-R) in specialized areas of the cell surface called clathrin-coated pits. The pit comprising the LDL-LDL-R complex is internalized forming a cytoplasmic endosome. Fusion of the endosome with a lysosome leads to degradation of the LDL into its constituent parts (that is, cholesterol, fatty acids, and amino acids), which are released for reuse by the cell, or are excreted. In this paper, we formulate a mathematical model of LDL endocytosis, consisting of a system of ordinary differential equations. We validate our model against existing in vitro experimental data, and we use it to explore differences in system behavior when a single bolus of extracellular LDL is supplied to cells, compared to when a continuous supply of LDL particles is available. Whereas the former situation is common to in vitro experimental systems, the latter better reflects the in vivo situation. We use asymptotic analysis and numerical simulations to study the longtime behavior of model solutions. The implications of model-derived insights for experimental design are discussed.


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'Maximum Available Feedback' is Bode's term for the highest possible loop gain over a given bandwidth, with specified stability margins, in a single loop feedback system. His work using asymptotic analysis allowed Bode to develop a methodology for achieving this. However, the actual system performance differs from that specified, due to the use of asymptotic approximations, and the author[2] has described how, for instance, the actual phase margin is often much lower than required when the bandwidth is high, and proposed novel modifications to the asymptotes to address the issue. This paper gives some new analysis of such systems, showing that the method also contravenes Bode's definition of phase margin, and shows how the author's modifications can be used for different amounts of bandwidth.


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Composites containing saturated fluid are widely distributed in nature, such as saturated rocks, colloidal materials and biological cells. In the study to determine effective mechanical properties of fluid-saturated composites, a micromechanical model and a multi-scale homogenization-based model are developed. In the micromechanical model the internal fluid pressure is generated by applying eigenstrains in the domain of the fluid phase and the explicit expressions of effective bulk modulus and shear modulus are obtained. Meanwhile a multi-scale homogenization theory is employed to develop the homogenization-based model on determination of effective properties at the small scale in a unit cell level. Applying the two proposed approaches, the effects of the internal pressure of hydrostatic fluid on effective properties are further investigated.


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The users often have additional knowledge when Bayesian nonparametric models (BNP) are employed, e.g. for clustering there may be prior knowledge that some of the data instances should be in the same cluster (must-link constraint) or in different clusters (cannot-link constraint), and similarly for topic modeling some words should be grouped together or separately because of an underlying semantic. This can be achieved by imposing appropriate sampling probabilities based on such constraints. However, the traditional inference technique of BNP models via Gibbs sampling is time consuming and is not scalable for large data. Variational approximations are faster but many times they do not offer good solutions. Addressing this we present a small-variance asymptotic analysis of the MAP estimates of BNP models with constraints. We derive the objective function for Dirichlet process mixture model with constraints and devise a simple and efficient K-means type algorithm. We further extend the small-variance analysis to hierarchical BNP models with constraints and devise a similar simple objective function. Experiments on synthetic and real data sets demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithms.


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Inner products of the type < f, g >(S) = < f, g >psi(0) + < f', g'>psi(1), where one of the measures psi(0) or psi(1) is the measure associated with the Gegenbauer polynomials, are usually referred to as Gegenbauer-Sobolev inner products. This paper deals with some asymptotic relations for the orthogonal polynomials with respect to a class of Gegenbauer-Sobolev inner products. The inner products are such that the associated pairs of symmetric measures (psi(0), psi(1)) are not within the concept of symmetrically coherent pairs of measures.


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In this letter we discuss the (2 + 1)-dimensional generalization of the Camassa-Holm equation. We require that this generalization be, at the same time, integrable and physically derivable under the same asymptotic analysis as the original Camassa-Holm equation. First, we find the equation in a perturbative calculation in shallow-water theory. We then demonstrate its integrability and find several particular solutions describing (2 + 1) solitary-wave like solutions. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we consider the propagation of water waves in a long-wave asymptotic regime, when the bottom topography is periodic on a short length scale. We perform a multiscale asymptotic analysis of the full potential theory model and of a family of reduced Boussinesq systems parametrized by a free parameter that is the depth at which the velocity is evaluated. We obtain explicit expressions for the coefficients of the resulting effective Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equations. We show that it is possible to choose the free parameter of the reduced model so as to match the KdV limits of the full and reduced models. Hence the reduced model is optimal regarding the embedded linear weakly dispersive and weakly nonlinear characteristics of the underlying physical problem, which has a microstructure. We also discuss the impact of the rough bottom on the effective wave propagation. In particular, nonlinearity is enhanced and we can distinguish two regimes depending on the period of the bottom where the dispersion is either enhanced or reduced compared to the flat bottom case. © 2007 The American Physical Society.