1000 resultados para Assurance-vie


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Quality Assurance Standards for Symptomatic Breast Disease Services People in Ireland have a right to expect that medical care be of good quality. They expect that standards of care are consistently high. They expect that access to care is easy, speedy, effective and efficient. Society expects quality of care to measure up to international norms of good practice. Such assurance can be given by auditing the quality of activity. Click here to download PDF 606kb


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The Commission on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance was established in January 2007 and reported to the Minister in July 2008. The report was considered by government in January 2009 which agreed the implementation process. The overall objective of the Commission was to develop clear and practical recommendations to ensure that safety and quality of care for patients is paramount within the healthcare system. The Commission’s report set out a wide range of policy measures that will drive the safety and quality agenda in Irish healthcare in the coming years. The establishment of the Commission was prompted by an increasing awareness of patient safety issues in general and high profile health service system failures at home and abroad and in particular by the Lourdes Hospital Inquiry. These have underlined the need for an increased focus on patient safety and quality. Download document here Download summary document on the Report


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First Quarterly Progress Report of the Implementation Steering Group on recommendations of the Report of the Commission on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance Click here to download PDF 56kb


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A Report on Probity Assurance within the Dental Care Sector Click here to download PDF 294kb


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Final Report of the Implementation Steering Group (ISG) on the recommendations of the Report of the Commission on Patient Safety and Quality Assurance Click here to download PDF 235KB


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Les coûts de traitement de certains patients s'avèrent extrêmement élevés, et peuvent faire soupçonner une prise en charge médicale inadéquate. Comme I'évolution du remboursement des prestations hospitalières passe à des forfaits par pathologie, il est essentiel de vérifier ce point, d'essayer de déterminer si ce type de patients peut être identifié à leur admission, et de s'assurer que leur devenir soit acceptable. Pour les années 1995 et 1997. les coûts de traitement dépassant de 6 déviations standard le coût moyen de la catégorie diagnostique APDRG ont été identifiés, et les dossiers des 50 patients dont les coûts variables étaient les plus élevés ont été analysés. Le nombre total de patients dont I'hospitalisation a entraîné des coûts extrêmes a passé de 391 en 1995 à 328 patients en 1997 (-16%). En ce qui concerne les 50 patients ayant entraîné les prises en charge les plus chères de manière absolue, les longs séjours dans de multiples services sont fréquents, mais 90% des patients sont sortis de l'hôpital en vie, et près de la moitié directement à domicile. Ils présentaient une variabilité importante de diagnostics et d'interventions, mais pas d'évidence de prise en charge inadéquate. En conclusion, les patients qualifiés de cas extrêmes sur un plan économique, ne le sont pas sur un plan strictement médical, et leur devenir est bon. Face à la pression qu'exercera le passage à un mode de financement par pathologie, les hôpitaux doivent mettre au point un système de revue interne de I'adéquation des prestations fournies basées sur des caractéristiques cliniques, s'ils veulent garantir des soins de qualité. et identifier les éventuelles prestations sous-optimales qu'ils pourraient être amenés à délivrer. [Auteurs] Treatment costs for some patients are extremely high and might let think that medical care could have been inadequate. As hospital financing systems move towards reimbursement by diagnostic groups, it is essential to assess whether inadequate care is provided, to try to identify these patients upon admission, and make sure that their outcome is good. For the years 1995 and 1997, treatment costs exceeding by 6 standard deviations the average cost of their APDRG category were identified, and the charts of the 50 patients with the highest variable costs were analyzed. The total number of patients with such extreme costs diminished from 391 in 1995 to 328 in 1997 (-16%). For the 50 most expensive patients, long stays in several services were frequent, but 90% of these patients left the hospital alive, and about half directly to their home. They presented an important variation in diagnoses and operations, but no evidence for inadequate care. Thus, patients qualified as extreme from an economic perspective cannot be qualified as such from a medical perspective, and their outcome is good. To face the pressure linked with the change in financing system, hospitals must develop an internal review system for assessing the adequacy of care, based on clinical characteristics, if they want to guarantee good quality of care and identify potentially inadequate practice.


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Deviner ce qu'il y a «après la mort» est une envie vieille comme l'humanité. Les réponses foisonnent: «Livre des morts» dans l'Egypte ancienne, immortalité de l'âme, résurrection, réincarnation... Que peut-on savoir, au juste? Ce livre invite un historien des religions, deux philosophes et des théologiens à se pencher sur la question. Que dire des mystères de l'après-mort? Que révèlent ces représentations religieuses de notre rapport à la mort: peur, fascination, délivrance? Il se pourrait qu'elles offrent avant tout un sens à donner à la vie.


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Amalgamation of Qualifications and Quality Assurance Bodies - Consultation Paper on Implementation (May 2009). Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.