918 resultados para Association and associations


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The structures and association properties of thermosensitive block copolymers of poly(methoxyoligo( ethylene glycol) norbornenyl esters) in D2O were investigated by small angle neutron scattering (SANS). Each block is a comblike polymer with a polynorbornene (PNB) backbone and oligo ethylene glycol (OEG) side chains (one side chain per NB repeat unit). The chemical formula of the block copolymer is (OEG3NB) 79- (OEG6.6NB) 67, where subscripts represent the degree of polymerization (DP) of OEG and NB in each block. The polymer concentration was fixed at 2.0 wt % and the structural changes were investigated over a temperature range between 25 and 68°C. It was found that at room temperature polymers associate to form micelles with a spherical core formed by the block (OEG3NB) 79 and corona formed by the block (OEG6.6NB) 67 and that the shape of the polymer in the corona could be described by the form factor of rigid cylinders. At elevated temperatures, the aggregation number increased and the micelles became more compact. At temperatures around the cloud point temperature (CPT) T ) 60 °C a correlation peak started to appear and became pronounced at 68 °C due to the formation of a partially ordered structure with a correlation length ∼349 Å.


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In dieser Arbeit wird ein vergröbertes (engl. coarse-grained, CG) Simulationsmodell für Peptide in wässriger Lösung entwickelt. In einem CG Verfahren reduziert man die Anzahl der Freiheitsgrade des Systems, so dass manrngrössere Systeme auf längeren Zeitskalen untersuchen kann. Die Wechselwirkungspotentiale des CG Modells sind so aufgebaut, dass die Peptid Konformationen eines höher aufgelösten (atomistischen) Modells reproduziert werden.rnIn dieser Arbeit wird der Einfluss unterschiedlicher bindender Wechsel-rnwirkungspotentiale in der CG Simulation untersucht, insbesondere daraufhin,rnin wie weit das Konformationsgleichgewicht der atomistischen Simulation reproduziert werden kann. Im CG Verfahren verliert man per Konstruktionrnmikroskopische strukturelle Details des Peptids, zum Beispiel, Korrelationen zwischen Freiheitsgraden entlang der Peptidkette. In der Dissertationrnwird gezeigt, dass diese “verlorenen” Eigenschaften in einem Rückabbildungsverfahren wiederhergestellt werden können, in dem die atomistischen Freiheitsgrade wieder in die CG-Strukturen eingefügt werden. Dies gelingt, solange die Konformationen des CG Modells grundsätzlich gut mit der atomistischen Ebene übereinstimmen. Die erwähnten Korrelationen spielen einerngrosse Rolle bei der Bildung von Sekundärstrukturen und sind somit vonrnentscheidender Bedeutung für ein realistisches Ensemble von Peptidkonformationen. Es wird gezeigt, dass für eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen CG und atomistischen Kettenkonformationen spezielle bindende Wechselwirkungen wie zum Beispiel 1-5 Bindungs- und 1,3,5-Winkelpotentiale erforderlich sind. Die intramolekularen Parameter (d.h. Bindungen, Winkel, Torsionen), die für kurze Oligopeptide parametrisiert wurden, sind übertragbarrnauf längere Peptidsequenzen. Allerdings können diese gebundenen Wechselwirkungen nur in Kombination mit solchen nichtbindenden Wechselwirkungspotentialen kombiniert werden, die bei der Parametrisierung verwendet werden, sind also zum Beispiel nicht ohne weiteres mit einem andere Wasser-Modell kombinierbar. Da die Energielandschaft in CG-Simulationen glatter ist als im atomistischen Modell, gibt es eine Beschleunigung in der Dynamik. Diese Beschleunigung ist unterschiedlich für verschiedene dynamische Prozesse, zum Beispiel für verschiedene Arten von Bewegungen (Rotation und Translation). Dies ist ein wichtiger Aspekt bei der Untersuchung der Kinetik von Strukturbildungsprozessen, zum Beispiel Peptid Aggregation.rn


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The European Society of Cardiology heart failure guidelines firmly recommend regular physical activity and structured exercise training (ET), but this recommendation is still poorly implemented in daily clinical practice outside specialized centres and in the real world of heart failure clinics. In reality, exercise intolerance can be successfully tackled by applying ET. We need to encourage the mindset that breathlessness may be evidence of signalling between the periphery and central haemodynamic performance and regular physical activity may ultimately bring about favourable changes in myocardial function, symptoms, functional capacity, and increased hospitalization-free life span and probably survival. In this position paper, we provide practical advice for the application of exercise in heart failure and how to overcome traditional barriers, based on the current scientific and clinical knowledge supporting the beneficial effect of this intervention.


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To develop a semiquantitative MRI-based scoring system (HOAMS) of hip osteoarthritis (OA) and test its reliability and validity.


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Chemistry data from 16, 50-115 m deep, sub-annually dated ice cores are used to investigate spatial and temporal concentration variability of sea-salt (ss) SO42- and excess (xs) SO42- over West Antarctica and the South Pole for the last 200 years. Low-elevation ice-core sites in western West Antarctica contain higher concentrations Of SO42- as a result of cyclogenesis over the Ross Ice Shelf and proximity to the Ross Sea Polynya. Linear correlation analysis of 15 West Antarctic ice-core SO42- time series demonstrates that at several sites concentrations Of ssSO(4)(2-) are higher when sea-ice (SIE) extent is greater, and the inverse for XSS04. Concentrations Of XSS04 from the South Pole site (East Antarctica) are associated with SIE from the Weddell region, and West Antarctic XSSO42- concentrations are associated with SIE from the Bellingshausen-Amundsen-Ross region. The only notable rise of the last 200 years in xsSO(4)(2-), around 1940, is not related to SIE fluctuations and is most likely a result of increased xsSO(4)(2-) production in the mid-low latitudes and/or an increase in transport efficiency from the mid-low latitudes to central West Antarctica. These high-resolution records show that the source types and source areas Of ssSO(4)(2-) and xsSO(4)(2-) delivered to eastern and western West Antarctica and the South Pole differ from site to site but can best be resolved using records from spatial ice-core arrays such as the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expedition (ITASE).


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Over the past several decades, the prevalence of obesity has dramatically increased. Cause for concern has increased because overweight and obesity are major contributors to morbidity and mortality. Intervention research aimed at reducing the prevalence of obesity has identified the family, specifically the parent, as a key component of the home environment. However, findings from dietary behavior change interventions have been disheartening because few studies have reported meaningful change, suggesting methodological and/or measurement issues within the intervention process. A lack of appropriate mediators and cross-cultural equivalence may partially explain the reason for little change.^ The study aims were to (1) evaluate the psychometric properties and assess the cross cultural equivalence of the Food Insecurity Scale (paper 1) and the modified Parent Feeding Practices Questionnaire (paper 2) and to assess the overall relationships among food insecurity, parent mediators, and parent behaviors towards children's dietary behavior (paper 3) through structural equation modeling and tests of invariance. The study aims were accomplished through conducting secondary analyses using baseline data from English- and Spanish-speaking Hispanic women who participated in the Healthy Families: Step by Step (BHF) study.^ Results indicated that although the FIS and the mPFPQ exhibited sound psychometric properties, the instruments exhibited a lack of invariance across language spoken groups. The lack of invariance was more pronounced in the FIS. Results also supported the theoretical framework identifying parent's perceived barriers and self-efficacy as mediators of parent's behaviors toward improving children's health eating. Results did not suggest that the relationships were moderated by food insecurity.^ In conclusion, the identification of differential item functioning in food insecurity and parent feeding practices may be beneficial in enhancing tailored interventions through the incorporation of cultural differences into the change mechanisms. However, future research needs to be conducted to determine if the lack of invariance demonstrates the existence of item bias or if it is a reflection of true difference among the language spoken groups. Additionally, obesity intervention studies targeting parent/family barriers and parent self-efficacy to provide/encourage healthy diets may result in an increase in parent behaviors which promote healthy eating behaviors among children. Future research should also examine a more complete causal pathway to determine whether parental changes in the mediators ultimately lead to an increase in healthy dietary behavior among children.^


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Drosophila Numb is a membrane associated protein of 557 amino acids (aa) that localizes asymmetrically into a cortical crescent in mitotic neural precursor cells and segregates into one of the daughter cells, where it is required for correct cell fate specification. We demonstrate here that asymmetric localization but not membrane localization of Numb in Drosophila embryos is inhibited by latrunculin A, an inhibitor of actin assembly. We also show that deletion of either the first 41 aa or aa 41–118 of Numb eliminates both localization to the cell membrane and asymmetric localization during mitosis, whereas C-terminal deletions or deletions of central portions of Numb do not affect its subcellular localization. Fusion of the first 76 or the first 119 aa of Numb to β-galactosidase results in a fusion protein that localizes to the cell membrane, but fails to localize asymmetrically during mitosis. In contrast, a fusion protein containing the first 227 aa of Numb and β-galactosidase localizes asymmetrically during mitosis and segregates into the same daughter cell as the endogenous Numb protein, demonstrating that the first 227 aa of the Numb protein are sufficient for asymmetric localization.


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Recruitment of intracellular proteins to the plasma membrane is a commonly found requirement for the initiation of signal transduction events. The recently discovered pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, a structurally conserved element found in ∼100 signaling proteins, has been implicated in this function, because some PH domains have been described to be involved in plasma membrane association. Furthermore, several PH domains bind to the phosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate in vitro, however, mostly with low affinity. It is unclear how such weak interactions can be responsible for observed membrane binding in vivo as well as the resulting biological phenomena. Here, we investigate the structural and functional requirements for membrane association of cytohesin-1, a recently discovered regulatory protein of T cell adhesion. We demonstrate that both the PH domain and the adjacent carboxyl-terminal polybasic sequence of cytohesin-1 (c domain) are necessary for plasma membrane association and biological function, namely interference with Jurkat cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Biosensor measurements revealed that phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate binds to the PH domain and c domain together with high affinity (100 nM), whereas the isolated PH domain has a substantially lower affinity (2–3 μM). The cooperativity of both elements appears specific, because a chimeric protein, consisting of the c domain of cytohesin-1 and the PH domain of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase does not associate with membranes, nor does it inhibit adhesion. Moreover, replacement of the c domain of cytohesin-1 with a palmitoylation–isoprenylation motif partially restored the biological function, but the specific targeting to the plasma membrane was not retained. Thus we conclude that two elements of cytohesin-1, the PH domain and the c domain, are required and sufficient for membrane association. This appears to be a common mechanism for plasma membrane targeting of PH domains, because we observed a similar functional cooperativity of the PH domain of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase with the adjacent Bruton’s tyrosine kinase motif, a novel zinc-containing fold.


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Here we show that presenilin-1 (PS1), a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease, binds directly to epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin). This binding is mediated by the large cytoplasmic loop of PS1 and requires the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic sequence 604–615 of mature E-cadherin. This sequence is also required for E-cadherin binding of protein p120, a known regulator of cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Using wild-type and PS1 knockout cells, we found that increasing PS1 levels suppresses p120/E-cadherin binding, and increasing p120 levels suppresses PS1/E-cadherin binding. Thus PS1 and p120 bind to and mutually compete for cellular E-cadherin. Furthermore, PS1 stimulates E-cadherin binding to β- and γ-catenin, promotes cytoskeletal association of the cadherin/catenin complexes, and increases Ca2+-dependent cell–cell aggregation. Remarkably, PS1 familial Alzheimer disease mutant ΔE9 increased neither the levels of cadherin/catenin complexes nor cell aggregation, suggesting that this familial Alzheimer disease mutation interferes with cadherin-based cell–cell adhesion. These data identify PS1 as an E-cadherin-binding protein and a regulator of E-cadherin function in vivo.


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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) matrix protein forms a structural shell associated with the inner viral membrane and performs other essential functions throughout the viral life cycle. The crystal structure of the HIV-1 matrix protein, determined at 2.3 angstrom resolution, reveals that individual matrix molecules are composed of five major helices capped by a three-stranded mixed beta-sheet. Unexpectedly, the protein assembles into a trimer in three different crystal lattices, burying 1880 angstrom2 of accessible surface area at the trimer interfaces. Trimerization appears to create a large, bipartite membrane binding surface in which exposed basic residues could cooperate with the N-terminal myristoyl groups to anchor the protein on the acidic inner membrane of the virus.


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Genes containing the interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE) enhancer have been characterized as transcriptionally responsive primarily to type I interferons (IFN alpha/beta). Induction is due to activation of a multimeric transcription factor, interferon-stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), which is activated by IFN alpha/beta but not by IFN gamma. We found that ISRE-containing genes were induced by IFN gamma as well as by IFN alpha in Vero cells. The IFN gamma response was dependent on the ISRE and was accentuated by preexposure of cells to IFN alpha, a treatment that increases the abundance of ISGF3 components. Overexpression of ISGF3 polypeptides showed that the IFN gamma response depended on the DNA-binding protein ISGF3 gamma (p48) as well as on the 91-kDa protein STAT91 (Stat1 alpha). The transcriptional response to IFN alpha required the 113-kDa protein STAT113 (Stat2) in addition to STAT91 and p48. Mutant fibrosarcoma cells deficient in each component of ISGF3 were used to confirm that IFN gamma induction of an ISRE reporter required p48 and STAT91, but not STAT113. A complex containing p48 and phosphorylated STAT91 but lacking STAT113 bound the ISRE in vitro. IFN gamma-induced activation of this complex, preferentially formed at high concentrations of p48 and STAT91, may explain some of the overlapping responses to IFN alpha and IFN gamma.