943 resultados para Aspergillus niger


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Diversos trabalhos têm procurado aumentar a eficiência da hidrólise enzimática da biomassa lignocelulósica. Nesse contexto, o melhoramento de cepas produtoras de enzimas celulolíticas e hemicelulolíticas pode resultar em misturas enzimáticas mais eficientes. A linhagem parental de Aspergillus niger 3T5B8, referenciada como produtora de poligalacturonase, foi utilizada para o melhoramento genético visando aumentar a produção de celulases e hemicelulases. A produção das enzimas CMCase, xilanase, beta-glicosidase e poligalacturonase por fermentação submersa usando duas linhagens mutantes P49 e P83 foi avaliada e comparada com a linhagem parental. Os resultados mostraram um destaque para a cepa P83 com um aumento na produção de 56% de CMCase, 76% de beta-glicosidase, 23% de xilanase e 216% na poligalacturonase.


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As lipases são enzimas que catalisam a hidrólise parcial ou total de triacilglicerois produzindo ácidos graxos livres, diacilglicerol, monoacilglicerol e glicerol. Este trabalho caracterizou a especificidade, a temperatura ótima e o pH ótimo das lipases obtidas por duas cepas de Aspergillus niger, sendo uma selvagem C e outra mutante 11T53A14. Os resultados mostram que os extratos enzimáticos apresentam especificidade diferentes, sendo a cepa selvagem mais específica para ácidos graxos de 8 carbonos e a cepa mutante inespecífica em relação ao tamanho do ácido graxo. As duas cepas apresentaram atividade em uma ampla faixa de pH, porém observou-se uma redução da atividade de mais de 50% em pH acima de 9,0. Em relação à temperatura, as lipases das duas cepas se mostraram mais ativas a 35°C.


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Aspergillus terreus is successfully used for industrial production of itaconic acid. The acid is formed from cis-aconitate, an intermediate of the tricarboxylic (TCA) cycle, by catalytic action of cis-aconitate decarboxylase. It could be assumed that strong anaplerotic reactions that replenish the pool of the TCA cycle intermediates would enhance the synthesis and excretion rate of itaconic acid. In the phylogenetic close relative Aspergillus niger, upregulated metabolic flux through glycolysis has been described that acted as a strong anaplerotic reaction. Deregulated glycolytic flux was caused by posttranslational modification of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK1) that resulted in formation of a highly active, citrate inhibition-resistant shorter form of the enzyme. In order to avoid complex posttranslational modification, the native A. niger pfkA gene has been modified to encode for an active shorter PFK1 fragment. By the insertion of the modified A. niger pfkA genes into the A. terreus strain, increased specific productivities of itaconic acid and final yields were documented by transformants in respect to the parental strain. On the other hand, growth rate of all transformants remained suppressed which is due to the low initial pH value of the medium, one of the prerequisites for the accumulation of itaconic acid by A. terreus mycelium. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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The activity of glutamine synthetase fromAspergillus niger was significantly lowered under conditions of citric acid fermentation. The intracellular pH of the organism as determined by bromophenol blue dye distribution and fluorescein diacetate uptake methods was relatively constant between 6•0–6•5, when the pH of the external medium was varied between 2•3–7•0.Aspergillus niger glutamine synthetase was rapidly inactivated under acidic pH conditions and Mn2+ ions partially protected the enzyme against this inactivation. Mn2+-dependent glutamine synthetase activity was higher at acidic pH (6•0) compared to Mg2+-supported activity. While the concentration of Mg2+ required to optimally activate glutamine synthetase at pH 6•0 was very high (≥ 50 mM), Mn2+ was effective at 4 mM. Higher concentrations of Mn2+ were inhibitory. The inhibition of both Mn2+ and Mg2+-dependent reactions by citrate, 2-oxoglutarate and ATP were probably due to their ability to chelate divalent ions rather than as regulatory molecules. This suggestion was supported by the observation that a metal ion chelator, EDTA also produced similar effects. Of the end-products of the pathway, only histidine, carbamyl phosphate, AMP and ADP inhibitedAspergillus niger glutamine synthetase. The inhibitions were more pronounced when Mn2+ was the metal ion activator and greater inhibition was observed at lower pH values. These results permit us to postulate that glutamine synthesis may be markedly inhibited when the fungus is grown under conditions suitable for citric acid production and this block may result in delinking carbon and nitrogen metabolism leading to acidogenesis.


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Survey of Fungal infestation of some species of fish in Tagwai Dam Minna was carried out from March to June 2002. Fungi were isolated from the scale/skin, gills and fins. Twenty-one fungi species were identified from 18 species of fish microbial growth was measured by direct cell count using Stuart colony counter. Most of the fungi encountered were of the mould group and infestation occurred among all the species sampled. The infestation was predominantly by Aspergillus species and the scale/skin was most widely affected. The study showed the identified fungi in order of frequency to be as follows. Aspergillius niger. Rrhizopus spp. Mmucor spp Aspergilus flavum. Aspergillus parasitous. Aspergillus fumigatus, Microsporum canis. Penicillum virridicalumand Fusarium spp respectively. Aspergillus niger occurred on all the species of fish sampled. Barrilius spa and Chrysichrhy auratus longifilis had significantly higher (P<0.05) mean fungal load on their fins and gills. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the mean fungal load in different parts of the body of other fish species sampled


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Background - Aspergillus respiratory infection is a common complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with loss of pulmonary function and allergic disease. Methods - Fifty-three Aspergillus isolates recovered from CF patients were identified to species by Internal Transcribed Spacer Region (ITS), β-tubulin, and calmodulin sequencing. Results - Three species complexes (Terrei, Nigri, and Fumigati) were found. Identification to species level gave a single Aspergillus terreus sensu stricto, one Aspergillus niger sensu stricto and 51 Aspergillus fumigatus sensu stricto isolates. No cryptic species were found. Conclusions - To our knowledge, this is the first prospective study of Aspergillus species in CF using molecular methods. The paucity of non-A. fumigatus and of cryptic species of A. fumigatus suggests a special association of A. fumigatus sensu stricto with CF airways, indicating it likely displays unique characteristics making it suitable for chronic residence in that milieu. These findings could refine an epidemiologic and therapeutic approach geared to this pathogen.


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Existe uma demanda, na região semiárida produtora de uvas no Submédio São Francisco, por medidas sustentáveis de controle de doenças pós-colheita, uma vez que o modelo atual de revestimento de caixas com polietileno de alta densidade, associado ao metabissulfito de sódio, não tem se mostrado eficiente no controle dos fungos que ocorrem na região. O objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar um controle da podridão por Aspergillus em uvas 'Thompson Seedless' por meio da modificação da atmosfera, pelo envolvimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida. Comparou-se o bolsão de poliamida (PA) ao de polietileno alta densidade (PEAD), comumente usado na região, combinados ou não com o metabissulfito de sódio (SO2). Frutos provenientes de propriedade comercial, após serem selecionados e desinfestados foram feridos com alfinete entomológico e inoculados com uma suspensão de Aspergillus niger na concentração de 10(6) conídios.mL-¹ e submetidos à câmara úmida por 24 horas. em seguida as caixas de uva foram colocadas em bolsões específicos de acordo com o tratamento e armazenadas em câmara fria à temperatura de 2 ºC e umidade relativa de 75%, durante 40 dias. A partir do 12º dia de armazenagem foram feitas avaliações semanais da incidência da doença e de variáveis físico-químicas: perda de massa, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH, acidez titulável (AT), ratio (SST/AT); peroxidase (POD) e medição das concentrações de CO2 e O2 até o 40º dia. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas com cinco repetições. O revestimento de caixas de uva em bolsões de poliamida, mesmo sem o uso de metabissulfito de sódio, apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável na manutenção da qualidade pós-colheita de uva Thompson Seddless, bem como na redução de podridão causada por A. Niger. A enzima peroxidase pode ter atuado no processo de manutenção de qualidade da fruta, contribuindo para uma redução dos níveis da doença em uvas.


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A simple and easily reproducible method to obtain little fungical pellets from mycelial fractionization, completely under control with respect to development, size and homogeneity without genetic compromise, is described. The method has been successully employed with Aspergillus niger and also showed similar results with Aspergillus oryzae.


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As xilanases são enzimas que hidrolisam as ligações 1,4-β-xilosídicas da xilana e que possuem potencial biotecnológico em vários processos industriais, como na clarificação de sucos e vinhos, na fabricação de pães, na produção de biocombustíveis e no tratamento das polpas celulósicas. Além disso, os produtos de hidrólise da xilana, xilooligossacarídeos, podem ser utilizados como ingredientes prebióticos, ou seja, ingredientes nutricionais não digeríveis que estimulam seletivamente a proliferação e a atividade de bactérias benéficas do cólon. O uso de enzimas microbianas nas indústrias se dá devido às suas diversas vantagens sobre os métodos químicos e à facilidade de obtenção do microrganismo. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: produzir e caracterizar parcialmente a xilanase de Aspergillus sp isolado de pó de café utilizado, purificar parcialmente a enzima produzida e analisar os produtos de hidrólise da xilana. O Aspergillus sp mostrou-se bom produtor de xilanase quando o pó de sabugo de milho foi utilizado como fonte de carbono e a xilanase produzida apresentou melhor atividade específica quando o período de cultivo foi de 168 horas. Os processos de precipitação de proteínas e diálise promoveram o aumento da atividade específica do extrato. A xilanase de Aspergillus sp apresentou pH e temperatura de máxima atividade semelhantes aos de produzidas por Aspergillus niger isolados de outras fontes. A hidrólise da xilana produziu xilose e xilooligossacarídeos. Além da xilanase, o fungo revelou ser produtor de outras proteínas que podem ser estudadas em pesquisas futuras.


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As xilanases são enzimas que hidrolisam as ligações 1,4-β-xilosídicas da xilana e que possuem potencial biotecnológico em vários processos industriais, como na clarificação de sucos e vinhos, na fabricação de pães, na produção de biocombustíveis e no tratamento das polpas celulósicas. Além disso, os produtos de hidrólise da xilana, xilooligossacarídeos, podem ser utilizados como ingredientes prebióticos, ou seja, ingredientes nutricionais não digeríveis que estimulam seletivamente a proliferação e a atividade de bactérias benéficas do cólon. O uso de enzimas microbianas nas indústrias se dá devido às suas diversas vantagens sobre os métodos químicos e à facilidade de obtenção do microrganismo. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: produzir e caracterizar parcialmente a xilanase de Aspergillus sp isolado de pó de café utilizado, purificar parcialmente a enzima produzida e analisar os produtos de hidrólise da xilana. O Aspergillus sp mostrou-se bom produtor de xilanase quando o pó de sabugo de milho foi utilizado como fonte de carbono e a xilanase produzida apresentou melhor atividade específica quando o período de cultivo foi de 168 horas. Os processos de precipitação de proteínas e diálise promoveram o aumento da atividade específica do extrato. A xilanase de Aspergillus sp apresentou pH e temperatura de máxima atividade semelhantes aos de produzidas por Aspergillus niger isolados de outras fontes. A hidrólise da xilana produziu xilose e xilooligossacarídeos. Além da xilanase, o fungo revelou ser produtor de outras proteínas que podem ser estudadas em pesquisas futuras.


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Background. Nosocomial invasive aspergillosis (a highly fatal disease) is an increasing problem for immunocompromised patients. Aspergillus spp. can be transmitted via air (most commonly) and by water. ^ The hypothesis for this prospective study was that there is an association between patient occupancy, housekeeping practices, patients, visitors, and Aspergillus spp. loading. Rooms were sampled as not terminally cleaned (dirty) and terminally cleaned (clean). The secondary hypothesis was that Aspergillus spp. positive samples collected from more than one sampling location within the same patient room represent the same isolate. ^ Methods. Between April and October 2004, 2873 environmental samples (713 air, 607 water, 1256 surface and 297 spore traps) were collected in and around 209 “clean” and “dirty” patient rooms in a large cancer center hospital. Water sources included aerosolized water from patient room showerheads, sinks, drains, and toilets. Bioaerosol samples were from the patient room and from the running shower, flushing toilet, and outside the building. The surface samples included sink and shower drains, showerheads, and air grills. Aspergillus spp. positive samples were also sent for PCR, molecular typing (n = 89). ^ Results. All water samples were negative for Aspergillus spp. There were a total of 130 positive culturable samples (5.1%). The predominant species found was Aspergillus niger. Of the positive culturable samples, 106 (14.9%) were air and 24 (3.8%) were surface. There were 147 spore trap samples, and 49.5% were positive for Aspergillus/Penicillum spp. Of the culturable positive samples sent for PCR, 16 were indistinguishable matches. There was no significant relationship between air and water samples and positive samples from the same room. ^ Conclusion. Primarily patients, visitors and staff bring the Aspergillus spp. into the hospital. The high number of A. niger samples suggests the spores are entering the hospital from outdoors. Eliminating the materials brought to the patient floors from the outside, requiring employees, staff, and visitors to wear cover up over their street clothes, and improved cleaning procedures could further reduce positive samples. Mold strains change frequently; it is probably more significant to understand pathogenicity of viable spores than to commit resources on molecular strain testing on environmental samples alone. ^


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Background: Aspergillosis has been identified as one of the hospital acquired infections but the contribution of water and inhouse air as possible sources of Aspergillus infection in immunocompromised individuals like HIV-TB patients have not been studied in any hospital setting in Nigeria. Objective: To identify and investigate genetic relationship between clinical and environmental Aspergillus species associated with HIV-TB co infected patients. Methods: DNA extraction, purification, amplification and sequencing of Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) genes were performed using standard protocols. Similarity search using BLAST on NCBI was used for species identification and MEGA 5.0 was used for phylogenetic analysis. Results: Analyses of sequenced ITS genes of selected fourteen (14) Aspergillus isolates identified in the GenBank database revealed Aspergillus niger (28.57%), Aspergillus tubingensis (7.14%), Aspergillus flavus (7.14%) and Aspergillus fumigatus (57.14%). Aspergillus in sputum of HIV patients were Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. tubingensis and A. flavus. Also, A. niger and A. fumigatus were identified from water and open-air. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences yielded genetic relatedness between clinical and environmental isolates. Conclusion: Water and air in health care settings in Nigeria are important sources of Aspergillus sp. for HIV-TB patients.


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The aim of this study was to characterise and quantify the fungal fragment propagules derived and released from several fungal species (Penicillium, Aspergillus niger and Cladosporium cladosporioides) using different generation methods and different air velocities over the colonies. Real time fungal spore fragmentation was investigated using an Ultraviolet Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (UVASP) and a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS). The study showed that there were significant differences (p < 0.01) in the fragmentation percentage between different air velocities for the three generation methods, namely the direct, the fan and the fungal spore source strength tester (FSSST) methods. The percentage of fragmentation also proved to be dependant on fungal species. The study found that there was no fragmentation for any of the fungal species at an air velocity ≤ 0.4 m/s for any method of generation. Fluorescent signals, as well as mathematical determination also showed that the fungal fragments were derived from spores. Correlation analysis showed that the number of released fragments measured by the UVAPS under controlled conditions can be predicted on the basis of the number of spores, for Penicillium and Aspergillus niger, but not for Cladosporium cladosporioides. The fluorescence percentage of fragment samples was found to be significantly different to that of non-fragment samples (p < 0.0001) and the fragment sample fluorescence was always less than that of the non-fragment samples. Size distribution and concentration of fungal fragment particles were investigated qualitatively and quantitatively, by both UVAPS and SMPS, and it was found that the UVAPS was more sensitive than the SMPS for measuring small sample concentrations, and the results obtained from the UVAPS and SMAS were not identical for the same samples.


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Preliminary studies on the metabolism of mandelic acid by Neurospora crassa reveal the operation of a pathway for its degradation which involves benzoyl formic acid, benzaldehyde, benzoic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, and protocatechuic acid as the intermediates. This pathway is different from that followed by bacterial systems and is the same as that observed in Aspergillus niger.