861 resultados para Artificial neural networks seasons


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The image by Computed Tomography is a non-invasive alternative for observing soil structures, mainly pore space. The pore space correspond in soil data to empty or free space in the sense that no material is present there but only fluids, the fluid transport depend of pore spaces in soil, for this reason is important identify the regions that correspond to pore zones. In this paper we present a methodology in order to detect pore space and solid soil based on the synergy of the image processing, pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The mathematical morphology is an image processing technique used for the purpose of image enhancement. In order to find pixels groups with a similar gray level intensity, or more or less homogeneous groups, a novel image sub-segmentation based on a Possibilistic Fuzzy c-Means (PFCM) clustering algorithm was used. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are very efficient for demanding large scale and generic pattern recognition applications for this reason finally a classifier based on artificial neural network is applied in order to classify soil images in two classes, pore space and solid soil respectively.


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Neutron spectra unfolding and dose equivalent calculation are complicated tasks in radiation protection, are highly dependent of the neutron energy, and a precise knowledge on neutron spectrometry is essential for all dosimetry-related studies as well as many nuclear physics experiments. In previous works have been reported neutron spectrometry and dosimetry results, by using the ANN technology as alternative solution, starting from the count rates of a Bonner spheres system with a LiI(Eu) thermal neutrons detector, 7 polyethylene spheres and the UTA4 response matrix with 31 energy bins. In this work, an ANN was designed and optimized by using the RDANN methodology for the Bonner spheres system used at CIEMAT Spain, which is composed of a He neutron detector, 12 moderator spheres and a response matrix for 72 energy bins. For the ANN design process a neutrons spectra catalogue compiled by the IAEA was used. From this compilation, the neutrons spectra were converted from lethargy to energy spectra. Then, the resulting energy ?uence spectra were re-binned by using the MCNP code to the corresponding energy bins of the He response matrix before mentioned. With the response matrix and the re-binned spectra the counts rate of the Bonner spheres system were calculated and the resulting re-binned neutrons spectra and calculated counts rate were used as the ANN training data set.


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With the Bonner spheres spectrometer neutron spectrum is obtained through an unfolding procedure. Monte Carlo methods, Regularization, Parametrization, Least-squares, and Maximum Entropy are some of the techniques utilized for unfolding. In the last decade methods based on Artificial Intelligence Technology have been used. Approaches based on Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks have been developed in order to overcome the drawbacks of previous techniques. Nevertheless the advantages of Artificial Neural Networks still it has some drawbacks mainly in the design process of the network, vg the optimum selection of the architectural and learning ANN parameters. In recent years the use of hybrid technologies, combining Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, has been utilized to. In this work, several ANN topologies were trained and tested using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetically Evolved Artificial Neural Networks in the aim to unfold neutron spectra using the count rates of a Bonner sphere spectrometer. Here, a comparative study of both procedures has been carried out.


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The design of a modern aircraft is based on three pillars: theoretical results, experimental test and computational simulations. As a results of this, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) solvers are widely used in the aeronautical field. These solvers require the correct selection of many parameters in order to obtain successful results. Besides, the computational time spent in the simulation depends on the proper choice of these parameters. In this paper we create an expert system capable of making an accurate prediction of the number of iterations and time required for the convergence of a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) solver. Artificial neural network (ANN) has been used to design the expert system. It is shown that the developed expert system is capable of making an accurate prediction the number of iterations and time required for the convergence of a CFD solver.


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he simulation of complex LoC (Lab-on-a-Chip) devices is a process that requires solving computationally expensive partial differential equations. An interesting alternative uses artificial neural networks for creating computationally feasible models based on MOR techniques. This paper proposes an approach that uses artificial neural networks for designing LoC components considering the artificial neural network topology as an isomorphism of the LoC device topology. The parameters of the trained neural networks are based on equations for modeling microfluidic circuits, analogous to electronic circuits. The neural networks have been trained to behave like AND, OR, Inverter gates. The parameters of the trained neural networks represent the features of LoC devices that behave as the aforementioned gates. This would mean that LoC devices universally compute.


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Seepage flow measurement is an important behavior indicator when providing information about dam performance. The main objective of this study is to analyze seepage by means of an artificial neural network model. The model is trained and validated with data measured at a case study. The dam behavior towards different water level changes is reproduced by the model and a hysteresis phenomenon detected and studied. Artificial neural network models are shown to be a powerful tool for predicting and understanding seepage phenomenon.


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This paper describes the accurate characterization of the reflection coefficients of a multilayered reflectarray element by means of artificial neural networks. The procedure has been tested with different RA elements related to actual specifications. Up to 9 parameters were considered and the complete reflection coefficient matrix was accurately obtained, including cross polar reflection coefficients. Results show a good agreement between simulations carried out by the Method of Moments and the ANN model outputs at RA element level, as well as with performances of the complete RA antenna designed.


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A technique for systematic peptide variation by a combination of rational and evolutionary approaches is presented. The design scheme consists of five consecutive steps: (i) identification of a “seed peptide” with a desired activity, (ii) generation of variants selected from a physicochemical space around the seed peptide, (iii) synthesis and testing of this biased library, (iv) modeling of a quantitative sequence-activity relationship by an artificial neural network, and (v) de novo design by a computer-based evolutionary search in sequence space using the trained neural network as the fitness function. This strategy was successfully applied to the identification of novel peptides that fully prevent the positive chronotropic effect of anti-β1-adrenoreceptor autoantibodies from the serum of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. The seed peptide, comprising 10 residues, was derived by epitope mapping from an extracellular loop of human β1-adrenoreceptor. A set of 90 peptides was synthesized and tested to provide training data for neural network development. De novo design revealed peptides with desired activities that do not match the seed peptide sequence. These results demonstrate that computer-based evolutionary searches can generate novel peptides with substantial biological activity.


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We propose a novel interpretation and usage of Neural Network (NN) in modeling physiological signals, which are allowed to be nonlinear and/or nonstationary. The method consists of training a NN for the k-step prediction of a physiological signal, and then examining the connection-weight-space (CWS) of the NN to extract information about the signal generator mechanism. We de. ne a novel feature, Normalized Vector Separation (gamma(ij)), to measure the separation of two arbitrary states i and j in the CWS and use it to track the state changes of the generating system. The performance of the method is examined via synthetic signals and clinical EEG. Synthetic data indicates that gamma(ij) can track the system down to a SNR of 3.5 dB. Clinical data obtained from three patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy of the brain showed that EEG could be modeled (within a root-means-squared-error of 0.01) by the proposed method, and the blood perfusion state of the brain could be monitored via gamma(ij), with small NNs having no more than 21 connection weight altogether.


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A novel biosensing system based on a micromachined rectangular silicon membrane is proposed and investigated in this paper. A distributive sensing scheme is designed to monitor the dynamics of the sensing structure. An artificial neural network is used to process the measured data and to identify cell presence and density. Without specifying any particular bio-application, the investigation is mainly concentrated on the performance testing of this kind of biosensor as a general biosensing platform. The biosensing experiments on the microfabricated membranes involve seeding different cell densities onto the sensing surface of membrane, and measuring the corresponding dynamics information of each tested silicon membrane in the form of a series of frequency response functions (FRFs). All of those experiments are carried out in cell culture medium to simulate a practical working environment. The EA.hy 926 endothelial cell lines are chosen in this paper for the bio-experiments. The EA.hy 926 endothelial cell lines represent a particular class of biological particles that have irregular shapes, non-uniform density and uncertain growth behaviour, which are difficult to monitor using the traditional biosensors. The final predicted results reveal that the methodology of a neural-network based algorithm to perform the feature identification of cells from distributive sensory measurement has great potential in biosensing applications.


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A number of researchers have investigated the impact of network architecture on the performance of artificial neural networks. Particular attention has been paid to the impact on the performance of the multi-layer perceptron of architectural issues, and the use of various strategies to attain an optimal network structure. However, there are still perceived limitations with the multi-layer perceptron and networks that employ a different architecture to the multi-layer perceptron have gained in popularity in recent years, particularly, networks that implement a more localised solution, where the solution in one area of the problem space does not impact, or has a minimal impact, on other areas of the space. In this study, we discuss the major architectural issues affecting the performance of a multi-layer perceptron, before moving on to examine in detail the performance of a new localised network, namely the bumptree. The work presented here examines the impact on the performance of artificial neural networks of employing alternative networks to the long established multi-layer perceptron. In particular, networks that impose a solution where the impact of each parameter in the final network architecture has a localised impact on the problem space being modelled are examined. The alternatives examined are the radial basis function and bumptree neural networks, and the impact of architectural issues on the performance of these networks is examined. Particular attention is paid to the bumptree, with new techniques for both developing the bumptree structure and employing this structure to classify patterns being examined.


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This thesis presents a thorough and principled investigation into the application of artificial neural networks to the biological monitoring of freshwater. It contains original ideas on the classification and interpretation of benthic macroinvertebrates, and aims to demonstrate their superiority over the biotic systems currently used in the UK to report river water quality. The conceptual basis of a new biological classification system is described, and a full review and analysis of a number of river data sets is presented. The biological classification is compared to the common biotic systems using data from the Upper Trent catchment. This data contained 292 expertly classified invertebrate samples identified to mixed taxonomic levels. The neural network experimental work concentrates on the classification of the invertebrate samples into biological class, where only a subset of the sample is used to form the classification. Other experimentation is conducted into the identification of novel input samples, the classification of samples from different biotopes and the use of prior information in the neural network models. The biological classification is shown to provide an intuitive interpretation of a graphical representation, generated without reference to the class labels, of the Upper Trent data. The selection of key indicator taxa is considered using three different approaches; one novel, one from information theory and one from classical statistical methods. Good indicators of quality class based on these analyses are found to be in good agreement with those chosen by a domain expert. The change in information associated with different levels of identification and enumeration of taxa is quantified. The feasibility of using neural network classifiers and predictors to develop numeric criteria for the biological assessment of sediment contamination in the Great Lakes is also investigated.


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In this work, different artificial neural networks (ANN) are developed for the prediction of surface roughness (R a) values in Al alloy 7075-T7351 after face milling machining process. The radial base (RBNN), feed forward (FFNN), and generalized regression (GRNN) networks were selected, and the data used for training these networks were derived from experiments conducted using a high-speed milling machine. The Taguchi design of experiment was applied to reduce the time and cost of the experiments. From this study, the performance of each ANN used in this research was measured with the mean square error percentage and it was observed that FFNN achieved the best results. Also the Pearson correlation coefficient was calculated to analyze the correlation between the five inputs (cutting speed, feed per tooth, axial depth of cut, chip°s width, and chip°s thickness) selected for the network with the selected output (surface roughness). Results showed a strong correlation between the chip thickness and the surface roughness followed by the cutting speed. © ASM International.