867 resultados para Arroz de sequeiro - Adubos e fertilizantes


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Faced with an agribusiness expansion scenario and the increase in fertilizer consumption due to the exponential growth of the population, it is necessary to make better use of existing reserves, by obtaining products of better quality and in adequate quantities to meet demand national. In Tapira Mining Complex, Vale Fertilizantes, the phosphate concentrate is produced with content of 35.0% P2O5 from ore with content of about 8.0% P2O5, which are intended to supply Complex Industrial Uberaba and Araxá Minero Chemical Complex for the production of fertilizers. The industrial flotation step responsible for the recovery of P2O5 and hence the viability of the business is divided into the crumbly, grainy and ultrathin circuits, and, friable and granular concentrate comprise the conventional concentrated. Today only 14.7% of the mass which feeds the mill product becomes, the remainder being considered losses in the process, and the larger mass losses are located in the waste of flotation, representing 42.3%. From 2012 to 2014, the daily global mass recovery processing plants varied from 12.4 to 15.9% while the daily metallurgical recovery of P2O5 from 48.7 to 82.4%. By the degree of variability, it appears that the plant operated under different conditions. Seen this, this study aimed to analyze the influence of operational and process variables in P2O5 mass and metallurgical recoveries of industrial flotation circuits of grainy, crumbly and ultrathin. And besides was made an analysis of the effect of ore variables, as degrees, hardnesse and the ore front 02 percentage, in global recoveries of processing plant and the effect of dosages of reagents in the recoveries obtained from the bench flotation using the experimental design methodology. All work was performed using the historical database of Vale Fertilizantes of Tapira-MG, where all independent variables were dimensionless as the experimental range used. To make the statistical analysis it used the response surface technique and the values of the independent variables that maximize recoveries were found by canonical analysis. In the study of industrial flotation circuit crispy were obtained from 41.3% mass recovery and 91.3% metallurgical recovery P2O5, good values for the circuit, and the highest recoveries occur for solids concentration of the new flotation power between 45 and 50%, which values are assigned to the residence time of the pulp in cells and industrial flotation columns. The greater the number of ore heaps resumed on the higher the mass recovery, but in this scenario flotation becomes unstable because there is enormous weight variation in the feed. Higher recoveries are obtained for mass depressant dosage exceeding 120 g / t for synthetic collector dosage of 11.6%. In the study of industrial flotation circuit of the granulate were obtained 28.3% to 79.4% mass recovery and metallurgical recovery of P2O5 being considered good values for the circuit. Higher recoveries are obtained when the front ore 02 percentage is above 90%, because the ore of this front have more clear apatite. Likewise recoveries increase when the level of pulp rougher step is highest due to the high mass of circulating step receives loads. In the analysis of industrial flotation circuit of the ultrafine were obtained 23.95% of mass recovery, and the same is maximized to depressant dosage and the top collector 420 and 300 g / t, respectively. The analysis of the influence of variables ore, it was observed that higher recoveries are obtained for ores with P2O5 content above 8.0%, Fe2O3 content in the order of 28% forward and 02 of ore percentage of 83%. Hard ore percentage has strong influence on recoveries due to mass division in the circuit that is linked to this variable. However, the hard ore percentage that maximizes recoveries was very close to the design capacity of the processing plant, which is 20%. Finally, the study of the bench flotation, has noted that in friable and granular circuits the highest recoveries are achieved for a collector dosage exceeding 250 g / t and the simultaneous increase of collector dosage and synthetic collector percentage contributes to the increase recovery in the flotation, but this scenario is suitable to produce a concentrate poorer in terms of P2O5 content, showing that higher recovery is not always the ideal scenario. Thus, the results show the values of variables that provide higher recoveries in the flotation and hence lower losses in the waste.


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Traditionally in no-tillage systems, fertilization is done to the catch crop. In general nutrient cycling in crop systems has not been treated as an important tool in the process of nutrient supplying for plants. The type and the condition in which vegetable residuesis decomposed can affect the efficiency of nutrient cycling.This study assessed the effect of anticipated nitrogen fertilization in crop-livestock systems on cultivated cornproduction, rate ofnutrient release from plant residue, and theN-minerallevels of soil. The study was carried out in the city Abelardo Luz (SC) in a Clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was N Fertilization Time: in the N-Pasture level, nitrogen (200 kg ha-1 N) and N-Grains level, no nitrogen was applied. The second factor was the Grazing Height, characterized by two sward heights of oat at 15 cm (Low Height Pasture) and at 30 cm (High Height Pasture). Corn hybrid ‘Máximus’ was sowed in 10thOctober, 31 days after the removal of animals. In the twelve resulting plots from the combination of treatments on pasture phase (N Fertilization Time x Grazing Height) rates of N-fertilizer (0, 100, 200 e 300 Kg ha-1 of N) as urea were allocated in the split plot.We conclude that anticipated N fertilization of winter cover crop pasture to provide high-quality forage and carry-over N to the subsequent corn crop and may eventually replace side drees nitrogen fertilization on corn and can improve overall N fertilizer efficiency use in integrated crop-livestock systems.The rate of K release from plant residues is very fast, releasing large quantities in the first days after plant desiccation.Despite of considerably high nitrogen dose used in both the pasture and at the grain crop it was not observed nitrate leaching risks during the study period.


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A cultivar "Lebonnet", que hora se recomenda para cultivo nas condições de sequeiro favorecido no Acre, apresentou rendimentos em torno de 3.000 kg/ha, em plantios não adubados, tanto em campos experimentais como em áreas de produtores. Este material, se plantado conforme as recomendações técnicas para seu cultivo, poderá preencher, em parte, os requisitos da orizicultura acreana pois, além de apresentar resistência ao acamamento e tolerância às doenças atualmente prevalescentes na região, sua excelente qualidade de grão proporciona elevado valor comercial.


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O uso de cultivares selecionadas é uma das tecnologias de mais fácil adoção pelo agricultor, pois além de incrementar a produtividade, é um dos insumos de menor custo na produção agrícola. Assim, é fundamental obter informações sobre o desempenho de novas cultivares, nas mais diversas regiões de cultivo. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Oryza sativa L.) (BRS Aroma, BRS Bonança, BRS Colosso, BRSMG Conai, BRSMG Curinga, BRS Soberana, BRS Talento e IAC 202), sob condições de sequeiro, na região de Cassilândia, MS. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A semeadura foi realizada em 30 de novembro de 2005, no espaçamento de 0,40 m entre linhas e 70 sementes viáveis por metro. As cultivares BRS Talento, IAC 202 e BRS Soberana apresentaram comportamento superior. As cultivares BRS Soberana, BRS Bonança, BRS Colosso, IAC 202 e BRS Talento apresentaram maior rendimento de grãos inteiros. É possível obterse boa produtividade (acima de 3.000 kg ha-1), na cultura do arroz de terras altas sob condições de sequeiro no município de Cassilândia, MS, desde que sejam utilizadas cultivares adequadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Con la finalidad de determinar la influencia de diferentes dosis de Nitrógeno y del Inhibidos CMP (1carbamyl, . (5) methyl pirazole), sobre el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimientos de arroz (Oriza sativa L.) var. Altamira 7 y el comportamiento de las malezas, se llevó a cabo de Septiembre de 1988 a febrero de 1989 un. Experimento con un diseño de Bloques completó al Azar con 10 tratamientos (0 N. 60N, 60N + 6CMP, 60N +8CMP, 40N+40N, 80N, 80N+6CMP, 80N+BCMP. 60N, 120N, kg/ha bajo condiciones de aniego en la estación experimental El zona jal, Boaco, V Región. Los resultados demuestran que los tratamientos con el inhibidor CMP disminuyen la abundancia de malezas y con aplicaciones fraccionadas de Nitrógeno, se reduce la dominancia de las mismas. No se presentó diferencia significativa en altura y ahogamiento con la adición de las distintas dosis de fertilizantes presentándose un efecto similar de los tratamientos en la biomasa del cultivo: los factores como longitud de panícula, número de ramillas, peso de mil granos y población de panícula no representan diferencia estadísticas, para el rendimiento de grano en grasa se obtuvo un efecto positivo en los tratamientos con nitrógeno fraccionado seguido por los de nitrógeno más inhibidos CMP.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en el Centro Experimental El Zonajel en el municipio de San Lorenzo Boaco, V Región; con la finalidad de determinar el efecto de diferentes dosis de nitrógeno y del inhibidor CMP ( 1 Carbamyl, 3-5 methyl pirazole) sobre el comportamiento del Arroz (Oryza sativa , L) variedad “Altamira 7” y la dinámica de las malezas; el periodo de evaluación se llevó a cabo de Septiembre de 1989 a Enero de 1990 en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 14 tratamientos (15N +30N, 30N+60Nm 45N 90N, 22.5N+22.5, 45N+45N, 45N, 90N, 60N+6CMP, 80N+6CMO. 60N+8CMP, 80N +8CMP. 0N y 8CMP kg./ha.) bajo aniego. Los resultados indican que los tratamientos con el inhibidor CMP reducen la abundancia de malezas. Aunque estos a la vez aumentan la dominancia de las mismas. Altamira 7 respondió significativamente a la aplicación de nitrógeno dado que se notaron incrementos en la altura, ahijamiento y biomasa del cultivo, no encontrándose diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos con fertilizantes nitrogenados. Los resultados similares se obtuvieron en población de panícula y longitud de panícula: En cuanto al peso de mil semillas no hubo diferencias marcadas entre los tratamientos. Respecto al rendimiento quedo demostrado que las dosis de fertilizantes nitrogenados entre 60y 80 kg/ha responden a las necesidades de este nutriente para Altamira 7.


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A pecuária no Cerrado baseou-se, por muitos anos, na exploração de pastagens nativas. Nas três últimas décadas, o crescimento acentuado do rebanho bovino na região e o incremento de até cinco vezes na capacidade de suporte das pastagens deveu-se ao aumento da área com grandes gramíneas forrageiras, provenientes do continente africano, especialmente as do gênero Brachiaria e o Andropogon gayanus cv. Planaltina. Estabelecidas sem adubação ou com o efeito residual de modestas adubações da cultura do arroz, sem adubação de manutenção e submetidas a manejo inadequado, extensas áreas dessas pastagens encontram-se em variados graus de degradação. A ausência de adubação de reposição durante décadas de extração dos nutrientes tornou necessária a recuperação dessas pastagens com correção e adubação adequadas ao sistema de produção de cada propriedade. Para isso, em muitos casos, sao necessárias aplicações de calcário, gesso, macronutrientes (nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio) e micronutrientes (zinco, cobre, boro, molibdenio, manganes). Nesta publicação, são relatadas respostas de pastagens ao gesso, bem como critérios usados no diagnóstico da sua necessidade e na determinação da dose desse insumo a ser aplicada no solo. São apresentadas ainda recomendações resumidas para correção com calcário e adubos.