979 resultados para Argentine periodicals.


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Includes bibliography


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The feeding ecology of Merluccius hubbsi was investigated in 2 regions of SE Brazil. The major food sources for the hakes were fish, crustaceans, and squid. In the upwelling system of Cabo Frio, the diet was very similar in the summers of 2001/2002 and spring 2002; fish were the most important prey followed by crustaceans. In Ubatuba, euphausiids were an important prey during the winter 2001 (100 m), while in the summer 2002, fish and amphipods predominated in the diet in the shallower site (40 m) and squid in the deeper site (100 m). The hakes showed temporal differences in stable isotope signatures in both regions, while C:N ratios varied only in Cabo Frio. delta(15)N and delta(13)C (bulk and corrected for lipid content) increased with fish length, which seems to be related to the increasing importance of fish and decreasing importance of euphausiids and amphipods in the diet of larger hakes. The mean trophic level of 3.7 for M. hubbsi was estimated using delta(15)N of bivalves as baseline and the fractionation of 3.4aEuro degrees between trophic levels.


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L’anguilla europea (Anguilla anguilla) è una specie eurialina catadroma, la cui area di riproduzione si trova a grande distanza dall’areale di distribuzione. Presenta un ciclo biologico piuttosto complesso caratterizzato da due metamorfosi: la prima, tipicamente larvale permette al “leptocefalo”, forma larvale marina tipica degli anguilliformi, di trasformarsi in anguilla “ceca”; la seconda, invece, trasforma l’anguilla “gialla” in “argentina” attraverso un processo definito di “argentinizzazione” nel quale si delineano preadattamenti alla maturazione sessuale che sarà completa durante la migrazione riproduttiva verso il Mar dei Sargassi. L’”argentinizzazione” innesca modificazioni fisiologiche (regressione del tratto digestivo), e morfologiche (aumento della massa corporea, ispessimento della pelle, modificazione dell’occhio e nuova pigmentazione). Il colore bruno verdastro con ventre giallo è prerogativa delle anguille in fase trofica, cioè quelle gialle, sessualmente immature. Quelle argentine presentano, invece, una colorazione più scura sul dorso e argenteo sul ventre. Inoltre le anguille argentine vanno incontro a cambiamenti ormonali per adattarsi all’ambiente marino, compiere la lunga migrazione e riprodursi. Per avere a disposizione risorse energetiche anche senza nutrirsi per molti mesi, devono accumulare grandi riserve di cui il 60% è destinato per lo sviluppo delle gonadi. Tuttavia i processi metabolici che consentono alle anguille argentine di effettuare lunghe migrazioni mantenendo un’alta efficienza del nuoto e nel contempo utilizzando limitate risorse, non sono sufficientemente conosciuti. Per fornire nuove informazioni, questo lavoro di tesi ha indagato se vi sia una modificazione del quadro proteico del siero delle anguille argentine rispetto alle gialle, e quali proteine eventualmente risultino sovra- o sotto- espresse in ciascuna delle due fasi del ciclo biologico. A tale fine si è applicata una tecnica innovativa, quale l’analisi proteomica, che permette di identificare in modo sistematico le proteine all’interno di un substrato biologico come iin questo caso il siero. Le anguille gialle ed argentine prese in esame sono state prelevate nelle Valli di Comacchio (FE). La valutazione quantitativa delle proteine, separate tramite elettroforesi bidimensionale su gel di poliacrilamide, si è fondata sull’analisi delle immagini attraverso specifici programmi (Proteomweaver). A tale proposito, si sono confrontati i gel di anguilla gialla ed argentina individuando gli spot corrispondenti alle proteine e quantificandoli. Gli spot differenzialmente espressi sono stati prelevati per essere poi identificati tramite spettrometria di massa (MS/MS), arrivando al riconoscimento di diverse proteine. Tra queste, sono state identificate due diverse isoforme di apolipoproteina, l’una più espressa nell’anguilla gialla, l’altra nell’argentina; tali proteine svolgono un ruolo importante nella facilitazione del trasporto lipidico e nell’assorbimento dei lipidi associato anche con la crescita degli ovociti. Il treno di spot relativo alla transferrina è decisamente più evidente nelle anguille argentine, il che potrebbe essere correlato al ruolo del ferro nell’emoglobina, mirato ad un maggiore apporto di ossigeno ai tessuti durante la lunga migrazione riproduttiva di questi animali. Lo studio è del tutto nuovo e al momento non sono disponibili sufficienti informazioni al contorno per trarre più ampie conclusioni; tuttavia esso merita di essere proseguito per contribuire alla comprensione degli eventi di metamorfosi in questa specie dal ciclo vitale complesso e in gran parte sconosciuto.


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In the present era of transnational capitalism, some scholars contend that capital accumulation is achieved primarily through dispossession. This paper seeks to analyze the effects of this dispossession upon small agricultural producers in the developing world. By employing the example of soy producers in Argentina, it should become abundantly clear that the issues confronting these farmers are not simply domestic questions but rather indicative of larger structural issues embedded in the global capitalist system.


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Ostracode species assemblages and stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of living and recent ostracodes, together with delta18O and delta13C_DIC values of host water samples, provide a first data set that characterizes a wide range of modern aquatic environments in the Laguna Cari-Laufquen (41°S, 68 - 69°W) and the Lago Cardiel area (48 - 49°S, 70 - 71°W) in Patagonia, Argentina. This data set will ultimately be used to interpret and calibrate data acquired from lake sediment cores with the goal of reconstructing past climate. Species assemblages and isotope values can be assigned to three groups; (1) springs, seeps and streams, (2) permanent ponds and lakes, and (3) ephemeral ponds and lakes. Springs, seeps and streams are characterized by Darwinula sp., Heterocypris incongruens, Eucypris fontana, Amphicypris nobilis and Ilyocypris ramirezi. Ostracode and water isotope values range between -13 and -5 per mil for oxygen, and between -15 and -3 per mil for carbon. They are the most negative of the entire sample set, reflecting ground water input with little or no evaporative enrichment. Limnocythere patagonica, Eucypris labyrinthica, Limnocythere sp. and Eucypris aff. fontana are typical species of permanent ponds and lakes. Isotope values indicate high degree of evaporation of lake waters relative to feeder springs and streams and range between -7 and +5 per mil for oxygen, and -5 and +4 per mil for carbon. Limnocythere rionegroensis is the dominant species in ephemeral ponds and lakes. These systems display the most enriched isotope values in both ostracodes and host waters, extending from -5 to +7 per mil for oxygen, and from -5 to +6 per mil for carbon. Living ostracodes show a positive offset from equilibrium values of up to 2 per mil for oxygen. Carbon-isotope values are up to 6? more negative than equilibrium values in highly productive pools. Comparison of ostracode and host water isotope signals permits assessment of the life span of the aquatic environments. Valves from dead ostracodes collected from ephemeral ponds and lakes show a wide scatter with each sample providing a snapshot of the seasonal history of the host water. The presence of the stream species Ilyocypris ramirezi and a wide range of ostracode isotope values suggest that ephemeral ponds and lakes are fed by streams during spring run-off and seasonally dry. A temporary character is also indicated by Heterocypris incongruens, a drought-resistant species that occupies most springs and seeps. In addition, Limnocythere rionegroensis has adjusted its reproduction strategies to its environment. Whereas only females were collected in fresh host waters, males were found in ephemeral ponds and lakes with higher solute content. Sexual reproduction seems to be the more successful reproduction strategy in high and variable salinities and seasonal droughts. The temporary character of the aquatic environments shows that the availability of meteoric water controls the life span of host waters and underlines the sensitivity of the area to changes in precipitation.


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La utilización de la poesía costumbrista de contenido ético-social-poesía moralizante- durante el período de guerra civil entre unitarios y federales, tuvo en la región de Cuyo un representante en el periódico federal sanjuanino El Constitucional (1835). El otro tipo de poesía a la que apelaron los periódicos en aquellos años, fue la de carácter satírico-político. A partir de la minuciosa lectura y confrontación de fuentes periodísticas inéditas y del análisis bibliográfico necesario para la elaboración del marco teórico, se demuestra la intención de escribir literatura útil a la realidad político-social y de contribuir al desarrollo integral del hombre. Las composiciones literarias analizadas corresponden estrictamente al costumbrismo de contenido ético-social, motivada por la preocupación social y moral, la lucha contra los vicios, corrupciones y falacias del ser humano.


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Sites 511 and 512 (Falkland Plateau) and 513 (Argentine Basin) penetrated calcareous-siliceous oozes of the middle and upper Eocene and lower Oligocene with rather numerous planktonic foraminifers. Upper Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene, and Quaternary sections are composed mostly of siliceous sediments (Sites 511-514) where planktonic foraminifers are rare or absent. High-latitude planktonic foraminifers of the Austral Province are characterized by impoverished assemblages - only representatives of Globigerina, Globigerinita, Globorotaloides, and Globorotalia with a rounded peripheral margin are found. In the Paleogene, these species are supplemented, in lesser amounts, by representatives of Globigerapsis, Acarinina, Pseudogloboquadrina, Pseudohastigerina, and Chiloguembelina. Assemblages of planktonic foraminifers have low stratigraphic resolution, especially in the upper Oligocene-Quaternary. This reflects the generally deteriorating Cenozoic climate, which evinced a sharp change in the upper Oligocene that is connected with initiation of the circum-Antarctic current near the Paleogene/Neogene boundary. Comparison of Paleogene and Neogene planktonic foraminifers of the South Atlantic (Falkland Plateau, Argentine Basin, 46-51°S) and the North Atlantic (Rockall Plateau, 55-56°N) indicates that the South Atlantic climate was much colder than that of the same latitudes of the North Atlantic. Paleogene oozes of the Falkland Plateau rest unconf ormably on Maestrichtian sediments and in their turn are overlain unconformably by Neogene-Quaternary oozes. Cenozoic sections are stratigraphically discontinuous: periods of intensive biogenic sedimentation resulting in a thick succession of sediments alternated with periods of nondeposition and strong erosion that resulted in hiatuses and unconformities. In the Argentine Basin, Oligocene calcareous-siliceous oozes rest on basalts of the oceanic basement; they are replaced upward in the section by Neogene-Quaternary siliceous oozes with some hiatuses. Planktonic foraminifers here clearly demonstrate the processes of oceanic subsidence and CCD fluctuations as well as Polar Front migrations during Cenozoic time. Fifty species of planktonic foraminifers are discussed and illustrated.


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La traducción se planta como el medio para que un público ajeno a la lengua de origen de un texto pueda acceder a él. En el caso de la poesía, debido a su difícil traducción y a su escasa publicación, la problemática de la traducción se torna doble. A partir de entonces, la presentación de una antología poética argentina en inglés como carta de presentación de la literatura nacional en el mundo resulta una obra interesante en cuanto a sus contenidos y repercusiones en el canon internacional