645 resultados para Arduino (Controlador programável)
The main objective of the presented study is the design of a analog multiplier-divider as integrant part of the type-reducer circuit of type-2 fuzzy controller chip. The proposed circuit is a multiplier/divider which operates in current mode, in the CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 1.8 V.The circuit simulation was performed in PSPICE software with simulation model provided by AMS (Austria Mikro Systems International) in CMOS technology 0.35μm
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
This paper shows the modeling and control of a single-phase full-bridge inverter with high-frequency transformer that may be used as part of a two-stage converter with transformerless DC-DC side or as a single-stage converter (simple DC-AC converter) for grid-connected PV applications. The inverter is modeled in order to obtain a small-signal transfer function used to design the P+Resonant current controller. A highfrequency step-up transformer results in reduced voltage switches and better efficiency compared with converters in which the transformer is used on the DC-DC side. Simulations and experimental results with a 200 W prototype are shown. 1
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The use of alternative energy systems in the current days is an urgent necessity due to the problems that the planet is facing as the heating and loss of ozone layer. The scarcity of conventional energy is another problem that must be solved for the future of humanity. It must be considered that the people are inhabiting places moved away not always with available energy. The application of technologies as automation and control can help us to solve this problem. Therefore, this work aimed at apply an equipment of industrial usage, the Programmable Logical Controller, PLC, in alternative energies systems, as eolic generation and fotovoltaic generation used for water pumping, aiming the automatic control and the efficiency in the places where it has simultaneous availability of these sources, based in criterion of priority that previously established itself between them. It was made a hydraulic and energetic evaluation of the energy system, eolic and fotovoltaic, used in the automatic control system of pumping, in the place of accomplishment of the experiment, according to previously established physical conditions. The results have shown that the control system using the PLC is practicable and has trustworthiness. The program developed can be adapted for the use with several power plants in a specific application place. The fotovoltaic system of pumping, using a polycrystalline of 70 Watts connected to a pump Shurflo 8000, showed to be efficient with significant flows in almost all the months. The eolic system of pumping, using an eolic generator of 400 Watts assembled in place of experiment, did not demonstrate energetic capacity for use in this specific type of application.
The application of pesticides is one of the most important steps in the agricultural production process. The spray volume can directly affect application success, and this parameter is directly dependent on the displacement speed of the sprayer. In conventional systems, the operator has to maintain a constant speed to ensure uniform application along the tracks. In order to improve over application quality and preserve levels of precision for applied doses; the use of electronic flow control systems allows for automatic adjustment of volume applied over the area when there is a change in velocity during application. The objective of this research was to study the response times of a flow controller with DGPS for aerial application subjected to variations of velocity in laboratory simulated flight conditions. For this purpose, a bench test has been developed including software for simulating DGPS signals, which was used to simulate different flight speeds and conditions. The results showed the average response time from the flow controller to a change in velocity to be between 6 and 20 seconds. Variations in total flow and the controller setting had a significant influence on response time with situations where there was interaction between the factors being evaluated. There was a tendency for better response times using a constant setting for the control algorithm other than that specified by the manufacturer. The flow controller presented an average error rates below 2% in all evaluated operating conditions, providing satisfactory accuracy in determining the output of product in different test situations.
This paper presents one proposal of the energy management's model system using photovoltaic panels. The module proposed seeks to monitor photovoltaic panels, which have intermittency in power generation caused by environmental or load conditions, in order to control the coupling between the panel and the load - through the charge controller, of aiming that the panel's operation will be always on the maximum power transfer point as possible. For this, it used the maximum power point tracking technique - MPPT, implemented in LabVIEW software, also utilizing the data acquisition card NI myDAQ. In addition, it was implemented the controller access remote module, from the sharing of network data, so the panels performance can be through a tablet, monitored and controlled with no need for direct contact with the Supervisory server
This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions
This paper presents one proposal of the energy management's model system using photovoltaic panels. The module proposed seeks to monitor photovoltaic panels, which have intermittency in power generation caused by environmental or load conditions, in order to control the coupling between the panel and the load - through the charge controller, of aiming that the panel's operation will be always on the maximum power transfer point as possible. For this, it used the maximum power point tracking technique - MPPT, implemented in LabVIEW software, also utilizing the data acquisition card NI myDAQ. In addition, it was implemented the controller access remote module, from the sharing of network data, so the panels performance can be through a tablet, monitored and controlled with no need for direct contact with the Supervisory server
This monograph presents the main objective of analyzing the redundancy protection systems of protection for redundancy and block of energies against accident in presses and rotating equipment. After understanding two specific goals, on this case, show the systems of protection against accidents in rotating equipments, presses and similar; and discuss the vulnerabilities of current systems of protection against accidents in presses and similar, we will propose a system of autonomous redundancy of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) operating simultaneously taking online in the event of failure of one of the two. The methodology was worked through a revision of a variety of bibliography, and interpretation of national and international standards as well as access to research on systems, practices used in industrial and companies supplying products and of companies and energy blockages solutions
[EN] This project briefly analyzes the scope and applications of Industrial Robotics, as well as the importance that this technical discipline has gained in the past decades. In addition, it proposes a modern platform to assist in teaching this discipline in colleges and universities. This new educational platform for the teaching of Industrial Robotics is based on the robotic systems from Rhino Robotics Ltd., using the existing robotic arms and replacing the control electronics by a newer, modern and yet backwards-compatible controller. In addition to the controller, this platform also provides new, up-to-date software utilities that are more intuitive than those provided with the old system. The work to be done consists essentially in receiving commands from a personal computer which the controller must interpret in order to control the motors of the robotic arm. The controller itself will be implemented as an embedded system based on microcontrollers. This requires the implementation of a communication protocol between the personal computer and the microcontroller, the design of a command interpreter, the design of the electronics for motor control using PWM and H-bridges, and the implementation of control techniques (more precisely, PID control). Hence, this project combines software and hardware design and integration techniques with motor control techniques and feedback control methods from Control Engineering, along with the kinematic analysis of the Rhino XR-4 robotic arm.
[ES] Este trabajo detalla las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de construcción del prototipo Clever Socket, abarcando desde su análisis, a su diseño e implementación.
Clever Socket es un conjunto hardware y software que facilita el control del encendido y el apagado de los aparatos electrónicos conectados a él a través de redes de comunicación LAN y WAN. Para lograr este propósito, el artefacto se apoya en la placa de desarrollo electrónico Arduino UNO y la placa Arduino WiFi Shield –que posibilita su conexión inalámbrica a la red–.
El dispositivo cuenta con cuatro bases de enchufe controladas a través de relés, que permiten la gestión de hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos de manera simultánea.
En el lado del software se presentan tres componentes:
Un servicio web de bajo nivel destinado a la gestión de la placa Arduino. Permite la comunicación con la placa, la lectura y escritura de sus pines.
Un servicio web específico del dispositivo Clever Socket. Facilita la comunicación con el prototipo hardware, permitiendo así la gestión de diferentes operaciones que se llevan a cabo sobre los aparatos conectados a sus enchufes.
Una aplicación web. Actúa como interfaz entre el usuario y el servicio web de Clever Socket, permitiendo la gestión del dispositivo. El diseño de la aplicación es responsive, lo que posibilita su correcta visualización en todo tipo de dispositivos, tanto móviles como de escritorio.
L’evolvere del sistema insediativo nelle Marche, dal dopoguerra ad oggi, ha condotto ad un diffuso sottoutilizzo dei piccoli centri storici ed all’abbandono, ormai definitivo, di quei borghi minori, privi di funzioni di pregio, privi ormai anche delle dotazioni minime funzionali all’abitare. Il piccolo nucleo di Sant’Arduino si inserisce in quel lungo elenco di borghi che, con il graduale abbandono dell’agricoltura, hanno subito un progressivo processo di spopolamento. Lungo la strada che da Macerata Feltria conduce verso il monte Carpegna, il complesso monumentale è quasi sospeso su un dirupo: un campanile senza campane, una chiesa sconsacrata e pochi edifici rustici da alcuni anni completamente abbandonati. E' tutto quello che rimane dell'antico castello e della Chiesa parrocchiale di Sant’Arduino, che oggi ha perso la propria autonomia amministrativa e si colloca nel Comune di Pietrarubbia. Questo lavoro vuole offrire un contributo al processo di valorizzazione dei nuclei minori di antico impianto, intento promosso dalla stessa Regione all’interno del progetto “Borghi delle Marche”. La sensibilizzazione per un recupero urbanistico e architettonico del patrimonio tradizionale minore si coniuga con la scelta di inserire l’intervento nel suo contesto culturale e geografico, cercando di impostare, non un isolato intervento di recupero, ma un anello di connessione in termini sociali, culturali e funzionali con le politiche di sviluppo del territorio. Il percorso individuato si è articolato su una prima fase di indagine volta ad ottenere una conoscenza del tema dei borghi abbandonati e del sistema dei borghi delle Marche, successivamente l’analisi storica e la lettura e l’indagine dell’oggetto, fasi propedeutiche all’elaborazione di un’ipotesi di intervento, per giungere all’individuazione della modalità di riuso compatibile con il rispetto dei valori storico, formali e culturali del luogo. Per questo la scelta del riuso turistico del complesso, trovando nella funzione di albergo diffuso la possibile e concreta conversione dei manufatti. Il tutto basandosi su un’approfondita ricerca storica e su un’analisi dei sistemi costruttivi tradizionali, inserendo gli interventi di restauro dell’esistente e di integrazione delle nuove strutture nel totale rispetto della fabbrica. L’idea che ha mosso l’intero lavoro parte dall’analisi della cultura rurale locale, che ha generato il patrimonio dell’architettura minore. L’alta valle del Foglia può rappresentare un territorio nuovamente appetibile se non perde le sue ricchezze; la valorizzazione e il recupero di quest’architettura diffusa può rappresentare un buon trampolino di lancio per riappropriarsi della storia e della tradizione del luogo.