393 resultados para Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus


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Etmoplerus spinax and Etmopterus pusillus are captured in large quantities in some deep-water fisheries along the Portuguesc coast and are always discarded. Specimens were collected from February 2003 to May 2004 from deep-water fisheries and classified as mature or immature. Maturity ogives were fitted and size at first maturity estimated for each sex of each of each species. Both species are late maturing, with the maturity size varying between 75% and 87% of the maximum observed sizes, depending on species and sex. For both species, females tended to mature at and grow to larger sizes than males. The late maturation of these deep-water shark species make these populations extremely vulnerable to increasing fishing mortality.


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Etmopterus pusillus is a deep water lantern shark with a widespread global distribution that is caught in large quantities in some areas, but is usually discarded due to the low commercial value. In this work, the population biology was studied and life history parameters determined for the first time in this species. Age was estimated from sections of the second dorsal spine and validated by marginal increment analysis. Males attained a maximum age of 13 years, while 17-year-old females were found. Several growth models were fitted and compared for both size and weight at age data, showing that even though this is a small sized species, it has a relatively slow growth rate. This species matures late and at a relatively large size: at 86.81% and 79.40% of the maximum observed sizes and at 58.02% and 54.40% of the maximum observed ages for males and females, respectively. It has a low fecundity, with a mean ovarian fecundity of 10.44 oocytes per reproductive cycle. The estimated parameters indicate that this species has a vulnerable life cycle, typical of deep water squalid sharks. Given the high fishing pressures that it is suffering in the NE Atlantic, the smooth lantern shark may be in danger of severe declines in the near future. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study provides the first description of the feeding ecology of the smooth lanternshark Etmopterus pusillus based on stomach contents of specimens caught as bycatch in the Algarve (southern Portugal) with bottom trawling and bottom longline. The diet of E. pusillus consists mainly of fish (dry weight (% W)=87.1%; frequency of occurrence (%FO)=28.6%; number (%N)=30.3%), crustaceans (%W=7.7%; %FO=36.7%; %N=3.4%) and cephalopods (%W=4.7%; %FO=11.3%; %N=11.1%). The diet did not vary between sexes. Ontogenic changes were detected: crustaceans decreased in importance as the sharks increased in size and fish became dominant in the diet of adults. Combining two fishing methods provided broad information on the diet of E. pusillus, as bottom trawling caught smaller specimens and longlines caught larger individuals. E. pusillus feeds mainly on non-commercial species, and therefore does not compete directly with commercial fisheries. Finally, E. pusillus feeds in various parts of the water column and thus it can access a wide range of prey; however, this also means that it can be caught by both gears, making it more vulnerable in terms of conservation.


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We conducted surveys of bats in China between 1999 and 2007, resulting in the identification of at least 62 species. In this paper we present data on 19 species, comprising 12 species from the family Rhinolophidae and seven from the Hipposideridae. Rhinolophids captured were Rhinolophus affinis, R. ferrumequinum, R. lepidus, R. luctus, R. macrotis, R. siamensis, R. marshalli, R. rex, R. pearsonii, R. pusillus, R. sinicus and R. stheno. Because of extensive morphological similarities we question the species distinctiveness of R. osgoodi (may be conspecific with R. lepidus), R. paradoxolophus (which may best be treated as a subspecies of R. rex), R. huananus (probably synonymous with R. siamensis), and we are skeptical as to whether R. sinicus is distinct from R. thomasi. Hipposiderids captured were Hipposideros armiger, H. cineraceus, H. larvatus, H. pomona, H. pratti, Aselliscus stoliczkanus and Coelops frithii. Of these species, two rhinolophids (Rhinolophus marshalli and R. stheno) and one hipposiderid (Hipposideros cineraceus) represent new species records for China. We present data on species' ranges, morphology and echolocation call frequencies, as well as some notes on ecology and conservation status. China hosts a considerable diversity of rhinolophid and hipposiderid bats, yet threats to their habitats and populations are substantial.


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We undertook analyses of mitochondrial DNA gene sequences and echolocation calls to resolve phylogenetic relationships among the related bat taxa Rhinolophus pusillus (sampled across China), R. monoceros (Taiwan), R. cornutus (main islands of Japan), and R. c. pumilus (Okinawa, Japan), Phylogenetic trees and genetic divergence analyses were constructed by combining new complete mitochondrial cytochrome-b gene sequences and partial mitochondrial control region sequences with published sequences. Our work showed that these 4 taxa formed monophyletic groups in the phylogenetic tree. However, low levels of sequence divergence among the taxa, together with similarities in body size and overlapping echolocation call frequencies, point to a lack of taxonomic distinctiveness. We therefore suggest that these taxa are better considered as geographical subspecies rather than distinct species, although this should not diminish the conservation importance of these island populations, which are important evolutionarily significant units. Based on our findings, we suggest that the similarities in body size and echolocation call frequency in these rhinolophids result from their recent common ancestry, whereas similarities in body size and call frequency with R. hipposideros of Europe are the result of convergent evolution.


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1. Systematic list of birds (pp. 23-31) 2. Observations on the Galapagos fur seal, Arctocephalus australis galapagoensis Heller, 1904 (pp. 31-33) 3. Cetaceans observed (pp. 33-34)


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本文研究了茄科天仙子族7属以及有亲缘关系的颠茄属、茄参属和枸杞属的形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、种子形态学、胚胎学、花器官发生、分子系统学和分支系统学;论述了它们的结构、分化和系统关系。主要内容包括: 1.解剖学 在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,观察了茄科天仙子族(Hyoscyameae)7属21种及邻近4属4种共25种植物的叶表皮特征,结果表明:气孔器在各种植物的上、下的表皮均有分布,多为无规则型,也有不等细胞型;叶表皮细胞形状有不规则形、十字形、近长圆形和不规则多边形,垂周壁较平直或各种波状。叶表皮气孔器外拱盖内缘近平滑、浅波状或波状;角质膜多为具条纹,也有同时具条纹和颗粒或鳞片,偶尔仅具颗粒和鳞片或光滑。气孔器类型可以作为区分部分属的依据之一。颠茄叶表皮细胞形状和垂周壁式样在一些属和种中有一定的规律性,并与外部形态、孢粉学性状或地理分布相关;叶片表面角质膜的特征对属和种的划分也有一定意义。 2.种子形态学 在扫描电子显微镜下首次全面研究了天仙子族及颠茄属和茄参属等共10属25种植物的种子形态学特征,结果表明: 该族植物种子表面纹饰有脑纹状或近脑纹状和网状两大类,除了山莨菪属Anisodus和Hyoscyamus.pusillus 外,其余类群均为网状。外种皮细胞形状和周壁式样有两大类,一类为多边形至近圆形,等径,周壁近平直,另一类为形状不规则,常不等径,周壁为各式波状;外种皮细胞周壁内侧有皱波状、瘤状、小颗粒、片状或小刺等各式附属物。各属植物的种子大小、形状及种脐着生位置的系统学意义不大。但是,种脐突出与否、种子外种皮细胞形状和周壁式样,尤其是周壁内侧附属物等性状具有较大的分类学意义。 3.孢粉学 在扫描电镜下研究了该族7属及其它3属共10属23种植物的花粉形态学特征。结果表明:天仙子族的花粉粒形状为球形、近球形、扁球形和长球形;萌发孔类型有无萌发孔、不规则的拟孔、3沟、4 沟、3- 4沟、散沟和3孔沟;外壁纹饰为小刺状、瘤状、各式条纹状、条纹-穴状、条纹-网状、皱波状、细网状和网状。沟膜近光滑、具小颗粒、具小刺状突起或具瘤状突起。各属植物的花粉形态在萌发孔的有无、萌发孔的类型和外壁纹饰等方面有较大的差异,可以作为探讨属间分类和系统关系的重要依据。天仙子族植物花粉萌发孔的演化趋势为:无萌发孔→ 3、4沟→3孔沟。无萌发孔的山莨菪属是原始类群,三孔沟的马尿泡和天仙子等属是进化类群。 4.胚胎学 本论文首次研究了天仙子族山莨菪Anisodus tanguticus的胚胎学特征,结果表明:山莨菪的小孢子形成为同时型,腺质绒毡层;胚珠半倒生,单珠被,薄珠心;蓼型胚囊;其胚胎发生类型可能为茄型;胚乳形成为细胞型。山莨菪的胚胎学性状与马尿泡十分相似。胚胎学证据支持山莨菪属与马尿泡属关系密切的观点。 5.花器官发生 首次全面研究了天仙子族的山莨菪属(山莨菪)、马尿泡属(马尿泡)、天仙子属(天仙子)及其邻近2属共5种植物的花器官发生特征,结果表明:山莨菪和天仙子的5个花萼裂片原基突起最早发生,且几乎是近同时环状发生,其排列方式从花发育早期直至花成熟后始终为轮状排列。而马尿泡和颠茄首先是5个花萼裂片原基突起依次螺旋状发生,但在其5个花萼裂片原基都出现后,其排列方式仍为轮状排列。不同之处是:马尿泡的花萼裂片原基在其花冠裂片原基刚刚不明显地发生时,就已经在基部联合并形成了一个环,而颠茄的花萼裂片原基直到雄蕊原基突起开始发生并较明显时,花萼裂片原基仍然是分离的,当花顶的中央开始出现很不明显的雌蕊原基的凹陷时,花萼裂片原基才开始联合。青海茄参与其它4种植物的不同之处在于柱头2裂或3裂,而后4者的柱头均为2裂。花器官发生的特征表明马尿泡与天仙子和山莨菪的关系较近。 6.基于叶绿体DNA trnL-F序列和核糖体DNA ITS序列的初步分析 以宁夏枸杞作为外类群,对代表天仙子族及其邻近3属的10种植物的ITS区和trnL-F序列进行了测定,将这两个序列结合构建系统树。将gaps作为fifth base处理时,马尿泡属和茄参属构成最基部的一支,赛莨菪属和天仙子属构成一支然后与泡囊草属构成姐妹群,另外一支由天蓬子属、颠茄属和山莨菪属组成,其中天蓬子属与颠茄属构成一支后与山莨菪属构成姐妹群。分子证据只是一个尝试,还不足以说明天仙子族各属的系统关系。 7.分支分析 以枸杞属为外类群,基于形态学、叶表皮、种子形态学、孢粉学等特征对天仙子族7属及颠茄属和茄参属进行了分支分析。结果表明:目前公认的天仙子族7属构成一个单系类群,而颠茄属和茄参属并没有包括在内,它们两者构成一支,并与天仙子族形成姐妹群的关系。这与该族传统的分类结果相一致。 8.天仙子族的分化和系统关系 基于上述研究结果,结合天仙子族各属的现代地理分布,讨论了各属的分化和系统关系。认为根据传统分类包括有7个属的天仙子族是一个自然的单系类群,目前还没有足够的证据说明是否应该将颠茄属和茄参属放在天仙子族中。


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Background: Oceans are high gene flow environments that are traditionally believed to hamper the build-up of genetic divergence. Despite this, divergence appears to occur occasionally at surprisingly small scales. The Galápagos archipelago provides an ideal opportunity to examine the evolutionary processes of local divergence in an isolated marine environment. Galápagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) are top predators in this unique setting and have an essentially unlimited dispersal capacity across the entire species range. In theory, this should oppose any genetic differentiation.
Results: We find significant ecological, morphological and genetic divergence between the western colonies and colonies from the central region of the archipelago that are exposed to different ecological conditions. Stable isotope analyses indicate that western animals use different food sources than those from the central area. This is likely due to niche partitioning with the second Galápagos eared seal species, the Galápagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) that exclusively dwells in the west. Stable isotope patterns correlate with significant differences in foraging-related skull morphology. Analyses of mitochondrial sequences as well as microsatellites reveal signs of initial genetic differentiation.
Conclusion: Our results suggest a key role of intra- as well as inter-specific niche segregation in the evolution of genetic structure among populations of a highly mobile species under conditions of free movement. Given the monophyletic arrival of the sea lions on the archipelago, our study challenges the view that geographical barriers are strictly needed for the build-up of genetic divergence. The study further raises the interesting prospect that in social, colonially breeding mammals additional forces, such as social structure or feeding traditions, might bear on the genetic partitioning of populations.


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The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.


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L’embranchement Hemichordata regroupe les classes Enteropneusta et Pterobranchia. Hemichordata constitue, avec l’embranchement Echinodermata, le groupe-frère des chordés. Les entéropneustes sont des organismes vermiformes solitaires qui vivent sous ou à la surface du substrat et s’alimentent généralement par déposivorie, alors que les ptérobranches sont des organismes coloniaux filtreurs habitant dans un réseau de tubes appelé coenecium. Ce mémoire présente trois études dont le point commun est l’utilisation des hémichordés actuels pour répondre à des questions concernant l’évolution des hémichordés, des chordés, et du super-embranchement qui les regroupe, Deuterostomia. Notre première étude démontre que les fentes pharyngiennes, l’organe pré-oral cilié (POCO) et le pharynx de l’entéropneuste Protoglossus graveolens sont utilisés pour l’alimentation par filtration. Le système de filtration de P. graveolens permet la capture de particules jusqu’à 1.3 um, à un débit de 4.05 mm.s-1, pour une demande énergétique de 0.009 uW. Les similarités structurales et fonctionnelles avec le système de filtration des céphalochordés suggèrent que la filtration pharyngienne est ancestrale aux deutérostomes. Lors de notre deuxième étude, nous avons exploré l’hypothèse selon laquelle le POCO des entéropneustes, une structure ciliée pré-buccale au rôle possiblement chémorécepteur, serait homologue au « wheel organ » des céphalochordés et à l’adénohypophyse des vertébrés. Pour cela, nous avons déterminé par immunohistochimie l’expression de Pit-1, un facteur de transcription spécifique à ces deux structures, chez l’entéropneuste Saccoglossus pusillus. Pit-1 est exprimé dans des cellules sensorielles du POCO, mais aussi dans des cellules épithéliales distribuées dans le proboscis, collet et tronc. Ce patron d’expression ne permet pas de confirmer ou rejeter l’homologie du POCO et de l’adénohypophyse des vertébrés. Lors de notre troisième étude, nous avons caractérisé l’ultrastructure du coenecium des ptérobranches Cephalodiscus hodgsoni, Cephalodiscus nigrescens et Cephalodiscus densus par microscopie électronique à transmisison et à balayage. Cephalodiscus est le groupe frère de Graptolithina, un groupe qui inclut les graptolithes éteints ainsi que les ptérobranches du genre Rhabdopleura. Nous avons décrit les types de fibrilles de collagène présents, leur taille et leur organisation, ainsi que l’organisation globale du coenecium. Nous avons ainsi démontré la présence chez Cephalodiscus d’une organisation similaire au paracortex, pseudocortex et eucortex des graptolithes. La présence chez Cephalodiscus de ce type d’organisation suggère que le cortex est ancestral à la classe Pterobranchia. Ces trois études illustrent plusieurs axes importants de la recherche sur les hémichordés, qui en intégrant des données morphologiques, fonctionnelles et moléculaires permet de reconstruire certains évènements clés de l’évolution des deutérostomes.


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In this study, we present the first data about putative source populations of the vagrant Subantarctic fur seal, Arctocephalus tropicalis, found on the Brazilian coast, through the comparison of their mitochondrial DNA control sequences to exclusive haplotypes from the main breeding colonies of the species. The results indicated that, despite the majority of the vagrant individuals are from Gough Island (the closest breeding site to the Brazilian coast), they also come from other reproductive colonies, such as Crozet Island, a distance around 16,500 km from the Brazilian coast. Furthermore, the molecular data identified three possible management units: (1) Gough, (2) Amsterdam, and (3) Marion, Macquarie and Crozet. This significant genetic subdivision must be taken into account in any future management plan for the species conservation, including rehabilitation and even reintroduction of vagrant fur seals.


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The period of maternal dependence is a time during which mammalian infants must optimise both their growth and the development of behavioural skills in order to successfully meet the demands of independent living. The rate and duration of maternal provisioning, post-weaning food availability and climatic conditions are all factors likely to influence the growth strategies of infants. While numerous studies have documented differences in growth strategies at high taxonomic levels, few have investigated those of closely related species inhabiting similar environments. The present study examined the body composition, metabolism and indices of physiological development in pups of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) and subantarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus tropicalis), congeneric species with different weaning ages (4 months and 10 months, respectively), during their overlap in lactation at a sympatric breeding site in the Iles Crozet. Body lipid reserves in pre-moult pups were significantly greater (t28=2.73, P<0.01) in subantarctic (26%) than Antarctic fur seals (22%). Antarctic fur seal pups, however, had significantly higher (t26=3.82, P<0.001) in-air resting metabolic rates (RMR; 17.1±0.6 ml O2 kg-1 min-1) than subantarctic fur seal pups (14.1±0.5 ml O2 kg-1 min-1). While in-water standard metabolic rate (SMR; 22.9±2.5 ml O2 kg-1 min-1) was greater than in-air RMR for Antarctic fur seal pups (t9=2.59, P<0.03), there were no significant differences between in-air RMR and in-water SMR for subantarctic fur seal pups (t12=0.82, P>0.4), although this is unlikely to reflect a greater ability for pre-moult pups of the latter species to thermoregulate in water. Pup daily energy expenditure was also significantly greater (t27=2.36, P<0.03) in Antarctic fur seals (638±33 kJ kg-1 day-1) than in subantarctic fur seals (533±33 kJ kg-1 day-1), which corroborates observations that pups of the former species spend considerably more time actively learning to swim and dive. Consistent with this observation is the finding that blood oxygen storage capacity was significantly greater (t9=2.81, P<0.03) in Antarctic (11.5%) than subantarctic fur seal (8.9%) pups. These results suggest that, compared with subantarctic fur seals, Antarctic fur seal pups adopt a strategy of faster lean growth and physiological development, coupled with greater amounts of metabolically expensive behavioural activity, in order to acquire the necessary foraging skills in time for their younger weaning age.


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The duration of periods spent ashore versus foraging at sea, diving behaviour, and diet of lactating female Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella, AFS) and subantarctic (A. tropicalis, SFS) fur seals were compared at Iles Crozet, where both species coexist. The large disparity in lactation duration (SFS: 10 months, AFS: 4 months), even under local sympatry, has led to the expectation that AFS should exhibit higher foraging effort or efficiency per unit time than SFS to allow them to wean their pups in a shorter period of time. Previous evidence, however, has not supported these expectations. In this study, the distribution of foraging trip durations revealed two types of trips: overnight (OFT, <1 day) and long (LFT, >1 day), in common with other results from Macquarie Island. However, diving behaviour differed significantly between foraging trip types, with greater diving effort in OFTs than in LFTs, and diving behaviour differed between fur seal species. OFTs were more frequent in SFS (48%) than in AFS (28%). SFS performed longer LFTs and maternal attendances than AFS, but spent a smaller proportion of their foraging cycle at sea (66.2 vs. 77.5%, respectively). SFS dove deeper and for longer periods than AFS, in both OFTs and LFTs, although indices of diving effort were similar between species. Diel variation in diving behaviour was lower among SFS, which foraged at greater depths during most of the night time available than AFS. The diving behaviour of AFS suggests they followed the nychthemeral migration of their prey more closely. Concomitant with the differences in diving behaviour, AFS and SFS fed on the same prey species, but in different proportions of three myctophid fish (Gymnoscopelus fraseri, G. piabilis, and G. nicholsi) that represented most of their diet. The estimated size of the most important fish consumed did not vary significantly between fur seal species, suggesting that the difference in dive depth was mostly a result of changes in the relative abundance of these myctophids. The energy content of these fish at Iles Crozet may thus influence the amount and quality of milk delivered to pups of each fur seal species. These results contrast with those found at other sites where both species coexist, and revealed a scale of variation in foraging behaviour which did not affect their effort while at sea, but that may be a major determinant of foraging efficiency and, consequently, maternal investment.


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Pre- and post-weaning functional demands on body size and shape of mammals are often in conflict, especially in species where weaning involves a change of habitat. Compared with long lactations, brief lactations are expected to be associated with fast rates of development and attainment of adult traits. We describe allometry and growth for several morphological traits in two closely related fur seal species with large differences in lactation duration at a sympatric site. Longitudinal data were collected from Antarctic (Arctocephalus gazella (Peters, 1875); 120 d lactation) and subantarctic (Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray, 1872); 300 d lactation) fur seals. Body mass was similar in neonates of both species, but A. gazella neonates were longer, less voluminous, and had larger foreflippers. The species were similar in rate of preweaning growth in body mass, but growth rates of linear variables were faster for A. gazella pups. Consequently, neonatal differences in body shape increased over lactation, and A. gazella pups approached adult body shape faster than did A. tropicalis pups. Our results indicate that preweaning growth is associated with significant changes in body shape, involving the acquisition of a longer, more slender body with larger foreflippers in A. gazella. These differences suggest that A. gazella pups are physically more mature at approximately 100 d of age (close to weaning age) than A. tropicalis pups of the same age


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Marine top-predators such as marine mammals forage in a heterogeneous environment according to their energetic requirements and to the variation in environmental characteristics. In this study, the behaviour of breeding females in 2 sympatric fur seal species, Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella and Subantarctic fur seal A. tropicalis, was investigated in relation to foraging effort. Foraging effort was hypothesised to be greater in Antarctic fur seal than in Subantarctic fur seal due to their shorter lactation period. Using satellite telemetry, time-depth recorders and satellite images of sea-surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration, the foraging grounds, the at-sea activity budgets and the environmental features were determined for both species breeding on the Crozet Archipelago. Foraging cycle duration was similar for the 2 species, and the seals exhibited similar at-sea activity budgets. Only the proportion of time spent at sea was higher in Antarctic fur seals. Separate foraging areas were identified for the 2 species. Antarctic fur seal distribution was related to bathymetric features, while we did not find any direct relationship between chlorophyll a concentration and seal foraging areas. Our results suggest that Antarctic fur seals tend to respond to the higher needs of their pups by having a higher foraging efficiency and concentrating their foraging activity in the most productive areas.