988 resultados para Arctic Ocean, Central Basin


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The complex effects of light, nutrients and temperature lead to a variable carbon to chlorophyll (C:Chl) ratio in phytoplankton cells. Using field data collected in the Equatorial Pacific, we derived a new dynamic model with a non-steady C:Chl ratio as a function of irradiance, nitrate, iron, and temperature. The dynamic model is implemented into a basin-scale ocean circulation-biogeochemistry model and tested in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. The model reproduces well the general features of phytoplankton dynamics in this region. For instance, the simulated deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) is much deeper in the western warm pool (similar to 100 m) than in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (similar to 50 m). The model also shows the ability to reproduce chlorophyll, including not only the zonal, meridional and vertical variations, but also the interannual variability. This modeling study demonstrates that combination of nitrate and iron regulates the spatial and temporal variations in the phytoplankton C:Chl ratio in the Equatorial Pacific. Sensitivity simulations suggest that nitrate is mainly responsible for the high C:Chl ratio in the western warm pool while iron is responsible for the frontal features in the C:Chl ratio between the warm pool and the upwelling region. In addition, iron plays a dominant role in regulating the spatial and temporal variations of the C:Chl ratio in the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific. While temperature has a relatively small effect on the C:Chl ratio, light is primarily responsible for the vertical decrease of phytoplankton C:Chl ratio in the euphotic zone.


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Except for a few discontinuous fragments of the Late Cretaceous/Early Cenozoic climate history and depositional environment, the paleoenvironmental evolution of the pre-Neogene central Arctic Ocean was virtually unknown prior to the IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic Ocean Coring Expedition - ACEX) drilling campaign on Lomonosov Ridge in 2004. Here we present detailed organic carbon (OC) records from the entire ca. 200 m thick Paleogene OC-rich section of the ACEX drill sites. These records indicate euxinic "Black Sea-type" conditions favorable for the preservation of labile aquatic (marine algae-type) OC occur throughout the upper part of the early Eocene and the middle Eocene, explained by salinity stratification due to freshwater discharge. The superimposed short-term ("Milankovitch-type") variability in amount and composition of OC is related to changes in primary production and terrigenous input. Prominent early Eocene events of algae-type OC preservation coincide with global d13C events such as the PETM and Elmo events. The Elmo d13C Event has been identified in the Arctic Ocean for the first time.


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To reconstruct Recent and past sedimentary environments, marine sediments of Upper Pleistocene and Holocene ages from the eastern Arctic Ocean and especially from the Nansen-Gakkel Ridge (NGR) were investigated by means of radioisotopic, geochemical and sedimentological methods. In combination with mass physical property data and lithological analysis these investigations allow clearly to characterize the depositional environments. Age dating by using the radioisotope 230Th gives evidence that the investigated sediments from the NGR are younger than 250,000 years. Identical lithological sediment sequences within and between sediment cores from the NGR can be related to sedimentary processes which are clearly controlled by palaeoclimate. The sediments consist predominantly of siliciclastic, terrigenous ice-rafted detritus (IRD) deriving from assorted and redeposited sediments from the Siberian shelfs. By their geochemical composition the sediments are similar to mudstone, graywacke and arcose. Sea-ice as well as icebergs play a major roll in marine arctic sedimentation. In the NGR area rapid change in sedimentary conditions can be detected 128,000 years ago. This was due to drastic change in the kind of ice cover, resulting from rapid climatic change within only hundreds of years. So icebergs, deriving mostly from Siberian shelfs, vanished and sea-ice became dominant in the eastern Arctic Ocean. At least three short-period retreats of the shelf ice between 186,000 and 128,000 years are responsible for the change of coarse to fine-grained sediments in the NGR area. These warmer stages lasted between 1,000 and 3,000 years. By monitoring and comparing the distribution patterns of sedimentologic, mass physical and geochemical properties with 230Th ex activity distribution patterns in the sediment cores from the NGR, there is clear evidence that sediment dilution is responsible for high 230Th ex activity variations. Thus sedimentation rate is the controlling factor of 230Th ex activity variations. The 230Th flux density in sediments from the NGR seems to be highly dependent On topographic Position. The distribution patterns of chemical elements in sediment cores are in general governed by lithology. The derivation of a method for dry bulk density determination gave the opportunity to establish a high resolution stratigraphy on sediment cores from the eastern Arctic Ocean, based on 230Thex activity analyses. For the first time sedimentation and accumulation rates were determined for recent sediments in the eastern Arctic Ocean by 230Th ex analyses. Bulk accumulation rates are highly variable in space and time, ranging between 0.2 and 30 g/cm**2/ka. In the sediments from the NGR highly variable accumulation rates are related to the kind of ice cover. There is evidence for hydrothermal input into the sediments of the NGR. Hydrothermal activity probably also influences surficial sediments in the Sofia Basin. High contents of As are typical for surficial sediments from the NGR. In particular SL 370-20 from the bottom of the rift valley has As contents exceeding in parts 300 ppm. Hydrothermal activity can be traced back to at least 130,000 years. Recent to subrecent tectonic activity is documented by the rock debris in KAL 370 from the NGR. In four other sediment cores from the NGR rift valley area tectonically induced movements can be dated to about 130,000 years ago, related most probably to the rapid climate change. Processes of early diagenesis in sediments from the NGR caused the aobilization and redeposition of Fe, Mn and Mo. These diagenetic processes probably took place during the last 130,000 years. In sediment cores from the NGR high amounts of kaolinite are related to coarse grained siliciclastic material, probably indicating reworking and redeposition of siberian sandstones with kaolinitic binding material. In contrast to kaolinite, illite is correlated to total clay and 232Th contents. Aragonite, associated with serpentinites in the rift valley area of the NGR, was precipitated under cold bottom-water conditions. Preliminary data result in a time of formation about 60 - 80 ka ago. Manganese precipitates with high Ni contents, which can be related to the ultrabasic rocks, are of similar age.


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Using the sea ice proxy IP25 and phytoplankton-derived biomarkers (brassicasterol and dinosterol) Arctic sea-ice conditions were reconstructed for Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 to 1 in sediment cores from the north of Barents Sea continental margin across the Central Arctic to the Southern Mendeleev Ridge. Our results suggest more extensive sea-ice cover than present-day during MIS 3, increasing sea-ice growth during MIS 2 and decreased sea-ice cover during the last deglacial. The summer ice edge sustained north of the Barents Sea even during extremely cold (i.e., Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)) as well as warm periods (i.e., Bølling-Allerød). During the LGM, the western Svalbard margin and the northern Barents Sea margin areas were characterized by high concentrations of both IP25 and phytoplankton biomarkers, interpreted as a productive ice-edge situation, caused by the inflow of warm Atlantic Water. In contrast, the LGM high Arctic proper (north of 84°N) was covered by thick permanent sea ice throughout the year with rare break up, indicated by zero or near-zero biomarker concentrations. The spring/summer sea-ice margin significantly extended southwards to the southern Lomonosov Ridge and Mendeleev Ridge during the LGM. Our proxy reconstructions are very consistent with published model results based on the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Model (NAOSIM).


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Inclination patterns of natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in Quaternary sediment cores from the Arctic Ocean have been widely used for stratigraphic correlation and the construction of age models, however, shallow and negative NRM inclinations in sediments deposited during the Brunhes Chron in the Arctic Ocean appear to have a partly diagenetic origin. Rock magnetic and mineralogical studies demonstrate the presence of titanomagnetite and titanomaghemite. Thermal demagnetization of the NRM indicates that shallow and negative inclination components are largely "unblocked" below ~300 °C, consistent with a titanomaghemite remanence carrier. Following earlier studies on the Mendeleev-Alpha Ridge, shallow and negative NRM inclination intervals in cores from the Lomonosov Ridge and Yermak Plateau are attributed to partial self-reversed chemical remanent magnetization (CRM) carried by titanomaghemite formed during seafloor oxidation of host (detrital) titanomagnetite grains. Distortion of paleomagnetic records due to seafloor maghemitization appears to be especially important in the perennially ice covered western (Mendeleev-Alpha Ridge) and central Arctic Ocean (Lomonosov Ridge) and, to a lesser extent, near the ice edge (Yermak Plateau). On the Yermak Plateau, magnetic grain size parameters mimic the global benthic oxygen isotope record back to at least marine isotope stage 6, implying that magnetic grain size is sensitive to glacial-interglacial changes in bottom-current velocity and/or detrital provenance.


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Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean plays an important role in the regional ocean circulation, sea ice, and global climate. From salinity observed by a variety of platforms, we are able, for the first time, to estimate a statistically reliable liquid freshwater trend from monthly gridded fields over all upper Arctic Ocean basins. From 1992 to 2012 this trend was 600±300 km**3/yr. A numerical model agrees very well with the observed freshwater changes. A decrease in salinity made up about two thirds of the freshwater trend and a thickening of the upper layer up to one third. The Arctic Ocean Oscillation index, a measure for the regional wind stress curl, correlated well with our freshwater time series. No clear relation to Arctic Oscillation or Arctic Dipole indices could be found. Following other observational studies, an increased Bering Strait freshwater import to the Arctic Ocean, a decreased Davis Strait export, and enhanced net sea ice melt could have played an important role in the freshwater trend we observed.