939 resultados para Archival materials -- Conservation and restoration
In this paper we use a Terahertz (THz) time-domain system to image and analyze the structure of an artwork attributed to the Spanish artist Goya painted in 1771. The THz images show features that cannot be seen with optical inspection and complement data obtained with X-ray imaging that provide evidence of its authenticity, which is validated by other independent studies. For instance, a feature with a strong resemblance with one of Goya"s known signatures is seen in the THz images. In particular, this paper demonstrates the potential of THz imaging as a complementary technique along with X-ray for the verification and authentication of artwork pieces through the detection of features that remain hidden to optical inspection.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
This paper presents the preliminary findings of pH and colour measurements carried out on artworks on paperand on wood that had been treated with a poly(vinyl acetate) (PVAC) based adhesive in the 1980s. In both cases, areas treated with PVAC proved to be less acidic than untreated areas. Contrary to expectations, the conservation treatments have not, as yet, increased acidity levels in the objects under study. Colour measurements of the works on paper showed that those that had been backed with a cotton fabric using a mixture of methylcellulose and PVAC were less yellow than those from the same print run that had not been backed. This finding suggests that the backing somehow prevented the natural degradation of the support. In view of these preliminary results, further research is clearly needed. This study forms part of a broader ongoing project to assess the role of PVAC in the conservation of a range of cultural assets.
En el presente estudio hacemos una revisión del estado de conservación y las tendencias poblacionales de la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) desde 1900 hasta nuestros días. Algunos de los datos de los que disponemos son contradictorios con respecto al estado de la especie, que presenta ciertas características que dificultan el poder proporcionar estimas poblacionales fiables. Datos recientes sugieren claramente, tanto a escala local como a escala transnacional, que las poblaciones atlánticas de codorniz común han permanecido estables en las dos últimas décadas y que la práctica de liberar codornices criadas en granjas (híbridas con la codorniz japonesa, Coturnix japonica) con finalidades cinegéticas, no afectan significativamente a nuestras estimas. Por otra parte, los complejos patrones de desplazamiento de esta especie requieren especial atención. En este sentido, el análisis de recuperaciones de anillas puede aportar información relevante, especialmente de los movimientos nomádicos de codornices a la búsqueda de hábitats adecuados, tras la destrucción de los cultivos invernales de cereales debido a la siega. Así, al desarrollar un modelo de distribución de cría para esta especie, se debe incorporar continuamente información actualizada de los cambios estacionales de hábitat y clima, con el fin de obtener unas predicciones óptimas. En este sentido, por ejemplo, la inclusión de datos quincenales de índices de vegetación en los modelos de distribución ha dado muy buenos resultados. La obtención de predicciones fiables de los cambios de la distribución de la especie y de sus desplazamientos durante la estación de cría puede ser muy útil para un mejor conocimiento del estado de conservación y las tendencias poblacionales de la especie, así como para el diseño de futuras medidas de gestión.
In this paper we use a Terahertz (THz) time-domain system to image and analyze the structure of an artwork attributed to the Spanish artist Goya painted in 1771. The THz images show features that cannot be seen with optical inspection and complement data obtained with X-ray imaging that provide evidence of its authenticity, which is validated by other independent studies. For instance, a feature with a strong resemblance with one of Goya"s known signatures is seen in the THz images. In particular, this paper demonstrates the potential of THz imaging as a complementary technique along with X-ray for the verification and authentication of artwork pieces through the detection of features that remain hidden to optical inspection.
Fruit d"un projecte multidisciplinar que aborda estudis dels materials del retaule de l"altar major del monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet des dels vessants històric, de conservació-restauració i geològic, en aquest treball es presenta una part dels resultats d"aquest projecte. L"anàlisi petrològica, física i química de les taques ocre-vermelloses que cobreixen part de la superfície de l"alabastre ha permès caracteritzarles i determinar-ne els possibles orígens.
Els frontals d'altar medievals conservats a Catalunya i a la Catalunya Nord presenten unes similituds en els seus suports de fusta que permeten agrupar- los entre el ls segons els seus modelsconstructius.Per altra banda també permeten arribar a concebre com es van construir les diferents parts que els composen i amb quines eines es va treballar la fusta .L'estudi presentat es centra concretament en les marques de les eines de fuster que han quedat gravades als suports ¡ que ens permeten saber de quines eines es tractava, com s'utilitzaven ¡quinsistema es va seguir per la construcció d'aquestes estructures.Històricament no s'ha donat gens de valor als suports de fusta d'aquestes peces en comparació amb la seva capa pictòrica i, per aquest motiu, s'han portat a terme mutilacions del suport o reparacionsestructurals que no han tingut en compte la conservació dels seus elements originals. Les marques d'eina sovint han passat desapercebudes i en molts casos s'han malmès o bé s'han eliminat degut ales intervencions poc respectuoses que s'han fet al llarg del segle XX.L'objectiu de la recerca que s'està portant a terme és identificar les marques a la fusta original delssuports i poder relacionar-les amb les eines que es van utilitzar en el seu moment i fer un inventaride les marques per poder utilitzar-lo en estudis posteriors.Aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat dins la línia d'investigació del Grup de Recerca ConsolidatConservació-Restauració del Patrimoni 2014-16 - SGR 459G de la Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitatde Barcelona, anomenada Estudi tecnològic dels suports de béns culturals: materials i tècniques de producció.
Els frontals d'altar medievals conservats a Catalunya i a la Catalunya Nord presenten unes similituds en els seus suports de fusta que permeten agrupar- los entre el ls segons els seus modelsconstructius.Per altra banda també permeten arribar a concebre com es van construir les diferents parts que els composen i amb quines eines es va treballar la fusta .L'estudi presentat es centra concretament en les marques de les eines de fuster que han quedat gravades als suports ¡ que ens permeten saber de quines eines es tractava, com s'utilitzaven ¡quinsistema es va seguir per la construcció d'aquestes estructures.Històricament no s'ha donat gens de valor als suports de fusta d'aquestes peces en comparació amb la seva capa pictòrica i, per aquest motiu, s'han portat a terme mutilacions del suport o reparacionsestructurals que no han tingut en compte la conservació dels seus elements originals. Les marques d'eina sovint han passat desapercebudes i en molts casos s'han malmès o bé s'han eliminat degut ales intervencions poc respectuoses que s'han fet al llarg del segle XX.L'objectiu de la recerca que s'està portant a terme és identificar les marques a la fusta original delssuports i poder relacionar-les amb les eines que es van utilitzar en el seu moment i fer un inventaride les marques per poder utilitzar-lo en estudis posteriors.Aquest treball s'ha desenvolupat dins la línia d'investigació del Grup de Recerca ConsolidatConservació-Restauració del Patrimoni 2014-16 - SGR 459G de la Facultat de Belles Arts, Universitatde Barcelona, anomenada Estudi tecnològic dels suports de béns culturals: materials i tècniques de producció.
L'octubre de 2010 es va iniciar un estudi sobre els cartells de la Festa Majar de Vilafranca que esconserven al Centre de Documentació del Museu de les Cultures del Vi de Catalunya (CDV i VINSEUM)de Vilafranca del Penedes. Aquests cartells són part de la documentació grafica que genera aquestafesta i cronológicament se situen entre el 1907 i el 2007.El treball es va dur a terme mitjanc;ant conven i entre el Museu i la Universitat de Barcelona per ala real ització del Practicum del Máster en Direcció de Projectes de Conservació-Restauració ambI'objectiu d'estudiar I'estat de conservació de la Col·lecció de Cartells del CDV i propasar un seguit derecomanacions practiques per a la seva preservació futura.L'interes que va generar aquest primer estudi va donar pas a la necessitat d'aprofundir en lescaracterístiques tecniques deis Cartells de la Col ·lecció. A més, el fet de poder estudiar una col·leccióde cartells cronológicament correlatius i fets en un mateix Iloc geografic, Catalunya, permetria coneixerI'evo!ució tant de les tecniques d'impressió com deis materials utilitzats en la producció de cartells.En I'estudi es plantejaven dos obj ectius principals: en primer lIoc, recollir el maxim d'informaciósobre els mat erials i les tecniques deis cartells; i en segon, plantej ar la possibi litat de relacionarels diferents materials deis cartells amb el seu estat de conservació, intent ant posar de manifest sirealment els elements constitutius del paper I'havien afectat i si ho feien de la mateixa manera endiferents exemplars.
Construction of multiple sequence alignments is a fundamental task in Bioinformatics. Multiple sequence alignments are used as a prerequisite in many Bioinformatics methods, and subsequently the quality of such methods can be critically dependent on the quality of the alignment. However, automatic construction of a multiple sequence alignment for a set of remotely related sequences does not always provide biologically relevant alignments.Therefore, there is a need for an objective approach for evaluating the quality of automatically aligned sequences. The profile hidden Markov model is a powerful approach in comparative genomics. In the profile hidden Markov model, the symbol probabilities are estimated at each conserved alignment position. This can increase the dimension of parameter space and cause an overfitting problem. These two research problems are both related to conservation. We have developed statistical measures for quantifying the conservation of multiple sequence alignments. Two types of methods are considered, those identifying conserved residues in an alignment position, and those calculating positional conservation scores. The positional conservation score was exploited in a statistical prediction model for assessing the quality of multiple sequence alignments. The residue conservation score was used as part of the emission probability estimation method proposed for profile hidden Markov models. The results of the predicted alignment quality score highly correlated with the correct alignment quality scores, indicating that our method is reliable for assessing the quality of any multiple sequence alignment. The comparison of the emission probability estimation method with the maximum likelihood method showed that the number of estimated parameters in the model was dramatically decreased, while the same level of accuracy was maintained. To conclude, we have shown that conservation can be successfully used in the statistical model for alignment quality assessment and in the estimation of emission probabilities in the profile hidden Markov models.
Seabirds are facing a growing number of threats in both terrestrial and marine habitats, and many populations have experienced dramatic changes over past decades. Years of seabird research have improved our understanding of seabird populations and provided a broader understanding of marine ecological processes. In an effort to encourage future research and guide seabird conservation science, seabird researchers from 9 nations identified the 20 highest priority research questions and organized these into 6 general categories: (1) population dynamics, (2) spatial ecology, (3) tropho-dynamics, (4) fisheries interactions, (5) response to global change, and (6) management of anthropogenic impacts (focusing on invasive species, contaminants and protected areas). For each category, we provide an assessment of the current approaches, challenges and future directions. While this is not an exhaustive list of all research needed to address the myriad conservation challenges seabirds face, the results of this effort represent an important synthesis of current expert opinion across sub-disciplines within seabird ecology. As this synthesis highlights, research, in conjunction with direct management, education, and community engagement, can play an important role in facilitating the conservation and management of seabird populations and of the ocean ecosystems on which they and we depend.
High elevation treelines are formed under common temperature conditions worldwide, but the functional mechanisms that ultimately constrain tree growth are poorly known. In addition to environmental constraints, the distribution of high elevation forests is largely affected by human influence. Andean Polylepis (Rosaceae) forests are an example of such a case, forests commonly growing in isolated stands disconnected from the lower elevation montane forests. There has been ample discussion as to the role of environmental versus anthropogenic causes of this fragmented distribution of Polylepis forests, but the importance of different factors is still unclear. In this thesis, I studied functional, environmental and anthropogenic aspects determining Polylepis forest distribution. Specifically, I assessed the degree of genetic determinism in the functional traits that enable Polylepis species to grow in cold and dry conditions. I also studied the role of environment and human influence constraining Polylepis forest distribution. I found evidence of genetically determined climatic adaptations in the functional traits of Polylepis. High elevation species had reduced leaf size and increased root tip abundance compared to low elevation species. Thus these traits have potentially played an important role in species evolution and adaptation to high elevation habitats, especially to low temperatures. I also found reduced photosynthesis rate among high elevation tree species compared to low elevation species, supporting carbon source limitation at treelines. At low elevations, Polylepis forest distribution appeared to be largely defined by human influence. This suggests that the absence of Polylepis forests in large areas in the Andes is the result of several environmental and anthropogenic constraints, the role of environment becoming stronger towards high elevations. I also show that Polylepis trees grow at remarkably low air and soil temperatures near treelines, and present new evidence of the role of air temperatures in constraining tree growth at high elevations. I further show that easily measurable indices of accessibility are related to the degree of degradation of Polylepis forest, and can therefore be used in the rapid identification of potentially degraded Polylepis forests. This is of great importance for the conservation and restoration planning of Polylepis forests in the Andes. In a global context, the results of this thesis add to our scientific knowledge concerning high elevation adaptations in trees, and increase our understanding of the factors constraining tree growth and forest distribution at high-elevation treelines worldwide.
Presentation at "Soome-ugri keelte andmebaasid ja e-leksikograafia" at Eesti Keele Instituut (Institution of Estonian Languages) in Tallnn on the 18th of November 2014.
This study examined high school student perceptions of discretion utilized by educators in high school disciplinary proceedings. Using a sample of 6 high school students who had experienced differing levels of formal discipline, the study investigated the discretionary factors that influence an educator's decision making. The study was a generic qualitative study where the primary source of data collection was open-ended interviews to ensure the integrity of the research as a study of student voices and perceptions. Journaling was also employed to record observations and to identify researcher assumptions. The data were analyzed employing aspects of a grounded theory approach. The findings were coded to reveal 5 areas high school students identified in relation to discipline and discretion: punitive discipline versus problem resolution, effective processes, educator discretion, student discretion, and the student-educator relationship. The final discussion highlights the need for a community vision for high school discipline in order to channel discretion and to uphold students' best interests. Restorative justice is proposed as a feasible vision for high school discipline, whereby participants' responses are measured against a restorative paradigm.