496 resultados para Archaea methanogenic
Iron reduction in subseafloor sulfate-depleted and methane-rich marine sediments is currently a subject of interest in subsurface geomicrobiology. While iron reduction and microorganisms involved have been well studied in marine surface sediments, little is known about microorganisms responsible for iron reduction in deep methanic sediments. Here, we used quantitative PCR (Q-PCR)-based 16S rRNA gene copy numbers and pyrosequencing-based relative abundances of bacteria and archaea to investigate covariance between distinct microbial populations and specific geochemical profiles in the top 5 m of sediment cores from the Helgoland mud area, North Sea. We found that gene copy numbers of bacteria and archaea were specifically higher around the peak of dissolved iron in the methanic zone (250-350 cm. The higher copy numbers at these depths were also reflected by the relative sequence abundances of members of the candidate division JS1, methanogenic and Methanohalobium/ANME-3 related archaea. The distribution of these populations was strongly correlated to the profile of pore-water Fe2+ while that of Desulfobacteraceae corresponded to the pore-water sulfate profile. Furthermore, specific JS1 populations also strongly co-varied with the distribution of Methanosaetaceae in the methanic zone. Our data suggest that the interplay among JS1 bacteria, methanogenic archaea and Methanohalobium/ANME-3-related archaea may be important for iron reduction and methane cycling in deep methanic sediments of the Helgoland mud area and perhaps in other methane-rich depositional environments. .
Methane (CH4), an important greenhouse gas that affects radiation balance and consequently the earth's climate, still has uncertainties in its sinks and sources. The world's oceans are considered to be a source of CH4 to the atmosphere, although the biogeochemical processes involved in its formation are not fully understood. Several recent studies provided strong evidence of CH4 production in oxic marine and freshwaters, but its source is still a topic of debate. Studies of CH4 dynamics in surface waters of oceans and large lakes have concluded that pelagic CH4 supersaturation cannot be sustained either by lateral inputs from littoral or benthic inputs alone. However, regional and temporal oversaturation of surface waters occurs frequently. This comprises the observation of a CH4 oversaturating state within the surface mixed layer, sometimes also termed the "oceanic methane paradox". In this study we considered marine algae as a possible direct source of CH4. Therefore, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi was grown under controlled laboratory conditions and supplemented with two 13C-labeled carbon substrates, namely bicarbonate and a position-specific 13C-labeled methionine (R-S-13CH3). The CH4 production was 0.7 µg particular organic carbon (POC) g−1 d−1, or 30 ng g−1 POC h−1. After supplementation of the cultures with the 13C-labeled substrate, the isotope label was observed in headspace CH4. Moreover, the absence of methanogenic archaea within the algal culture and the oxic conditions during CH4 formation suggest that the widespread marine algae Emiliania huxleyi might contribute to the observed spatially and temporally restricted CH4 oversaturation in ocean surface waters.
Methane (CH4), an important greenhouse gas that affects radiation balance and consequently the earth's climate, still has uncertainties in its sinks and sources. The world's oceans are considered to be a source of CH4 to the atmosphere, although the biogeochemical processes involved in its formation are not fully understood. Several recent studies provided strong evidence of CH4 production in oxic marine and freshwaters, but its source is still a topic of debate. Studies of CH4 dynamics in surface waters of oceans and large lakes have concluded that pelagic CH4 supersaturation cannot be sustained either by lateral inputs from littoral or benthic inputs alone. However, regional and temporal oversaturation of surface waters occurs frequently. This comprises the observation of a CH4 oversaturating state within the surface mixed layer, sometimes also termed the "oceanic methane paradox". In this study we considered marine algae as a possible direct source of CH4. Therefore, the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi was grown under controlled laboratory conditions and supplemented with two 13C-labeled carbon substrates, namely bicarbonate and a position-specific 13C-labeled methionine (R-S-13CH3). The CH4 production was 0.7 µg particular organic carbon (POC) g−1 d−1, or 30 ng g−1 POC h−1. After supplementation of the cultures with the 13C-labeled substrate, the isotope label was observed in headspace CH4. Moreover, the absence of methanogenic archaea within the algal culture and the oxic conditions during CH4 formation suggest that the widespread marine algae Emiliania huxleyi might contribute to the observed spatially and temporally restricted CH4 oversaturation in ocean surface waters.
Methane production by methanogens in mangrove sediments is known to contribute significantly to global warming, but studies on the shift of methanogenic community in response to anthropogenic contaminations were still limited. In this study, the effect of anthropogenic activities in the mangrove sediments along the north and south coastlines of Singapore were investigated by pyrosequencing of the mcrA gene. Our results showed that hydrogenotrophic, acetoclastic and methylotrophic methanogens coexist in the sediments. The predominance of the methylotrophic Methanosarcinales reflects the potential for high methane production as well as the possible availability of low acetate and high methylated C-1 compounds as substrates. A decline in the number of acetoclastic/methylotrophic methanogens in favor of hydrogenotrophic methanogens was observed along a vertical profile in Sungei Changi, which was contaminated by heavy metals. The diversity of methanogens in the various contaminated stations was significantly different from that in a pristine St. John’s Island. The spatial variation in the methanogenic communities among the different stations was more distinct than those along the vertical profiles at each station. We suggest that the overall heterogeneity of the methanogenic communities residing in the tropical mangrove sediments might be due to the accumulated effects of temperature and concentrations of nitrate, cobalt, and nickel.
Diversité microbienne associée au cycle du méthane dans les mares de fonte du pergélisol subarctique
La fonte et l’effondrement du pergélisol riche en glace dans la région subarctique du Québec ont donné lieu à la formation de petits lacs (mares de thermokarst) qui émettent des gaz à effet de serre dans l’atmosphère tels que du dioxyde de carbone et du méthane. Pourtant, la composition de la communauté microbienne qui est à la base des processus biogéochimiques dans les mares de fonte a été très peu étudiée, particulièrement en ce qui concerne la diversité et l’activité des micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc d’étudier la diversité phylogénétique et fonctionnelle des micro-organismes dans les mares de fonte subarctiques en lien avec les caractéristiques de l’environnement et les émissions de méthane. Pour ce faire, une dizaine de mares ont été échantillonnées dans quatre vallées situées à travers un gradient de fonte du pergélisol, et disposant de différentes propriétés physico-chimiques. Selon les vallées, les mares peuvent être issues de la fonte de palses (buttes de tourbe, à dominance organique) ou de lithalses (buttes de sol à dominance minérale) ce qui influence la nature du carbone organique disponible pour la reminéralisation microbienne. Durant l’été, les mares étaient fortement stratifiées; il y avait un fort gradient physico-chimique au sein de la colonne d’eau, avec une couche d’eau supérieure oxique et une couche d’eau profonde pauvre en oxygène ou anoxique. Pour identifier les facteurs qui influencent les communautés microbiennes, des techniques de séquençage à haut débit ont été utilisées ciblant les transcrits des gènes de l’ARNr 16S et des gènes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane : mcrA pour la méthanogenèse et pmoA pour la méthanotrophie. Pour évaluer l’activité des micro-organismes, la concentration des transcrits des gènes fonctionnels a aussi été mesurée avec des PCR quantitatives (qPCR). Les résultats montrent une forte dominance de micro-organismes impliqués dans le cycle du méthane, c’est-à-dire des archées méthanogènes et des bactéries méthanotrophes. L’analyse du gène pmoA indique que les bactéries méthanotrophes n’étaient pas seulement actives à la surface, mais aussi dans le fond de la mare où les concentrations en oxygène étaient minimales; ce qui est inattendu compte tenu de leur besoin en oxygène pour consommer le méthane. En général, la composition des communautés microbiennes était principalement influencée par l’origine de la mare (palse ou lithalse), et moins par le gradient de dégradation du pergélisol. Des variables environnementales clefs comme le pH, le phosphore et le carbone organique dissous, contribuent à la distinction des communautés microbiennes entre les mares issues de palses ou de lithalses. Avec l’intensification des effets du réchauffement climatique, ces communautés microbiennes vont faire face à des changements de conditions qui risquent de modifier leur composition taxonomique, et leurs réponses aux changements seront probablement différentes selon le type de mares. De plus, dans le futur les conditions d’oxygénation au sein des mares seront soumises à des modifications majeures associées avec un changement dans la durée des périodes de fonte de glace et de stratification. Ce type de changement aura un impact sur l’équilibre entre la méthanogenèse et la méthanotrophie, et affectera ainsi les taux d’émissions de méthane. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse indiquent que les archées méthanogènes et les bactéries méthanotrophes peuvent développer des stratégies pour survivre et rester actives au-delà des limites de leurs conditions d’oxygène habituelles.
The human activities responsible for the ambient degradation in the modern world are diverse. The industrial activities are preponderant in the question of the impact consequences for brazilian ecosystems. Amongst the human activities, the petroliferous industry in operation in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin (PPB) displays the constant risk of ambient impacts in the integrant cities, not only for the human populations and the environment, but also it reaches the native microorganisms of Caatinga ground and in the mangrove sediment. Not hindering, the elaboration of strategies of bioremediation for impacted areas pass through the knowledge of microbiota and its relations with the environment. Moreover, in the microorganism groups associated to oil, are emphasized the sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) that, in its anaerobic metabolism, these organisms participate of the sulfate reduction, discharging H2S, causing ambient risks and causing the corrosion of surfaces, as pipelines and tanks, resulting in damages for the industry. Some ancestries of PRS integrate the Archaea domain, group of microorganisms whose sequenced genomes present predominance of extremophilic adaptations, including surrounding with oil presence. This work has two correlated objectives: i) the detection and monitoring of the gene dsrB, gift in sulfate-reducing prokaryotes, through DGGE analysis in samples of mDNA of a mangrove sediment and semiarid soil, both in the BPP; ii) to relate genomic characteristics to the ecological aspects of Archaea through in silico studies, standing out the importance to the oil and gas industry. The results of the first work suggest that the petrodegraders communities of SRP persist after the contamination with oil in mangrove sediment and in semiarid soil. Comparing the populations of both sites, it reveals that there are variations in the size and composition during one year of experiments. In the second work, functional and structural factors are the probable cause to the pressure in maintenance of the conservation of the sequences in the multiple copies of the 16S rDNA gene. Is verified also the discrepancy established between total content GC and content GC of the same gene. Such results relating ribosomal genes and the ambient factors are important for metagenomic evaluations using PCR-DGGE. The knowledge of microbiota associated to the oil can contribute for a better destination of resources by the petroliferous industry and the development of bioremediation strategies. Likewise, search to lead to the best agreement of the performance of native microbiota in biogeochemical cycles in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin ecosystem
Microbes associated with marine sponges play significant roles in host physiology. Remarkable levels of microbial diversity have been observed in sponges worldwide through both culture-dependent and culture-independent studies. Most studies have focused on the structure of the bacterial communities in sponges and have involved sponges sampled from shallow waters. Here, we used pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes to compare the bacterial and archaeal communities associated with two individuals of the marine sponge Inflatella pellicula from the deep-sea, sampled from a depth of 2,900 m, a depth which far exceeds any previous sequence-based report of sponge-associated microbial communities. Sponge-microbial communities were also compared to the microbial community in the surrounding seawater. Sponge-associated microbial communities were dominated by archaeal sequencing reads with a single archaeal OTU, comprising similar to ∼60% and similar to ∼72% of sequences, being observed from Inflatella pellicula. Archaeal sequencing reads were less abundant in seawater (similar to ∼11% of sequences). Sponge-associated microbial communities were less diverse and less even than any other sponge-microbial community investigated to date with just 210 and 273 OTUs (97% sequence identity) identified in sponges, with 4 and 6 dominant OTUs comprising similar to ∼88% and similar to ∼89% of sequences, respectively. Members of the candidate phyla, SAR406, NC10 and ZB3 are reported here from sponges for the first time, increasing the number of bacterial phyla or candidate divisions associated with sponges to 43. A minor cohort from both sponge samples (similar to ∼0.2% and similar to ∼0.3% of sequences) were not classified to phylum level. A single OTU, common to both sponge individuals, dominates these unclassified reads and shares sequence homology with a sponge associated clone which itself has no known close relative and may represent a novel taxon.
In this work the archaea and eubacteria community of a hypersaline produced water from the Campos Basin that had been transported and discharged to an onshore storage facility was evaluated by 16S recombinant RNA (rRNA) gene sequence analysis. The produced water had a hypersaline salt content of 10 (w/v), had a carbon oxygen demand (COD) of 4,300 mg/l and contains phenol and other aromatic compounds. The high salt and COD content and the presence of toxic phenolic compounds present a problem for conventional discharge to open seawater. In previous studies, we demonstrated that the COD and phenolic content could be largely removed under aerobic conditions, without dilution, by either addition of phenol degrading Haloarchaea or the addition of nutrients alone. In this study our goal was to characterize the microbial community to gain further insight into the persistence of reservoir community members in the produced water and the potential for bioremediation of COD and toxic contaminants. Members of the archaea community were consistent with previously identified communities from mesothermic reservoirs. All identified archaea were located within the phylum Euryarchaeota, with 98 % being identified as methanogens while 2 % could not be affiliated with any known genus. Of the identified archaea, 37 % were identified as members of the strictly carbon-dioxide-reducing genus Methanoplanus and 59 % as members of the acetoclastic genus Methanosaeta. No Haloarchaea were detected, consistent with the need to add these organisms for COD and aromatic removal. Marinobacter and Halomonas dominated the eubacterial community. The presence of these genera is consistent with the ability to stimulate COD and aromatic removal with nutrient addition. In addition, anaerobic members of the phyla Thermotogae, Firmicutes, and unclassified eubacteria were identified and may represent reservoir organisms associated with the conversion hydrocarbons to methane.
Soil from the Amazonian region is usually regarded as unsuitable for agriculture because of its low organic matter content and low pH; however, this region also contains extremely rich soil, the Terra Preta Anthrosol. A diverse archaeal community usually inhabits acidic soils, such as those found in the Amazon. Therefore, we hypothesized that this community should be sensitive to changes in the environment. Here, the archaeal community composition of Terra Preta and adjacent soil was examined in four different sites in the Brazilian Amazon under different anthropic activities. The canonical correspondence analysis of terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms has shown that the archaeal community structure was mostly influenced by soil attributes that differentiate the Terra Preta from the adjacent soil (i.e., pH, sulfur, and organic matter). Archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries indicated that the two most abundant genera in both soils were Candidatus nitrosphaera and Canditatus nitrosocaldus. An ammonia monoxygenase gene (amoA) clone library analysis indicated that, within each site, there was no significant difference between the clone libraries of Terra Preta and adjacent soils. However, these clone libraries indicated there were significant differences between sites. Quantitative PCR has shown that Terra Preta soils subjected to agriculture displayed a higher number of amoA gene copy numbers than in adjacent soils. On the other hand, soils that were not subjected to agriculture did not display significant differences on amoA gene copy numbers between Terra Preta and adjacent soils. Taken together, our findings indicate that the overall archaeal community structure in these Amazonian soils is determined by the soil type and the current land use.
The effect of a lipase-rich fungal enzymatic preparation, produced by a Penicillium sp. during solid-state fermentation, was evaluated in an anaerobic digester treating dairy wastewater with 1200 mg of oil and grease/L The oil and grease hydrolysis step was carried out with 0.1% (w/v) of solid enzymatic preparation at 30 degrees C for 24 h, and resulted in a final free acid concentration eight times higher than the initial value. The digester operated in sequential batches of 48 h at 30 degrees C for 245 days, and had high chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies (around 90%) when fed with pre-hydrolyzed wastewater. However, when the pre-hydrolysis step was removed, the anaerobic digester performed poorly (with an average COD removal of 32%), as the oil and grease accumulated in the biomass and effluent oil and grease concentration increased throughout the operational period. PCR-DGGE analysis of the Bacteria and Archaea domains revealed remarkable differences in the microbial profiles in trials conducted with and without the pre-hydrolysis step, indicating that differences observed in overall parameters were intrinsically related to the microbial diversity of the anaerobic sludge. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work reports on the anaerobic treatment of gasoline-contaminated groundwater in a pilot-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor inoculated with a methanogenic consortium. BTEX removal rates varied from 59 to 80%, with a COD removal efficiency of 95% during the 70 days of in situ trial. BTEX removal was presumably carried out by microbial syntrophic interactions, and at the observed concentrations, the interactions among the aromatic compounds may have enhanced overall biodegradation rates by allowing microbial growth instead of co-inhibiting biodegradation. There is enough evidence to support the conclusion that the pilot-scale reactor responded similarly to the lab-scale experiments previously reported for this design. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two bench-scale horizontal anaerobic fixed bed reactors were tested to remove both sulfate and organic matter from wastewater. First, the reactors (R1 and R2) were supplied with synthetic wastewater containing sulfate and a solution of ethanol and volatile fatty acids. Subsequently, RI and R2 were fed with only ethanol or acetate, respectively. The substitution to ethanol in R1 increased the sulfate reduction efficiency from 83% to nearly 100% for a chemical oxygen demand to sulfate (COD/sulfate) ratio of 3.0. In contrast, in R2, the switch in carbon source to acetate strongly decreased sulfidogenesis and the maximum sulfate reduction achieved was 47%. Process stability in long-term experiments and high removal efficiencies of both organic matter and sulfate were achieved with ethanol as the sole carbon source. The results allow concluding that syntrophism instead of competition between the sulfate reducing bacteria and acetoclastic methanogenic archaeal populations prevailed in the reactor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to determine the best performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR) based on the use of four different bed materials as support for biomass immobilization. The bed materials utilized were Polyurethane foam (PU), vegetal carbon (VC), synthetic pumice (SP), and recycled low-density polyethylene (PE). The AnSBBR. with I total volume Of 7.2 L, was operated in 8-h batch cycles over 10 months, and fed with domestic sewage with an average influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 358 +/- 110 mg/L. The average effluent COD values were 121 +/- 31, 208 +/- 54, 233 +/- 52, and 227 +/- 51 mg/L. for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. A modified first-order kinetic model was adjusted to temporal profiles of COD during a batch cycle, and the apparent kinetic constants were 0.52 +/- 0.05, 0.37 +/- 0.05, 0.80 +/- 0.04, and 0.30 +/- 0.021h(-1) for PU, VC, SP, and PE, respectively. Specific substrate utilization rates of 1.08, 0.11, and 0.86 mg COD/mg VS day were obtained for PU, VC, and PE, respectively. Although SP yielded the highest kinetic coefficient, PU was considered the best support, since SP presented loss of chemical constituents during the reactor`s operational phase. In addition, findings oil the microbial community were associated with the reactor`s performance data. Although PE did not show a satisfactory performance, an interesting microbial diversity was found oil its surface. Based oil the morphology and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) results, PE showed the best capacity for promoting the attachment of methanogenic organisms, and is therefore a material that merits further analysis. PU was considered the Most suitable material showing the best performance in terms of efficiency of solids and COD removal. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and aims-The colons of patients with pneumatosis cystoides coli produce excessive H-2. Exposure to alkyl halides could explain this. Six consecutive patients who had pneumatosis cystoides coli while taking chloral hydrate (1-5+ g/day) are reported. Patients 2 and 3 were investigated after they had ceased chloral hydrate treatment. One produced methane, the other did not. (Pneumatosis cystoides coli patients are non-methanogenic according to the literature.) Both had overnight fasting breath H-2 of less than 10 ppm. A literature review disclosed just one patient who was using chloral at the time of diagnosed pneumatosis cystoides coli, but an epidemic of the disease in workers exposed to trichloroethylene. Methods-(i) In vitro experiments with human faeces: chloral or closely related alkyl halides were added to anaerobic faecal cultures derived from four methane-producing and three non-methanogenic human subjects. H-2 and CH4 gases were measured. (ii) In vivo animal experiment: chloral hydrate was added to drinking water of four Wistar rats, and faecal HI compared with control rats. Results-Alkyl halides increased H-2 up to 900 times in methanogenic and 10 times in non-methanogenic faecal cultures. The K-i of chloral was 0.2 mM. Methanogenesis was inhibited in concert with the increase in net H-2. In the rat experiment, chloral hydrate increased H-2 10 times, but did not cause pneumatosis. Conclusions-Chloral and trichloroethylene are alkyl halides chemically similar to chloroform, a potent inhibitor of H-2 consumption by methanogens and acetogens. These bacteria are the most important H-2-consuming species in the colon. It is postulated that exposure to these alkyl halides increases net H-2 production, which sets the scene for counterperfusion supersaturation and the formation of gas cysts. In recent times, very low prescribing rates for chloral have caused primary pneumatosis cystoides to become extremely rare. As with primary pneumatosis, secondary pneumatosis cystoides, which occurs if there is small bowel bacterial overgrowth distal to a proximally located gut obstruction, is predicted by counterperfusion supersaturation. Inherent unsaturation due to metabolism of O-2 is a safety factor, which could explain why gas bubbles do not form more often in tissue with high H-2 tension.