995 resultados para Arc-melting


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The phase relations of natural volcaniclastic sediments from the west Pacific Ocean were investigated experimentally at conditions of 3-6 GPa and 800-900 °C with 10 wt.% added H2O (in addition to ~ 10 wt.% structurally-bound H2O) to induce hydrous melting. Volcaniclastic sediments are shown to produce a sub-solidus assemblage of garnet, clinopyroxene, biotite, quartz/coesite and the accessory phases rutile ± Fe-Ti oxide ± apatite ± monazite ± zircon. Hydrous melt appears at temperatures exceeding 800-850 °C, irrespective of pressure. The melt-producing reaction consumes clinopyroxene, biotite and quartz/coesite and produces orthopyroxene. These phase relations differ from those of pelagic clays and K-bearing mid ocean ridge basalts (e.g. altered oceanic crust) that contain phengite, rather than biotite, as a sub-solidus phase. Despite their relatively high melt productivity, the wet solidus for volcaniclastic sediments is found to be higher (825-850 °C) than other marine sediments (700-750 °C) at 3 GPa. This trend is reversed at high-pressure conditions (6 GPa) where the biotite melting reaction occurs at lower temperatures (800-850 °C) than the phengite melting reaction (900-1000 °C). Trace element data was obtained from the 3 GPa run products, showing that partial melts are depleted in heavy rare earth elements (REE) and high field strength elements (HFSE), due to the presence of residual garnet and rutile, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), except for Sr and Ba. This is in contrast to previous experimental studies on pelagic sediments at sub-arc depths, where Sr and Ba are among the most enriched trace elements in glasses. This behavior can be partly attributed to the presence of residual apatite, which also host some light REE in our supra-solidus residues. Our new experimental results account for a wide range of trace element and U-series geochemical features of the sedimentary component of the Mariana arc magmas, including imparting a substantial Nb anomaly to melts from an anomaly-free protolith.


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The Central American Volcanic Arc (CAVA) has been the subject of intensive research over the past few years, leading to a variety of distinct models for the origin of CAVA lavas with various source components. We present a new model for the NW Central American Volcanic Arc based on a comprehensive new geochemical data set (major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-O isotope ratios) of mafic volcanic front (VF), behind the volcanic front (BVF) and back-arc (BA) lava and tephra samples from NW Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala. Additionally we present data on subducting Cocos Plate sediments (from DSDP Leg 67 Sites 495 and 499) and igneous oceanic crust (from DSDP Leg 67 Site 495), and Guatemalan (Chortis Block) granitic and metamorphic continental basement. We observe systematic variations in trace element and isotopic compositions both along and across the arc. The data require at least three different endmembers for the volcanism in NW Central America. (1) The NW Nicaragua VF lavas require an endmember with very high Ba/(La, Th) and U/Th, relatively radiogenic Sr, Nd and Hf but unradiogenic Pb and low d18O, reflecting a largely serpentinite-derived fluid/hydrous melt flux from the subducting slab into a depleted N-MORB type of mantle wedge. (2) The Guatemala VF and BVF mafic lavas require an enriched endmember with low Ba/(La, Th), U/Th, high d18O and radiogenic Sr and Pb but unradiogenic Nd and Hf isotope ratios. Correlations of Hf with both Nd and Pb isotopic compositions are not consistent with this endmember being subducted sediments. Granitic samples from the Chiquimula Plutonic Complex in Guatemala have the appropriate isotopic composition to serve as this endmember, but the large amounts of assimilation required to explain the isotope data are not consistent with the basaltic compositions of the volcanic rocks. In addition, mixing regressions on Nd vs. Hf and the Sr and O isotope plots do not go through the data. Therefore, we propose that this endmember could represent pyroxenites in the lithosphere (mantle and possibly lower crust), derived from parental magmas for the plutonic rocks. (3) The Honduras and Caribbean BA lavas define an isotopically depleted endmember (with unradiogenic Sr but radiogenic Nd, Hf and Pb isotope ratios), having OIB-like major and trace element compositions (e.g. low Ba/(La, Th) and U/Th, high La/Yb). This endmember is possibly derived from melting of young, recycled oceanic crust in the asthenosphere upwelling in the back-arc. Mixing between these three endmember types of magmas can explain the observed systematic geochemical variations along and across the NW Central American Arc.


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To examine the processes and histories of arc volcanism and of volcanism associated with backarc rifting. 130 samples containing igneous glass shards were taken from the Plioccne-Quatemai^ succession on the rift Hank (Site 788) and the Quaternary fill in the basin fill of the Sumisu Rift (Sites 790 and 791). These samples were subsequently analyzed at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Shizuoka University. The oxides determined by electron probe do not account for the total weight of the material; differences between summed oxides and 100% arise from the water contents, probably augmented by minor losses thai result from alkali vaporization during analysis. Weight losses in colorless glasses are up to 9%; those in brown glasses (dacitcs to basalts) arc no more than 4.5%; shards from the rift-flank (possibly caused by prolonged proximity to ihc scafloor) generally have higher values than those from the rift-basin fill How much of the lost water is magmatic, and how much is hydrated is uncertain; however, although the shards absorb potassium, calcium, and magnesium during hydration in the deep sea, they do so only to a minor extent that does not significantly alter their major element compositions. Therefore, the electron-probe results are useful in evaluating the magmatism recorded by the shards. Pre- and syn-rift Izu-Bonin volcanism were overwhelmingly dominated by rhyolile explosions, demonstrating that island arcs may experience significant silicic volcanism in addition to the extensive basaltic and basaltic andestic activity, documented in many arcs since the 1970s, that occurs in conjunction with the andesitic volcanism formerly thought to be dominant. Andesitic eruptions also occurred before rifting, but the andesitic component in our samples is minor. All the pre- and syn-rift rhyolites and andesites belong to the low-alkali island-arc tholeiitic suite, and contrast markedly with the alkali products of Holocene volcanism on the northernmost Mariana Arc that have been attributed to nascent rifting. The Quaternary dacites and andesites atop the rift flank and in the rift-basin fill are more potassic than those of Pliocene age, as a result of assimilation from the upper arc crust, or from variations in degrees of partial melting of the source magmas, or from metasomatic fluids. All the glass layers from the rift-flank samples belong to low-K arc-tholeiitic suites. Half of those in the Pliocene succession are exclusively rhyolitic: the others contain minor admixtures of dacite and andesite, or andesite and either basaltic andesite or basalt. In Contrast, the Quaternary (syn-rift) volcaniclastics atop the rift-flank lack basalt and basaltic andesite shards. These youngest sediments of the rift flank show close compositional affinities with five thick layers of coarse, rhyolitic pumice deposits in the basin fill, the two oldest more silicic than the younger ones. The coarse layers, and most thin ash layers that occur in hemipelagites below and intercalated between them, are low-K rhyolites and therefore probably came from sources in the arc. However, several thin rhyolitic ash beds in the hemipelagites are abnormally enriched in potassium and must have been provided by more distal sources, most likely to the west in Japan. Remarkably, the Pliocene-Pleistocene geochemistry of the volcanic front does not appear to have been influenced by the syn-rift basaltic volcanism only a few kilometers away. Rare, thin layers of basaltic ash near the bases of the rift-basin successions are not derived from the arc. They deviate strongly from trends that the arc-derived glasses display on oxide-oxide plots, and show close affinities to the basalts empted all over the Sumisu Rift during rifting. These basalts, and the basaltic ashes in the basal rift-basin fill, arc compositionally similar to those erupted from mature backarc basins elsewhere.


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The literature available on submerged arc welding of copper and copper alloys, submerged arc welding with strip electrodes, and related areas has been reviewed in depth. Copper cladding of mild steel substrates by deposition from strip electrodes using the submerged arc welding process has been successful. A wide range of parameters, and several fluxes have been investigated. The range of deposit compositions is 66.4% Cu to 95.7% Cu. The weld beads have been metallographically examined using optical and electron microscopy. Equating weld beads to a thermodynamical equivalent of iron has proven to be an accurate and simplified means of handling quantitative data for multicomponent welds. Empirical equations derived using theoretical considerations characterize the weld bead dimensions as functions of the welding parameters and hence composition. The melting rate for strip electrodes is dependent upon the current-voltage product. Weld nugget size is increased by increased thermal transfer efficiencies resulting from stirring which is current dependent. The presence of Fe2O3 in a flux has been demonstrated to diminish electrode melting rate and drastically increase penetration, making flux choice the prime consideration in cladding operations. A theoretical model for welding with strip electrodes and the submerged arc process is presented.


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After a brief review of the various forms of thermal spraying equipment and processes, descriptions of the basic principles involved and the general functions for which thermally sprayed coatings are used are given. The background of the collaborating company, Metallisation, is described and their position in the overall market discussed, providing a backdrop against which the appropriateness of various project options might be judged. Current arc-spraying equipment is then examined, firstly in terms of the workings of their constituent parts and subsequently by examining the effects of changes in design and in operating parameters both upon equipment operation and the coatings produced. Published literature relating to these matters is reviewed. Literature relating to the production, comminution and propulsion of the particles which form the spray is discussed as are the mechanisms involved at impact with the substrate. Literature on the use of rockets for thermal spraying and induction heating as a process for feedstock melting are also reviewed. Three distinct options for further study are derived and preliminary tests and costings made to allow one option alone, the use of rocket acceleration, to go forward to the experimental phase. A suitable rocket burner was developed, tested and incorporated into an arc-spray system so that the sprayability of the whole could be assessed. Coatings were made using various parameters and these are compared with coatings produced by a standard system. Coatings were examined for macro and micro hardness, cohesive strength, porosity and by microstructural examination. The results indicate a high degree of similarity between the coatings produced by the standard system and the high velocity system. This was surprising in view of the very different atomising media and velocities. Possible causes for this similarity and the general behaviour of this new system and the standard system are discussed before the study reaches its conclusions in not proving the hypothesis that an increase in particle velocity would improve the mechanical properties of arc-sprayed steel coatings. KEY WORDS: Sprayed metal coatings, Electric arc spraying, High velocity flame spraying, Sprayed coating properties


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The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (SVZ) is a vast and complex continental arc that has been studied extensively to provide an understanding of arc-magma genesis, the origin and chemical evolution of the continental crust, and geochemical compositions of volcanic products. The present study focuses on distinguishing the magma/sub-arc crustal interaction of eruptive products from the Azufre-Planchon-Peteroa (APP 35°15'S) volcanic center and other major centers in the Central SVZ (CSVZ 37°S–42°S), Transitional SVZ (TSVZ 34.3–37.0°S), and Northern SVZ (NSVZ 33°S–34°30'S). New Hf and Nd isotopic and trace element data for SVZ centers are consistent with former studies that these magmas experienced variable depths of crystal fractionation, and that crustal assimilation is restricted to the lower crustal depths with an apparent role of garnet. Thermobarometric calculations applied to magma compositions constrain the depth of magma separation from mantle sources in all segments of the SVZ to(70-90 km). Magmatic separation at the APP complex occurs at an average depth of ~50 km which is confined to the mantle lithosphere and the base of the crust suggesting localized thermal abrasion both reservoirs. Thermobarometric calculations indicate that CSVZ primary magmas arise from a similar average depth of (~54 km) which confines magma separation to the asthenospheric mantle. The northwards along-arc Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic data and LREE enrichment accompanied with HREE depletion of SVZ mafic magmas correlates well with northward increasing crustal thickness and decreasing primary melt separation from mantle source regions indicating an increased involvement of lower crustal components in SVZ magma petrogenesis. ^ The study concludes that the development of mature subduction zones over millions of years of continuous magmatism requires that mafic arc derived melts stagnate at lower crustal levels due to density similarities and emplace at lower crustal depths. Basaltic underplating creates localized hot zone environments below major magmatic centers. These regions of high temperature/partial melting, and equilibration with underplated mafic rocks provides the mechanism that controls trace element and isotopic variability of primary magmas of the TSVZ and NSVZ from their baseline CSVZ-like precursors.^


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New radiogenic isotope and trace element data are presented for the volcanic sequences along 600 km of the active Izu-Bonin arc, the Oligocene Izu arc, and their associated rift basins. As with many intra-oceanic island arcs, the Pliocene-Recent Izu-Bonin frontal-arc lavas are highly depleted in Zr, Nb and the rare-earth elements relative to typical mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB), indicating that the mantle wedge source has undergone a previous episode of melting. Ratios between these elements (such as Nb/Zr and La/Sm), as well as 143Nd/144Nd, do not vary significantly along the length of the frontal-arc. These parameters suggest that each of the arc volcanoes is derived from similar melt fractions of the mantle wedge. However, Ba/Zr, Ba/Rb and 87Sr/86Sr increase along the frontal-arc to the north. This leads us to propose that a variable enrichment in Ba and radiogenic Sr is superimposed on the mantle wedge. Sr-Nd and Pb-Nd isotope variation indicate that both Sr and Pb become more radiogenic after fluid addition. However, Pb isotope ratios do not correlate with increases in Pb concentration or ratios such as Ba/Zr and Nb/Pb. In other words, the Pb isotopic composition of the arc lavas appears to be independent of the amount of Pb introduced by subduction fluids into the mantle source. This buffering of Pb isotopes along the frontal-arc means that the isotopic composition of the lavas is indistinguishable from that of the fluid. Isotopic mixing models presented for the arc are only illustrative of the many plausible combinations of components and quantities. Despite this, we are able to determine that the mantle wedge has isotopic characteristics similar to Indian Ocean MORB, and that the subduction-fluid solute is primarily derived from subducted oceanic basalt with a <2% contribution from subducted sediment. Lavas in the Oligocene Izu arc and fore-arc basin were derived from a mantle wedge of similar composition to the active arc. Despite levels of Pb enrichment comparable to those of the modern arc, the Pb isotopes of the Oligocene volcanics indicate a lower sediment input into the melting region.


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The Biarjmand granitoids and granitic gneisses in northeast Iran are part of the Torud–Biarjmand metamorphic complex, where previous zircon U–Pb geochronology show ages of ca. 554–530 Ma for orthogneissic rocks. Our new U–Pb zircon ages confirm a Cadomian age and show that the granitic gneiss is ~30 million years older (561.3 ± 4.7 Ma) than intruding granitoids(522.3 ± 4.2 Ma; 537.7 ± 4.7 Ma). Cadomian magmatism in Iran was part of an approximately 100-million-year-long episode of subduction-related arc and back-arc magmatism, which dominated the whole northern Gondwana margin, from Iberia to Turkey and Iran. Major REE and trace element data show that these granitoids have calc-alkaline signatures. Their zircon O (δ18O = 6.2–8.9‰) and Hf (–7.9 to +5.5; one point with εHf ~ –17.4) as well as bulk rock Nd isotopes (εNd(t)= –3 to –6.2) show that these magmas were generated via mixing of juvenile magmas with an older crust and/or melting of middle continental crust. Whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf model ages (1.3–1.6 Ga) suggest that this older continental crust was likely to have been Mesoproterozoic or even older. Our results, including variable zircon εHf(t) values, inheritance of old zircons and lack of evidence for juvenile Cadomian igneous rocks anywhere in Iran, suggest that the geotectonic setting during late Ediacaran and early Cambrian time was a continental magmatic arc rather than back-arc for the evolution of northeast Iran Cadomian igneous rocks.