932 resultados para Arango Mejía, Roberto, 1921-


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This examines the way in which poor relief, and in particular the Poor Law, operated in the north of Ireland from the end of the Great Famine through to Partition. Drawing on a range of primary sources it develops a picture of relief patterns, exploring the ways in which the poor law was administered and the ways in which the poor utilised the limited relief options available to them. The chapter provides an analysis of how releif patterns in the north reacted to broader social and political change, developed over time and compared to other regions within Ireland.


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This examines the workings of the Irish Poor Law in the town of Ballymoney, Co. Antrim, during the period between the end of the Great Famine and Partition. It focuses both on those who administered and those who used the poor law and argues that for the former it provided an important route into local politics and for the latter it represented a crucial strand in the limited strategies for survival open to them. It also demonstrates the impact that local political outlook had on both the administration and the experience of poor relief.


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Why were some areas of the Ireland more active than others during the War of Independence, and why did the areas of most activity change over the course of the war between 1919 and 1921? In the context of the Irish midlands, County Longford stands out as one of the most violent counties surrounded by areas where there was much less activity by the IRA. Even within the county there was a significant difference in the strength of republican activity between north and south Longford. This article will examine the factors that were responsible for the strength of the IRA campaign in this midland enclave, including socio-economic conditions, administrative decisions and failures, and the contemporary political context.
Much of the evidence upon which the paper is based comes from applications made by Longford Volunteers for military service pensions, granted to veterans of the campaign by the Irish government after 1924. Many of these documents are soon to be released by the Irish government. The paper will also include a discussion of these sources and the way in which they can be used by historians to advance our understanding of Ireland’s revolutionary decade.


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This chapter examines the nature and extent of violence experienced by women in Ireland during the Irish War of Independence (1919-1921) at the hands of both the Crown forces and the Irish Republican Army. It argues that targetted killings of women by either side was rare. The most common forms of such violence can be categorised as physical, gendered (cutting of hair) and psychological (intimidation and the killing of male relatives). It argues that there was a difference between gendered and sexual crime, the latter of which appears to have been very uncommon. A considerable part of the chapter uses theoretical literature on violence against women in conflict zones to explain why sexual violence was uncommon, arguing that neither side had much to gain from its employment, that the Crown forces were aware of the damage it could do to Britain's international reputation and that the terror tactics adopted by the Crown forces were sufficient to achieve their ends without resorting to rape. In regard to the IRA, the absence of any evidence of rape or sexual assault being perpetrated could be attributable to their Catholicism, reliance on support from the community, the efforts of the first Dáil to achieve foreign recognition of the Republic and the role of Cumann na mBan women in the guerrilla conflict. The historiography of women in the Irish revolution is also analysed.


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Apresentando como título uma paráfrase da famosa obra de Leroi-Gourham, este primeiro número da colecção “Pesquisa Académica” é uma colectânea de nove artigos/comunicações resultantes da investigação levada a cabo por Roberto Benjamim e seus alunos do curso de mestrado em comunicação rural da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Os estudos abrangem um vasto leque de assuntos que vão desde a preocupação das metodologias de recolha, transcrição e análise de narrativas orais, à apresentação de exemplos de cartas populares pernambucanas analisadas com essa utensilagem.


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1 kartta kahdessa osassa :, vär. ;, 130 x 80 cm, Mittakaavaa ei määritelty

1.° Tractatus pacis inter Ludovicum IX. Regem Francorum, et Henricum III. Regem Angliae : anno 1259. — 2.° Tractatus pacis inter Philippum III. Regem Francorum, et Edwardum I. Regem Angliae : anno 1279. — 3.° Tractatus pacis inter eosdem Reges : anno 1286. — 4.° Quarta et ultima pax facta inter Reges : anno 1303. translata de romancio in latinum, de verbo ad verbum. — 5.° Alia concordantia, seu compositio vel pax inter Reges : anno 1303. — 6.° Pronunciatio Bonifacii, Papae, super pacibus : anno pontificatus quarto. — 7.° De remediis Aquitanorum adversùs vexationem curiae Regis Franciae. — 8.° Copia arresti contra Arnaldum de Romynhano, dati anno 1312. — 9.° Variae litterae Philippi Pulchri et Ludovici X. de rebus Anglicis. — 10.° Bulla Clementis, Papae V. approbans donationem Motae et domorum de Pessaco, factam ecclesiae Burdegalensi à nobili viro Gaillardo de Guto, germano suo, anno primo pontificatus. — 11.° Traitté de paix conclu entre les Rois Philippe et Edouard ; sans date. — 12.° Lettres de Charles IV. Roy de France et de Navarre, touchant les excès commis au lieu de Saint-Sacerdos par le Senechal de Gascogne : l'an 1324. — 13.° Traitté entre la France et l'Angleterre : en la même année. — 14.° Judicium latum apud Oleronem, anno 1287. per D. Norwicensem Episcopum, contra D. Joannem de Greilliaco, dudum Senescallum Vasconiae. — 15.° Tractatus matrimonii inter Alienoram filiam Edwardi Regis Angliae, et Alphonsum filium majorem Petri Regis Aragonum. — 16.° Litterae Petri, Regis Aragonum, de matrimonio filii sui Alphonsi cum Alienora, filia primogenita Regis Edwardi. — 17.° Joannis XXII. bulla contra Michaëlem de Cesena, Ministrum generalem ordinis Minorum : VIII. idus Junii, pontificatus anno XII. — 18.° Edwardi, Regis Anglorum, constitutiones variae ad Aquitaniam spectantes et ad Angliam. — 19.° Traitté de paix entre les Rois de France et d'Angleterre, fait en l'an 1325. — 20.° Litterae Agennensium ad Carolum IV. Regem Franciae, pro Rege Angliae, nominatim de facto Sancti-Sacerdotis, scriptae anno 1324. — 21.° Tractatus matrimonii inter Alphonsum, Regem Castellae et Legionis, et Alienoram, filiam Edwardi Regis Angliae ; item alius inter Edwardum, Regis Angliae primogenitum, et Alienoram sororem Regis Castellae : anno 1325. — 22.° Instructions données par le Roy d'Angleterre à ses Ambassadeurs allans en Espagne pour le fait dudit mariage. — 23.° Abusiones quae exercentur in regno Angliae circa beneficia ecclesiastica ; et remedia sine quibus nunquam cessare creduntur. — 24.° Clementis V. bulla de saecularisatione monasterii de sancto Aemiliano, in dioecesi Burdigalensi ; data anno pontificatus quinto. — 25.° Litterae Edwardi II. Regis Angliae, de servanda pace facta cum Carolo IV. Rege Franciae. — 26.° Ejusdem litterae quibus Edmundum, Comitem Cantiae, fratrem suum, constituit Capitaneum in Ducatu Aquitaniae. — 27.° Lettres de Charles IV. Roy de France, contre le Roy d'Angleterre, qui refusoit de luy faire les foy et hommage pour la Duché d'Aquitaine : de l'année 1324. — 28.° Litterae ejusdem Caroli IV. Regis Francorum, de eadem re ; quibus Carolo, Comiti Valesiae, patruo suo, dat potestatem puniendi rebelles Aquitaniae ; datae anno 1324. — 29.° Litterae ejusdem de salvagardia Guillelmi Galteri, Clerici, datae anno 1323. — 30.° Ejusdem litterae pro Margareta de Guouda, tutrice Pontii domini de Castellione, filii sui, datae anno 1323. — 31.° Ejusdem litterae pro Comitissa Fuxi et Vicecomitissa Bearni et Marciani, tutrice Gastonis filii sui ; datae anno 1322. — 32.° Litterae Antonini Pessaigne, Senescalli Ducatus Aquitaniae, quibus Ostencium Jordani, Clericum ac Jurisperitum, constituit suum et Regis Angliae Procuratorem ; datae anno 1318. — 33.° Litterae Almarici domini de Credonio, Senescalli Ducatus Aquitaniae, quibus Roberto de la Vertadausa, Anglico, decem libras Turonensium parvorum singulis annis solvendas concedit vice et nomine Regis Angliae ; datae anno 1322. — 34.° Divers actes entre les Rois de France et d'Angleterre, pour assurer la paix ; faits depuis l'an 1259. jusques en 1323. — 35.° Acta processus habiti in curia Romana inter capitulum ecclesiae Coventrensis et capitulum ecclesiae Lichefeldiensis de electione Episcopi, tempore Joannis XXII. — 36.° Traitté d'alliance et de confederation entre la France et l'Ecosse contre l'Angleterre ; fait en 1325. — 37.° Articuli exhibiti à Procuratore ecclesiae Lichfeldensis. — 38.° Articuli exhibiti à Procuratore ecclesiae Coventrensis. — 39.° Joannis XXII. bulla de unione Episcopatuum Corkagiensis et Clonensis, data Avenione anno pontificatus XI. — 40.° Acta processus apud eumdem Papam agitati super praebenda sancti Stephani in ecclesia Beverlacensi.


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