133 resultados para Arachnida.


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Among the Opiliones, species of the suborders Cyphophthalmi, Eupnoi, Dyspnoi and Laniatores have shown very diverse diploid chromosome numbers. However, only certain Eupnoi species exhibit XY/XX and ZZ/ZW sex chromosome systems. Considering the scarcity of karyotypical information and the absence of structurally identifiable sex chromosomes in the suborder Laniatores, we decided to analyse the chromosomes and bivalents of Discocyrtus pectinifemur (Gonyleptidae) to identify possible sex differences. Testicular cells examined under light microscopy showed it high diploid number, 2n = 88, meta/submetacentric chromosome morphology and a nucleolar organizer region on pair 35. Prophase I microspreading observed in transmission electron microscopy exhibited 44 synaptonemal complexes with similar electron density and thickness. The total and regular synapsis between the chromosomes of the bivalents was also noted in pachytene nuclei. Male mitotic and meiotic chromosomes revealed no distinct characteristic that could be related to the occurrence of heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Evolutionary trends of chromosome differentiation in the four suborders of Opiliones are discussed here.


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The new ctenid genus Ohvida is proposed to include eight species: Ohvida fulvorufa (Franganillo, 1931) comb. nov. (type species) (=Celaetycheus cabriolatus Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. cabriolatus pardosiformis Franganillo, 1930 syn. nov.; = C. fulvorufus afoliatus Franganillo, 1931 syn. nov.), O. isolata (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. vernalis (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. brevitarsus (Bryant, 1940) comb. nov., O. coxanus (Bryant, 1940), comb. nov., and three new species, O. turquino sp. nov. (all species from Cuba), and O. andros sp. nov. and O. bimini sp. nov. (both species from The Bahamas). Species of Ohvida differ from all other ctenid spiders by the presence of a retrodorsal projection on the cymbium of the male pedipalp and by a basal position of the lateral spurs on the female epigyne. The genus Celaetycheus Simon, 1897 is reviewed to only include its type species, C. flavostriatus Simon, 1897 from Brazil. We propose the following synonyms and new combinations: Ctenus ottleyi (Petrunkevitch, 1930) (= Celaetycheus strenuus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov. and C. modestus Bryant, 1942 syn. nov.); Ctenus delesserti (Caporiacco, 1947) comb. nov., and Leptoctenus paradoxus (F.O. P.-Cambridge, 1900) comb. nov. Celaetycheus modestus Bryant, 1942 is considered incertae sedis.


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Eight new species of the spider genus Chrysometa Simon, 1894 (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) are described and illustrated. Chrysometa nubigena n. sp., C. waikoxi n. sp., C. petrasierwaldae n. sp., C. santosi n. sp., C. yanomami n. sp., C. candianii n. sp., C. lomanhungae n. sp., and C. saci n. sp. Those species were collected in a study on the diversity of spider communities along altitudinal gradients in Brazilian Amazonia. C. saci was captured at the Serra do Tapirapeco (Barcelos), while all the other species are from the Pico da Neblina (Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira), the highest mountain in Brazil. We provide new records for C. boraceia, C. flava, C. guttata, C. minuta and C. opulenta, and we describe the male of C. minuta for the first time. We also present the first results on the diversity and altitudinal distribution of the species of Chrysometa at the Pico da Neblina and Serra do Tapirapeco. We sampled the first locality at six different elevations, and obtained 336 specimens distributed in 12 species. Richness and abundance, as well as relative importance peaked at the highest sites sampled (2,000 and 2,400 m). The three most abundant species showed a segregated distribution, being dominant or exclusively distributed in different altitudes. At the Serra do Tapirapeco, sampling at four different elevations up to 1200 m, we only obtained 40 individuals divided in four species, and there was no clear relation to altitude. Most of the new species were found at mid and high altitude sites, while species from lower altitude sites represented widespread species. The comparison with other neotropical spiders inventories highlights the high diversity recorded at Pico da Neblina, which could be assigned to the large environmental variation covered in this work and to the sampling of high-altitude environments. Inventories in the Andean region and other information in the literature also seem to support the association of Chrysometa with high altitude environments.


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Sodreaninae is reviewed and all ten species are combined under its type genus, Sodreana Mello-Leitao, 1922, according to a cladistic analysis of morphological characters, which revealed a pectinate pattern of clades. The subfamily is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest from Santa Catarina state to Rio de Janeiro state. Sodreana is herein considered a senior synonym of Stygnobates Mello-Leitao, 1927, Zortalia Mello-Leitao, 1936, Gertia B. Soares & H. Soares, 1946 and Annampheres H. Soares, 1979. The following new combinations are proposed: Sodreana barbiellinii (Mello-Leitao, 1927), Sodreana hatschbachi (B. Soares & H. Soares, 1946), Sodreana inscripta (Mello-Leitao, 1939), Sodreana leprevosti (B. Soares & H. Soares, 1947b), Sodreana bicalcarata (Mello-Leitao, 1936). Sodreana granulata (Mello-Leitao, 1937) is revalidated from the synonymy of Sodreana sodreana Mello-Leitao, 1922. Three new species are described: Sodreana glaucoi from Ilhabela and Boraceia, Sao Paulo state; S. curupira from Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos, Rio de Janeiro state, and S. caipora from Ubatuba, Sao Paulo state. Sodreaninae species are restricted to forested areas and most occur in the southern part of the coastal Atlantic rainforest, one species occurs in interior Atlantic rainforest. The biogeographical analysis (Brooks Parsimony Analysis) resulted in a single and fully resolved most parsimonious tree with three main: components: northern (Bahia and Serra do Espinhaco), southern (Santa Catarina, Parana, Serra do Mar of Sao Paulo), and central (Espirito Santo, Serra da Bocaina, southern state of Rio de Janeiro, Serra dos Orgaos, Serra da Mantiqueira, Serra do Mar of Sao Paulo).


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Mesobolivar luteus (Keyserling 1891) and Micropholcus fauroli (Simon 1887) specimens were collected in Ubatuba and Rio Claro, both in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Mesabolivar luteus showed 2n (male) = 15 = 14 + X and 2n (9) = 16 = 14 + XX in mitotic metaphases and 711 + X in diplotenic cells. During late prophage 1, all bivalents presented a ring shape, evidencing two chiasmata per bivalent. In this species, some diplotenic cells appear in pairs, maybe due to specific characteristics of the intercellular bridges. The metaphases 11 showed n = 7 or n = 8 = 7 + X chromosomes. Micropholcus fauroti evidenced 2n (male) = 17 = 16 + X in spermatogonial metaphases and 8II+X in diplotenic cells, with only one chiasma per bivalent, contrasting with M. luteus. In both species, all chromosomes were metacentrics. The sexual chromosome X was the largest element and appeared as a univalent during meiosis I. These are the first cytogenetical data for the genera Mesabolivar and Micropholcus. Additionally, M. luteus is the first chromosomally analyzed species of the New World clade and the observed diploid number for M. fauroti had not yet been recorded in Pholcidae.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A study of ticks associated with wild animals was carried out from September 1996 to April 1998 at the Fazenda Alegria (21,000 ha), in the Nhecolândia Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a sunken plain bordering the upper Paraguay river, located 19 × 08′S; 56 × 46′W. A total of 81 wild animals (13 species, 6 orders) were captured with the aid of nets, and ticks were found on 63 (78%). Tick species identified included Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), Amblyomma cajennense (F.), A. parvum (Aragão), A. pseudo-concolor (Aragão), A. scalpturatum (Neumann), A. nodosum (Neumann), A. ovale (Koch), and A. tigrinum (Koch). Dragging from grasslands (campos) yielded negative results compared to the high concentration of ticks, mainly nymphs, that were collected from leaves in the forests (capão). Predominance of immature instars (Amblyomma genera) was observed in the end of winter (August-September). Ticks were associated mainly with coatis, deer (Mazama gouazoubira) and anteater, and these animals may play a role in the epidemiology of tick-transmitted pathogens in the Pantanal if one considers their coexistence with local domestic animals.


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The Diplopoda have received little attention from cytogeneticists owing mostly to technical difficulties in obtaining mitotic chromosomes, restricting the studies to meiosis and eventual spermatogonial metaphases, which limits the use of modern cytogenetical techniques. A literature search shows that only about 0.1% of all known species have been cytogenetically studied. There are 80,000 species estimated for this group, making it the 3rd. larger class in Arthropoda, after Insecta and Arachnida. The diploid chromosomal number in diplopods varies from 2n=8 to 2n=30 and the sex determination mechanism commonly found is XY/XX. In meiotic prophase, the bouquet formation and the diffuse state in pachytene are typical events. The few works performed on Brazilian fauna add up to 16 species, out of an estimated number of 2000 to 3000 species. The present review reports all the species of diplopods that have been cytogenetically studied so far, each with its chromosome number and sex determination system.


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Up to now, investigations of expression and regulation of P transposable element have been almost exclusively carried out with the Drosophila melanogaster canonical P element. Analyzing eight species of the saltans group, we detected transposase mRNA in germline tissues of D. saltans and D. prosaltans and repressor mRNA in somatic tissues of D. saltans and D. sturtevanti. Sequencing analysis suggested that these transcripts might belong to the canonical subfamily and that they can be transpositionally active only in D. saltans. dN and dS values of Adh and the P element suggested that the sequences found in D. saltans and D. prosaltans might have been present in the ancestor of the saltans subgroup and that the sequence found in D. sturtevanti might have been horizontally transferred from D. saltans.


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Feeding, seasonal changes in visceral fat and condition factor were compared in two species of characidiin fishes, Characidium lauroi and C. alipioi from Ribeirão Grande system, southeastern Brazil. Five streams of Ribeirão Grande system were sampled (22° 47' 08 S, 45° 28' 17W). The samples were taken four times per site, from July, 2001 to April, 2002: winter (July 2001), spring (October 2001), summer (February 2002) and autumn (April 2002). Quantitative collections were made with an electro-fishing device powered by a generator with maximum capacity of 1,500 V and 8.7 A of 60 Hz alternating current. Ephemeroptera nymphs, Diptera larvae (Chironomidae, Simuliidae), Plecoptera nymphs, Trichoptera larvae (Hydroptilidae, Psychoyiidae), terrestrial insects (Coleoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera [Heteroptera, Homoptera]), Megaloptera larvae (Corydalidae), Arachnida, Ostracoda and vegetal debris were found in both species' diets. Visceral fat declined in February, coinciding with the decline of the condition factor in both species. The increased feeding from summer to fall provides fat accumulation. During subsequent seasons, fish may utilize visceral fat reserves for maintenance and reproduction.


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We analyzed mitotic and meiotic cells of a Brazilian amblypygid, Heterophrynus longicornis, using conventional and molecular cytogenetic techniques (Giemsa staining, C-banding, Ag-NOR, and FISH with rDNA probe). This is the first study that focuses solely on amblypygid chromosomes; it was undertaken to add data on cytogenetic knowledge of this group and contribute to the understanding of chromosome evolution in the Arachnida. We found 2n = 66 for male and female individuals, monocentric chromosomes, and absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes. C-banding showed heterochromatin in the pericentromeric region of most chromosomes. Mitotic and meiotic nuclei submitted to silver impregnation and FISH revealed, respectively, Ag-NORs and ribosomal genes in the terminal region of two chromosome pairs. Most chromosome features that we observed in H. longicornis are shared with species of other arachnid orders; however, the absence of morphologically differentiated sex chromosomes in amblypygid contrasts with the remarkable variety of sex chromosome systems recorded for the Araneae. Consequently, we conclude that analysis of species of the Tetrapulmonata clade is useful for understanding the trends of sex chromosome evolution in this arachnid group. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)