950 resultados para Aquecimento solar de água


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O presente trabalho visou a utilização da energia solar na cura de pré-fabricados de concreto. Para tanto, foi utilizado dois modelos. O primeiro modelo constou da utilização de coletores solares planos, ligados até uma câmara de cura por um sistema de dutos; A radiação direta do sol incide sobre os coletores, que acumulam energia, que é removida pela água que circula pelos mesmos, levando essa energia através do sistema de distribuição (dutos) até a câmara de cura; Essa câmara, possui uma pista metálica em sua base, onde a energia é cedida para os pré-fabricados de concreto; Esse ciclo de captação distribuição e consumo é repetido a cada hora do dia, onde há radiação solar; Um segundo modelo constou de uma heliocâmara, princípio de um destilador solar convencional, onde a radiação incide diretamente sobre a câmara de cura; A radiação, penetra pela cobertura e forma-se um efeito estufa no interior da câmara, aquecendo seu interior e consequentemente os pré-fabricados de concreto; Avaliou-se os dois sistemas para as estações de verão e inverno na cidade de Porto Alegre (dias típicos) e concluiu-se que para o verão, tanto o sistema com coletores solares quanto o sistema com heliocâmaras poderão ser utilizados. No período de inverno, nenhum destes sistemas serão satisfatórios, porém suas utilizações serão viáveis em conjunto com uma fonte de energia alternativa; A energia solar constitui-se assim numa importante fonte de energia a ser utilizada em pré-fabricados de concreto.


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Apresentar um modelo para simular um sistema de armazenamento de calor no solo em estufas para plasticultura é o objetivo do presente trabalho. O sistema consiste num feixe de tubos enterrados no solo. A convecção forçada de ar no seu interior realiza a troca térmica necessária para manter as estufas sob faixas desejadas de temperatura. O objetivo do modelo é investigar os efeitos no calor armazenado e a influência das variáveis, tais como diâmetro, comprimento, espaçamento entre os tubos e a velocidade de ar no canal provocam no sistema. O solo é tratado como um meio difusivo e avalia-se a contribuição do termo de condensação e evaporação da água contida no ar em escoamento nos tubos. A equação da energia é resolvida para o solo e para o ar. Os tubos de seção transversal circular são modelados como tubos de seção transversal quadrada com o objetivo de que as simulações possam ser processadas em coordenadas cartesianas. O programa resolve situações tridimensionais, transientes e emprega o Método dos Volumes Finitos para integrar as equações diferenciais governantes. O modelo original é baseado no modelo de Gauthier et al., 1997, tendo sido os resultados do mesmo foram usados para a validação do presente estudo. Um circuito de água quente é também projetado e apresentado para o aquecimento das estufas. A água circula através de mangueiras sobre o solo e é aquecida por um sistema de queimadores a gás liqüefeito de petróleo ou óleo combustível, transferindo assim calor para o interior da mesma. O projeto de aquecimento foi realizado através de um programa de parceria entre a Ufrgs, Sebrae, Fapergs e a Agropecuária Clarice.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo simular e analisar uma usina termelétrica a carvão em várias condições de funcionamento. A usina simulada neste trabalho é a AVV 1 localizada em Copenhague, Dinamarca. A AVV 1 é uma usina de geração de potência e aquecimento distrital que pode funcionar em várias condições de carga. A simulação da usina supracitada foi tema de um concurso de simuladores proposto no congresso ECOS 2003 realizado em Copenhague, Dinamarca. Para a realização deste trabalho foi construído um programa na linguagem FORTRAN 90. Cada componente da usina é modelado através de equações de balanço de massa e energia, e o sistema completo tem sua solução obtida pelo método de substituição sucessiva. Para viabilizar essa solução é necessário também implementar uma rotina de cálculo de propriedades do fluido de trabalho. No caso estudado, o fluido de trabalho da usina é a água e a formulação utilizada para o cálculo de suas propriedades nos diversos estados é a IAPWS IF-97. A usina é simulada em dois modos de operação: modo de condensação, onde ocorre apenas geração de eletricidade, e em modo de contrapressão, onde há geração de eletricidade e aquecimento distrital, conforme nomenclatura sugerida pela organização do concurso No modo de condensação, são feitas quatro séries de simulações variando a carga de 100% a 40%. Cada série contém um conjunto de hipóteses quanto à variação das eficiências isoentrópicas e pressões das turbinas em função da vazão mássica. No modo de contrapressão, a usina é simulada funcionando com 100% da carga. O programa desenvolvido calcula as propriedades para qualquer ponto de trabalho ao longo da planta, assim como a eficiência da mesma, a potência gerada, e todas as vazões mássicas pertinentes. Além disso, é feita também uma análise exergética da planta. A simulação demonstrou que a planta possui uma eficiência global de 42,02% com uma geração de 250,2 MW em 100% de carga no modo de condensação. Nessas mesmas condições, do ponto de vista exergético, a eficiência encontrada é de 37,21%. No modo de contrapressão, a usina apresenta uma eficiência exergética de 40,19% com um aproveitamento energético de 90,55%. Por fim, é possível também verificar a comportamento da eficiência da planta e a variação de água de resfriamento do condensador com a carga. Os resultados gerados são próximos àqueles encontrados pelos diversos pesquisadores que abordaram o problema.


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo do comportamento térmico de um coletor solar acumulador e desenvolve uma metodologia para medir a sua eficiência diária. O coletor solar acumulador está instalado na face norte do prédio de Energia Solar da UFRGS e possui cerca de 26 m2. É constituído de uma massa espessa de concreto com uma superfície absorvente feita de tijolos, possuindo uma cobertura dupla de vidros colocada de modo a deixar um espaço para a circulação de ar. Os raios solares atravessam a cobertura de vidro e aquecem a massa absorvente de tijolo, a qual aquece o ar que é introduzido no interior da construção por efeito de termossifão. Uma das principais características do coletor solar acumulador consiste no fato de que a resposta do coletor é defasada no tempo. Este fenômeno permite que o coletor entregue calor ao ambiente mesmo após o término da radiação solar. Essa defasagem dos picos de energia térmica ocorre devido ao baixo valor da difusividade térmica do concreto. Este trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas. A primeira etapa consistiu na montagem de um calorímetro para controle e monitoração das variáveis envolvidas. No interior do calorímetro foram instaladas 36 garrafas com água. As temperaturas dos conteúdos das garrafas, do coletor solar e as radiações envolvidas foram monitoradas através de 26 sensores de temperatura de CI, 8 sensores resistivos PT100 e dois sensores de radiação fotovoltaicos. Para obter as medidas dos sensores instalados foi feita a montagem de um sistema de aquisição de dados interfaceado a um microcomputador A segunda etapa consistiu na produção de um programa computacional, escrito em linguagem Fortran 90, para simular o comportamento térmico dos diversos elementos constituintes do coletor, determinar a potência térmica do coletor solar e sua eficiência diária. Para a simulação numérica do coletor solar acumulador, adotou-se um modelo simplificado bidimensional do mesmo. Foi integrada, através do Método dos Volumes Finitos, a equação de difusão de calor transiente em 2 dimensões. Na formulação das equações lineares optou-se pelo emprego das diferenças centrais no espaço e formulação explícita no tempo. Ao todo foram produzidas 4 malhas computacionais, com distintos refinamentos e foi realizado o estudo da estabilidade numérica das diversas malhas. Através da montagem experimental obtiveram-se várias características térmicas do comportamento do sistema, entre as quais, a transmitância da cobertura, curvas de temperatura do ar fornecido ao calorímetro e curva da eficiência diária do coletor solar . Através da simulação numérica foi possível determinar a potência térmica que o coletor entrega para o laboratório, a eficiência do coletor, os campos de temperatura e a vazão mássica nos diversos canais interiores do coletor solar.


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Multinox do Brasil, empresa de tecnologia em aquecimento. Solari: Aquecedor solar termo dinâmico


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Este projecto toma partido do Regulamento das Características de Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios (RCCTE), tendo por base uma obrigatoriedade legal imposta a nível nacional e europeu, que funciona como um “benchmark”. Desta forma contribui-se para uma utilização racional da energia, que passa a ser encarada como uma necessidade fundamental para um futuro economicamente sustentável e mais limpo, tendo em conta que os índices de dependência energética terão que diminuir (sustentabilidade), mas com a preocupação e o cuidado de preservar o conforto térmico. O aquecimento de águas para o consumo doméstico – águas quentes sanitárias (AQS) – é nos dias que correm um bem indispensável e de utilização generalizada para a vida e bem-estar de todos nós. O RCCTE permite avaliar o impacto das necessidades de energia para AQS nas necessidades globais de energia primária, com base em parâmetros (e.g., Esolar) que foram estudados neste trabalho, para demonstrar o real impacte associado à introdução de sistemas solares térmicos. Neste trabalho a contribuição da energia solar térmica foi estudada recorrendo a um programa de cálculo desenvolvido e validado pelo autor (Matlab) e ao programa Solterm, tendo sido analisados dois casos distintos com aplicações de sistemas solares térmicos, e um estudo económico de forma a garantir a viabilidade da implementação destes sistemas.


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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Electrical resistive heating (ERH) is a thermal method used to improve oil recovery. It can increase oil rate and oil recovery due to temperature increase caused by electrical current passage through oil zone. ERH has some advantage compared with well-known thermal methods such as continuous steam flood, presenting low-water production. This method can be applied to reservoirs with different characteristics and initial reservoir conditions. Commercial software was used to test several cases using a semi-synthetic homogeneous reservoir with some characteristics as found in northeast Brazilian basins. It was realized a sensitivity analysis of some reservoir parameters, such as: oil zone, aquifer presence, gas cap presence and oil saturation on oil recovery and energy consumption. Then it was tested several cases studying the electrical variables considered more important in the process, such as: voltage, electrical configurations and electrodes positions. Energy optimization by electrodes voltage levels changes and electrical settings modify the intensity and the electrical current distribution in oil zone and, consequently, their influences in reservoir temperature reached at some regions. Results show which reservoir parameters were significant in order to improve oil recovery and energy requirement in for each reservoir. Most significant parameters on oil recovery and electrical energy delivered were oil thickness, presence of aquifer, presence of gas cap, voltage, electrical configuration and electrodes positions. Factors such as: connate water, water salinity and relative permeability to water at irreducible oil saturation had low influence on oil recovery but had some influence in energy requirements. It was possible to optimize energy consumption and oil recovery by electrical variables. Energy requirements can decrease by changing electrodes voltages during the process. This application can be extended to heavy oil reservoirs of high depth, such as offshore fields, where nowadays it is not applicable any conventional thermal process such as steam flooding


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An cylinder-parabolic solar concentrator is presented to produce steam for different applications. This prototype was built in glass fiber with dimensions that follow a study of optimization of parameters inherent in the optical reflection of sunlight by the surface of reflection and absorption of the same by tubing that leads the fluid of work. The surface of the concentrator of 2.24 m² has been covered by layers of mirror with 1.0 m of lenght and 2.0 cm wide. The absorb tubing consists of a copper tube diameter equal to 28 mm. The concentrator is moving to follow the apparent motion of the sun. It will be presented the processes of manufacturing and assembly of the concentrator proposed, which has as main characteristics the facilities construction and assembly, in addition to reduced cost. Will be presented data from tests performed to produce steam setting up some parameters that diagnose the efficiency of the concentrator. It will be demonstrated the viabilities thermal, economic and of materials of the proposed system.The maximum temperature achieved in the vacuum tube absorber was 232.1°C and average temperature for 1 hour interval was 171.5°C, obtained in a test with automation. The maximum temperature achieved in the output of water was 197.7°C for a temperature of 200.0°C in the absorber tube. The best average result of the water exit temperature to interval of 1 hour was 170.2°C for a temperature of 171.2°C, in the absorber tube, obtained in test with automation. Water exit mean temperatures were always above of the water steaming temperature. The concentrator present a useful efficiency of 38% and a production cost of approximately R$ 450,00 ( $ 160.34)


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An alternative box-type solar cooker built starting from the scrap of a tire and a scrap of old office chair is presented, which principles functions are the effect greenhouse and the concentration. The tire served as structure for making of is the baking enclosure where the absorber (roasting pan 20x30cm) of the solar is located, being re-covered for a glass blade for the generation of the greenhouse effect isolated lateral and having deep its and for a composite the plaster base and EPS. Segments of plain mirrors had been placed in the laterals of the oven/cook for the concentration of the radiation and a reflecting parable was introduced in the baking enclosure for the exploitation of the incident reflected radiation inside of the oven/cook. The oven/cook is mobile to allow one better aiming of exactly in relation to the apparent movement of the sun. The thermal economic and of materials viabilities of the stove/cook in study will be demonstrate. The average internal temperature of the absorber was around 152,3°C and the internal temperature around 110°C. Will demonstrate that toits low cost and good thermal performance, represents basic characteristics for the viability of large use of such archetype, mainly for cooking the decreases and averages temperatures. One will reveal that the archetype in study is competitive with the box-type solar cooker conceived in the whole world


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It presents a new type of insulation for ductwork hot water, which can be used in solar systems for heating water, which consists of a composite of different compositions based on plaster, cement and EPS ground, palm and water. This composite has as its main features easy assembly and manufacturing processes and low cost. Comparative results will be presented on the tests of materials and thermal tubes proposed. Four formulations were used to manufacture tubes with three diameters 70, 65 and 42mm. It was also tested conventionally used for elastomeric foam insulation to 110 ° C, for a comparative analysis with the composite pipe insulator proposed. It will demonstrate that the cost of manufacturing of such tubes is competitive with alternative elastomeric foam tested, but results of the composite tube to the temperature range studied, are lower. Another drawback of the composite insulator tube is its large mass. It would be important to test such a composite for greater levels of temperature to a diagnostic technique competitive with conventionally used insulators. A positive factor of using the proposed composite-tube would be the recycling of EPS so damaging to the environment, representing an environmentally friendly application of science


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Experiments were performed to study the effect of surface properties of a vertical channel heated by a source of thermal radiation to induce air flow through convection. Two channels (solar chimney prototype) were built with glass plates, forming a structure of truncated pyramidal geometry. We considered two surface finishes: transparent and opaque. Each stack was mounted on a base of thermal energy absorber with a central opening for passage of air, and subjected to heating by a radiant source comprises a bank of incandescent bulbs and were performed field tests. Thermocouples were fixed on the bases and on the walls of chimneys and then connected to a data acquisition system in computer. The air flow within the chimney, the speed and temperature were measured using a hot wire anemometer. Five experiments were performed for each stack in which convective flows were recorded with values ranging from 17 m³ / h and 22 m³ / h and air flow velocities ranging from 0.38 m / s and 0.56 m / s for the laboratory tests and air velocities between 0.6 m/s and 1.1m/s and convective airflows between 650 m³/h and 1150 m³/h for the field tests. The test data were compared to those obtained by semi-empirical equations, which are valid for air flow induced into channels and simulated data from 1st Thermodynamics equation. It was found that the chimney with transparent walls induced more intense convective flows than the chimney with matte finish. Based on the results obtained can be proposed for the implementation of prototype to exhaust fumes, mists, gases, vapors, mists and dusts in industrial environments, to help promote ventilation and air renewal in built environments and for drying materials, fruits and seeds


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The scarcity of farmland, reducing the supply of irrigation water and lack of technologies for conservation, makes the globalized world facing serious difficulties in the production of food for its population. The most viable outlet for this dilemma is the dissemination of technologies, economically viable and available to the whole population, for dehydration of perishable foods produced. This paper presents a solar dryer of direct exposure to the production of dried fruit, made from recycled polyethylene drum of 200 liters, used for storing water or trash. The drum was sectioned in half in its longitudinal axis and has its halves together forming a trough-like structure. It describes the processes of construction and assembly of solar dryer proposed, whose main characteristic its low cost, and was designed for use by people with low income, for processing fruits widely available in our region (mango, banana, guava, cashew, pineapple, tomato and others) in dried fruit and flour, contributing significantly to increase the life of these foods. The nuts and flours can be used for own consumption and for marketing jobs and income generation. Tests were conducted to diagnose the feasibility of using solar dryer for the various types of tropical fruits. Were also compared parameters such as drying times and thermal efficiency obtained with the prototype found in the specialized literature in food dehydration. The drying times in the dryer were obtained competitive with those obtained in other models of dryers LMHES developed


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The production of petroleum is frequently accomplished with great volumes of water, that it is carried of the underground with the oil. It is a challenge of the present century the development of technologies that allow the use of waste water for purposes that consume great amounts of water and don't demand as rigid as the one of the drinking water requirements. The solar distillation has been configuring as an alternative of clean technology for desalination of brine and saline. Besides causing the minimum possible damage to the environment, it takes advantage of an abundant and free energy source: the solar energy. That study aims to develop a Solar Distillator for treatment of the produced water of the oil wells, to obtain an efluent to use in agriculture and vapor generation. The methodology for collection, conservation and analysis of the physical-chemical parameters obeyed the norms in APHA (1995). The sampling was of the composed type. Experiments were accomplished in the solar distillation pilot and simulation in thermostatic bathing. The operation was in batch system and for periods of 4, 6 and 12 h. The developed Distillator is of the type simple effect of two waters. It was still tested two inclination angles for covering; 20º and 45º. The Distillator presented minimum of 2,85 L/m2d revenues and maximum of 7,14 L/m2d. The removals of salts were great than 98%. The removal of TOC in the simulation was great than 90%. In agreement with the data of energy and mass balance, it was verified that the developed solar Distillator presented compatible revenues with those found in literature for similar types. It can be inferred that the obtained distilled water assists to the requirements CONAMA in almost all the points and could be used for irrigation of cultures such as cotton and mamona. As the distilled water has characteristics of fresh water it can be used in the generation of vapor