902 resultados para Approval of Calendar 2005-2006


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York Technical College reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a discussion and analysis of major accomplishments, organizational profile, elements of Malcolm Baldridge criteria, strategic planning and performance measurement.


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The University of South Carolina Upstate reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.


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The Technical College of the Lowcountry reports to the State Budget and Control Board its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.


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Horry-Georgetown Technical College reports to the Budget and Control Board its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.


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This annual report highlights students' achievements, accomplishments for the year, student profiles, budget and financial matters and a list of donors.


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Spartanburg Community College reports to the Budget and Control Board its annual accountability report that includes an executive summary, a description of the leadership system, customer focus and satisfaction and other performance criteria, mission, and program descriptions and budgets.


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The writing of award winning tartan noir author, Denise Mina, “crime queen of Glasgow” has been identified with “explicitly feminist politics,” and Mina herself claims, as a feminist, she wants to use crime fiction to present a “narrative about very disempowered people becoming empowered.” This paper explores how Mina’s avowed stance on feminism plays out in her novel, The Field of Blood (2005), and examines whether her concerns are reflected in the embodied actions of her young protagonist, would-be investigative journalist, Paddy Meehan. It asks whether Mina has succeeded in working against entrenched patriarchal codes of crime fiction’s dominant narrative construction or whether her feminist intentions have been undermined by traditional stereotypical conventions of the genre.


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We obtained the images of the eastern part of the solar corona in the Fe xiv 530.3 nm (green) and Fe x 637.4 nm (red) coronal emission lines during the total solar eclipse of 29 March 2006 at Manavgat, Antalya, Turkey. The images were obtained using a 35 cm Meade telescope equipped with a Peltier-cooled 2k x 2k CCD and 0.3 nm pass-band interference filters at the rates of 2.95 s (exposure times of 100 ms) and 2.0 s (exposure times of 300 ms) in the Fe xiv and Fe x emission lines,respectively. The analysis of the data indicates intensity variations at some locations with period of strongest power around 27 s for the green line and 20 s for the red line. These results confirm earlier findings of variations in the continuum intensity with periods in the range of 5 to 56 s by Singh et al. (Solar Phys. 170, 235, 1997). The wavelet analysis has been used to identify significant intensity oscillations at all pixels within our field of view. Significant oscillations with high probability estimates were detected for some locations only. These locations seem to follow the boundary of an active region and in the neighborhood, rather than within the loops themselves. These intensity oscillations may be caused by fast magneto-sonic waves in the solar corona and partly account for heating of the plasma in the corona.


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Con el objeto de determinar el comportamiento productivo del pasto gamba (Andropogon gayanus), en condiciones de quema y no quema, se estableció el presente trabajo en la Finca Santa Rosa de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, con una extensión de 196 mz., ubicada de la entrada a la Zona Franca 4 Km sur, del desvío a Sabana Grande 200 m Norte, 100 m Oeste. Con coordenadas geográficas de 12° 08’ 15.20” latitud norte, y 86° 09’ 45.12” longitud oeste, con una elevación de 56 msnm. Para ello se selecciono un área de 4 ha con pasto gamba, el cual al momento de inicio del estudio una parte estaba quemada y la otra no aproximadamente el 50 %). El área se dividió en dos lotes con áreas de 225 m2, una presentaba quema y la otra no. De esta área se utilizó parcelas de 100 m2 para la toma de datos, en dichas parcelas de se realizaron 5 submuestreos para la colecta de datos según las variables a evaluar. En cada sumbuestreo se determinó la producción de biomasa fresca y la altura, posteriormente se peso y separó el material forrajero del no forrajero y se separo tallos y hojas, para la determinación de la producción de ambos. El material fresco colectado se seco al sol por periodos de 72 horas, para la determinación de la producción seca. Para la determinación de la biomasa fresca y seca, se utilizo una balanza de reloj, donde se realizaron los pesos totales y parciales de las plantas. Para la determinación de la altura se utilizó una regla milimetrada de dos metros lineal, dicha altura se tomo de la base de los macollos hasta el ápice de las hojas mas altas, seleccionándose 5 muestras por parcela. Previo al estudio se realizó un corte de uniformidad. No se aplicó ningún tipo de manejo agronómico al área en estudio. Las variables a medir fueron: Producción de biomasa (fresca y seca), Producción de hoja, Producción de tallos y Altura. Se realizaron cortes cada 22 días. Se observó que la producción de biomasa fresca total y de hojas fue fluctuante, con incrementos cada 22 a 44 días. Así mismo que la producción de hojas es proporcional a la producción de biomasa total, en condiciones con y sin quema. Además se observó que la producción de hoja fue siempre mayor del 60% de la biomasa total, en las condiciones de con y sin quema. Con respecto a las quemas se logró apreciar que las condiciones con quema, sobre todo las iniciales, presentaron mejores resultados, que cuando no se aplica quema y que las quemas continuas en la misma área actúan en detrimento de la producción de biomasa total, y de hojas. Finalmente se determinó que existe una marcada relación entre la altura de corte y la producción de biomasa. Adicionalmente se encontró que los contenidos de nitrógeno y proteína cruda fueron mayores nominalmente en las condiciones sin quema.


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In accordance with the plan for joint Anglo-Soviet scientific and technical collaboration on environmental problems, the comparative evaluation of systems of hydrobiological analysis of the surface water quality started in 1977 at the Regional Laboratory of the Severn-Trent Water Authority in Nottingham were continued in the spring of 1978. The investigations were carried out under the auspices of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Hydrobiological and hydrochemical samples were collected by Soviet and British specialists from the Kiev reservoir and the rivers Dnieper, Sozh, Desna and Snov. The possible approved methods to be adopted were evaluated from the samples using the phytoperiphyton, phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos against a background of hydrochemical characteristics.


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Many of British rivers hold stocks of salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) and during most of the year some of the adult fish migrate upstream to the head waters where, with the advent of winter, they will eventually spawn. For a variety of reasons, including the generation of power for milling, improving navigation and measuring water flow, man has put obstacles in the way of migratory fish which have added to those already provided by nature in the shape of rapids and waterfalls. While both salmon and sea trout, particularly the former, are capable of spectacular leaps the movement of fish over man-made and natural obstacles can be helped, or even made possible, by the judicious use of fish passes. These are designed to give the fish an easier route over or round an obstacle by allowing it to overcome the water head difference in a series of stages ('pool and traverse' fish pass) or by reducing the water velocity in a sloping channel (Denil fish pass). Salmon and sea trout make their spawning runs at different flow conditions, salmon preferring much higher water flows than sea trout. Hence the design of fish passes requires an understanding of the swimming ability of fish (speed and endurance) and the effect of water temperature on this ability. Also the unique features of each site must be appreciated to enable the pass to be positioned so that its entrance is readily located. As well as salmon and sea trout, rivers often have stocks of coarse fish and eels. Coarse fish migrations are generally local in character and although some obstructions such as weirs may allow downstream passages only, they do not cause a significant problem. Eels, like salmon and sea trout, travel both up and down river during the course of their life histories. However, the climbing power of elvers is legendary and it is not normally necessary to offer them help, while adult silver eels migrate at times of high water flow when downstream movement is comparatively easy: for these reasons neither coarse fish nor eels are considered further. The provision of fish passes is, in many instances, mandatory under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. This report is intended for those involved in the planning, siting, construction and operation of fish passes and is written to clarify the hydraulic problems for the biologist and the biological problems for the engineer. It is also intended to explain the criteria by which the design of an individual pass is assessed for Ministerial Approval.