939 resultados para Antibody-responses
Haemagglutinin (HA) and fusion (F) proteins of peste-des-petits-ruminants virus (PPRV) and rinderpest virus (RPV) were purified by immunoaffinity chromatography. The purified proteins were characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE). Rabbit hyperimmune sera were raised against the purified HA and F proteins and assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), haemagglutination-inhibition (HAI) and virus neutralization (VN) tests. The immunized animals were challenged with a virulent lapinized (rabbit-adapted) strain of RPV: Both HA and F proteins of PPRV protected rabbits against a lethal challenge with lapinized RPV. As expected, RPV HA and F proteins also conferred a similar protection against the homologous challenge. The postchallenge antibody responses were of a true anamnestic type.
The immunogenicity of P97 adhesin repeat region R1 (P97R1) of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, an important pathogenesis-associated region of P97, was evaluated in mice as a mucosal vaccine. Mice were immunized orally with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium aroA strain CS332 harbouring a eukaryotic or prokaryotic expression vector encoding IP97R1. Local and systemic immune responses were analysed by ELISA on mouse sera, lung washes and splenocyte supernatants following splenocyte stimulation with specific antigens in vitro. Although no P97R1-specific antibody responses were detected in serum and lung washes, significant gamma interferon was produced by P97R1-stimulated splenocytes from mice immunized orally with S. typhimurium aroA harbouring either expression system, indicating induction of a cell-mediated immune response. These results suggested that live bacterial vectors carrying DNA vaccines or expressing heterologous antigens preferentially induce a Th1 response. Surprisingly, however, mice immunized with the vaccine carrier S. typhimurium aroA CS332 induced serum IgG, but not mucosal IgA, against P97R1 or S. typhimurium aroA CS332 whole-cell lysate, emphasizing the importance of assessing the suitability of attenuated S. typhimurium antigen-carrier delivery vectors in the mouse model prior to their evaluation as potential vaccines in the target species, which in this instance was pigs.
The Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae ribonucleotide reductase R2 subunit (NrdF) gene fragment was cloned into eukaryotic and prokaryotic expression vectors and its immunogenicity evaluated in mice immunized orally with attenuated Salmonella typhimurium aroA CS332 harboring either of the recombinant expression plasmids. We found that NrdF is highly conserved among M. hyopneumoniae strains. The immunogenicity of NrdF was examined by analyzing antibody responses in sera and lung washes, and the cell-mediated immune (CMI) response was assessed by determining the INF-[gamma] level produced by splenocytes upon in vitro stimulation with NrdF antigen. S. typhimurium expressing NrdF encoded by the prokaryotic expression plasmid (pTrcNrdF) failed to elicit an NrdF-specific serum or secretory antibody response, and IFN-[gamma] was not produced. Similarly, S. typhimurium carrying the eukaryotic recombinant plasmid encoding NrdF (pcNrdF) did not induce a serum or secretory antibody response, but did elicit significant NrdF-specific IFN-[gamma] production, indicating induction of a CMI response. However, analysis of immune responses against the live vector S. typhimurium aroA CS332 showed a serum IgG response but no mucosal IgA response in spite of its efficient invasiveness in vitro. In the present study we show that the DNA vaccine encoding the M. hyopneumoniae antigen delivered orally via a live attenuated S. typhimurium aroA can induce a cell-mediated immune response. We also indicate that different live bacterial vaccine carriers may have an influence on the type of the immune response induced.
Therapeutic options aimed at confronting the HIV pandemic face many obstacles. Current opinion on HIV-induced pathogenic immune activation and strategies aimed at eliminating HIV, including a potential role for non-neutralising antibodies as part of a therapeutic vaccine option, was elegantly reviewed by Martin Cadogan and Angus Dalgleish. 1 It is important to note that, for eliciting such antibody responses in patients, functionally fit antigen presenting cells and effector T and B cells are cruc.
Torque teno virus (TTV) was discovered in 1997 in the serum of a Japanese patient who had a post-transfusion hepatitis of unknown etiology. It is a small virus containing a circular single-stranded DNA genome which is unique among human viruses. Within a few years after its discovery, the TTVs were noted to form a large family of viruses with numerous genotypes. TTV is highly prevalent among the general population throughout the world, and persistent infections and co-infections with several genotypes occur frequently. However, the pathogenicity and the mechanism for the sustained occurrence of the virus in blood are at present unclear. To determine the prevalence of TTV in Finland, we set up PCR methods and examined the sera of asymptomatic subjects for the presence of TTV DNA and for genotype-6 DNA. TTV was found to be highly prevalent also in Finland; 85% of adults harbored TTV in their blood, and 4% were infected with genotype-6. In addition, TTV DNA was detected in a number of different tissues, with no tissue-type or symptom specificity. Most cell-biological events during TTV infections are at the moment unknown. Replicating TTV DNA has, however, been detected in liver and the hematopoietic compartment, and three mRNAs are known to be generated. To characterize TTV cell biology in more detail, we cloned in full length the genome of TTV genotype 6. We showed that in human kidney-derived cells TTV produces altogether six proteins with distinct subcellular localizations. TTV mRNA transcription was detected in all cell lines transfected with the full-length clone, and TTV DNA replicated in several of them, including those of erythroid, kidney, and hepatic origin. Furthermore, the viral DNA replication was shown to utilize the cellular DNA polymerases. Diagnoses of TTV infections have been based almost solely on PCR, whereas serological tests, measuring antibody responses, would give more information on many aspects of these infections. To investigate the TTV immunology in more detail, we produced all six TTV proteins for use as antigens in serological tests. We detected in human sera IgM and IgG antibodies to occur simultaneously with TTV DNA, and observed appearance of TTV DNA regardless of pre-existing antibodies, and disappearance of TTV DNA after antibody appearance. The genotype-6 nucleotide sequence remained stable for years within the infected subjects, suggesting that some mechanism other than mutations is used by this minute virus to evade our immune system and to establish chronic infections in immunocompetent subjects.
Helicobacter pylorin (helikobakteeri) tartunta saadaan yleensä lapsena ja tauti jää tavallisesti pysyväksi ilman täsmähoitoa. Onnistunut hoito parantaa pysyvästi helikobakteerista aiheutuvan mahan haavataudin ja näyttää ehkäisevän mahalaukun pahanlaatuisten muutosten kehittymistä. Aloitimme Vammalassa terveyskeskuksessa toteutetun kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen väestöpohjaisen helikobakteeritulehduksen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelman pilottitutkimuksella 1994. 1996 kaikki 15-40-vuotiaat ja 1997-2000 15- ja 45-vuotiaat vammalalaiset kutsuttiin verinäyteseulontaan. Yhteensä 4626 henkilöä (75% kutsutuista) osallistui seulontaan. Vasta-ainepositiivisille tarjottiin helikobakteeritulehduksen lopettava lääkekuuri. Toiminnan seurauksena helikobakteeritulehduksen esiintyvyyden laskettiin vähentyneen 12%:sta 4%:iin 15-40-vuotiaiden ikäryhmässä. Tutkimme myös helikobakteerivasta-ainepositiivisten ja -negatiivisten eroja sekä helikobakteeritulehduksen riskitekijöitä kyselytutkimuksella. Lapsuudenkodin asumisahtauden, äidin matalan koulutusasteen, tupakoinnin, alkoholinkäytön, huonojen asunto-olojen ja ylävatsavaivoista johtuvien sairauslomien todettiin liittyvän helikobakteeritulehdukseen monimuuttuja-analyysissa. Tutkimme seulontaohjelmassa käyttämiemme IgG- ja IgA-luokan helikobakteeri-vasta-ainetestien luotettavuutta eri ikäryhmissä ottaen huomioon atrofisen gastriitin esiintyvyyden. 561 kliinisin perustein gastroskopoidun potilaan aineistossa IgG-testi osoittautui erittäin herkäksi kaikissa ikäryhmissä (99%). Tarkkuus oli myös vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä hyvä (97-93%), kun atrofista gastriittia sairastavat suljettiin pois. IgA- ja CagA-helikobakteerivasta-aineiden on todettu liittyvän lisääntyneeseen mahahaava- ja mahasyöpäriskiin. Analysoimme 560 henkilön pariseeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein, ja totesimme, että IgA-vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyden lisääntyyminen iän myötä johtuu paitsi syntymäajankohdasta ja uusista infektioista myös IgA-vasta-ainetasojen kohoamisesta helikobakteeritulehduksen aikana. Selvitimme myös CagA-vasta-ainetasojen muuttumista analysoimalla seeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein. Totesimme, että samanaikaisesti kun helikobakteerin esiintyvyys väestössä on alentunut, erityisesti CagA-positiiviset infektiot ovat vähentyneet. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että Suomessa terveyskeskuksen yhteydessä voidaan toteuttaa näin laajamittainen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelma, johon suomalaiset osallistuvat aktiivisesti. Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka paljon ohjelma kykeni vähentämään helikobakteeritulehdukseen liittyviä myöhäisseuraamuksia.
Our work focuses on the application of mesoporous silica nanoparticles as a combined delivery vehicle and adjuvant for vaccine applications. Here we present results using the viral protein, E2, from bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). BVDV infection occurs in the target species of cattle and sheep herds worldwide and is therefore of economic importance. E2 is a major immunogenic determinant of BVDV and is an ideal candidate for the development of a subunit based nanovaccine using mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Hollow type mesoporous silica nanoparticles with surface amino functionalisation (termed HMSA) were characterised and assessed for adsorption and desorption of E2. A codon-optimised version of the E2 protein (termed Opti-E2) was produced in Escherichia coli. HMSA (120 nm) had an adsorption capacity of 80 [small mu ]g Opti-E2 per mg HMSA and once bound E2 did not dissociate from the HMSA. Immunisation studies in mice with a 20 [small mu ]g dose of E2 adsorbed to 250 [small mu ]g HMSA was compared to immunisation with Opti-E2 (50 [small mu ]g) together with the traditional adjuvant Quillaja saponaria Molina tree saponins (QuilA, 10 [small mu ]g). The humoral responses with the Opti-E2/HMSA nanovaccine although slightly lower than those obtained for the Opti-E2 + QuilA group demonstrated that HMSA particles are an effective adjuvant that stimulated E2-specific antibody responses. Importantly the cell-mediated immune responses were consistently high in all mice immunised with Opti-E2/HMSA nanovaccine formulation. Therefore we have shown the Opti-E2/HMSA nanoformulation acts as an excellent adjuvant that gives both T-helper 1 and T-helper 2 mediated responses in a small animal model. This study has provided proof-of-concept towards the development of an E2 subunit nanoparticle based vaccine.
Background: Adjuvants enhance or modify an immune response that is made to an antigen. An antagonist of the chemokine CCR4 receptor can display adjuvant-like properties by diminishing the ability of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) to down-regulate immune responses. Methodology: Here, we have used protein modelling to create a plausible chemokine receptor model with the aim of using virtual screening to identify potential small molecule chemokine antagonists. A combination of homology modelling and molecular docking was used to create a model of the CCR4 receptor in order to investigate potential lead compounds that display antagonistic properties. Three-dimensional structure-based virtual screening of the CCR4 receptor identified 116 small molecules that were calculated to have a high affinity for the receptor; these were tested experimentally for CCR4 antagonism. Fifteen of these small molecules were shown to inhibit specifically CCR4-mediated cellmigration, including that of CCR4(+) Tregs. Significance: Our CCR4 antagonists act as adjuvants augmenting human T cell proliferation in an in vitro immune response model and compound SP50 increases T cell and antibody responses in vivo when combined with vaccine antigens of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Plasmodium yoelii in mice.
The rapid increase in allergic diseases in developed, high-income countries during recent decades is attributed to several changes in the environment such as urbanization and improved hygiene. This relative lack of microbial stimulation is connected to a delay in maturation of the infantile immune system and seems to predispose especially genetically prone infants to allergic diseases. Probiotics, which are live ingestible health-promoting microbes, may compensate for the lack of microbial stimulation of the developing gut immune system and may thus be beneficial in prevention of allergies. Prebiotics, which are indigestible nutrients by us, promote the growth and activity of a number of bacterial strains considered beneficial for the gut. In a large cohort of 1 223 infants at hereditary risk for allergies we studied in a double-blind placebo-controlled manner whether probiotics administered in early life prevent allergic diseases from developing. We also evaluated their safety and their effects on common childhood infections, vaccine antibody responses, and intestinal immune markers. Pregnant mothers used a mixture of four probiotic bacteria or a placebo, from their 36th week of gestation. Their infants received the same probiotics plus prebiotic galacto-oligosaccharides for 6 months. The 2-year follow-up consisted of clinical examinations and allergy tests, fecal and blood sampling, and regular questionnaires. Among the 925 infants participating in the 2-year follow-up the cumulative incidence of any allergic disease (food allergy, eczema, asthma, rhinitis) was comparable in the probiotic (32%) and the placebo (35%) group. However, eczema, which was the most common manifestation (88%) of all allergic diseases, occurred less frequently in the probiotic (26%) than in the placebo group (32%). The preventive effect was more pronounced against atopic (IgE-associated) eczema which, of all atopic diseases, accounted for 92%. The relative risk reduction of eczema was 26% and of atopic eczema 34%. To prevent one case of eczema, the number of mother-infant pairs needed to treat was 16. Probiotic treatment was safe without any undesirable outcome for neonatal morbidity, feeding-related behavior, serious adverse events, growth, or for vaccine-induced antibody responses. Fewer infants in the probiotic than in the placebo group received antibiotics during their first 6 months of life and thereafter to age 2 years suffered from fewer respiratory tract infections. As a novel finding, we discovered that high fecal immunoglobulin A (IgA) concentrations at age 6 months associated with reduced risk for atopic (IgE-associated) diseases by age 2 years. In conclusion, although feeding probiotics to high-risk newborn infants showed no preventive effect on the cumulative incidence of any allergic diseases by age 2, they apparently prevented eczema. This probiotic effect was more pronounced among IgE-sensitized infants. The treatment was safe and seemed to stimulate maturation of the immune system as indicated by increased resistance to respiratory infections and improved vaccine antibody responses.
Background: The diagnosis of invasive candidiasis is difficult because there are no specific clinical manifestations of the disease and colonization and infection are difficult to distinguish. In the last decade, much effort has been made to develop reliable tests for rapid diagnosis of invasive candidiasis, but none of them have found widespread clinical use. Results: Antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the Candida albicans germ tube-specific antigen hyphal wall protein 1 (Hwp1) generated in Escherichia coli were detected by both immunoblotting and ELISA tests in a group of 36 hematological or Intensive Care Unit patients with invasive candidiasis and in a group of 45 control patients at high risk for the mycosis who did not have clinical or microbiological data to document invasive candidiasis. Results were compared with an immunofluorescence test to detect antibodies to C. albicans germ tubes (CAGT). The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of a diagnostic test based on the detection of antibodies against the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by immunoblotting were 27.8 %, 95.6 %, 83.3 % and 62.3 %, respectively. Detection of antibodies to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA increased the sensitivity (88.9 %) and the negative predictive value (90.2 %) but slightly decreased the specificity (82.6 %) and positive predictive values (80 %). The kinetics of antibody response to the N-terminal fragment of Hwp1 by ELISA was very similar to that observed by detecting antibodies to CAGT. Conclusion: An ELISA test to detect antibodies against a recombinant N-terminal fragment of the C. albicans germ tube cell wall antigen Hwp1 allows the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis with similar results to those obtained by detecting antibodies to CAGT but without the need of treating the sera to adsorb the antibodies against the cell wall surface of the blastospore.
During the past 2 decades, significant advances in our understanding of the humoral immune response to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection have been made, yet a tremendous amount of work lies ahead. Despite these advances, strategies to reliably induce antibodies that can control HIV-1 infection are still critically needed. However, recent advances in our understanding of the kinetics, specificity, and function of early humoral responses offer alternative new approaches to attain this goal. These results, along with the new broadly neutralizing antibody specificities, the role for other antibody functions, the increased understanding of HIV-1-induced changes to B cell biology, and results from the RV144 "Thai" trial showing potential modest sterilizing protection by nonneutralizing antibody responses, have renewed focus on the humoral system. In this review, recent advances in our understanding of the earliest humoral responses are discussed, highlighting presentations from the meeting on the Biology of Acute HIV Infection.
A steady increase in knowledge of the molecular and antigenic structure of the gp120 and gp41 HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) is yielding important new insights for vaccine design, but it has been difficult to translate this information to an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies. To help bridge this gap, we used phylogenetically corrected statistical methods to identify amino acid signature patterns in Envs derived from people who have made potently neutralizing antibodies, with the hypothesis that these Envs may share common features that would be useful for incorporation in a vaccine immunogen. Before attempting this, essentially as a control, we explored the utility of our computational methods for defining signatures of complex neutralization phenotypes by analyzing Env sequences from 251 clonal viruses that were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the well-characterized gp120-specific monoclonal antibody, b12. We identified ten b12-neutralization signatures, including seven either in the b12-binding surface of gp120 or in the V2 region of gp120 that have been previously shown to impact b12 sensitivity. A simple algorithm based on the b12 signature pattern was predictive of b12 sensitivity/resistance in an additional blinded panel of 57 viruses. Upon obtaining these reassuring outcomes, we went on to apply these same computational methods to define signature patterns in Env from HIV-1 infected individuals who had potent, broadly neutralizing responses. We analyzed a checkerboard-style neutralization dataset with sera from 69 HIV-1-infected individuals tested against a panel of 25 different Envs. Distinct clusters of sera with high and low neutralization potencies were identified. Six signature positions in Env sequences obtained from the 69 samples were found to be strongly associated with either the high or low potency responses. Five sites were in the CD4-induced coreceptor binding site of gp120, suggesting an important role for this region in the elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1.
BACKGROUND: A peptide vaccine was produced containing B and T cell epitopes from the V3 and C4 Envelope domains of 4 subtype B HIV-1 isolates (MN, RF, CanO, & Ev91). The peptide mixture was formulated as an emulsion in incomplete Freund's adjuvant (IFA). METHODS: Low-risk, healthy adult subjects were enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled dose-escalation study, and selected using criteria specifying that 50% in each study group would be HLA-B7+. Immunizations were scheduled at 0, 1, and 6 months using a total peptide dose of 1 or 4 mg. Adaptive immune responses in16 vaccine recipients and two placebo recipients after the 2nd immunization were evaluated using neutralization assays of sera, as well as ELISpot and ICS assays of cryopreserved PBMCs to assess CD4 and CD8 T-cell responses. In addition, (51)Cr release assays were performed on fresh PBMCs following 14-day stimulation with individual vaccine peptide antigens. RESULTS: 24 subjects were enrolled; 18 completed 2 injections. The study was prematurely terminated because 4 vaccinees developed prolonged pain and sterile abscess formation at the injection site-2 after dose 1, and 2 after dose 2. Two other subjects experienced severe systemic reactions consisting of headache, chills, nausea, and myalgia. Both reactions occurred after the second 4 mg dose. The immunogenicity assessments showed that 6/8 vaccinees at each dose level had detectable MN-specific neutralizing (NT) activity, and 2/7 HLA-B7+ vaccinees had classical CD8 CTL activity detected. However, using both ELISpot and ICS, 8/16 vaccinees (5/7 HLA-B7+) and 0/2 controls had detectable vaccine-specific CD8 T-cell responses. Subjects with moderate or severe systemic or local reactions tended to have more frequent T cell responses and higher antibody responses than those with mild or no reactions. CONCLUSIONS: The severity of local responses related to the formulation of these four peptides in IFA is clinically unacceptable for continued development. Both HIV-specific antibody and T cell responses were induced and the magnitude of response correlated with the severity of local and systemic reactions. If potent adjuvants are necessary for subunit vaccines to induce broad and durable immune responses, careful, incremental clinical evaluation is warranted to minimize the risk of adverse events. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00000886.
BACKGROUND: Individuals without prior immunity to a vaccine vector may be more sensitive to reactions following injection, but may also show optimal immune responses to vaccine antigens. To assess safety and maximal tolerated dose of an adenoviral vaccine vector in volunteers without prior immunity, we evaluated a recombinant replication-defective adenovirus type 5 (rAd5) vaccine expressing HIV-1 Gag, Pol, and multiclade Env proteins, VRC-HIVADV014-00-VP, in a randomized, double-blind, dose-escalation, multicenter trial (HVTN study 054) in HIV-1-seronegative participants without detectable neutralizing antibodies (nAb) to the vector. As secondary outcomes, we also assessed T-cell and antibody responses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Volunteers received one dose of vaccine at either 10(10) or 10(11) adenovector particle units, or placebo. T-cell responses were measured against pools of global potential T-cell epitope peptides. HIV-1 binding and neutralizing antibodies were assessed. Systemic reactogenicity was greater at the higher dose, but the vaccine was well tolerated at both doses. Although no HIV infections occurred, commercial diagnostic assays were positive in 87% of vaccinees one year after vaccination. More than 85% of vaccinees developed HIV-1-specific T-cell responses detected by IFN-γ ELISpot and ICS assays at day 28. T-cell responses were: CD8-biased; evenly distributed across the three HIV-1 antigens; not substantially increased at the higher dose; and detected at similar frequencies one year following injection. The vaccine induced binding antibodies against at least one HIV-1 Env antigen in all recipients. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This vaccine appeared safe and was highly immunogenic following a single dose in human volunteers without prior nAb against the vector. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00119873.
BACKGROUND: Generation of potent anti-HIV antibody responses in mucosal compartments is a potential requirement of a transmission-blocking HIV vaccine. HIV-specific, functional antibody responses are present in breast milk, and these mucosal antibody responses may play a role in protection of the majority of HIV-exposed, breastfeeding infants. Therefore, characterization of HIV-specific antibodies produced by B cells in milk could guide the development of vaccines that elicit protective mucosal antibody responses. METHODS: We isolated B cells from colostrum of an HIV-infected lactating woman with a detectable neutralization response in milk and recombinantly produced and characterized the resulting HIV-1 Envelope (Env)-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). RESULTS: The identified HIV-1 Env-specific colostrum mAbs, CH07 and CH08, represent two of the first mucosally-derived anti-HIV antibodies yet to be reported. Colostrum mAb CH07 is a highly-autoreactive, weakly-neutralizing gp140-specific mAb that binds to linear epitopes in the gp120 C5 region and gp41 fusion domain. In contrast, colostrum mAb CH08 is a nonpolyreactive CD4-inducible (CD4i) gp120-specific mAb with moderate breadth of neutralization. CONCLUSIONS: These novel HIV-neutralizing mAbs isolated from a mucosal compartment provide insight into the ability of mucosal B cell populations to produce functional anti-HIV antibodies that may contribute to protection against virus acquisition at mucosal surfaces.