997 resultados para Anti-retroviral


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Parvovirus B19 infects predominantly erythroid cells, leading to transient inhibition of erythropoiesis. Immunocompromised patients may be unable to produce neutralizing antibodies and may develop severe chronic anemia. Epidemiological studies done on Niterói population showed that B19 infection occurs periodically in late spring and summer. We report a study from 55 HIV infected patients attending an infectious diseases outpatient clinic in this city during a 5-month period in which B19 circulation was well documented. All patients were under anti-retroviral therapy. No anti-B19 IgM was found, but a high prevalence of IgG anti-B19 (91%) was observed. In six patients, B19 DNA was found by dot-blot hybridization techniques, but this was not confirmed by PCR. None of these 6 patients manifested anemia and only one had CD4 cell count below 200 x 10(7)/L. We conclude that persistent infection causing anemia is an infrequent finding in our HIV positive patients under drug therapy.


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A mielopatia associada ao HTLV-1 (HAM), também conhecida como paraparesia espástica tropical (TSP), é uma doença desmielinizante crônica progressiva que afeta a medula espinal e a substância branca do cérebro. Menos de 5% dos portadores crônicos do HTLV-1 desenvolverão essa complicação. As primeiras manifestações da doença ocorrem na quarta década da vida e observa-se relação mulher/homem de 2:1. Os distúrbios da marcha, a fraqueza e o enrijecimento dos membros inferiores constituem os principais sinais e sintomas de apresentação da mielopatia. As extremidades inferiores são afetadas com maior intensidade do que as extremidades superiores. A espasticidade pode variar de moderada a intensa e a dor lombar baixa revela-se comum. Com a progressão da doença há, com freqüência, disfunção vesical e intestinal. O envolvimento sensitivo mostra-se discreto e manifesta-se com graus variados de perdas sensitivas e sensação de disestesia. A ressonância nuclear magnética do sistema nervoso pode resultar normal ou revelar atrofia da medula espinal e alterações inespecíficas no cérebro. Há evidências de envolvimento imunológico na gênese da lesão medular. Não há tratamento eficaz para a mielopatia. Os corticoesteróides e o interferon-a produziram benefícios transitórios no tratamento da doença. Não houve melhora da marcha e da disfunção vesical em pacientes que usaram o danazol, um esteróide anabolizante. O valor da zidovudina (anti-retroviral) no tratamento da mielopatia ainda não se encontra definido.


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This study was designed to investigate the impact of anti-retroviral therapy on both plasma and seminal HIV-1 viral loads and the correlation between viral loads in these compartments after treatment. Viral load, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts were evaluated in paired plasma and semen samples from 36 antiretroviral therapy-naïve patients at baseline and on days 45, 90, and 180 of treatment. Slopes for blood and seminal viral loads in all treated patients were similar (p = 0.21). Median HIV-1 RNA titers in plasma and semen at baseline were 4.95 log10 and 4.48 log10 copies/ml, respectively. After 180 days of therapy, the median viral load declined to 3.15 log10 copies/ml (plasma) and 3.2 log10 copies/ml (semen). At this timepoint 22 patients presented HIV-1 viral load below 400 copies/ml in either plasma or semen, but only 9 had viral loads below 400 copies/ml in both compartments.


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Nos últimos anos, houve um grande progresso no tratamento da hepatite B crônica. Cinco drogas são hoje aprovadas para tratamento dessa virose: intérferon alfa, lamivudina, adefovir, entecavir e telbivudina. Os intérferons (convencionais ou peguilados) foram as primeiras drogas utilizadas no tratamento dessas infecções podendo levar a resposta sustentada (perda do DNA-VHB e do AgHbe) em até um terço dos casos tratados. Um grande número de análogos de nucleosídeos/nucleotídeos estão no momento, disponíveis para tratar a hepatite B; a eficácia da lamivudina, o primeiro análogo de nucleosídeo utilizado, é limitada pela elevada incidência de resistência. O adefovir tem eficácia comparável à lamivudina porém baixa freqüência de resistência. Entecavir e tenofovir também se mostram muito ativos em controlar a replicação do vírus da hepatite B, e estão associados com mínimo desenvolvimento de resistência, mesmo em tratamento prolongados. Outras drogas, tais como telbivudina, emtricitabina e clevudine, se tornarão em futuro próximo, novas armas no controle dessa virose. Co-infectados HIV/VHB representam um grupo de doentes de difícil manuseio e que hoje se beneficiam com combinações de drogas no esquema anti-retroviral potente que devem atuar em ambas as viroses. O desenvolvimento de antivirais mais potentes e novas associações de medicamentos, conjuntamente com a melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de resistência do vírus da hepatite B a terapia são importantes conquistas para melhorar a eficácia do tratamento e diminuir no futuro, a carga global de portadores do vírus da hepatite B.


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Este trabalho objetiva a análise prospectiva das características clínicas e epidemiológicas que levam os pacientes adultos com HIV/AIDS a procurarem atendimento clínico de urgência em Pronto Atendimento do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Noventa e nove pacientes perfizeram 118 internações. A idade foi em média 39,4 anos. A relação homem e mulher foi de 1,35:1. O tempo desde o diagnóstico até a admissão situou-se de forma mais freqüente entre 0-5 anos em 40,4% dos casos. A terapêutica anti-retroviral era usada regularmente em 56,8% das admissões. A contagem de linfócitos T CD4+ foi inferior a 200 células/mm³ em 45,7% dos pacientes. As queixas mais freqüentes foram aumento da temperatura corpórea, diarréia, tosse e dispnéia. O aparelho respiratório foi o mais acometido. As doenças oportunistas mais freqüentes foram pneumocistose, pneumonia comunitária, síndrome diarréica, e candidiase oral. A demanda de internações de pacientes com HIV representou 2,8% das admissões, com tempo médio de permanência hospitalar de 4,6 dias. Os pacientes possuíam, em sua maioria, contagem de linfócitos TCD4+ baixa, quase metade não usava a terapia anti-retroviral altamente eficaz. Houve tendência à feminização. As doenças relacionadas à AIDS continuam sendo as mais freqüentes no nosso meio.


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Introdução: A nevirapina (NVP) é um fármaco amplamente utilizado para o tratamento da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana de tipo 1 (VIH-1), no entanto, a sua utilização na terapêutica crónica tem sido associada à toxicidade hepática e cutânea. O sexo feminino é um factor de risco para o desenvolvimento destes eventos tóxicos, mas as razões para essa diferença entre o sexo feminino e masculino não estão completamente esclarecidas. Diferenças na biotransformação da NVP e na formação de metabolitos tóxicos podem ser as causas subjacentes. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo explorar as diferenças entre homens e mulheres na biotransformação da NVP, como um potencial factor de toxicidade induzida por este fármaco anti-retroviral. Materiais e Métodos: Todos os indivíduos incluídos no presente estudo eram adultos com infecção por VIH-1 confirmada, tratados com 400 mg de NVP uma vez ao dia, durante pelo menos 1 mês. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e os níveis de NVP e dos metabolitos de fase I foram determinados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance. Os dados antropométricos e clínicos e os perfis de metabolitos foram avaliados de forma a averiguar possíveis diferenças relacionadas com o sexo dos indivíduos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 52 doentes (63% do sexo masculino). O peso corporal foi inferior nas mulheres (p = 0.028) e o sexo feminino foi associado a maiores níveis de fosfatase alcalina (p = 0.036) e lactato desidrogenase (p = 0.037). Os níveis plasmáticos de NVP (p = 0.030) e 3-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.035), assim como as proporções de 12-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.037) e 3-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.001) foram maiores nas mulheres, quando ajustados pelo peso corporal dos indivíduos. Discussão: Existem diferenças na biotransformação da NVP entre homens e mulheres, particularmente na formação de 12-hidroxi-NVP e 3-hidroxi-NVP. Estes resultados apontam para uma formação de metabolitos reactivos, que é dependente do sexo e que pode contribuir para o perfil de dimorfismo sexual associado às reacções tóxicas induzidas pela NVP.


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OBJECTIVE: Detect of cardiac alterations in children with AIDS and compare their evolution with the administration of only one anti-retroviral and the recent cases who received drugs in combination. METHODS: We prospectively studied 47 children in 3 groups: group 1, 20 cases treated only with zidovudine; group 2, 10 patients treated initially with zidovudine and later with a combination of drugs and in group 3, 17 patients, who receiced two or three since the beginning. In all patients it was done chest X-ray, EKG and echocardiography every 6 months and after death complete pathological study. RESULTS: Among the 45 patients cases 26 (57%) were index cases. Malnutrition, diarrhea tachycardia, signs of congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, abnormal ventricular repolarization and arrhythmias were more frequent in group 1. Echocardiographic abnormalities were present in 10 (50%) children of group 1. They were less frequent in the others two groups. In regard to the outcome in group 1, two patients had worsening of sings of cardiomyopaty and 4 died. Cardiac dysfunction in all cases of group 2 and 3 improved with the medication. CONCLUSION:- The children who received combination and their cardiac alterations had more favorable outcome than those who received only one drug.


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Dislipidemias podem ser observadas precocemente entre pacientes com AIDS. Frequentemente, estas anormalidades lipídicas incluem HDL baixo e moderado aumento dos triglicérides sanguíneos. A terapia anti-retroviral combinada (HAART) pode agravar a dislipidemia nestes pacientes, com importante aumento nos triglicérides e no LDL. Vários mecanismos são propostos para explicar a dislipidemia mista observada nestes indivíduos, incluindo diferentes etapas do metabolismo lipídico. A importância do tratamento desses distúrbios lipídicos tem se tornado evidente com o aumento da expectativa de vida e os relatos de complicações cardiovasculares nestes pacientes. Existe um estado de resistência à insulina nos pacientes com AIDS em tratamento com HAART,que apresentam lipodistrofia, hipertrigliceridemia e baixos níveis de HDL. Drogas retro-antivirais são metabolizadas pelo CYP P450 3A4 e interações com algumas estatinas, especialmente com sinvastatina podem ocorrer. O tratamento com agentes hipolipemiantes deve ser baseado no perfil lipídico e no risco de coronariopatia. Para hipertrigliceridemias, fibratos (principalmente fenofibrato ou bezafibrato) devem ser as drogas de escolha, bem como as estatinas (principalmente pravastatina). Terapia combinada usando estatinas mais fibratos é recomendada para dislipidemias mistas graves e sempre sob rigoroso monitoramento de efeitos adversos.


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CONTEXT: New trial data and drug regimens that have become available in the last 2 years warrant an update to guidelines for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected adults in resource-rich settings. OBJECTIVE: To provide current recommendations for the treatment of adult HIV infection with ART and use of laboratory-monitoring tools. Guidelines include when to start therapy and with what drugs, monitoring for response and toxic effects, special considerations in therapy, and managing antiretroviral failure. DATA SOURCES, STUDY SELECTION, AND DATA EXTRACTION: Data that had been published or presented in abstract form at scientific conferences in the past 2 years were systematically searched and reviewed by an International Antiviral Society-USA panel. The panel reviewed available evidence and formed recommendations by full panel consensus. DATA SYNTHESIS: Treatment is recommended for all adults with HIV infection; the strength of the recommendation and the quality of the evidence increase with decreasing CD4 cell count and the presence of certain concurrent conditions. Recommended initial regimens include 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (tenofovir/emtricitabine or abacavir/lamivudine) plus a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (efavirenz), a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (atazanavir or darunavir), or an integrase strand transfer inhibitor (raltegravir). Alternatives in each class are recommended for patients with or at risk of certain concurrent conditions. CD4 cell count and HIV-1 RNA level should be monitored, as should engagement in care, ART adherence, HIV drug resistance, and quality-of-care indicators. Reasons for regimen switching include virologic, immunologic, or clinical failure and drug toxicity or intolerance. Confirmed treatment failure should be addressed promptly and multiple factors considered. CONCLUSION: New recommendations for HIV patient care include offering ART to all patients regardless of CD4 cell count, changes in therapeutic options, and modifications in the timing and choice of ART in the setting of opportunistic illnesses such as cryptococcal disease and tuberculosis.


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Mycophenolic acid, a selective inhibitor of the de novo synthesis of guanosine nucleotides in T and B lymphocytes, has been proposed to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in vitro by depleting the substrate (guanosine nucleotides) for reverse transcriptase. Here we show that mycophenolic acid induced apoptosis and cell death in a large proportion of activated CD4+ T cells, thus indicating that it may inhibit HIV infection in vitro by both virological mechanisms and immunological mechanisms (depletion of the pool of activated CD4+ T lymphocytes). Administration of mycophenolate mophetil, the ester derivate of mycophenolic acid, to HIV-infected subjects treated with anti-retroviral therapy and with undetectable viremia resulted in the reduction of the number of dividing CD4 + and CD8+ T cells and in the inhibition of virus isolation from purified CD4+ T-cell populations. Based on these results, the potential use of mycophenolate mophetil in the treatment of HIV infection deserves further investigation in controlled clinical trials.


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The paper summarizes recent findings on the epidemiology and pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/Aids), highlighting the role of co-infections with major tropical diseases. Such co-infections have been studied in the Brazilian context since the beginning of the Aids epidemic and are expected to be more frequent and relevant as the Aids epidemic in Brazil proceeds towards smaller municipalities and the countryside, where tropical diseases are endemic. Unlike opportunistic diseases that affect basically the immunocompromised host, most tropical diseases, as well as tuberculosis, are pathogenic on their own, and can affect subjects with mild or no immunossuppression. In the era of highly active anti-retroviral therapies (HAART), opportunistic diseases seem to be on decrease in Brazil, where such medicines are fully available. Benefiting from HAART in terms of restoration of the immune function, putative milder clinical courses are expected in the future for most co-infections, including tropical diseases. On the other hand, from an ecological perspective, the progressive geographic diffusion of Aids makes tropical diseases and tuberculosis a renewed challenge for Brazilian researchers and practitioners dealing with HIV/Aids in the coming years.


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BACKGROUND: Human systemic antibody responses to commensal microbiota are not well characterised during health and disease. Of particular interest is the analysis of their potential modulation caused by chronic HIV-1 infection which is associated with sustained enteropathy and systemic B cell disturbances reflected by impaired B cell responses and chronic B cell hyperactivity. The mechanisms underlying B cell hyperactivation and the specificities of the resulting hypergammaglobulinaemia are only poorly understood. METHODS: By a technique referred to as live bacterial FACS (fluorescence-activated cell sorting), the present study investigated systemic antibody responses to several gut and skin commensal bacteria as well as Candida albicans in longitudinal plasma and serum samples from healthy donors, chronic HIV-1-infected individuals with or without diarrhoea and patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). RESULTS: The data show that systemic antibody responses to the commensal microbiota were abundantly present in humans and remained remarkably stable over years. Overall systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria were not affected during chronic HIV-1 infection, with titres decreasing when normalised to elevated plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels found in patients with HIV. In contrast, increases in the titres of high affinity antimicrobiota antibodies were detected in patients with IBD, demonstrating that conditions with known increased intestinal permeability and aberrant mutualism can induce changes in antibody titres observed in these assays. CONCLUSION: Neither HIV-associated enteropathy nor B cell dysfunction impact on the high-affinity systemic antibody responses to gut commensal bacteria. HIV-associated hypergammaglobulinaemia is therefore unlikely to be driven by induction of antimicrobiota antibodies.


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BACKGROUND: Combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) has been very successful, especially among selected patients in clinical trials. The aim of this study was to describe outcomes of cART on the population level in a large national cohort. METHODS: Characteristics of participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study on stable cART at two semiannual visits in 2007 were analyzed with respect to era of treatment initiation, number of previous virologically failed regimens and self reported adherence. Starting ART in the mono/dual era before HIV-1 RNA assays became available was counted as one failed regimen. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors for virological failure between the two consecutive visits. RESULTS: Of 4541 patients 31.2% and 68.8% had initiated therapy in the mono/dual and cART era, respectively, and been on treatment for a median of 11.7 vs. 5.7 years. At visit 1 in 2007, the mean number of previous failed regimens was 3.2 vs. 0.5 and the viral load was undetectable (<50 copies/ml) in 84.6% vs. 89.1% of the participants, respectively. Adjusted odds ratios of a detectable viral load at visit 2 for participants from the mono/dual era with a history of 2 and 3, 4, >4 previous failures compared to 1 were 0.9 (95% CI 0.4-1.7), 0.8 (0.4-1.6), 1.6 (0.8-3.2), 3.3 (1.7-6.6) respectively, and 2.3 (1.1-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. From the cART era, odds ratios with a history of 1, 2 and >2 previous failures compared to none were 1.8 (95% CI 1.3-2.5), 2.8 (1.7-4.5) and 7.8 (4.5-13.5), respectively, and 2.8 (1.6-4.8) for >2 missed cART doses during the last month, compared to perfect adherence. CONCLUSIONS: A higher number of previous virologically failed regimens, and imperfect adherence to therapy were independent predictors of imminent virological failure.


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Despite highly active anti-retroviral therapy, cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the second most prevalent neurological disease in Brazilian AIDS patients, being frequently a defining condition with several episodes. As knowledge of Cryptococcus neoformans isolates in the same episode is critical for understanding why some patients develop several episodes, we investigated the genotype characteristics of C. neoformans isolates in two different situations. By pulsed field gel electrophoresis and random amplifield polymorphic DNA analysis, 54 isolates from 12 patients with AIDS and cryptococcosis were analyzed. Group 1 comprised 39 isolates from nine patients with a single episode and hospitalization. Group 2 comprised 15 isolates from three patients with two episodes and hospitalizations. Except for three patients from group 1 probably infected with a single C. neoformans isolate, the other nine patients probably were infected with multiple isolates selected in different collection periods, or the infecting isolate might have underwent mutation to adapt and survive the host immune system and/or the antifungal therapy. However, the three patients from group 2 presented genetic diversity among isolates collected in both hospitalizations, possibly having hosted the initial isolate in both periods. These data, emphasize that Cryptococcus diversity in infection can contribute to strategies of treatment and prevention of cryptococcosis.


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OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential of deep HIV-1 sequencing for adding clinically relevant information relative to viral population sequencing in heavily pre-treated HIV-1-infected subjects. METHODS: In a proof-of-concept study, deep sequencing was compared to population sequencing in HIV-1-infected individuals with previous triple-class virological failure who also developed virologic failure to deep salvage therapy including, at least, darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir. Viral susceptibility was inferred before salvage therapy initiation and at virological failure using deep and population sequencing genotypes interpreted with the HIVdb, Rega and ANRS algorithms. The threshold level for mutant detection with deep sequencing was 1%. RESULTS: 7 subjects with previous exposure to a median of 15 antiretrovirals during a median of 13 years were included. Deep salvage therapy included darunavir, tipranavir, etravirine or raltegravir in 4, 2, 2 and 5 subjects, respectively. Self-reported treatment adherence was adequate in 4 and partial in 2; one individual underwent treatment interruption during follow-up. Deep sequencing detected all mutations found by population sequencing and identified additional resistance mutations in all but one individual, predominantly after virological failure to deep salvage therapy. Additional genotypic information led to consistent decreases in predicted susceptibility to etravirine, efavirenz, nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and indinavir in 2, 1, 2 and 1 subject, respectively. Deep sequencing data did not consistently modify the susceptibility predictions achieved with population sequencing for darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir. CONCLUSIONS: In this subset of heavily pre-treated individuals, deep sequencing improved the assessment of genotypic resistance to etravirine, but did not consistently provide additional information on darunavir, tipranavir or raltegravir susceptibility. These data may inform the design of future studies addressing the clinical value of minority drug-resistant variants in treatment-experienced subjects.