599 resultados para Antígenos CD3


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Las células presentadoras de antígenos profesionales como las células de Langerhans o las células dendríticas intersticiales del tejido conectivo, son las células capturadoras de antígenos más importantes del sistema inmune. En trabajos previos describimos variaciones numéricas y estructurales de las células dendríticas; con especial referencia a las células de Langerhans, en diversos epitelios del tracto digestivo. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la distribución, en forma comparativa, de las células dendríticas en glándulas salivales mayores y menores de la mucosa oral. Material y métodos: para esta investigación se utilizaron muestras de glándulas salivales mayores y menores tomadas de ratas Wistar. Las muestras fueron procesadas utilizando técnicas de microscopía óptica convencional, electrónica e inmunohistoquímica. Los resultados muestran numerosas células dendríticas en los conductos salivares excretores (con epitelio estratificado) así como en el parénquima glandular. Aunque no detectamos diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los dos componentes glandulares analizados, nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, debido a su localización, estas células cumplen un rol fundamental en las defensas inmunes de la mucosa oral.


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From a vibrationally corrected 3D potential energy surface determined with highly correlated ab initio calculations (CCSD(T)), the lowest vibrational energies of two dimethyl-ether isotopologues, 12CH3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d3) and 12CD3–16O–12CD3 (DME-d6), are computed variationally. The levels that can be populated at very low temperatures correspond to the COC-bending and the two methyl torsional modes. Molecular symmetry groups are used for the classification of levels and torsional splittings. DME-d6 belongs to the G36 group, as the most abundant isotopologue 12CH3–16O–12CH3 (DME-h6), while DME-d3 is a G18 species. Previous assignments of experimental Raman and far-infrared spectra are discussed from an effective Hamiltonian obtained after refining the ab initio parameters. Because a good agreement between calculated and experimental transition frequencies is reached, new assignments are proposed for various combination bands corresponding to the two deuterated isotopologues and for the 020 → 030 transition of DME-d6. Vibrationally corrected potential energy barriers, structural parameters, and anharmonic spectroscopic parameters are provided. For the 3N – 9 neglected vibrational modes, harmonic and anharmonic fundamental frequencies are obtained using second-order perturbation theory by means of CCSD and MP2 force fields. Fermi resonances between the COC-bending and the torsional modes modify DME-d3 intensities and the band positions of the torsional overtones.


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During αβ thymocyte development, clonotype-independent CD3 complexes are expressed at the cell surface before the pre-T cell receptor (TCR). Signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes is required for expression of rearranged TCRβ genes. On expression of a TCRβ polypeptide chain, the pre-TCR is assembled, and TCRβ locus allelic exclusion is established. We investigated the putative contribution of clonotype-independent CD3 complex signaling to TCRβ locus allelic exclusion in mice single-deficient or double-deficient for CD3ζ/η and/or p56lck. These mice display defects in the expression of endogenous TCRβ genes in immature thymocytes, proportional to the severity of CD3 complex malfunction. Exclusion of endogenous TCRβ VDJ (variable, diversity, joining) rearrangements by a functional TCRβ transgene was severely compromised in the single-deficient and double-deficient mutant mice. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the CD25+ double-negative (DN) thymocytes of the mutant mice failed to express the TCRβ transgene, suggesting defective expression of the TCRβ transgene similar to endogenous TCRβ genes. In the mutant mice, a proportion of CD25+ DN thymocytes that failed to express the transgene expressed endogenous TCRβ polypeptide chains. Many double-positive cells of the mutant mice coexpressed endogenous and transgenic TCRβ chains or more than one endogenous TCRβ chain. The data suggest that signaling through clonotype-independent CD3 complexes may contribute to allelic exclusion of the TCRβ locus by inducing the expression of rearranged TCRβ genes in CD25+ DN thymocytes.


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One of the important mechanisms of immunosuppression in the tumor-bearing status has been attributed to the down-modulation of the CD3 ζ chain and its associated signaling molecules in T cells. Thus, the mechanism of the disappearance of CD3ζ was investigated in tumor-bearing mice (TBM). The decrease of CD3ζ was observed both in the cell lysate and intact cells. Direct interaction of T cells with macrophages from TBM (TBM-macrophages) induced the decrease of CD3ζ, and depletion of macrophages rapidly restored the CD3ζ expression. We found that treatment of such macrophages with N-acetylcysteine, known as antioxidant compound, prevented the decrease of CD3ζ. Consistent with this result, the addition of oxidative reagents such as hydrogen peroxide and diamide induced the decrease of CD3ζ expression in T cells. Consequently, the loss of CD3ζ resulted in suppression of the antigen-specific T-cell response. These results demonstrate that oxidative stress by macrophages in tumor-bearing status induces abnormality of the T-cell receptor complex by cell interactions with T cells. Therefore, our findings suggest that oxidative stress contributes to the regulation of the expression and function of the T-cell receptor complex.


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T cell antigen receptor (TCR) and pre-TCR complexes are composed of clonotypic heterodimers in association with dimers of signal transducing invariant subunits (CD3γ, -δ, -ɛ, and ζ). The role of individual invariant subunits in T cell development has been investigated by generating gene-specific mutations in mice. Mutation of CD3γ, -δ, or ζ results in an incomplete block in development, characterized by reduced numbers of mature T cells that express low levels of TCR. In contrast, mature T cells are absent from CD3ɛ−/− mice, and thymocyte development is arrested at the early CD4−CD8− stage. Although these results suggest that CD3ɛ is essential for pre-TCR and TCR expression/function, their interpretation is complicated by the fact that expression of the CD3γ and CD3δ genes also is reduced in CD3ɛ−/− mice. Thus, it is unclear whether the phenotype of CD3ɛ−/− mice reflects the collective effects of CD3γ, -δ, and -ɛ deficiency. By removing the selectable marker (PGK-NEO) from the targeted CD3ɛ gene via Cre/loxP-mediated recombination, we generated mice that lack CD3ɛ yet retain normal expression of the closely linked CD3γ and CD3δ genes. These (CD3ɛΔ/Δ) mice exhibited an early arrest in T cell development, similar to that of CD3ɛ−/− mice. Moreover, the developmental defect could be rescued by expression of a CD3ɛ transgene. These results identify an essential role for CD3ɛ in T cell development not shared by the CD3γ, CD3δ, or ζ-family proteins and provide further evidence that PGK-NEO can influence the expression of genes in its proximity.


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Dynamic and structural information has been obtained for an analogue of acetylcholine while bound to the agonist binding site on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAcChoR), using wide-line deuterium solid-state NMR. Analysis of the deuterium lineshape obtained at various temperatures from unoriented nAcChoR membranes labeled with deuterated bromoacetylcholine (BAC) showed that the quaternary ammonium group of the ligand is well constrained within the agonist binding site when compared with the dynamics observed in the crystalline solids. This motional restriction would suggest that a high degree of complementarity exists between the quaternary ammonium group of the ligand and the protein within the agonist binding site. nAcChoR membranes were uniaxially oriented by isopotential centrifugation as determined by phosphorous NMR of the membrane phospholipids. Analysis of the deuterium NMR lineshape of these oriented membranes enriched with the nAcChoR labeled with N+(CD3)3-BAC has enabled us to determine that the angle formed between the quaternary ammonium group of the BAC and the membrane normal is 42° in the desensitized form of the receptor. This measurement allows us to orient in part the bound ligand within the proposed receptor binding site.


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Lymphocytes from blood or tumors of patients with advanced cancer did not proliferate and produced very low levels of tumor necrosis factor and IFN-γ when cultured with autologous tumor cells. Proliferation and lymphokine production dramatically increased in the presence of beads conjugated with mAbs to CD3 plus mAbs to CD28 and/or CD40, and the lymphocytes destroyed the tumor cells. Expression density of CD3 concomitantly increased from low to normal levels. Furthermore, beads providing a CD3 signal (in combination with CD28 or CD28 plus CD40) gave partial protection against the inhibitory effect of transforming growth factor type β1 on lymphocyte proliferation and production of tumor necrosis factor and IFN-γ. MHC class I-restricted cytolytic T cells lysing autologous tumor cells in a 4-h Cr51 release assay were generated when peripheral blood leukocytes were activated in the presence of autologous tumor cells and anti-CD3/CD28 or anti-CD3/CD28/CD40 beads. Experiments performed in a model system using anti-V-β1 or anti-V-β2 mAbs to activate subsets of T cells expressing restricted T cell receptor showed that lymphocytes previously activated by anti-V-β can respond to CD3 stimulation with vigorous proliferation and lymphokine production while retaining their specificity, also in the presence of transforming growth factor type β1. Our results suggest that T lymphocytes from cancer patients can proliferate and form Th1 type lymphokines in the presence of autologous tumor cell when properly activated, and that antigen released from killed tumor cells and presented by antigen-presenting cells in the cultures facilitates the selective expansion of tumor-directed, CD8+ cytolytic T cells.


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IN adult mice, the dominant adhesion molecules involved in homing to lymph nodes are L-selectin homing receptors on lymphocytes and the peripheral lymph node addressins on specialized high endothelial venules. Here we show that, from fetal life through the first 24 hr of life, the dominant adhesion molecules are the mucosal addressin MAdCAM-1 on lymph node high endothelial venules and its counterreceptor, the Peyer's patch homing receptor, integrin alpha 4 beta 7 on circulating cells. Before birth, 40-70% of peripheral blood leukocytes are L-selectin-positive, while only 1-2% expresses alpha 4 beta 7. However, the fetal lymph nodes preferentially attract alpha 4 beta 7-expressing cells, and this can be blocked by fetal administration of anti-MAdCAM-1 antibodies. During fetal and early neonatal life, when only MAdCAM-1 is expressed on high endothelial venules, an unusual subset of CD4 + CD3- cells, exclusively expressing alpha 4 beta 7 as homing receptors, enters the lymph nodes. Beginning 24 hr after birth a developmental switch occurs, and the peripheral node addressins are upregulated on high endothelial venules in peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes. This switch in addressin expression facilitates tissue-selective lymphocyte migration and mediates a sequential entry of different cell populations into the lymph nodes.


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The CD3 epsilon polypeptide contributes to the cell surface display as well as to the signal transduction properties of the T-cell antigen receptor complex. Intriguingly, the distribution of CD3 epsilon is not restricted to T cells, since activated mouse, human, and avian natural killer (NK) cells do express intracytoplasmic CD3 epsilon polypeptides. CD3 epsilon is also present in the cytoplasm of fetal thymic T/NK bipotential progenitor cells, suggesting that it constitutes a component of the NK differentiation program. We report here that the genetic disruption of CD3 epsilon exon 5 alters neither NK cell development nor in vitro and in vivo NK functions, although it profoundly blocked T-cell development. These results support the notion that CD3 epsilon is dispensable for mouse NK cell ontogeny and function and further suggest that the common NK/T-cell progenitor cell utilizes CD3 epsilon as a mandatory component only when differentiating toward the T-cell lineage.


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O sistema imunológico materno desempenha um papel importante no estabelecimento da gestação e desenvolvimento de concepto até início do parto. A hipótese deste projeto é que há um recrutamento de células Tγδ para o endométrio ao longo da gestação que expressam citocinas que favorecem o estabelecimento e manutenção da tolerância materna a antígenos fetais durante a gestação em bovinos. Experimento I Para estudar a dinâmica populacional das células do sistema imune no sangue periférico de não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP), vacas lactantes no 1º trimestre e vacas no 3º trimestre da gestação, as PBMCs foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll, seguido por protocolo de imunocitoquímica e analisadas em citômetro de fluxo para os anticorpos CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD25+ e WC1+. As células analisadas tanto na região de linfócitos quanto na região de monócitos, não apresentaram diferença significativa entre os grupos analisados. Experimento II Para análise do perfil de expressão gênica das células Tγδ, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de vacas no 1º trimestre da gestação, vacas lactantes não prenhes (LNP) e vacas não lactantes não prenhes (NLNP). As células mononucleares foram separadas por gradiente de densidade de Ficoll e células Tγδ foram analisadas quanto ao perfil de citocinas por qRT-PCR para os genes IFNG; IL10; IL15; IL17; IL18; IL1B; IL4; IL-6; ISG15; PFR; TGFB2 e TNFA. A análise de expressão gênica mostrou tendência no aumento na expressão de IL1B, IL6 e TGFB2 em células PBMC em vacas NLNP quando comparado com vacas LNP e no 1º trimestre da gestação, enquanto que os outros genes analisados não apresentaram diferença significativa. Experimento III Fragmentos de endométrio, provenientes de abatedouro, foram coletados de vacas em 1º trimestre (33 a 35 dias de gestação), 2º trimestre (143 a 182 dias de gestação) e 3º trimestre de gestação (228 a 247 dias de gestação). Cortes congelados foram imunolocalizados e quantificados para as células do sistema imune CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD14+, CD18+, CD25+, CD62L+ e WC1+ por imunofluorescência. Nossos estudos mostraram aumento das células CD25+ e CD62L+ no endométrio no início da gestação. No meio da gestação, há um aumento das células WC1+ e CD14+. No final da gestação, observamos o aumento de CD14+, CD25+, CD18+ e CD62L+. Em suma, nossos dados sugerem que a modulação do sistema imune materno é específica para cada estágio da gestação, sendo que no início da gestação há um envolvimento de células T ativadas (CD25+) provavelmente para o estabelecimento de uma resposta ativa para tolerância dos antígenos fetais. Já no meio da gestação, há um recrutamento massivo de células Tγδ para o endométrio gravídico provavelmente para manter um microambiente de tolerância para o desenvolvimento fetal e no final da gestação células efetoras como macrófagos são recrutadas para o endométrio para auxiliar no processo do parto e involução uterina.


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A classic T-cell phenotype in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the downregulation and replacement of the CD3ζ chain that alters T-cell receptor signaling. However, genetic associations with SLE in the human CD247 locus that encodes CD3ζ are not well established and require replication in independent cohorts. Our aim was therefore to examine, localize and validate CD247-SLE association in a large multiethnic population. We typed 44 contiguous CD247 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 8922 SLE patients and 8077 controls from four ethnically distinct populations. The strongest associations were found in the Asian population (11 SNPs in intron 1, 4.99 × 10(-4) < P < 4.15 × 10(-2)), where we further identified a five-marker haplotype (rs12141731-rs2949655-rs16859085-rs12144621-rs858554; G-G-A-G-A; P(hap) = 2.12 × 10(-5)) that exceeded the most associated single SNP rs858554 (minor allele frequency in controls = 13%; P = 4.99 × 10(-4), odds ratio = 1.32) in significance. Imputation and subsequent association analysis showed evidence of association (P < 0.05) at 27 additional SNPs within intron 1. Cross-ethnic meta-analysis, assuming an additive genetic model adjusted for population proportions, showed five SNPs with significant P-values (1.40 × 10(-3) < P< 3.97 × 10(-2)), with one (rs704848) remaining significant after Bonferroni correction (P(meta) = 2.66 × 10(-2)). Our study independently confirms and extends the association of SLE with CD247, which is shared by various autoimmune disorders and supports a common T-cell-mediated mechanism.


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TCR/CD3 (αβTCRand γδTCR) complexes are members of a family of modular biosensors that are responsible for driving T-cell development, activation, and effector functions. They inform essential checkpoint decisions by relaying key information from their ligand-binding modules (TCR chains) to their signaling modules (CD3γε, CD3δε and CD3ζζ) and onto the intracellular signaling apparatus. Their actions shape the T-cell repertoire, as well as T-cell-mediated immunity; yet, the mechanisms that underlie their activity are still to be precisely determined. As with any molecular machine, understanding how they function depends critically on dissecting how their parts fit and work together. T-cell receptor immunodeficiencies (TCRID) are low-prevalence autosomal recessive diseases characterized by impaired surface TCR expression, frequently associated with peripheral blood T lymphocytopenia, severe combined ID (SCID) and (or) autoimmune symptoms, but not associated with B or natural killer (NK) lymphocytopenia. Several CD3, CD247, and TCR deficiencies have been described which can be classified as complete or partial according to the absence or presence of residual levels of the affected protein. Although rare and sometimes based on single cases, TCRID offer rich information about the underpinnings of human TCR structure and function, which in turn impact our understanding of T-cell development and function... NOTA 520 8 Las inmunodeficiencias humanas del receptor de antígeno de los linfocitos T (TCR) son enfermedades autosómicas recesivas con baja prevalencia, caracterizadas por un defecto de expresión del TCR asociado a una linfopenia T selectiva. La ausencia congénita de componentes del TCR tiene un impacto diferencial en el desarrollo y función de los linfocitos T, que depende de la cadena del TCR afectada y de la especie, siendo en algunos casos diferente en los pacientes humanos en comparación con los modelos en ratones. Las inmunodeficiencias del TCR han sido ampliamente estudiadas, en particular las de las sub-unidades CD3 del complejo receptor. En contraste, hasta ahora es muy poca la atención que se le ha prestado a los potenciales efectos de la haploinsuficiencia de componentes del TCR en el desarrollo, fenotipo y función de los linfocitos T. Esto es debido en gran parte al hecho de que los individuos haploinsuficientes (portadores de mutaciones nulas en heterocigosis) no presentan alteraciones obvias de la inmunidad mediada por células T o signos de enfermedad. En este trabajo se analiza por primera vez, en humanos y modelos de ratones, el impacto de la haploinsuficiencia de CD3 y CD3 en la expresión y funcionalidad del TCR, y su potencial relevancia en el desarrollo y función de los linfocitos T. Los resultados indican que la haploinsuficiencia de CD3 y, en menor medida, la de CD3causa una disminución en la expresión del TCR en la superficie de las células T y T, y provoca alteraciones claras en el desarrollo y función de los linfocitos T en ambas especies...


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Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Dissertation, 2016


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O transplante de medula óssea (TMO) é um procedimento terapêutico importante em casos relacionados à pacientes com leucemia ou linfoma. Em decorrência desse processo, uma reação conhecida como doença enxerto-versus-hospedeiro (GVHD) pode ocorrer em pacientes susceptíveis como conseqüência da presença de células imunocompetentes do doador. Entretanto, não existe um modelo para descrever completamente as ações relacionadas ao mecanismo imunológico da GVHD desde a fase que inicializa a doença até a fase efetora. O Objetivo geral deste estudo é a investigação da resposta imunológica considerando-se o sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano) em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD em decorrência do TMO. O National Cancer Institute (NCI) – Pathway interaction Database e Reactome foram usados como bases de dados com o objetivo de se estudar a expressão de genes e vias relacionados às Classes I e II do sistema HLA (antígenos leucocitários humano). O estudo considerou a mudança de expressão de genes relacionados às 17 vias do sistema imunológico com potencialidade para se expressar em pacientes que desenvolveram a GVHD associada à TMO. Dados referentes aos transcriptomas foram obtidos utilizando-se a plataforma GPL570 Affymetrix Genoma Humano U133 Plus. A atividade relativa foi usada para determinar as alterações das vias em amostras de GVHD em relação ao controle. As análises foram realizadas utilizando-se o software Via Complex e Bioconductor. Observou-se aumento significativo da expressão de genes ralacionados às vias do sistema imune adaptativo, antígenos associados às Classe I e II do HLA, fosforilação de CD3 e CD247, sinalização dos receptores de células T em CD4+ nativas e ativação de NF-kapa β nas células B. Também observou-se alterações significativas na mudança de expressão dos genes associados às vias relacionadas à super família de moléculas B7:CD28\CTLA-4 quando comparadas ao controle. Isso pode indicar a necessidade de geração de um segundo sinal co-estimulador em GVHD, acionado pelas moléculas dessa super família. O aumento da expressão do gene CD69 nas amostras experimentais caracteriza a ativação celular e, portanto, a sinalização de estímulos em GVHD. Os achados obtidos neste estudo contribuem para melhor elucidar o mecanismo imunopatogênico associado à GVHD. P