995 resultados para Anomalous Resonance Fluorescence
We study the behavior of a two-level atom that is driven by a bichromatic field consisting of a strong resonant component and a weaker tunable component. In addition to the splitting of the energy levels (the multiphoton AC Stark effect), we find that the weaker component also shifts the subharmonic resonances, an effect we attribute to a dynamic Stark shift. When the weaker component is tuned to a shifted resonance, no fluorescence occurs at either the frequency of the strong component or the three-photon mixing frequency. Results are obtained with numerical techniques and explained in terms of the dressed-atom model of the system. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)01508-2] OCIS codes: 270.4180, 270.6620, 270.0270.
It has been observed experimentally [H.R. Xia, C.Y. Ye, and S.Y. Zhu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1032 (1996)] that quantum interference between two molecular transitions can lead to a suppression or enhancement of spontaneous emission. This is manifest in the fluorescent intensity as a function of the detuning of the driving field from the two-photon resonance condition. Here we present a theory that explains the observed variation of the number of peaks with the mutual polarization of the molecular transition dipole moments. Using master equation techniques we calculate analytically as well as numerically the steady-state fluorescence, and find that the number of peaks depends on the excitation process. If the molecule is driven to the upper levels by a two-photon process, the fluorescent intensity consists of two peaks regardless of the mutual polarization of the transition dipole moments. Lf the excitation process is composed of both a two-step, one-photon process and a one-step, two-photon process, then there are two peaks on transitions with parallel dipole moments and three peaks on transitions with antiparallel dipole moments. This latter case is in excellent agreement with the experiment.
A novel flow-tagging technique is presented which was employed to measure gas velocities in the free stream of a shock tube. This method is based on the laser spectroscopic techniques of Laser-Enhanced Ionisation (LEI) and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The flow in the shock tube is seeded with small amounts of sodium, and LEI is used to produce a substantial depletion of neutral sodium atom concentration in a well-defined region of the flow, by using two wavelength-resonance excitation and subsequent collisional ionisation. At a specific time delay, single-laser-pulse planar LIF is utilised to produce a two-dimensional (2-D) inverse image of the depleted tagged region downstream of the flow. By measuring the displacement of the tagged region, free stream velocities in a shock tube were determined. Large variations in the concentration of sodium seeded into the flow were observed and even in the presence of these large variations accurate free-stream velocity measurements were obtained. The experimentally determined value for velocity compares very well with the predicted velocity.
We examine subnatural phase-dependent linewidths in the fluorescence spectrum of a three-level atom damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum in a cavity. Using the dressed-atom model approach of a strongly driven three-level cascade system, we derive the master equation of the system from which we obtain simple analytical expressions for the fluorescence spectrum. We show that the phase effects depend on the bandwidths of the squeezed vacuum and the cavity relative to the Rabi frequency of the driving fields. When the squeezing bandwidth is much larger than the Rabi frequency, the spectrum consists of five lines with only the central and outer sidebands dependent on the phase. For a squeezing bandwidth much smaller than the Rabi frequency the number of lines in the spectrum and their phase properties depend on the frequency at which the squeezing and cavity modes are centered. When the squeezing and cavity modes are centered on the inner Rabi sidebands, the spectrum exhibits five lines that are completely independent of the squeezing phase with only the inner Rabi sidebands dependent on the squeezing correlations. Matching the squeezing and cavity modes to the outer Rabi sidebands leads to the disappearance of the inner Rabi sidebands and a strong phase dependence of the central line and the outer Rabi sidebands. We find that in this case the system behaves as an individual two-level system that reveals exactly the noise distribution in the input squeezed vacuum. [S1050-2947(97)00111-X].
Optical colour sensors based on multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures can act as voltage controlled optical filters in the visible range. In this article we investigate the application of these structures for Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) detection, The characteristics of a-SiC:H multilayered structure are studied both theoretically and experimentally in several wavelengths corresponding to different fluorophores. The tunable optical p-i'(a-SiC:H)-n/p-i(a-Si:H)-n heterostructures were produced by PECVD and tested for a proper fine tuning in the violet, cyan and yellow wavelengths. The devices were characterized through transmittance and spectral response measurements, under different electrical bias and frequencies. Violet, cyan and yellow signals were applied in simultaneous and results have shown that they can be recovered under suitable applied bias. A theoretical analysis supported by numerical simulation is presented.
The transducer consists of a semiconductor device based on two stacked -i-n heterostructures that were designed to detect the emissions of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer between fluorophores in the cyan (470 nm) and yellow (588 nm) range of the spectrum. This research represents a preliminary study on the use of such wavelength-sensitive devices as photodetectors for this kind of application. The device was characterized through optoelectronic measurements concerning spectral response measurements under different electrical and optical biasing conditions. To simulate the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) pairs, a chromatic time-dependent combination of cyan and yellow wavelengths was applied to the device. The generated photocurrent was measured under reverse and forward bias to read out the output photocurrent signal. A different wavelength-biasing light was also superimposed. Results show that under reverse bias, the photocurrent signal presents four separate levels, each one assigned to the different wavelength combinations of the FRET pairs. If a blue background is superimposed, the yellow channel is enhanced and the cyan suppressed, while under red irradiation, the opposite behavior occurs. So, under suitable biasing light, the transducer is able to detect separately the cyan and yellow fluorescence pairs. An electrical model, supported by a numerical simulation, supports the transduction mechanism of the device.
RESUMO:As terapias biológicas revolucionaram o tratamento das doenças autoimunes nos últimos anos. Tipicamente têm como alvos mediadores importantes no mecanismo das doenças. Os antagonistas do fator de necrose tumoral-α (TNF-α) são um grupo de agentes biológicos muito prescrito, pois estão indicados no tratamento de doenças imuno-mediadas comuns, tais como artrite reumatoide, artrite idiopática juvenil, artrite psoriática, espondilite anquilosante, doença de Crohn e colite ulcerosa. Com o uso frequente de inibidores do TNF-α, tem-se tornado evidente que estes agentes têm um potencial imunogénico importante, que pode comprometer o prognóstico a longo prazo dos doentes cronicamente tratados. A produção de anticorpos anti-fármaco parece causar falência terapêutica secundária em muitos doentes. Um dos efeitos dos anticorpos anti-fármaco é o aumento da eliminação do fármaco. A eliminação do fármaco, por sua vez, varia entre indivíduos, refletindo diferentes perfis farmacocinéticos. A determinação dos níveis séricos mínimos do agente anti-TNF-α é assim muito informativa e pode auxiliar nas decisões terapêuticas. Contudo, os testes imunológicos para determinar as concentrações séricas do fármaco não estão facilmente disponíveis na prática clínica. De forma a investigar uma nova técnica potencialmente fidedigna e prática para a deteção e quantificação dos agentes biológicos anti-TNF-α, foi testada a técnica por HTRF (homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer) para a determinação de concentrações séricas de infliximab. Apesar de apresentar algumas limitações relacionadas com as condições de leitura da fluorescência, esta técnica provou obter resultados próximos das concentrações obtidas por ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) bridging. Adicionalmente, tem a vantagem de ser de execução muito mais fácil e rápida. Deste modo, a técnica por HTRF poderá ser otimizada e tornar-se uma valiosa ferramenta laboratorial para orientar as decisões terapêuticas em doentes autoimunes com falência da terapêutica anti-TNF-α.--------- ABSTRACT: Biologic therapies revolutionized the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the last years. Typically, they target important disease mediators. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) antagonists constitute a very prescribed group of biologic agents as they are indicated for the treatment of common immune-mediated diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. With the increasing use of TNF-α inhibitors it has been noticed that they have an important immunogenic potential that can compromise long-term outcomes in chronically treated patients. The production of anti-drug antibodies seems to cause secondary therapeutic failure in many patients. One of the effects of anti-drug antibodies is the enhancement of drug clearance. Drug clearance, in turn, varies among individuals, reflecting different pharmacokinetic profiles. Determination of serum anti-TNF-α drug trough levels is though very informative and could support treatment decisions. However, immunologic assays to determine drug serum concentrations are not readily available in clinical practice. In order to investigate a potentially reliable and practical new technique for detection and quantification of anti-TNF-α biologic agents, homogeneous time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (HTRF) technique was tested for determination of serum infliximab concentrations. Although presenting some limitations related with fluorescence reading conditions, this technique proved to give results close to the concentrations obtained by the widely used bridging enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In addition, it has the advantage of being much easier and faster to perform. Thus, HTRF technique can be optimized and become a valuable laboratorial tool to guide treatment decisions in autoimmune patients with anti-TNF-α therapy failure.
In a global approach combining fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), we address the behavior in living cells of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), a family of nuclear receptors involved in lipid and glucose metabolism, inflammation control, and wound healing. We first demonstrate that unlike several other nuclear receptors, PPARs do not form speckles upon ligand activation. The subnuclear structures that may be observed under some experimental conditions result from overexpression of the protein and our immunolabeling experiments suggest that these structures are subjected to degradation by the proteasome. Interestingly and in contrast to a general assumption, PPARs readily heterodimerize with retinoid X receptor (RXR) in the absence of ligand in living cells. PPAR diffusion coefficients indicate that all the receptors are engaged in complexes of very high molecular masses and/or interact with relatively immobile nuclear components. PPARs are not immobilized by ligand binding. However, they exhibit a ligand-induced reduction of mobility, probably due to enhanced interactions with cofactors and/or chromatin. Our study draws attention to the limitations and pitfalls of fluorescent chimera imaging and demonstrates the usefulness of the combination of FCS, FRAP, and FRET to assess the behavior of nuclear receptors and their mode of action in living cells.
The acquisition duration of most three-dimensional (3D) coronary magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) techniques is considerably prolonged, thereby precluding breathholding as a mechanism to suppress respiratory motion artifacts. Splitting the acquired 3D volume into multiple subvolumes or slabs serves to shorten individual breathhold duration. Still, problems associated with misregistration due to inconsistent depths of expiration and diaphragmatic drift during sustained respiration remain to be resolved. We propose the combination of an ultrafast 3D coronary MRA imaging sequence with prospective real-time navigator technology, which allows correction of the measured volume position. 3D volume splitting using prospective real-time navigator technology, was successfully applied for 3D coronary MRA in five healthy individuals. An ultrafast 3D interleaved hybrid gradient-echoplanar imaging sequence, including T2Prep for contrast enhancement, was used with the navigator localized at the basal anterior wall of the left ventricle. A 9-cm-thick volume, with in-plane spatial resolution of 1.1 x 2.2 mm, was acquired during five breathholds of 15-sec duration each. Consistently, no evidence of misregistration was observed in the images. Extensive contiguous segments of the left anterior descending coronary artery (48 +/- 18 mm) and the right coronary artery (75 +/- 5 mm) could be visualized. This technique has the potential for screening for anomalous coronary arteries, making it well suited as part of a larger clinical MR examination. In addition, this technique may also be applied as a scout scan, which allows an accurate definition of imaging planes for subsequent high-resolution coronary MRA.
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate a fluorescence-based enhanced-reality system to assess intestinal viability in a laparoscopic mesenteric ischemia model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A small bowel loop was exposed, and 3 to 4 mesenteric vessels were clipped in 6 pigs. Indocyanine green (ICG) was administered intravenously 15 minutes later. The bowel was illuminated with an incoherent light source laparoscope (D-light-P, KarlStorz). The ICG fluorescence signal was analyzed with Ad Hoc imaging software (VR-RENDER), which provides a digital perfusion cartography that was superimposed to the intraoperative laparoscopic image [augmented reality (AR) synthesis]. Five regions of interest (ROIs) were marked under AR guidance (1, 2a-2b, 3a-3b corresponding to the ischemic, marginal, and vascularized zones, respectively). One hour later, capillary blood samples were obtained by puncturing the bowel serosa at the identified ROIs and lactates were measured using the EDGE analyzer. A surgical biopsy of each intestinal ROI was sent for mitochondrial respiratory rate assessment and for metabolites quantification. RESULTS: Mean capillary lactate levels were 3.98 (SD = 1.91) versus 1.05 (SD = 0.46) versus 0.74 (SD = 0.34) mmol/L at ROI 1 versus 2a-2b (P = 0.0001) versus 3a-3b (P = 0.0001), respectively. Mean maximal mitochondrial respiratory rate was 104.4 (±21.58) pmolO2/second/mg at the ROI 1 versus 191.1 ± 14.48 (2b, P = 0.03) versus 180.4 ± 16.71 (3a, P = 0.02) versus 199.2 ± 25.21 (3b, P = 0.02). Alanine, choline, ethanolamine, glucose, lactate, myoinositol, phosphocholine, sylloinositol, and valine showed statistically significant different concentrations between ischemic and nonischemic segments. CONCLUSIONS: Fluorescence-based AR may effectively detect the boundary between the ischemic and the vascularized zones in this experimental model.
Nanoantennae show potential for photosynthesis research for two reasons; first by spatially confining light for experiments which require high spatial resolution, and second by enhancing the photon emission of single light-harvesting complexes. For effective use of nanoantennae a detailed understanding of the interaction between the nanoantenna and the light-harvesting complex is required. Here we report how the excitation and emission of multiple purple bacterial LH2s (light-harvesting complex 2) are controlled by single gold nanorod antennae. LH2 complexes were chemically attached to such antennae, and the antenna length was systematically varied to tune the resonance with respect to the LH2 absorption and emission. There are three main findings. (i) The polarization of the LH2 emission is fully controlled by the resonant nanoantenna. (ii) The largest fluorescence enhancement, of 23 times, is reached for excitation with light at λ = 850 nm, polarized along the long antenna-axis of the resonant antenna. The excitation enhancement is found to be 6 times, while the emission efficiency is increased 3.6 times. (iii) The fluorescence lifetime of LH2 depends strongly on the antenna length, with shortest lifetimes of [similar]40 ps for the resonant antenna. The lifetime shortening arises from an 11 times resonant enhancement of the radiative rate, together with a 2–3 times increase of the non-radiative rate, compared to the off-resonant antenna. The observed length dependence of radiative and non-radiative rate enhancement is in good agreement with simulations. Overall this work gives a complete picture of how the excitation and emission of multi-pigment light-harvesting complexes are influenced by a dipole nanoantenna.
Resonance energy transfer (RET) is a non-radiative transfer of the excitation energy from the initially excited luminescent donor to an acceptor. The requirements for the resonance energy transfer are: i) the spectral overlap between the donor emission spectrum and the acceptor absorption spectrum, ii) the close proximity of the donor and the acceptor, and iii) the suitable relative orientations of the donor emission and the acceptor absorption transition dipoles. As a result of the RET process the donor luminescence intensity and the donor lifetime are decreased. If the acceptor is luminescent, a sensitized acceptor emission appears. The rate of RET depends strongly on the donor–acceptor distance (r) and is inversely proportional to r6. The distance dependence of RET is utilized in binding assays. The proximity requirement and the selective detection of the RET-modified emission signal allow homogeneous separation free assays. The term lanthanide-based RET is used when luminescent lanthanide compounds are used as donors. The long luminescence lifetimes, the large Stokes’ shifts and the intense, sharply-spiked emission spectra of the lanthanide donors offer advantages over the conventional organic donor molecules. Both the organic lanthanide chelates and the inorganic up-converting phosphor (UCP) particles have been used as donor labels in the RET based binding assays. In the present work lanthanide luminescence and lanthanide-based resonance energy transfer phenomena were studied. Luminescence lifetime measurements had an essential role in the research. Modular frequency-domain and time-domain luminometers were assembled and used successfully in the lifetime measurements. The frequency-domain luminometer operated in the low frequency domain ( 100 kHz) and utilized a novel dual-phase lock-in detection of the luminescence. One of the studied phenomena was the recently discovered non-overlapping fluorescence resonance energy transfer (nFRET). The studied properties were the distance and temperature dependences of nFRET. The distance dependence was found to deviate from the Förster theory and a clear temperature dependence was observed whereas conventional RET was completely independent of the temperature. Based on the experimental results two thermally activated mechanisms were proposed for the nFRET process. The work with the UCP particles involved the measurement of the luminescence properties of the UCP particles synthesized in our laboratory. The goal of the UCP particle research is to develop UCP donor labels for binding assays. In the present work the effect of the dopant concentrations and the core–shell structure on the total up-conversion luminescence intensity, the red–green emission ratio, and the luminescence lifetime was studied. Also the non-radiative nature of the energy transfer from the UCP particle donors to organic acceptors was demonstrated for the first time in aqueous environment and with a controlled donor–acceptor distance.
Information gained from the human genome project and improvements in compound synthesizing have increased the number of both therapeutic targets and potential lead compounds. This has evolved a need for better screening techniques to have a capacity to screen number of compound libraries against increasing amount of targets. Radioactivity based assays have been traditionally used in drug screening but the fluorescence based assays have become more popular in high throughput screening (HTS) as they avoid safety and waste problems confronted with radioactivity. In comparison to conventional fluorescence more sensitive detection is obtained with time-resolved luminescence which has increased the popularity of time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) based assays. To simplify the current TR-FRET based assay concept the luminometric homogeneous single-label utilizing assay technique, Quenching Resonance Energy Transfer (QRET), was developed. The technique utilizes soluble quencher to quench non-specifically the signal of unbound fraction of lanthanide labeled ligand. One labeling procedure and fewer manipulation steps in the assay concept are saving resources. The QRET technique is suitable for both biochemical and cell-based assays as indicated in four studies:1) ligand screening study of β2 -adrenergic receptor (cell-based), 2) activation study of Gs-/Gi-protein coupled receptors by measuring intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cell-based), 3) activation study of G-protein coupled receptors by observing the binding of guanosine-5’-triphosphate (cell membranes), and 4) activation study of small GTP binding protein Ras (biochemical). Signal-to-background ratios were between 2.4 to 10 and coefficient of variation varied from 0.5 to 17% indicating their suitability to HTS use.
Fluoresenssiperusteiset kuvantamismenetelmät lysinurisen proteiini-intoleranssin (LPI) soluhäiriön tutkimuksessa Lysinurinen proteiini-intoleranssi on suomalaiseen tautiperintöön kuuluva autosomaalisesti peit¬tyvästi periytyvä sairaus, jonka aiheuttaa kationisten aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö munuaisten ja ohutsuolen epiteelisolujen basolateraalikalvolla. Aminohappojen kuljetushäiriö johtaa moniin oirei¬siin, kuten kasvuhäiriöön, osteoporoosiin, immuunijärjestelmän häiriöihin, oksenteluun ja runsaspro¬teiinisen ravinnon nauttimisen jälkeiseen hyperammonemiaan. LPI-geeni SLC7A7 (solute carrier family 7 member 7) koodaa y+LAT1 proteiinia, joka on basolateraali¬nen kationisten ja neutraalien aminohappojen kuljettimen kevyt ketju, joka muodostaa heterodimee¬rin raskaan alayksikön 4F2hc:n kanssa. Tällä hetkellä SLC7A7-geenistä tunnetaan yli 50 LPI:n aiheut¬tavaa mutaatiota. Tässä tutkimuksessa erityyppisiä y+LAT1:n LPI-mutaatiota sekä yhdeksän C-terminaalista polypep¬tidiä lyhentävää deleetiota kuvannettiin nisäkässoluissa y+LAT1:n GFP (green fluorescent protein) -fuusioproteiineina. Tulokset vahvistivat muissa soluissa tehdyt havainnot siitä, että 4F2hc on edel¬lytyksenä y+LAT1:n solukalvokuljetukselle, G54V-pistemutantti sijaitsee solukalvolla samoin kuin vil¬lityyppinen proteiini, mutta lukukehystä muuttavia ja proteiinia lyhentäviä mutantteja ei kuljeteta solukalvoon. Lisäksi havaittiin, että poikkeuksena tästä säännöstä ovat y+LAT1-deleetioproteiinit, joista puuttui korkeintaan 50 C-terminaalista aminohappoa. Nämä lyhentyneet kuljettimet sijaitsevat solukalvolla kuten villityyppiset ja LPI-pistemutanttiproteiinit. Dimerisaation osuutta kuljetushäiriön synnyssä tutkittiin käyttämällä fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) menetelmää. Heterodimeerin alayksiköistä kloonattiin ECFP (cyan) ja EYFP (yellow) fuusioproteiinit, joita ilmennettiin nisäkässoluissa, ja FRET mitattiin virtaussytometri-FRET -menetel¬mällä (FACS-FRET). Tutkimuksissa kaikkien mutanttien havaittiin dimerisoituvan yhtä tehokkaasti. Kul¬jetushäiriön syynä ei siten ole alayksiköiden dimerisaation estyminen mutaation seurauksena. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että kaikki mutantti-y+LAT1-transfektiot tuottavat vähemmän transfektoi¬tuneita soluja kuin villityyppisen y+LAT1:n transfektiot. Solupopulaatioissa, joihin oli tranfektoitu lu¬kukehystä muuttava tai stop-kodonin tuottava mutaatio havaittiin suurempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen transfektoitumattomissa soluissa, kun taas villityyppistä tai G54V-pistemutanttia tuottavas¬sa solupopulaatiossa oli pienempi kuolleisuus kuin saman näytteen fuusioproteiinia ilmentämättö¬missä soluissa. Tulos osoittaa mutanttiproteiinien erilaiset vaikutukset niitä ilmentäviin soluihin, joko suoraan y+LAT1:n tai 4F2hc:n kautta aiheutuneina. LPIFin SLC7A7 lähetti-RNA:n määrä ei merkittävästi poikennut villityyppisen määrästä fibroblasteissa ja lymfoblasteissa. SLC7A7:n promoottorianalyysissä oli osoitettavissa säätelyalueita geenin 5’ ei-koo¬daavalla alueella sekä ensimmäisten kahden intronin alueella. LPI-taudin tautimekanismin kannalta keskeisin tekijä on kuitenkin aminohappokuljetuksen häiriö, jonka vaikutuksesta näistä aminohapoista riippuvaiset prosessit elimistössä eivät toimi normaalisti. Havaittu virheellinen y+LAT1/4F2hc kuljetuskompleksin sijainti edellyttää lisätutkimuksia sen mahdol¬lisen kliinisen merkityksen selvittämiseksi.