964 resultados para Angular retreat


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It is shown that under reasonable assumptions, conservation of angular momentum provides a strong constraint on gravity wave drag feedbacks to radiative perturbations in the middle atmosphere. In the time mean, radiatively induced temperature perturbations above a given altitude z cannot induce changes in zonal mean wind and temperature below z through feedbacks in gravity wave drag alone (assuming an unchanged gravity wave source spectrum). Thus, despite the many uncertainties in the parameterization of gravity wave drag, the role of gravity wave drag in middle-atmosphere climate perturbations may be much more limited than its role in climate itself. This constraint limits the possibilities for downward influence from the mesosphere. In order for a gravity wave drag parameterization to respect the momentum constraint and avoid spurious downward influence, any nonzero parameterized momentum flux at a model lid must be deposited within the model domain, and there must be no zonal mean sponge layer. Examples are provided of how violation of these conditions leads to spurious downward influence. For planetary waves, the momentum constraint does not prohibit downward influence, but it limits the mechanisms by which it can occur: in the time mean, downward influence from a radiative perturbation can only arise through changes in reflection and meridional propagation properties of planetary waves.


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It is thought that the secondary stars in cataclysmic variables (CVs) may undergo a period of mass loss in the form of a wind during the evolution of the system (Mullan et al. 1992). This wind is thought to magnetically brake the secondary star with a time-scale ~ 10^8 yr (e.g. van Paradijs 1986). When the secondary’s spin has been brought close to synchronism with the orbit it is possible for tidal torques to lock the secondary in synchronous rotation.


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A method has been developed to estimate Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), Fine Mode Fraction (FMF) and Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) over land surfaces using simulated Sentinel-3 data. The method uses inversion of a coupled surface/atmosphere radiative transfer model, and includes a general physical model of angular surface reflectance. An iterative process is used to determine the optimum value of the aerosol properties providing the best fit of the corrected reflectance values for a number of view angles and wavelengths with those provided by the physical model. A method of estimating AOD using only angular retrieval has previously been demonstrated on data from the ENVISAT and PROBA-1 satellite instruments, and is extended here to the synergistic spectral and angular sampling of Sentinel-3 and the additional aerosol properties. The method is tested using hyperspectral, multi-angle Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS) images. The values obtained from these CHRIS observations are validated using ground based sun-photometer measurements. Results from 22 image sets using the synergistic retrieval and improved aerosol models show an RMSE of 0.06 in AOD, reduced to 0.03 over vegetated targets.


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We develop a method to derive aerosol properties over land surfaces using combined spectral and angular information, such as available from ESA Sentinel-3 mission, to be launched in 2015. A method of estimating aerosol optical depth (AOD) using only angular retrieval has previously been demonstrated on data from the ENVISAT and PROBA-1 satellite instruments, and is extended here to the synergistic spectral and angular sampling of Sentinel-3. The method aims to improve the estimation of AOD, and to explore the estimation of fine mode fraction (FMF) and single scattering albedo (SSA) over land surfaces by inversion of a coupled surface/atmosphere radiative transfer model. The surface model includes a general physical model of angular and spectral surface reflectance. An iterative process is used to determine the optimum value of the aerosol properties providing the best fit of the corrected reflectance values to the physical model. The method is tested using hyperspectral, multi-angle Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (CHRIS) images. The values obtained from these CHRIS observations are validated using ground-based sun photometer measurements. Results from 22 image sets using the synergistic retrieval and improved aerosol models show an RMSE of 0.06 in AOD, reduced to 0.03 over vegetated targets.


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We investigated the impact of managed retreat on mercury (Hg) biogeochemistry at a site subject to diffuse contamination with Hg. We collected sediment cores from an area of land behind a dyke one year before and one year after it was intentionally breached. These sediments were compared to those of an adjacent mudflat and a salt marsh. The concentration of total mercury (THg) in the sediment doubled after the dyke was breached due to the deposition of fresh sediment that had a smaller particle size, and higher pH. The concentration of methylmercury (MeHg) was 27% lower in the sediments after the dyke was breached. We conclude that coastal flooding during managed retreat of coastal flood defences at this site has not increased the risk of Hg methylation or bioavailability during the first year. As the sediment becomes vegetated, increased activity of Hg-methylating bacteria may accelerate Hg-methylation rate.


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The derivation of time evolution equations for slow collective variables starting from a micro- scopic model system is demonstrated for the tutorial example of the classical, two-dimensional XY model. Projection operator techniques are used within a nonequilibrium thermodynamics framework together with molecular simulations in order to establish the building blocks of the hydrodynamics equations: Poisson brackets that determine the deterministic drift, the driving forces from the macroscopic free energy and the friction matrix. The approach is rather general and can be applied for deriving the equations of slow variables for a broad variety of systems.


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The vertical distribution of cloud cover has a significant impact on a large number of meteorological and climatic processes. Cloud top altitude and cloud geometrical thickness are then essential. Previous studies established the possibility of retrieving those parameters from multi-angular oxygen A-band measurements. Here we perform a study and comparison of the performances of future instruments. The 3MI (Multi-angle, Multi-channel and Multi-polarization Imager) instrument developed by EUMETSAT, which is an extension of the POLDER/PARASOL instrument, and MSPI (Multi-angles Spectro-Polarimetric Imager) develoloped by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory will measure total and polarized light reflected by the Earth's atmosphere–surface system in several spectral bands (from UV to SWIR) and several viewing geometries. Those instruments should provide opportunities to observe the links between the cloud structures and the anisotropy of the reflected solar radiation into space. Specific algorithms will need be developed in order to take advantage of the new capabilities of this instrument. However, prior to this effort, we need to understand, through a theoretical Shannon information content analysis, the limits and advantages of these new instruments for retrieving liquid and ice cloud properties, and especially, in this study, the amount of information coming from the A-Band channel on the cloud top altitude (CTOP) and geometrical thickness (CGT). We compare the information content of 3MI A-Band in two configurations and that of MSPI. Quantitative information content estimates show that the retrieval of CTOP with a high accuracy is possible in almost all cases investigated. The retrieval of CGT seems less easy but possible for optically thick clouds above a black surface, at least when CGT > 1–2 km.


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Objective. This study was designed to determine the precision and accuracy of angular measurements using three-dimensional computed tomography (3D-CT) volume rendering by computer systems. Study design. The study population consisted of 28 dried skulls that were scanned with a 64-row multislice CT, and 3D-CT images were generated. Angular measurements, (n = 6) based upon conventional craniometric anatomical landmarks (n = 9), were identified independently in 3D-CT images by 2 radiologists, twice each, and were then performed by 3D-CT imaging. Subsequently, physical measurements were made by a third examiner using a Beyond Crysta-C9168 series 900 device. Results. The results demonstrated no statistically significant difference between interexaminer and intraexaminer analysis. The mean difference between the physical and 3-D-based angular measurements was -1.18% and -0.89%, respectively, for both examiners, demonstrating high accuracy. Conclusion. Maxillofacial analysis of angular measurements using 3D-CT volume rendering by 64-row multislice CT is established and can be used for orthodontic and dentofacial orthopedic applications.


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The angular distributions for elastic scattering and breakup of halo nuclei are analysed using a near-side/far-side decomposition within the framework of the dynamical eikonal approximation. This analysis is performed for (11)Be impinging on Pb at 69 MeV/nucleon. These distributions exhibit very similar features. In particular they are both near-side dominated, as expected from Coulomb-dominated reactions. The general shape of these distributions is sensitive mostly to the projectile-target interactions, but is also affected by the extension of the halo. This suggests the elastic scattering not to be affected by a loss of flux towards the breakup channel. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The quadrupolar hyperfine interactions of in-diffused (111)In -> (111)Cd probes in polycrystalline isostructural Zr(4)Al(3) and Hf(4)Al(3) samples containing small admixtures of the phases (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) were investigated. A strong preference of (111)In solutes for the contaminant (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) minority phases was observed. Detailed calculations of the electric field gradient (EFG) at the Cd nucleus using the full-potential augmented plane wave + local orbital formalism allowed us to assign the observed EFG fractions to the various lattice sites in the (Zr/Hf)(3)Al(2) compounds and to understand the preferential site occupation of the minority phases by the (111)In atoms. The effects of the size of the supercell and relaxation around the oversized In and Cd probe atoms were investigated in detail.


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The (16)O+(27)Al elastic and inelastic angular distributions have been measured in a broad angular range (13 degrees < theta(lab) < 52 degrees) at about 100 MeV incident energy. The use of the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer and of the ray-reconstruction analysis technique has been crucial in order to provide, in the same experiment, high-resolution energy spectra and cross-section measurements distributed over more than seven orders of magnitude down to hundreds of nb/sr. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, rotating strings in three directions of AdS(4) x CP(3) geometry are studied; its divergent energy limit, and conserved charges are also determined. An interpretation of these configurations as either giant magnons or spiky strings is discussed.


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Neste trabalho, desenvolve-se um método “multigrid” para a aproximação angular da solução da equação de transporte de partículas em uma placa plana, baseado na formulação LTSN com dependência contínua na variável angular. Para tanto, aplica-se a formulação LTSN sobre o conjunto de equações SN para determinar o fluxo angular de partículas nas N direções discretas referentes a uma malha grossa (N pequeno) e em seguida, usando os fluxos conhecidos, aplica-se a formulação LTSN com dependência angular contínua, para avaliar o fluxo angular nas M direções discretas referentes a uma malha fina (M grande). São apresentadas simulações numéricas que ilustram a capacidade desse método, denotado por MGLTSMN , no que diz respeito à redução do esforço computacional na aproximação da solução para problemas que requerem elevadas ordens de quadratura e alto grau de anisotropia.


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Since Michel Mayor and his student Didier Queloz s pioneer announcement, in 1995, of the existence of a planet orbiting the star 51 Peg, up to present date, 695 extrasolar planets orbiting stars of spectral type F, G, K and M have been discovered. A study on the behavior of the total angular momentum of the planetary systems known up to present date becomes relevant when we know that about 98% of the angular momentum of the solar system is associated with the planets, although they represent only 0.15 percent of the mass of the whole system. In this dissertation we study the behavior of stellar angular momentum, orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum in a sample of 282 stars harboring planets, including 40 multiple systems. We observed that planetary systems containing more than one known planet have both higher orbital angular momentum and total angular momentum compared to those who have only one planet. This analysis shows that multiplanet systems tend to have higher momenta, suggesting that the planets in such systems that contribute to the greater portion momenta have been found. Thus, planetary systems with lower values for the momenta represent the best candidates to the discovery of new planets


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Galactic stellar clusters have a great variety of physical properties that make valuable probes of stellar and galactic chemical evolution. Current studies show a discrepancy between the standard evolutionary models and observations, mainly considering the level of mixing and convective dilution of light elements, as well as to the evolution of the angular momentum. In order to better settle some of these properties, we present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of 28 evolved stars, from the turn-off to the RGB, belonging to the stellar open cluster M67. The observations were performed using UVES+FLAMES at VLT/UT2. We determined stellar parameters and metallicity from LTE analysis of Fe I and Fe II lines between 420 1100 nm. The Li abundance was obtained using the line at 6707.78 ˚A, for the whole sample of stars. The Li abundances of evolved stars of M67 present a gradual decreasing when decreasing the effective temperature. The Li dilution factor for giant stars of M67 with Teff ∼ 4350K is at least 2300 times greater than that predicted by standard theory for single field giant stars. The Li abundance as a function of rotation exhibits a good correlation for evolved stars of M67, with a much smaller dispersion than the field evolved stars. The mass and the age seem to be some of the parameters that influence this connection. We discovered a Li-rich subgiant star in M67 (S1242). It is member of a spectroscopic binary system with a high eccentricity. Its Li abundance is 2.7, the highest Li content ever measured for an evolved star in M67. Two possibilities could explain this anomalous Li content: (i) preservation of the Li at the post turn off stage due to tidal effects, or (ii) an efficient dredge-up of Li, hidden below the convective zone by atomic diffusion occurring in the post turn off stage. We also study the evolution of the angular momentum for the evolved stars in M67. The results are in agreement with previous studies dedicated to evolved stars of this cluster, where stars in the same region of the CM-diagram have quite similar rotations, but with values that indicate an extra breaking along the main sequence. Finally, we analize the distributions of the average rotational velocity and of the average Li abundance as a function of age. With relation to the average Li abundances, stars in clusters and field stars present the same type of exponencial decay law t−β. Such decay is observed for ages lesser than 2 Gyr. From this age, is observed that the average Li abundance remain constant, differently of the one observed in the rotation age connection, where the average rotational velocity decreases slowly with age