974 resultados para Anemia falciforme-diagnóstico


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Anemia is a prevalent comorbidity and marker of a poorer prognosis in patients with heart failure (HF). Its clinical relevance, as well as its pathophysiology and the clinical management of these patients are important subjects in the specialized literature. In the present review, we describe the current concepts on the pathophysiology of anemia in HF, its diagnostic criteria, and the recommendations for iron supplementation. Also, we make a critical analysis of the major studies showing evidences on the benefits of this supplementation. The four main components of anemia are addressed: chronic disease, dilutional, renal and malabsorption. In patients with HF, the diagnostic criteria are the same as those used in the general population: serum ferritin levels lower than 30 mcg/L in patients without kidney diseases and lower than 100 mcg/L or serum ferritin levels between 100-299 mcg/L with transferring saturation lower than 20% in patients with chronic kidney diseases. Finally, the therapeutic possibilities for anemia in this specific patient population are discussed.


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Canine Pyometra is a uterine disease that occurs in sexually mature bitches, with higher incidence in nulliparous and animals over 4 years and is characterized by presenting an accumulation of pus in the uterine lumen, usually occurring in diestrus. Laboratory tests are important tools for the detection of metabolic abnormalities associated with sepsis and renal function, which are serious consequences of pyometra. In blood the main findings are normochromic non-regenerative anemia, presence of dehydration, and sometimes thrombocytopenia. The WBC count may be normal but most often occurs a neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift, monocytosis and the presence of toxic neutrophils. In less than 1 / 3 of the animals the presence of azotemia is present and a density lower than 1035 is detected in the urine of almost 90% of bitches which may be in normal range at the onset of the desease. Urinary protein loss is rare but the protein may be elevated in the reagent strip due to urinary contamination by uterine secretion. The increase of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatine kinase (CK) may be present, indicating disorders in the liver. Currently, additional laboratory tests are being studied for the diagnosis of pyometra and its prognosis, such as the measurement of C-reactive protein and fibrinogen for monitoring the recovery of the inflammatory process and the urine electrophoresis to characterize the origin of proteinuria in these animals . The aim of this work is to review the literature on the main laboratory tests that aid the diagnosis of Pyometra


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The policystycal kidney disease that's a disease congenital autossomal dominant , no connected with the sex , what affect equally manly and females, especially the from race Persian and intersections with animals of that race. The polycystical kidney disease is broadcast the all issue from the individuals affected due at your character hereditary dominant. Yours signals clinical is linked together at the classic signals of Insufficiency Renal Account, such as: nefromegaly, poliury, anorexic, hematury and anemia , because in as much as the animals affected they tend developing this pathology among others secondary systemic problems . The means diagnostic, to ide ntify this pathology as varied, being used principally the of image, permitting a precociou diagnostic. Your treatment consists in master the symptoms caused by kidney insufficiencies Account and furnish, comfort and quality of life for the animals bearers, because it doesn’t have cur. Know the etiology, signals clinical, mediums diagnostic and the treatment is essential tools about to the screening of that disease and also to the future from race Persian and yours intersections obtained across her. The main objective this study was realize a bibliographic review about polycystical kidney disease linking a traditional forms of the diagnostic, treatment and control with new studies recently published about affected felines populations


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The microcytic and hypochromic anemia are the results of several pathologic conditions. They are the most prevalent forms of anemia in the Brazilian population , and frequently the clinical diagnosis depends on the laboratorial analysis. In many cases it is necessary to use specific techniques to determine if this anemia is due to iron deficiency or different types of thalassemia. This article shows the main technical applications used for differential diagnosis of microcytic and hypochromic anemia.


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Objectives: to identify the demographic profile and frequency of anemia and hemoglobinopathies, as a basis for future implementation of actions aimed at pregnant women in the public health domain. Method: this is a cross-sectional study developed with pregnant women attended in a university hospital at Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Blood samples were collected for the erythrogram analysis for detection of anemia and selective and specific tests for abnormal hemoglobin. The patients regarded as indigenous and mentally ill, as well as inmates, were excluded from the research, as they represent a vulnerable population which needs a cohort different from that of the sample. For data collection, a particular questionnaire was used. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), under the Protocol 873/2006. Results: of the 215 pregnant women under study, 20% were adolescents; 36.3% had incomplete primary education; 53.0% were non-Caucasian; 43.3% were from Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil; and 21.1% were of European descent. 17.7% had some type of anemia and, in the evaluation of hemoglobinopathies, 4.7% of patients were detected with some abnormal hemoglobin, with the following frequencies: 3.3% with HbAS; 0.9% with HbAC; and 0.5% with intermediate β-thalassemia. Conclusion: the frequencies of anemia and hemoglobinopathy found in these pregnant women showed the importance of early diagnosis, revealing indicators able to provide a basis for preventive and assistance actions for adequate clinical monitoring, reducing maternal and neonatal morbimortality in the public health services. Descriptors: pregnant women; anemia; hemoglobinopathies; public health; nursing.


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Introduction: The HELLP syndrome is a severe complication of pregnant women with preeclampsia (PE), characterized by association of hemolysis, changes in liver enzymes and thrombocytopenia. Hemolysis, defined by the presence of microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, is one of the characteristics in this syndrome. However, as hemolysis occurs in a short time there is some difficulty in its laboratory diagnosis. Therefore, the search for a more sensitive and specific method for hemolysis determination may help in the early diagnosis of the HELLP syndrome. Objectives: a) To determine the plasma concentration of haptoglobin in normotensive pregnant women and in pregnant women with PE, classified into mild PE, severe PE and HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome; b) To compare the efficacy of haptoglobin plasma concentration and serum total bilirubin as criteria for hemolysis diagnosis in HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analytical and comparative study involving 66 pregnant women diagnosed with PE, being 25 cases with mild PE, 28 with severe PE, and 13 with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome. Twenty-one normotensive pregnant women were included for comparison of haptoglobin plasma concentration between the groups and to determine the normal values for pregnant women. The variables studied were: maternal age, gestational age, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria, hematocrit and hemoglobin values, platelet count, serum total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (AST) and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (ALT), urea, creatinine and uric acid, and also plasma concentrations of haptoglobin. The results were analyzed by nonparametric tests, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The values of urea, uric acid, AST, ALT and LDH were significantly higher, while the number of platelets was lower in pregnant women with HELLP/partial HELLP syndrome compared to pregnant women with mild PE and ...


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A piometra é uma condição mórbida caracterizada pela inflamação do útero com acúmulo de exsudatos, resultante de ações hormonais e geralmente associada à presença de bactérias no lúmen uterino. A anemia é a alteração hematológica mais frequentemente observada em cadelas com piometra e está associada à cronicidade da doença, diminuição da eritropoiese, devido ao efeito toxêmico na medula óssea, diminuição da disponibilidade de ferro ou perda de sangue para o útero. Adicionalmente, o efeito das toxinas bacterianas e os radicais livres gerados pelo metabolismo oxidativo dos neutrófilos podem resultar na modificação da estrutura antigênica da membrana do eritrócito, permitindo a ligação de imunoglobulinas em sua superfície e acelerando a destruição eritrocitária. Essa hipótese pode ser comprovada pela detecção de imunocomplexos na superfície eritrocitária de cadelas com piometra. O diagnóstico de piometra foi estabelecido em 33 cadelas atendidas no Serviço de Obstetrícia/Ginecologia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo com base na anamnese, exame físico e exames subsidiários (ultrassonografia, hemograma e concentrações séricas de ureia e creatinina). As amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas em dois momentos. A primeira anterior a ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) e a segunda, sete a dez dias após a OSH. A quantificação de hemácias com deposição de imunocomplexos IgG e IgM foi realizada utilizando-se anticorpos anti-IgG e anti-IgM (Bethyl®Laboratories) conjugadas a fluoresceína de isotiocianato (FITC), e a leitura realizada com citômetro de fluxo (FACS Calibur; Becton, Dickinson and Company© 2007 BD), sendo os resultados expressos em percentual de hemácias marcadas. Foram utilizados o Teste de Shapiro-Wilk para a avaliação da distribuição de dados e a comparação entre os grupos controle, pré e pós-OSH foi realizada valendo-se do Teste t ou Teste t pareado e Correlação de Pearson, e do Teste U de Mann-Whitney e Correlação de Spearman, para as variáveis com distribuição normal e não-normal, respectivamente. O valor de alfa estipulado foi de 0,05. Analisando os valores hematológicos de cada um dos cães incluídos no estudo, observa-se que 19 (57,6%) apresentavam anemia normocítica normocrômica não regenerativa no momento pré-OSH e cinco (15,2%) no momento pós-OSH. Em cães do grupo controle foram observadas 0,14 - 0,77% (0,43±0,18%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (0,68±0,29%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. Já nos cães com piometra, foram encontradas 0,14 - 4,19% (0,96±0,86%) de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,29 - 9,58% (1,37±1,71%) com anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, antecedendo a OSH. No momento pós-OSH observou-se 0,18 - 16,2% (2,77±3,67%) de hemácias marcadas para anticorpos anti-IgG FITC e 0,15 - 19,8% (4,01±4,46%) para anticorpos anti-IgM FITC. O percentual de hemácias marcadas com anticorpos anti-IgG FITC diferiu entre os grupos controle e piometra, pré-OSH (p<0,001) e pós-OSH (p<0,001). Em relação a anticorpos anti-IgM FITC, não foram observadas diferenças entre os grupos controle e pré-OSH (p=0,09), porém, após a OSH houve aumento na marcação de hemácias, quando comparado ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Apenas alguns animais apresentaram mais de 5% de hemácias marcadas, e isto ocorreu, principalmente, no momento pós-OSH. Entretanto, não resultou no agravamento da anemia, indicando que a piometra em cadelas está associada à deposição de imunoglobulinas G ou M na superfície das hemácias, sem, no entanto, promover hemólise ou agravamento da anemia


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Resumen: La anemia presenta una elevada prevalência en las consultas de atención primaria y pediatría, y la ADH representa el 50% de todos los casos de anemia. Metodología: Revisión bibliográfica y análisis descriptivo documental sobre etiopatogenia de la anemia ferropénica, las pruebas diagnósticas básicas para el estudio de la ADH y su significado, utilizando una temporalidad determinada en la búsqueda documental y criterios de inclusión atendiendo a las dimensiones que se analizan en el estudio: Nociones acerca del metabolismo del hierro. Nociones acerca de la hematopoyesis. Diagnóstico por el laboratorio y clasificación de las anemias. Clínica de la anemia ferropénica. Causas de la deficiencia de hierro. Resultados y conclusión: EL estudio documental efectuado nos presenta la existencia de publicaciones con contenidos sobre etiopatogenia de la anemia ferropénica, las pruebas diagnósticas básicas para el estudio de la ADH y su significado, evidenciando la importancia de este contenido para el profesional de enfermería en el área de la atención primaria y pediatría.


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Background Iron deficiency, anemia and hookworm disease are important public health problems for women of reproductive age living in developing countries and affect the health of newborns and infants. Iron supplementation and deworming treatment are effective in addressing these problems in both pregnant and non-pregnant women. Daily iron supplementation and deworming after the first trimester is recommended for pregnant women although these programs usually do not operate efficiently or effectively. Weekly iron-folic acid supplementation and regular deworming for non-pregnant women may be a viable approach for improving iron status and preventing anemia during the reproductive years. Addressing these diseases at a population level before women become pregnant could significantly improve women's health before and during pregnancy, as well as their infants' growth and development. Methods and Results This paper describes the major processes undertaken in a demonstration intervention of preventive weekly iron-folic acid supplementation with regular deworming for all 52,000 women aged 15–45 years in two districts of Yen Bai province, in northern Viet Nam. The intervention strategy included extensive consultation with community leaders and village, commune, district and provincial health staff, and training for village health workers. Distribution of the drugs was integrated with the existing health service infrastructure and the village health workers were the direct point of contact with women. Iron-folic acid tablets and deworming treatment were provided free of charge from May 2006. An independent Vietnamese NGO was commissioned to evaluate compliance and identify potential problems. The program resulted in effective distribution of iron-folic acid tablets and deworming treatment to all villages in the target districts, with full or partial compliance of 85%. Conclusion Training for health staff, the strong commitment of all partners and the use of appropriate educational materials led to broad support for weekly iron-folic acid supplementation and high participation in the regular deworming days. In March 2008 the program was expanded to all districts in the province, a target population of approximately 250,000 WRA, and management was handed over to provincial authorities.


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La coriza infecciosa es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda de las gallinas domesti- cas causada por la bacteria Haemophilus parugallinarum. Excepcionalmente pueden enfermarse tambien los faisanes y gallinas de Guinea. El H. paragallinarum infecta al ave por via respiratoria y luego de un cor- to periodo de incubation, que varia entre 1 a 3 dias, produce una enfermedad que se manifiesta por inflamacion catarral de los senos paranasales. Este cuadro puede estar asociado a inflamacion de los barbillones, conjuntivitis o queratitis. Los casos de neu- nionia y aerosaculitis son menos frecuentes pero tambien suelen ocurrir en las infeccio- nes puras por estos hemofilos. En las gallinas en produccion causa alta morbilidad, baja o nula mortalidad y una importante perdida en la produccion de huevos, la que generalmente oscila entre 10% y 40%. En pollos parrilleros puede cau- sar un cuadro descrito como «cabeza hin- chada» y ocasionalmente tambien producir septicemia y muerte (48). Esta bacteria ge- neralmente se asocia con otros agentes bacterianos, viricos o parasitarios y cuan- do esto ocurre se agrava el curso de la en- fermedad. Entre los agentes bacterianos mas comunes deben mencionarse los mycoplasinas y las pasteurelas. Cuando H . paragallinarum se asocia con otros agentes esta enfermedad se denomina .«coriza infec- ciosa complicada» (48). En esta recopilacion se aportaran deta- lles sobre la clasificacion, identificacion y serotipificacion del agente causal. Tambien se resumira la informacion disponible sobre nuevos metodos de diagnostico y programas de vacunacion para prevenir esta enferme-dad. A lo largo de esta revision se hara re-ferencia a los hemofilos aviarios que, para el proposito de este trabajo, seran definidos como organisnios gram negativos aislados de aves y que necesariamente requieren factores de crecimiento in vitro. Los dos factores que pueden ser requeridos por los hemofilos para su crecimiento in vitro son hemina (factor X) y/o nicotin-adenin-dinucleirtido (NAD o factor V).


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Germline mutations in many of the genes that are involved in homologous recombination (HR)-mediated DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) are associated with various human genetic disorders and cancer. RAD51 and RAD51 paralogs are important for HR and in the maintenance of genome stability. Despite the identification of five RAD51 paralogs over a decade ago, the molecular mechanism(s) by which RAD51 paralogs regulate HR and genome maintenance remains obscure. In addition to the known roles of RAD51C in early and late stages of HR, it also contributes to activation of the checkpoint kinase CHK2. One recent study identifies biallelic mutation in RAD51C leading to Fanconi anemia-like disorder. Whereas a second study reports monoallelic mutation in RAD51C associated with increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. These reports show RAD51C is a cancer susceptibility gene. In this review, we focus on describing the functions of RAD51C in HR, DNA damage signaling and as a tumor suppressor with an emphasis on the new roles of RAD51C unveiled by these reports.