992 resultados para Anda,Pablo, 1830-1904


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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Se presenta información sobre la colección de huevos "Pablo Girard" que forma parte de la Colección Ornitológica del Museo de La Plata (División Zoología de Vertebrados, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata). El Sr. Pablo Girard fue un naturalista alemán radicado en la provincia de Tucumán entre las décadas de 1920 y 1940. La donación de esta colección privada al Museo de La Plata generó un importante aporte a la colección de huevos preexistente, ya que incluye información valiosa sobre 18 Órdenes y 38 Familias que nidifican en el noroeste de Argentina, particularmente en la provincia de Tucumán, sur de Salta y noroeste de Santiago del Estero.


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A través de esta serie intentaremos conocer diferentes facetas personales de los integrantes de nuestra “comunidad”. El cuestionario, además de su principal objetivo, con sus respuestas quizás nos ayude a encontrar entre nosotros puntos en común que vayan más allá de nuestros temas de trabajo y sea un aporte a futuros estudios históricos. Esperamos que esta iniciativa pueda ser otro nexo entre los ictiólogos de la región, ya que consideramos que el resultado general trascendería nuestras fronteras.


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Length and weight relationship of Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830) is worked out to be W = 0.00312 L³ which indicates the isometric growth of the fish. Study on food and feeding habits revealed that the species is carnivorous, pelagic, feeding primarily on small crustaceans and small fish species, viz. Acetes indicus, ostracods, Apogon sp., Leiognathus sp., sciaenids, Netnipterus japonicas, Myctophid sp., Trichiurus sp., Therapon sp., D.russelli and occasionally on prawns. It is a selective feeder on Aeetes indicus.


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An incidence of bopyrid isopod infestation was observed in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) juveniles (40-60 mm/0.9-1.5 g) in a scampi culture farm in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. The presence of parasite was observed by conspicuous boil like swelling of the branchial chamber where the parasite was found lodged on the gills. The infested gill was highly compressed and necrosed. Only one branchial chamber was infested by the parasite while the other gill was normal. The infested prawns were thin and emaciated and showed retarded growth. The parasite was identified as Probopyrus bithynis (Richardson, 1904) which caused inhibition of ventilation due to its permanent lodging in the branchial chamber and impaired the gaseous exchange by gills. It was also observed that this parasite caused parasitic castration in the infested prawns.


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Investigations on food and feeding of Johnieops sina indicated that it feeds mainly on penaeid prawns, Acetes spp. and fishes. Penaeid prawns were found to be its preferred food item. The spawning activity was observed throughout the year with two peaks in February and August, supported by prominent peaks of gonadosomatic index in the same months. The minimum size at first maturity for females was 153 mm. The absolute fecundity ranged from 28,495 to 135,346 eggs for the ovaries weighing 1.30 to 9.49 g.


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Conservation status, identification, distribution, abundance, habitat and ecology, threats, conservation actions and recommendations of an endemic catfish, King's bullhead, Silurus mento were introduced.


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Conservation status, identification, distribution, abundance, habitat and ecology, threats, conservation actions and recommendations of a endemic bagrid catfish, Dianchi bullhead, Pseudobagrus medianalis were introduced based on data and knowledge from a


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Correlation between total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) of Raslrineobola argentea (pellegrin 1904) in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria indicate that FL = 0.92 TL - 0.74 and SL = 0.90 TL - 1.74. Length-weight relationship of log-transformed data shows that the slopes of the regression lines were 3.06 to 3.22 for juveniles, 2.70 to 3.05 for males and 3.24 to 3.71 for females. The slopes were significantly different between groups at at a =0.05. The Fulton's condition factor (K) was highest in December (1.019-1.073) and March/April (1.015-1.030) but lowest in June (1:00-1.025) for all stations. Significant differences between groups demands for the use of different growth models for juveniles, males and females especially for the von Bertalanffy growth equation which uses length-weight relationship. Observed cyclic viations in condition factor suggests two peak breeding seasons for this species in the Winam Gulf. The practical lmplications of these results in stock assessment using length-based fish stock assessment methods is briefly discussed.


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Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston 1904) is one of the most important aquaculture species in China. The development of a genetic linkage map would provide a powerful tool for the genetic improvement of this species. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) is a PCR-based technique that has proven to be powerful in genome fingerprinting and mapping, and population analysis. Genetic maps of C. farreri were constructed using AFLP markers and a full-sib family with 60 progeny. A total of 503 segregating AFLP markers were obtained, with 472 following the Mendelian segregation ratio of 1:1 and 31 markers showing significant (P< 0.05) segregation distortion. The male map contained 166 informative AFLP markers in 23 linkage groups covering 2468 cM. The average distance between markers was 14.9 cM. The female genetic map consisted of 198 markers in 25 linkage groups spanning 3130 cM with an average inter-marker spacing of 15.8 cM. DNA polymorphisms that segregated in a 3:1 ratio as well as the AFLP markers that were heterozygous in both parents were included to construct combined linkage genetic map. Five shared linkage groups, ranging from 61.1 to 162.5 cM, were identified between the male and female maps, covering 431 cM. Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers appeared to be evenly distributed within the linkage groups. Although preliminary, these maps provide a starting point for the mapping of the functional genes and quantitative trait loci in C. farreri.