951 resultados para Ancestor reconstruction
One of the main motivations to study amphioxus is its potential for understanding the last common ancestor of chordates, which notably gave rise to the vertebrates. An important feature in this respect is the slow evolutionary rate that seems to have characterized the cephalochordate lineage, making amphioxus an interesting proxy for the chordate ancestor, as well as a key lineage to include in comparative studies. Whereas slow evolution was first noticed at the phenotypic level, it has also been described at the genomic level. Here, we examine whether the amphioxus genome is indeed a good proxy for the genome of the chordate ancestor, with a focus on protein-coding genes. We investigate genome features, such as synteny, gene duplication and gene loss, and contrast the amphioxus genome with those of other deuterostomes that are used in comparative studies, such as Ciona, Oikopleura and urchin.
Diffusion MRI is a well established imaging modality providing a powerful way to probe the structure of the white matter non-invasively. Despite its potential, the intrinsic long scan times of these sequences have hampered their use in clinical practice. For this reason, a large variety of methods have been recently proposed to shorten the acquisition times. Among them, spherical deconvolution approaches have gained a lot of interest for their ability to reliably recover the intra-voxel fiber configuration with a relatively small number of data samples. To overcome the intrinsic instabilities of deconvolution, these methods use regularization schemes generally based on the assumption that the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) to be recovered in each voxel is sparse. The well known Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD) approach resorts to Tikhonov regularization, based on an ℓ(2)-norm prior, which promotes a weak version of sparsity. Also, in the last few years compressed sensing has been advocated to further accelerate the acquisitions and ℓ(1)-norm minimization is generally employed as a means to promote sparsity in the recovered FODs. In this paper, we provide evidence that the use of an ℓ(1)-norm prior to regularize this class of problems is somewhat inconsistent with the fact that the fiber compartments all sum up to unity. To overcome this ℓ(1) inconsistency while simultaneously exploiting sparsity more optimally than through an ℓ(2) prior, we reformulate the reconstruction problem as a constrained formulation between a data term and a sparsity prior consisting in an explicit bound on the ℓ(0)norm of the FOD, i.e. on the number of fibers. The method has been tested both on synthetic and real data. Experimental results show that the proposed ℓ(0) formulation significantly reduces modeling errors compared to the state-of-the-art ℓ(2) and ℓ(1) regularization approaches.
We replicate Shaw (1996) who found that individual wage growth is higher for individuals with greater preference for risk taking. Expanding her dataset with more American observations and data for Germany, Spain and Italy, we find mixed support for the earlier results. We present and estimate a new model and find that in particular the wage level is sensitive to attitudes towards risk taking. Comments given at the Labour Economics Conference in honour of Niels Westergaard (Nyborg, August 2008) and EALE 2008 (Amsterdam) and at seminars in Maastricht,Reus and Essen (RWI) are gratefully acknowledged. The authors also acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant number SEJ2007-66318) and from the Barcelona Economics Program of CREA. JEL code: J24; J30. Key words: wage growth, risk, post-school investment.
Reconstructive surgery takes an important place in breast cancer treatment. Immediate breast reconstruction is performed during the same operation as mastectomy. It is contraindicated following radiotherapy. Reconstruction performed after mastectomy is called differed breast reconstruction. It is completed 6 months after chemotherapy and 1 year after radiotherapy. Prosthetic breast reconstruction is indicated when tissues are of good qualities and breast are small. Autologous reconstruction is performed in case of radiotherapy or large breast. After breast reconstruction, imperfections can be corrected with autologous fat injection.
Quantitative comparison of reconstruction methods for intra-voxel fiber recovery from diffusion MRI.
Validation is arguably the bottleneck in the diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) community. This paper evaluates and compares 20 algorithms for recovering the local intra-voxel fiber structure from diffusion MRI data and is based on the results of the "HARDI reconstruction challenge" organized in the context of the "ISBI 2012" conference. Evaluated methods encompass a mixture of classical techniques well known in the literature such as diffusion tensor, Q-Ball and diffusion spectrum imaging, algorithms inspired by the recent theory of compressed sensing and also brand new approaches proposed for the first time at this contest. To quantitatively compare the methods under controlled conditions, two datasets with known ground-truth were synthetically generated and two main criteria were used to evaluate the quality of the reconstructions in every voxel: correct assessment of the number of fiber populations and angular accuracy in their orientation. This comparative study investigates the behavior of every algorithm with varying experimental conditions and highlights strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This information can be useful not only for enhancing current algorithms and develop the next generation of reconstruction methods, but also to assist physicians in the choice of the most adequate technique for their studies.
L'éthicien Denis Müller présente ici une généalogie, une critique et une reconstruction théologique de l'éthique protestante. Dans un premier moment, l'auteur réfléchit à la transformation considérable qui semble affecter aujourd'hui la situation de l'éthique théologique. Dans un deuxième temps est abordée la problématique de la post-modernité dans sa dynamique de déconstruction qui affecte évidemment les modèles éthiques antérieurs. Dans une troisième partie, coeur de l'ouvrage, Denis Müller propose un modèle de reconstruction de l'éthique théologique où sont abordées des questions centrales pour toute sensibilité protestante et chrétienne: la tradition, la signification de l'herméneutique, l'usage de la Bible.
Introduction: Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) is a rare soft tissue tumour with a high risk for local recurrence and metastases. While this entity is resistant to radio- or chemo-therapy, wide resection remains the treatment of choice. Case report: A 60 year old man presented to our service with a large mass in his right thigh, slowly evolving over the past 7 years. His main complaint was the volume of his thigh. Imaging showed a 23x13x14 cm tumour in the quadriceps, eroding the cortical bone and with potential contamination of the knee joint. The risk of a pathological fracture was estimated considerable. A CT-guided core-needle biopsy revealed a FNCLCC grade 2 EMC. A thoraco-abdominal CT scan showed multiple pulmonary metastases. Due to the palliative situation with a very slow disease progression, a wide extraarticular resection of the distal femur and reconstruction with a megaprosthesis were performed. Extensive skin necrosis necessitated three revision procedures for débridement and confection of a pediculated lateral gastrocnemius muscle flap. No complementary treatment was possible for the pulmonary metastases. At 18 months follow-up, he walked without crutches, was able to do his activities of daily living. He was painfree and highly satisfied with the result. During the follow-up, slow progression of the pulmonary metastases was noted, which remained asymptomatic. Conclusion: Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma is a rare soft tissue tumour, and wide excision remains the treatment of choice. Whenever possible, limb salvage should be proposed to preserve function and quality of life.
BACKGROUND: In addition to prosthetic rehabilitation, maxillary defects can also be surgically reconstructed. Soft-tissue reconstruction employs a radial forearm or latissimus dorsi muscle flap, while bony reconstruction can be achieved using a fibula, iliac crest, or scapular flap. Reconstruction using a scapular flap is further divided into two subgroups: the traditional scapular flap with the circumflex scapular artery as the donor vessel and the scapular angle flap with the angular artery originating from the thoracodorsal artery as the donor vessel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report on four patients who underwent successful reconstruction with a free scapular angle flap between 2009 and 2011, following maxillary resection due to malignancy. RESULTS: Vertical positioning of the scapular angle flap enables reconstruction of the facial contour, whereas its horizontal alignment and microvascular anastomosis makes a bony reconstruction of the hard palate possible. CONCLUSIONS: The versatility, low rate of donor site morbidity and shape of the scapular angle flap--which resembles that of the hard palate--render it ideal for plastic reconstruction. The suitability of bone quality for dental rehabilitation with implants is a topic of controversial discussion. The scapular angle flap represents an alternative to obturator prosthesis for the reconstruction of maxillary defects ≥ grade I according to Okay et al.
One feature of the modern nutrition transition is the growing consumption of animal proteins. The most common approach in the quantitative analysis of this change used to be the study of averages of food consumption. But this kind of analysis seems to be incomplete without the knowledge of the number of consumers. Data about consumers are not usually published in historical statistics. This article introduces a methodological approach for reconstructing consumer populations. This methodology is based on some assumptions about the diffusion process of foodstuffs and the modeling of consumption patterns with a log-normal distribution. This estimating process is illustrated with the specific case of milk consumption in Spain between 1925 and 1981. These results fit quite well with other data and indirect sources available showing that this dietary change was a slow and late process. The reconstruction of consumer population could shed a new light in the study of nutritional transitions.
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Molecular and stable carbon isotope compositions of source-specific hydrocarbons have been used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental conditions during deposition of the Middle Hettangian to Upper Sinemurian sediments on the northern epicontinental Tethys margin, Frick Swiss Jura. Increasing algal, cyanobacterial and phytoplanktonic (i.e., dinoflagellate) contributions associated with the C-13-enrichment of cyanobacteria derivatives (i.e., hopanes and monomethylalkanes) suggest enhanced primary productivity upsection. This is related to the C-13-enrichment of dissolved CO2 in the upper layers and the progressive increase of depth and oxygenation of the water column. In the Middle Hettangian shallow-water environments (lagoon), the occurrence of green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae) derivatives indicates that the lower part of the water column was strictly anoxic and rich in H2S. Since these bacteria require very low light intensity to grow, these euxinic conditions may be extended up to the photic zone, allowing for anaerobic photosynthesis. Light penetration depth is most likely reduced by high productivity and/or turbidity in the photic zone. In these sediments, C-13-depleted hopanoids (-39.5 parts per thousand) are most likely associated with phototrophic purple sulfur bacteria utilizing isotopically light organic carbon at the base of the aerobic zone. These purple sulfur bacteria may have consumed the H2S used by Chlorobiaceae in the deeper layers and thus, sustained the algae and cyanobacteria productivity in the upper layers. The C-13-depleted carbonate (-13.3 parts per thousand) may be partially related to the anaerobic oxidation of the organic matter during bacterial sulfate-reduction. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE: Virtual planning and guided surgery with or without prebent or milled plates are becoming more and more common for mandibular reconstruction with fibular free flaps (FFFs). Although this excellent surgical option is being used more widely, the question of the additional cost of planning and cutting-guide production has to be discussed. In capped payment systems such additional costs have to be offset by other savings if there are no special provisions for extra funding. Our study was designed to determine whether using virtual planning and guided surgery resulted in time saved during surgery and whether this time gain resulted in self-funding of such planning through the time saved. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All consecutive cases of FFF surgery were evaluated during a 2-year period. Institutional data were used to determine the price of 1 minute of operative time. The time for fibula molding, plate adaptation, and insetting was recorded. RESULTS: During the defined period, we performed 20 mandibular reconstructions using FFFs, 9 with virtual planning and guided surgery and 11 freehand cases. One minute of operative time was calculated to cost US $47.50. Multiplying this number by the time saved, we found that the additional cost of virtual planning was reduced from US $5,098 to US $1,231.50 with a prebent plate and from US $6,980 to US $3,113.50 for a milled plate. CONCLUSIONS: Even in capped health care systems, virtual planning and guided surgery including prebent or milled plates are financially viable.
BACKGROUND: The management of pediatric laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) can be challenging, and laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) with cartilage interposition grafting remains the mainstay of surgical treatment for pediatric LTS in most experienced centers. The purpose of this study was to report the results of this procedure in a center where primary cricotracheal resection is frequently performed. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed on 45 patients who underwent LTR in our hospital between October 1997 and July 2012. Demographic characteristics and information on the preoperative status, stenosis, and operation were collected. Primary outcomes were measured as overall (ODR) and operation-specific (OSDR) decannulation rates and secondary outcomes as morbidity, mortality, and postoperative functional results. RESULTS: ODR and OSDR were 86.7% (39/45) and 66.7% (30/45), respectively. Re-stenosis was observed in 11/45 (24%) patients, all of whom were endoscopically or surgically treated. Revision surgery was performed in 10 patients, 6 for re-stenosis and 2 for peristomial tracheomalacia. Two children died of mucous obstruction of tracheostomy tube at 3 and 6 months postoperatively (4.4%). Respiratory, voice, and swallowing functions were excellent or good in 86, 75, and 84% of patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: LTR for pediatric LTS has high decannulation rates with acceptable morbidity and mortality in selected patients. Most LTR procedures were double-stage for lower grade subglottic stenoses associated with glottic involvement that required stenting. Careful preoperative evaluation and adequate surgical indications are extremely important to achieve high decannulation rates.