989 resultados para Analise no domínio tempo
O efeito da topografia de um vale, uma colina, um declive e um aclive, em sondagens eletromagnéticas bidimensionais no domínio da freqüência, causa uma variação nos valores da amplitude e da fase da componente Hz devido a um meio homogêneo. A amplitude é menos afetada que a fase. A parede do vale mais próxima da linha de corrente causa uma forte diminuição dos valores da fase, enquanto que a parede do vale mais distante da linha causa um forte aumento. Os efeitos de uma colina são opostos aos do vale. Os efeitos do declive e do aclive num meio homogêneo, são similares, respectivamente, aos observados pelas paredes do vale e da colina mais próximas da linha de corrente. A resposta de um corpo condutivo retangular num meio homogêneo próximo a uma linha de corrente sofre pequenas variações devido a presença de um vale ou de uma colina situada longe da linha de corrente. Porém, se essas feições topográficas estiverem sobre o corpo, elas afetam fortemente a fase e a amplitude da componente Hz e apenas a amplitude, no caso da componente Hx. A resposta transiente não é afetada pela topografia para tempos muito baixos, pois nesse caso se investiga uma finíssima camada da superfície, assim como para tempos muito altos porque a profundidade de investigação é muito grande comparada com a dimensão da topografia. Para os modelos aqui estudados, a maior influência se dá para tempos intermediários, ao redor de 7 ms, ocasionando um retardo do ponto de "cross over" nas curvas de sondagens.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
O reconhecimento da intenção do condutor a partir de sinais de eletroencefalografia (EEG) pode ser útil no desenvolvimento de interfaces cérebro computador (BCI) para serem usadas em sinergia com veículos inteligentes. Isso pode ser benéfico para melhorar a qualidade de interação entre o motorista e o carro, por exemplo, fornecendo uma resposta do carro inteligente alinhada com a intenção do motorista. Neste estudo, considera-se a antecipação como sendo o estado cognitivo que leva a ações especificas durante a condução de um automóvel. Portanto, propomos investigar a presença de padrões antecipatórios em sinais EEG durante a condução de veículos para determinar duas ações especifícas (1) virar à esquerda e (2) virar à direita, alguns milissegundos antes que tais ações aconteçam. Um protocolo experimental foi proposto para gravar sinais EEG de 5 indivíduos enquanto eles operam um simulador de realidade virtual não invasiva - que foi projetado para tal experimento - que simula a condução de um carro virtual. O protocolo experimental é uma variante do paradigma da variação negativa contingente (CNV) com condições Go e No-go no sistema de condução de realidade virtual. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo indicam a presença de padrões antecipatórios em potenciais corticais lentos observados no domínio do tempo (medias dos sinais EEG) e da frequência (Power Spectra e coerência de fase). Isso abre um leque de possibilidades no desenvolvimento de sistemas BCI - baseados em sinais antecipatórios - que conectem o motorista ao veiculo inteligente favorecendo uma tomada de decisão que analise as intenções dos condutores podendo eventualmente evitar acidentes durante a condução.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The biomass gasification systems have been used for a long time and prove to be a good alternative to the generation of energy problems. This type of management requires a simple installation and maintenance which gives them a high availability. In Biomass project via Call CTEnerg 33/2006-1, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology - MCT - Brazil, the Group Energy Systems Optimization – GOSE - at FEG - UNESP built and tested two prototypes of gasifiers. These is fed with 25 kg / h of dry wood (chips), and 50 Nm3 / h of air to produce gas at a flow rate of approximately 70 Nm3 / h of wood (syngas) at a temperature approximately 600 ° C. In this work of graduation, studies were conducted on the materials used in both the gasifier as well as cleaning the filter synthesis gases. The system of gas cleaning and conditioning is vital to ensure the life of the Internal Combustion Engine. In this case the studies of different filters for small gasification systems (properties, materials used, characteristics, types, etc.) are very relevant to its use in the prototype of the college campus. Were also performed a technical and economic analysis of a cogeneration system that consists in the combination of the downdraft gasifier studied in this work, an internal combustion engine, two heat exchangers and a SRA (absorption system refrigerator). Were calculated the costs of electricity generation, hot water and cold water. Finally, we analyzed the economic feasibility of the project
Nowadays, there is a search for knowledgment that could be applied in the solution of the problems caused by petrolific activities involving the environment, like the biodiversity preservation and the ecosystems monitoring and management. Foraminifera (Protista) are used as an important tool to the environment characterizarion, because they answer quickly to the fisic-quimic variations and indicate local alterations. The goal of this job is to create models of foraminiferal communities composition through the screening of subsuperficial samples obtained from a core collect from Bertioga Channel, Baixada Santista (SP), trying to understand the influence of the environmental variations along the time upon the indicator species presence, as well as making paleoenvironmentals reconstructions of the area. A 80 cm-core was removed in the outer edge of marsh adjacent to Bertioga Channel, not far from the confluence with the Itapanhaú River. There are presented in abundance, equitability, diversity and species richness obtained in nine samples along the sediment. The lower part of the core is compound by calcareous species (rotalideos and miliolideos) with domain Ammonia (Biofacies 1) and the intermediate and upper parts contain mainly agglutinated species (Biofacies 2 and 3, which is dominated by species of Ammotium). The qualitative and quantitative study of the microfauna of foraminifera present in the core reveals that in recent decades the sampling area passed from a condition of infra-marginal strip under significant coastal marine influence for the condition of inter-coastal swamp covered with mangrove vegetation. This change indicates that the site has undergone a process of sediment progradation, a phenomenon that may have been timely, localized, or a reflection of a relative fall in sea level at the regional level
Induction heating is a process closely linked to the concepts of heat transfer. It also covers electromagnetic induction and effect of film. Many companies use this technology in their processes due to the high accuracy that can be obtained at temperatures induced. However the dominance of this technology is not common among Brazilian industries. This involves complex systems of equation and heat exchange in transient conduction, and convection and radiation losses. With this work we seek the ability to analyze which parameters influence over this process and the order of magnitude of time required for heating a cylindrical part
This work approaches, in a simplified manner, the analysis of an aircraft’s trajectory through the 3 main flight phases, climb, cruise and descent, related to fuel consumption and elapsed time. From this analysis is developed a tool that aims optimize the flight planning operational procedure, providing an altitude that comply with fuel saving during the trip, or minimizes the trip time. The use of any altitude is an operator’s decision, that aims comply with their operational needs of each trip, getting the results provided by the tool as a primary approach to the flight profile that also bring up economics aspects of each possibility of decision to be taken. Since the aeronautical Market has singular problems, as the flight altitude optimization, there is the need to solutions very customized that many times can not attend every restriction for each operator and its related kind of operation. When we talk about executive aircrafts, is possible to note that its operators does not have enough engineering and logistic support, when compared to huge airlines companies, to analyze all exceptions of each singular operation, creating many times wastes that can be avoiding with a tool described herein in this work
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Baja SAE competitions challenge engineering students to design and build offroad vehicles, preparing them for the competitive job market. This monograph aims to study a part of the braking of a Baja SAE vehicle system, the brake disc. Giving attention to the wear suffered by discs of two different materials, steel 1045 and stainless steel 304, helping the team Piratas do Vale Bardahl in the best selection between them. Braking tests were performed on a test bench. Both discs have suffered the same braking conditions. Brake pads material, brake line pressure, braking time, number of braking, were parameters which were repeated in the testing of different types of disk, in order to ensure a high power comparison between the obtained data. Before and after the disk tests were weighed and measured, to make a comparison. After the brake tests, the disks were subjected to hardness and surface roughness testing. With the data collected and observations made in the worn parts, the comparison between these two materials was made, obtaining a selection of the best material for the team. The tests showed that steel 1045 has more advantages, compared to stainless steel 304, when applied to brake discs, on the tested conditions
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Introduction: Sedentary behavior is characterized by individuals who designed much of the day sitting or lying down activities, even if such conduct regular physical activity. Over the years people tend to be less active, worsening the quality of life. For healthy aging is necessary for the individual to be constantly active, and moving activities improve mood and quality of life, though little is known of the influence of sedentary behavior in these variables. Aim: To investigate the association between sedentary time, quality of life and mood states of elderly women engaged in physical activity. Methodology: The study included 68 elderly women who belong to the Physical Activity Program for the Elderly (PROFIT), for at least 6 months. These answered the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire, the Pentacle Welfare and IPAQ Short Version. The Pep States List Reduced and Illustrated (LEA-RI) was applied before and after a workout and before and after three times of sedentary behaviors. To evaluate the difference of sedentary behavior time average for each domain of quality of life was conducted the analysis of the 95% confidence interval for the STATA program version 12.0 and to the moods list data a non-parametric test - test binomial using SPSS version 17.0 program and has adopted a p≤0,05. Results: A moderate intensity physical activity was the most practiced (939.5 ± 650.2 min / week) and the activity most frequently performed in sedentary time was watching television (187.6 ± 96,4min / day). In general, the quality of life for the elderly is considered good (98.39%) and the disease is most prevalent hypertension (29.47%). After a physical activity older felt less useless, less shy and less fear and after a sedentary behavior, felt less agitated and less useless. In relation between the domains of QOL and sedentary behavior time, there were no statistical differences. Conclusion: Elderly active even after a sedentary behavior...
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a reprodutibilidade de parâmetros no domínio da frequência do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG) utilizados na caracterização da fadiga muscular localizada. Quinze sujeitos do sexo masculino foram submetidos a um teste de fadiga baseado na extensão isométrica de joelho, sendo realizados em três momentos distintos com intervalos de sete dias. Para avaliar a reprodutibilidade dos dados entres os testes calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) para a frequência mediana (Fmed) no tempo total de exercício (FmedT), para a Fmed obtida a cada 10% do tempo de exercício (Fmed10%) e para as potências das bandas de frequência, obtidas da divisão do espectro de potência a cada 20 Hz. Os resultados demonstraram: (1) boa reprodutibilidade para a FmedT; (2) boa reprodutibilidade para a Fmed10%; e (3) maior variação no sinal EMG nas bandas de 20 a 120 Hz, no qual se destacam as bandas de 20-40 Hz e de 40-60 Hz, demonstrando maior sensibilidade ao processo de fadiga muscular. Conclui-se que a Fmed é uma variável que apresenta boa reprodutibilidade e que a análise fragmentada do espectro de potência, por meio das bandas de frequência, demonstrou-se sensível as variações que ocorrem no sinal EMG durante a instalação do processo de fadiga, tendo potencial para se tornar um novo método para a caracterização da fadiga muscular localizada.