971 resultados para Ambulatory care


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Objective: To To conduct a cost-effectiveness analysis of a universal childhood hepatitis A vaccination program in Brazil. Methods: An age and time-dependent dynamic model was developed to estimate the incidence of hepatitis A for 24 years. The analysis was run separately according to the pattern of regional endemicity, one for South + Southeast (low endemicity) and one for the North + Northeast + Midwest (intermediate endemicity). The decision analysis model compared universal childhood vaccination with current program of vaccinating high risk individuals. Epidemiologic and cost estimates were based on data from a nationwide seroprevalence survey of viral hepatitis, primary data collection, National Health Information Systems and literature. The analysis was conducted from both the health system and societal perspectives. Costs are expressed in 2008 Brazilian currency (Real). Results: A universal immunization program would have a significant impact on disease epidemiology in all regions, resulting in 64% reduction in the number of cases of icteric hepatitis, 59% reduction in deaths for the disease and a 62% decrease of life years lost, in a national perspective. With a vaccine price of R$16.89 (US$7.23) per dose, vaccination against hepatitis A was a cost-saving strategy in the low and intermediate endemicity regions and in Brazil as a whole from both health system and society perspective. Results were most sensitive to the frequency of icteric hepatitis, ambulatory care and vaccine costs. Conclusions: Universal childhood vaccination program against hepatitis A could be a cost-saving strategy in all regions of Brazil. These results are useful for the Brazilian government for vaccine related decisions and for monitoring population impact if the vaccine is included in the National Immunization Program. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Sturge-Weber syndrome is a nonhereditary congenital condition characterized by leptomeningeal and facial skin angiomatous malformation following the trigeminal nerve path. The intraoral angiomatosis are presented in 40% of cases and results in an important periodontal alteration, increasing the risk of bleeding during dental procedures. A 43-year-old male patient presented with port wine stain on the right side of the face, the entire hard and soft palates, the alveolar ridge, and buccal mucosa, and had an excessive accumulation of calcified masses in both supragingival and subgingival sites, with swelling and generalized inflammation throughout the gingiva and alveolar mucosa. He reported not having sanitized the area for years for fear of bleeding. Periodontal management, to remove calculus and to control gingivitis initiated in the supragingival region and gradually reaching the subgingival region to control oral microbiota, was performed with mild bleeding. The redness of the staining greatly diminished with time and the extreme halitosis of the patient also improved sharply leading to a dramatic improvement in quality of life. Ambulatory care is a feasible alternative for periodontal management that within safety limits for bleeding risks reduces the operational cost.


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O indicador Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária é adotado no Brasil para avaliação da atenção básica. Considerando a sua recente adoção, este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar o panorama dessas internações em um hospital do município de São Paulo. Foi realizado um estudo ecológico exploratório, tendo como fontes o Sistema de Informação Hospitalar do Sistema Único de Saúde e uma amostra de prontuários de pacientes internados neste hospital. Para análise, foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. As Internações por Condições Sensíveis à Atenção Primária seguem tendência de redução, sendo as pneumonias bacterianas as que mais internaram no período; maior frequência para a faixa etária de 65 anos de idade e mais, e para o sexo feminino. Internações por Condições Sensíveis, somente, não são suficientes para avaliação da atenção básica, mas permite avaliar a organização da rede de saúde, que deve assegurar continuidade do cuidado em busca do princípio da integralidade.


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In Deutschland wird zur oralen Vitamin-K-Antagonistentherapie überwiegend der Wirkstoff Phenprocoumon (PPC) eingesetzt und die meisten Patienten werden durch ihren Hausarzt betreut. In einer deskriptiven, nicht-interventionellen Studie wurde die Ist-Situation der Versorgung von PPC-Patienten im ambulanten Sektor untersucht. Ziel war es, die Qualität und Effektivität der bisherigen Standardtherapie zu evaluieren. In Anbetracht der Einführung der neuen oralen Antikoagulantien (NOAC) ist die Untersuchung der PPC-Therapie von besonderem Interesse. Dem „Throughput-Modell“ folgend sollten „Input“- und „Outcome“-Parameter analysiert werden. rnIn einer klinischen Studie wurden 50 ambulant behandelte Patienten mit PPC-Therapie jeweils über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren retrospektiv beobachtet. In 5 niedergelassenen Arztpraxen in Rheinland-Pfalz wurden dazu 10 Patienten pro Praxis rekrutiert. Anhand der Patientenakte wurde eine Dokumentenanalyse durchgeführt. Die Selbstmedikation wurde mit einem eigens erstellten Fragebogen erfasst. rnIm Studienkollektiv wurden im Median 3 Comorbiditäten ermittelt. Die mediane Wochendosis betrug 4,0 Tabletten à 3 mg PPC. Die Patienten wurden im Median mit weiteren 15 verschiedenen Wirkstoffen therapiert, einer davon wurde in Selbstmedikation eingenommen. Im gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum fanden pro Patient im Median 57 Arztbesuche statt, die durch die Phenprocoumon-Therapie bedingt waren. INR (International normalized ratio)-Messungen (Median 47) waren der häufigste Grund für die Arztbesuche, so dass ein 3-Wochen-Rhythmus vom Gesamtkollektiv zu 97% erreicht wurde. Die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung wurde im Median nach 94 Tagen erreicht. Die prozentuale Rate (INR (%)) für die Einhaltung des INR-Zielbereiches (ZSB) erreichte internationale Benchmark-Werte, was auf eine gute Versorgungsqualität hindeutete. Die genauere Analyse ergab jedoch große interindividuelle Schwankungen. Während der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung wurden bessere Ergebnisse als im Gesamtbeobachtungszeitraum erzielt. Drei Patienten (6%) erreichten die „stabile“ INR-Einstellung innerhalb von 3 Jahren nie. Die Auswertung für den erweiterten ZSB (ZSB ± 0,2) ergab bessere INR (%)-Ergebnisse als für den ZSB. Die Zeit im INR-ZSB (TTR (%)) erreichte mit 75% höhere Werte als INR (%) im ZSB mit 70%. Tendenziell war das Patientenkollektiv eher unter- als übertherapiert (Median „Under-INR“ 18% bzw. „Over-INR“ 8%). Erkrankungen und Impfungen stellten die wichtigsten der zahlreichen Einflussfaktoren für INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB dar. Patienten, die Comedikation mit hohem Interaktionspotential einnahmen, erreichten in den INR-Qualitätsindikatoren schlechtere Ergebnisse als Patienten ohne potentiell interagierende Comedikation (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p-Wert=0,003 für TTR (%), p=0,008 für INR (%)). In Zeitintervallen der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung war der Unterschied nur für TTR (%) auffällig (Mann-Whitney-U-Test; p=0,015). Für den erweiterten ZSB waren die Unterschiede bezüglich beider INR-Qualitätsindikatoren nicht auffällig. Insgesamt wurden 41 unerwünschte Ereignisse (UAW) beobachtet, davon 24 (59%) in der Phase der „stabilen“ INR-Einstellung (21 leichte Blutungen, 1 schwere Blutung, 2 thromboembolische Ereignisse (TE)). Je 4 leichte Blutungen (19%) wurden in einen möglichen bzw. sicheren kausalen Zusammenhang mit der VKA-Therapie gebracht, wenn ein Zeitintervall von 3 Tagen zwischen der INR-Messung und Auftreten der UAW geprüft wurde. Ein TE wurde als sicher kausal gewertet. Von insgesamt 5 Krankenhausaufenthalten waren 3 bzw. 2 durch Blutungen bzw. TE veranlasst. Des Weiteren wurde im 3-Tage-Zeitintervall für 4 INR-Shifts hin zu Werten außerhalb des ZSB eine Interaktion mit verordneter CM als in sicherem oder möglichem kausalen Zusammenhang bewertet. Bei 49% der beobachteten Grippeimpfungen wurde ein INR-Shift festgestellt, der in ca. 60% der Fälle zu einem subtherapeutischen INR-Wert führte. Insgesamt war das klinische Ergebnis nicht optimal. rnDas „Outcome“ in Form der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (LQ) wurde retrospektiv-prospektiv mittels SF-36-Fragebogen ermittelt. Die Patienten zeigten gegenüber der Normalbevölkerung einen Verlust an LQ auf körperlicher Ebene bzw. einen Gewinn auf psychischer Ebene. Das humanistische Ergebnis erfüllte bzw. übertraf damit die Erwartungen. rnInsgesamt wiesen die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass Qualität und Effektivität der Antikoagulationstherapie mit PPC im ambulanten Sektor weiterer Optimierung bedürfen. Mit intensivierten Betreuungsmodellen lässt sich ein besseres Outcome erzielen. rn


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Since the 1980s, the prevalence of obesity has more than doubled to over 30 percent of the adult population (Thorpe, 2004). Obesity is a key contributing factor to continually rising national healthcare costs. Addressing its negative implications is essential not only from a cost perspective, but also for the betterment of our nation¿s general health and wellbeing. Obesity is reportedly associated with a 35% increase in inpatient and outpatient spending, as well as a 77% increase in related necessary medications (Sturm, 2002). Obesity, which some have argued should be classified as a disease in itself, has roughly the same association with the development of chronic health conditions as does 20 years of aging (Sturm, 2002). Defined as ambulatory care-sensitive conditions, these obesity-related chronic health diagnoses ¿ like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension ¿ are in turn the primary drivers of current healthcare spending, as well as future predicted health expenditures. It is well established that lower socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher rates of obesity and the subsequent development of aforementioned obesity-related conditions. Socioeconomic status has traditionally been defined by education, income, and occupation (Adler, 2002); however, this study found empirical evidence for education being the most fundamental of these three SES indicators in determining obesity outcomes. For both men and women, as education levels increased, the likelihood of an individual being obese decreased. However, with less education, there was increased disparity between the obesity rates for men and women. Women consistently saw higher rates of obesity and were more impacted in terms of obesity onset by belonging to a lower SES category than men. In addition, this study assessed whether the impact of one¿s socioeconomic status on obesity-related health outcomes (specifically the negative impact low-SES as measured by education level) has changed over time. Results deriving from annual data from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) for all years from 2002 to 2012 indicate that the association between low-socioeconomic status and negative health outcomes has not increased in magnitude over the past decade. Instead, obesity rates have increased across the overall U.S. adult population, most likely due to a number of larger external societal factors resulting in increased caloric intake and decreased energy expenditure across every SES group. In addition, while the association between low-SES and obesity has not worsened, a consequence of the Great Recession has been a larger percentage of the U.S. population in lower-SES, which is still consistently subject to the same worse health outcomes.


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BACKGROUND: Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) is common in adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The role of proximal renal tubular dysfunction (PRTD) and alterations in bone metabolism in HIV-related low BMD are incompletely understood. METHODS: We quantified BMD (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry), blood and urinary markers of bone metabolism and renal function, and risk factors for low BMD (hip or spine T score, -1 or less) in an ambulatory care setting. We determined factors associated with low BMD and calculated 10-year fracture risks using the World Health Organization FRAX equation. RESULTS: We studied 153 adults (98% men; median age, 48 years; median body mass index, 24.5; 67 [44%] were receiving tenofovir, 81 [53%] were receiving a boosted protease inhibitor [PI]). Sixty-five participants (42%) had low BMD, and 11 (7%) had PRTD. PI therapy was associated with low BMD in multivariable analysis (odds ratio, 2.69; 95% confidence interval, 1.09-6.63). Tenofovir use was associated with increased osteoblast and osteoclast activity (P< or = .002). The mean estimated 10-year risks were 1.2% for hip fracture and 5.4% for any major osteoporotic fracture. CONCLUSIONS: In this mostly male population, low BMD was significantly associated with PI therapy. Tenofovir recipients showed evidence of increased bone turnover. Measurement of BMD and estimation of fracture risk may be warranted in treated HIV-infected adults.


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BACKGROUND Avoidable hospitalizations (AH) are hospital admissions for diseases and conditions that could have been prevented by appropriate ambulatory care. We examine regional variation of AH in Switzerland and the factors that determine AH. METHODS We used hospital service areas, and data from 2008-2010 hospital discharges in Switzerland to examine regional variation in AH. Age and sex standardized AH were the outcome variable, and year of admission, primary care physician density, medical specialist density, rurality, hospital bed density and type of hospital reimbursement system were explanatory variables in our multilevel poisson regression. RESULTS Regional differences in AH were as high as 12-fold. Poisson regression showed significant increase of all AH over time. There was a significantly lower rate of all AH in areas with more primary care physicians. Rates increased in areas with more specialists. Rates of all AH also increased where the proportion of residences in rural communities increased. Regional hospital capacity and type of hospital reimbursement did not have significant associations. Inconsistent patterns of significant determinants were found for disease specific analyses. CONCLUSION The identification of regions with high and low AH rates is a starting point for future studies on unwarranted medical procedures, and may help to reduce their incidence. AH have complex multifactorial origins and this study demonstrates that rurality and physician density are relevant determinants. The results are helpful to improve the performance of the outpatient sector with emphasis on local context. Rural and urban differences in health care delivery remain a cause of concern in Switzerland.


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Little is known about the effects of smoking on inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However the co-occurrence of smoking and IBD often happens in ambulatory care. Smokers have a doubled risk of developing a Crohn's disease with a more active disease course. After quitting, a decrease in risk can be observed after only one year. An inverse relationship is found between smoking and ulcerative colitis. Smoking seems protective for the development of the disease and its course is less active among smokers. Smoking cessation transitorily increases the risk of developing ulcerative colitis. Nevertheless, continuing smoking cannot be justified among those patients given the risks of long-term extra-digestive effects. It is thus important to counsel all smokers with an IBD to quit smoking.


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Cover title: Outpatient psychiatric clinics, special statistical report, 1961.


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Vol. for 1995 in 3 pts.: v. 1 Eastern United States ; v. 2 Central United States ; v. 3 Western United States.


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Background We compared cost-effectiveness of pravastatin in a placebo-controlled trial in 5500 younger (31-64 years) and 3514 older patients (65-74 years) with previous acute coronary syndromes. Methods Hospitalizations and long-term medication within the 6 years of the trial were estimated in all patients. Drug dosage, nursing home, and ambulatory care costs were estimated from substudies. Incremental costs per life saved of pravastatin relative to placebo were estimated from treatment effects and resource use. Results Over 6 years, pravastatin reduced all-cause mortality by 4.3% in the older patients and by 2.3% in the younger patients. Older patients assigned pravastatin had marginally lower cost of pravastatin and other medication over 6 years (A$4442 vs A$4637), but greater cost offsets (A$2061 vs. A$897) from lower rates of hospitalizations. The incremental cost per life saved with pravastatin was A$55500 in the old and A$167200 in the young. Assuming no treatment effect beyond the study period, the life expectancy to age 82 years of additional survivors was 9.1 years in the older and. 17.3 years in the younger. Estimated additional life-years saved from pravastatin therapy were 0.39 years for older and 0.40 years for younger patients. Incremental costs per life-year saved were A$7581 in the older and A$1.4944 in the younger, if discounted at 5% per annum. Conclusions Pravastatin therapy was more cost-effective among older than younger patients, because of their higher baseline risk and greater cost offsets, despite their shorter life expectancy.


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Given the continued interest in defining the optimal management of individuals with type 2 diabetes, the Editor of Diabetes Care convened a working party of diabetes specialists to examine this topic in the context of insulin therapy. This was prompted by recent new evidence on the use of insulin in such people. The group was aware of evidence that the benefits of insulin therapy are still usually offered late, and thus the aim of the discussion was how to define the optimal timing and basis for decisions regarding insulin and to apply these concepts in practice. It was noted that recent evidence had built upon that of the previous decades, together confirming the benefits and safety of insulin therapy, albeit with concerns about the potential for hypoglycemia and gain in body weight. Insulin offers a unique ability to control hyperglycemia, being used from the time of diagnosis in some circumstances, when metabolic control is disturbed by medical illness, procedures, or therapy, as well as in the longer term in ambulatory care. For those previously starting insulin, various other forms of therapy can be added later, which offer complementary effects appropriate to individual needs. Here we review current evidence and circumstances in which insulin can be used, consider individualized choices of alternatives and combination regimens, and offer some guidance on personalized targets and tactics for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. © 2014 by the American Diabetes Association.


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Contexte: La douleur chronique non cancéreuse (DCNC) génère des retombées économiques et sociétales importantes. L’identification des patients à risque élevé d’être de grands utilisateurs de soins de santé pourrait être d’une grande utilité; en améliorant leur prise en charge, il serait éventuellement possible de réduire leurs coûts de soins de santé. Objectif: Identifier les facteurs prédictifs bio-psycho-sociaux des grands utilisateurs de soins de santé chez les patients souffrant de DCNC et suivis en soins de première ligne. Méthodologie: Des patients souffrant d’une DCNC modérée à sévère depuis au moins six mois et bénéficiant une ordonnance valide d’un analgésique par un médecin de famille ont été recrutés dans des pharmacies communautaires du territoire du Réseau universitaire intégré de santé (RUIS), de l’Université de Montréal entre Mai 2009 et Janvier 2010. Ce dernier est composé des six régions suivantes : Mauricie et centre du Québec, Laval, Montréal, Laurentides, Lanaudière et Montérégie. Les caractéristiques bio-psycho-sociales des participants ont été documentées à l’aide d’un questionnaire écrit et d’une entrevue téléphonique au moment du recrutement. Les coûts directs de santé ont été estimés à partir des soins et des services de santé reçus au cours de l’année précédant et suivant le recrutement et identifiés à partir de la base de données de la Régie d’Assurance maladie du Québec, RAMQ (assureur publique de la province du Québec). Ces coûts incluaient ceux des hospitalisations reliées à la douleur, des visites à l’urgence, des soins ambulatoires et de la médication prescrite pour le traitement de la douleur et la gestion des effets secondaires des analgésiques. Les grands utilisateurs des soins de santé ont été définis comme étant ceux faisant partie du quartile le plus élevé de coûts directs annuels en soins de santé dans l’année suivant le recrutement. Des modèles de régression logistique multivariés et le critère d’information d’Akaike ont permis d’identifier les facteurs prédictifs des coûts directs élevés en soins de santé. Résultats: Le coût direct annuel médian en soins de santé chez les grands utilisateurs de soins de santé (63 patients) était de 7 627 CAD et de 1 554 CAD pour les utilisateurs réguliers (188 patients). Le modèle prédictif final du risque d’être un grand utilisateur de soins de santé incluait la douleur localisée au niveau des membres inférieurs (OR = 3,03; 95% CI: 1,20 - 7,65), la réduction de la capacité fonctionnelle liée à la douleur (OR = 1,24; 95% CI: 1,03 - 1,48) et les coûts directs en soins de santé dans l’année précédente (OR = 17,67; 95% CI: 7,90 - 39,48). Les variables «sexe», «comorbidité», «dépression» et «attitude envers la guérison médicale» étaient également retenues dans le modèle prédictif final. Conclusion: Les patients souffrant d’une DCNC au niveau des membres inférieurs et présentant une détérioration de la capacité fonctionnelle liée à la douleur comptent parmi ceux les plus susceptibles d’être de grands utilisateurs de soins et de services. Le coût direct en soins de santé dans l’année précédente était également un facteur prédictif important. Améliorer la prise en charge chez cette catégorie de patients pourrait influencer favorablement leur état de santé et par conséquent les coûts assumés par le système de santé.


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A adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa por idosos é um fenômeno dependente de fatores diversificados. Defende-se como tese: A adesão aos medicamentos prescritos em idosos em atendimento ambulatorial apresenta-se relacionada aos fatores referentes às características: demográficas, socioeconômicas; dos serviços de saúde, dos profissionais de saúde; das condições de saúde; da terapêutica medicamentosa; comportamentais. Esses fatores estão relacionados aos principais motivos referidos pelos idosos para aderirem ou não aos medicamentos prescritos. Foram objetivos: identificar na literatura brasileira e estrangeira a prevalência de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa e os fatores relacionados em idosos; caracterizar os idosos em atendimento ambulatorial em um hospital universitário no Rio Grande/RS, Brasil, quanto às características demográficas, socioeconômicas, condições de saúde e uso de medicamentos; identificar os motivos referidos por estes idosos que levavam à adesão/não adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa; verificar a prevalência de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa nestes idosos; verificar se há associação entre adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa e fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, condições de saúde, terapêutica medicamentosa e fatores comportamentais destes idosos. Pesquisa realizada por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura e de um estudo quantitativo. Na revisão integrativa selecionaram-se 49 artigos e os fatores identificados foram organizados nas categorias: demográficas e socioeconômicas; sistema e profissionais de saúde; condições de saúde; terapêutica medicamentosa; comportamentais. O estudo quantitativo foi exploratório, descritivo, transversal, realizado em um serviço ambulatorial de um hospital universitário no Rio Grande/RS, Brasil. Participaram 107 idosos que responderam ao instrumento para caracterização do idoso e dos fatores relacionados à adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa; ao Miniexame do Estado Mental; à Escala de Medida de Adesão aos Tratamentos. A coleta de dados foi realizada em novembro de 2013. Realizou-se análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. Verificaram-se mais idosos do sexo feminino, na faixa etária entre 60-69 anos. A doença mais prevalente foi a Hipertensão Arterial e a média de uso de medicamentos por dia foi de 4,8. Querer sentir-se bem/manter a saúde e querer controlar a doença e os sintomas foram os motivos para aderir à terapêutica medicamentosa prescrita. A ocorrência de reação adversa e falta de condições financeiras foram os motivos para não aderir. A prevalência de adesão à terapêutica medicamentosa foi de 86,9%. Houve associação entre a adesão e receber orientações do médico sobre como tomar os medicamentos, ter reação adversa, acreditar que os medicamentos são importantes para manutenção da saúde e ter vontade de não tomar os medicamentos. A tese é confirmada em parte: a adesão aos medicamentos prescritos em idosos em atendimento ambulatorial apresenta-se relacionada aos fatores referentes às características: dos profissionais de saúde; das condições de saúde; da terapêutica medicamentosa; comportamentais. Esses fatores estiveram relacionados aos principais motivos referidos pelos idosos para aderirem ou não aos medicamentos prescritos. Por outro lado, a adesão não apresentou relação com os fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos, embora as condições financeiras tenham sido referidas pelos idosos como um motivo que leva à não adesão.