959 resultados para Aluno


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A peça A vida de Galileu escrita por Brecht, um grande dramaturgo do século passado, retrata o julgamento de Galileu pela Inquisição da Igreja Católica. Essa peça nos coloca em contato no embate entre a fé e a ciência, pois a partir do momento que Galileu afirma que a terra não é o centro do universo ele desmistifica diversas doutrinas estabelecidas pela igreja católica que era o centro de poder da época. Sendo assim, Galileu acaba negando as suas ideias para não sofrer as consequências de quem desafiasse a igreja católica. Na peça de Brecht, quando Galileu nega o sistema heliocêntrico ele acaba frustrando um de seus aprendizes, Andrea, que admirava muito o seu mestre. Ao fim da peça, Andrea que já se tornou um cientista, reencontra Galileu e descobre que este mesmo em exílio continuou escrevendo e um desses trabalhos é um grande tratado da física. Daí, então, Andrea consegue compreender a razão do seu mestre ter negado os seus estudos. É nesse diálogo que acaba se desenvolvendo um conversa muito interessante que nos permite refletir essa relação aluno e professor nos dias atuais.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, pois está passando por revisão editorial


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A escola é um contexto fundamental para o desenvolvimento das crianças e adolescentes, sendo um local privilegiado para os processos de socialização e de construção de identidade colaborando para a organização do seu auto-conceito. Este contexto tanto pode propiciar experiências que favorecem sentimentos de confiança e competência, como pode actuar no sentido oposto, diminuindo o autoconceito daqueles que têm dificuldades em obter bons resultados e fazer amizades. Os percursos escolares são construídos através da experiência de vida de cada aluno. No entanto, a transição escolar é um factor com que todos os alunos têm de lidar, implicando mudanças nos papéis que desempenham, nas suas rotinas, relações e na forma como se percepcionam e percepcionam o mundo, podendo ter, por isso, repercussões nas atitudes que os alunos desenvolvem face à escola e sobre si mesmos. Deste modo é importante que, os alunos, ao transitarem de escola levem consigo uma percepção positiva sobre si e sobre as suas vivências escolares. Nesse sentido, este estudo pretendeu, através de uma abordagem descritivocorrelacional de caracter quantitativo, analisar a relação entre auto-conceito e as atitudes face à escola de modo a perceber melhor o efeito destes factores em alunos que se preparavam para transitar de ciclo de ensino. Para o efeito, foi recolhida uma amostra de 157 alunos, do 4º, 6º e 9º ano, de duas escolas da Região Autónoma da Madeira, a frequentar o ano lectivo 2011/2012 e utilizada a Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (PHCSCS-2) (Veiga, 2006) e o Questionário de Atitudes Face à Escola (QAFE) (Candeias & Rebelo, 2011). No que respeita aos resultados obtido, estes demonstraram que existe uma relação significativa, positiva, entre o auto-conceito e as atitudes nos três anos de escolaridade, assim como, uma diminuição nas atitudes face à aprendizagem do 6º para o 9º ano. Observou-se, também, que os rapazes apresentam índices mais elevados nas dimensões do auto-conceito “popularidade” e “ansiedade”, do que as raparigas.


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A presente investigação tem como objetivo principal contribuir para a reflexão e sensibilização das NEE no Ensino Superior, através da sistematização da investigação científica realizada em Portugal, nos últimos anos. Pretende-se, assim, contribuir para um maior conhecimento desta realidade no nosso país. Para o efeito, procedeu-se a um levantamento bibliográfico dos documentos disponíveis na área das NEE no ES em três bases de dados: RCAAP (Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto em Portugal); B-On (Biblioteca de Conhecimento Online) e o motor de busca Google. Após a consulta das bases de dados, foram encontrados trinta e cinco documentos, distribuídos em oito Teses (seis Teses de Mestrado e duas Teses de Doutoramento), onze artigos em Revista (dez artigos em Revista Nacional e um artigo em Revista Internacional), quinze Documentos em Conferência e um Capítulo de Livro. Os dados recolhidos permitem perceber que, paulatinamente, a questão das NEE no Ensino Superior tem despertado o interesse dos investigadores, sendo uma área onde a possibilidade e necessidade de mais estudos é uma realidade.


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This work deals with teacher-student relationship (TSR), held in a very special moment: the semester of graduation of architecture and urbanism, where students prepare the final work called Graduation Final Work (GFW). That is the last stage to obtain the title of architect and urban planner in Brazil. The text discusses this problem in several ways, emphasing the relationship between graduated student and his/her mentors into the consolidation process of the student as an actor of the planning process, here defined as "autonomy". The work is focused on understanding the TSR in order to elucidate its importance for improvement of teaching bases on development of the GFW, more than the relation between curriculum and institution. Related with the exploratory characteristic of this master thesis, methodologically, the field work happened through: (i) observation of mentorship guidance, (ii) interviews, and (iii) application of questionnaires to teachers and students. Participated 10 pairs of student and mentors of two federal university of Northeast: 05 pairs of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and 05 pairs of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The results presented the development of the GFW as a difficult process / fearful for students, highlighting the main problem situations: the difficulty in choosing the theme, the super-sizing of the process, students' insecurities, and parental relationship with the supervisor process. Summing up, the work indicates that the students has a limited autonomy on the GFW process, which calls for a revision in order to promote the consolidation of the student autonomy, which must be observed for some positions recognition of the role of each actor in the process of orientation


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This work was developed in the research line: "The habitus of study: builder of a new reality in the basic education of metropolitan area Natal" which is being developed with the support of CAPES by the Centre for Education. Acts, especially the problem of academic performance of students in basic education of the public in the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN). Thus, the aim of this paper is to construct a typology of students in the 9th year of basic education, attending the public schools (state or municipal) of MRN, 2009, and assess, according to these profiles, what personal characteristics student and their families: economic, social and cultural capital as well as teaching practices create environments capable of favoring a good educational development as measured by the performance obtained in the assessments in mathematics and English language. The data used were provided through the microdata Brazil Exam 2009 held by INEP. We used the methods Grade of Membership (GoM) for construction of profiles relevance of students according to the characteristics already mentioned. With these profiles was verified, which were effectively generating good performance in school curriculum components evaluated. The findings indicate that students belonging to the profile considered good environment, able to achieve better school performance both in Portuguese as in Mathematics, compared to the extreme profiles and adverse deficit


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La défense d une école inclusive dans les forums internationaux du monde entier a stimulé l adoption de politiques éducationnelles d inclusion et la pratique d inclusion dans les écoles, de sorte à ce que la scolarisation des élèves aux besoins éducatifs spéciaux dans les classes comunes est devenue une réalité dans la majorité des systèmes d éducation. Et pourtant, l inclusion scolaire, au Brésil, avance à pas lents et pose d innombrables questions, notamment quand il s agit de l inclusion des personnes qui présentent une déficience mentale dans les niveaux d enseignement plus avancés. Basé sur ce fait, et tout en considérant que les études et recherches sur ce thème, au Brésil, sont centrées majoritairement sur l éducation enfantine et les séries initiales de l enseignement fondamental, cette étude se propose d analyser l inclusion d une élève ayant une déficience mentale, inscrite dans l Enseignement Moyen, dans une école appartenant au réseau d enseignement de l Etat, dans la ville de Natal RN. Pour répondre aux questions proposées dans cette étude nous avons fait appel aux méthodologies qualitatives, du genre Etude de Cas, et au cours de sa réalisation avons utilisé l interview demi-structurée et l observation libre dans l ambiance naturelle de l école. Ont participé de l étude, en plus de l élève qui présentait une déficience mentale, sa mère et deux segments de l école, desquels ont fait partie trois professionnels de l équipe administrative pédagogique et quatre enseignants. L analyse des données a mis en relief la résistence de l école à répondre au projet pédagogique d éducation inclusive, aspect qui a un rapport très étroit avec les spécificités de l Enseignement Moyen, la structure traditionnelle d un enseignement basé sur l idée d une classe homogène, et le bas niveau d attentes des éducateurs concernant les possibilités d apprentissage et de développement de l élève handicapée mentale. De surcroît, le manque de directives pour conduire les adaptations pédagogiques et du curriculum à l école ont rendu fragile l action des enseignants, dont le résultat est une pratique d intégration rudement malmenée. Au travers des points de refléxions suscités par cette étude, nous considérons que l inclusion des élèves qui présentent une déficience mentale doit être centrée sur une pratique pédagogique qui repousse l idée de soumettre tous les élèves à des procédures universelles cristalisées sur des pratiques imposées par les contraintes d homogénéisation, et qui, contrairement, puisse trouver à l école des conditions favorables au développement de chacun, au travers des processus d apprentissages formés par des instances de médiation et d interaction sociales


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Le texte se rapporte à une recherche sur les conceptions d enseignants concernant l inclusion scolaire d élèves sourds , et leurs ralations avec les pratiques qu ils développent dans les classe régulières. Elle a été conduite dans une école publique régulière appartenant à la commune de Assu RN, et dont le choix méthodologique a été une approche qualitative, du genre ethnographyque. La construction des données devient d un processus d observation, de l application d entretiens demi-structurés et de l analyse de documents, ayant pour sujets quatre enseignants des années initiales de l enseignement fondamental. L apport théorique de base a été la théorie socio-culturelle proposée par Vygotsky (2003 ; 2005), censée traduire la compréhension de l homme dans sa dimension historique et culturelle, et mettre en évidence l interaction sociale en tant que condition pour le développement des individus. Les données font connaître que les enseignants sujets de la recherche sont favorables à l inclusion scolaire des élèves sourds dans les classes régulières, néanmoins soulignent le besoin d un changement à l école pour que l inclusion devienne une réalité. Les enseignants sont d avis que l apprentissage des élèves sourds se fait d une façon qui met trop de temps, moyennant l utilisation de recours spécifiques, tels que l usage du langage des signes (Libras). Ils signalent les difficultés qu ils doivent faire face quand il s agit de travailler pédagogiquement avec ces élèves dans le quotidien, telles que : manque d un travail collectif à l école ; besoin d une formation spécialisée ; démonstration de sentiments de peur, ou préjugés de la part de quelques uns du personnel de l école , tout celà interférant directement dans leurs attitudes et leurs actions faces aux élèves ; manque d appui des instances administratives de l école ; absence de politiques consistentes pour guider l éducation sous un regard inclusif. Quant aux pratiques pédagogiques développées à l école, la recherche laisse voir que, par rapport à la présence des élèves sourds, très peu d adaptations y ont été introduites, d où se dégage que la planification des actions éducatives à l école se tourne, prioritairement, vers les élèves qui écoutent, c est-à-dire, vers un groupe apparemment homogène. On a constaté, en plus, qu il n existe pas à l école aucun professionnel habilité pour l établissement d un processus de communication avec les élèves sourds. Malgré ces difficultés, les enseignants avouent, quand même, que travailler avec ces élèves rapporte toujours des bénéfices, tels que la collaboration et le respect mutuels chez les élèves, l acquisition de nouveaux savoirs et l amélioration de la pratique pédagogique des enseignants


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Evidence of learning object like representation to social teachings that active in the education of young and adult with the point of view of the ―To be teacher‖ in this modality of teaching, to direct the intention, this research is way, understand the existence of this representation in center acting teachers in the initial periods of the EJA in the Rio Grande do Norte and its reasoning the theories of social representation (MOSCOVICI, 1978, 2003; JODELET, 2001; ABRIC, 1998). We interviewed one hundred and ten (110) teachers who work at schools in the Metropolitan Regions of Natal. We use two procedures: focal group (GATTI, 2005) and multiple classification analysis MCA (ROAZZI, 1995).Thus us with the focal group, attended by eight (08) teachers and seek to know understanding their ideas about EJA, what was possible from the content analysis (BARDIN, 1977; FRANCO, 2007) of the following category: the teacher s view of the EJA context. Developing the MCA, we met twenty (20) teachers in the first stage, free-word association technique FAT (ABRIC, 1998), and ninety in the second stage, including the participants of the focal group. The results of this procedure were submitted to multidimensional analysis and content analysis. The first showed three facets: having and being teacher dimension (ideal), which was about the example teacher s characteristics and behaviors; teacher/ student relation which was about the difficulties and doubts of this relationship as well as its success; at last, conflicting dimension from/ with practice, based on the conflicts experienced by the teachers as EJA workers. Content analysis based on the theme organization from the interpreted data showed four categories: resources to be a teacher which also brought out the definition of an ideal teacher; talk about teaching which disclosed teachers thoughts about the knowledge and being a teacher; obstacles to EJA which showed situations and conditions that prejudice EJA development; and also admission as EJA teacher: viewing reasons which revealed the reasons why teachers went to EJA even though they were formed to deal with children. The conjoint analysis us evidenced the little the dominion of the teachers a participation these search at respect of origin, of the meaning of the character while the singular of EJA modality of teaching the conformation of the social representation from the ―To be‖ on the general vision dissociating with it of inexistence of a social representation of ―to be teacher of the EJA‖ white striking element in the reference at singularity that define the related modality of teaching


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Inclusion of students with autism in regular education settings is a topic that has not been much explored by the national scientific literature. This matter is complex and, due to the extent of various aspects involved, it is essential to delimitate a focus of investigation. The direction taken by this study was to evaluate the effects of an intervention program in the communicative interactions between a student with autism and his teacher in a regular classroom. Data were collected in an elementary private school, located in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte during the 2010 academic school year. The study included a teacher and a non-vocal, 10-year-old student diagnosed with autism. A quasi-experimental A-B research design was employed. During the intervention program the teacher was trained to use Naturalistic Teaching Strategies and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) resources to increase the frequency of interactions with the student during three classroom routines (entry time, snack and pedagogical activity). The results indicated qualitative and quantitative changes in the interactions of the dyad after the implementation of the intervention program. The student began to use pictograms to communicate with the teacher in two of the three routines investigated. The frequency of AAC use was also observed in the teacher‟s repertoire, especially when the student failed to understand gestures and words. The teacher positively evaluated the intervention program