727 resultados para Alsi7mg0.35 Alloy


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Al-Cu alloys are widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries due to their high specific strength in some tempered conditions. However, due to poor corrosion and wear resistance, they are often anodized and/or painted. Plasma nitriding has been proposed as an alternative, though the developments in this technique are still in a recent stage for Al alloys. Electrical characterization techniques are well implemented NDTs in the industry because of good accuracy associated with lower cost, compared to other methods. Some, like eddy currents and 4-point probe techniques, are often used in coating inspection. The objective of this study was to perform Al nitriding at low temperatures to minimize the tempering initial condition damage and to assess the feasibility of eddy currents technique as a method for evaluating surface properties. The work developed can be divided in two stages. The first one was the process tuning, done at the Shibaura Institute of Technology, in Tokyo; and the second was the electrical characterization done in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, UNL. Low temperature nitriding of AA2011 alloy specimens was successfully achieved. Electrical conductivity results show that lift-off measurements by eddy currents testing can be related to surface properties.


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Stomata are turgor-operated valves that control water loss and CO2 uptake during photosynthesis, and thereby water relation and plant biomass accumulation is closely related to stomatal functioning. The aims of this work were to document how stomata are distributed on the leaf surface and to determine if there is any significant variation in stomatal characteristics among Amazonian tree species, and finally to study the relationship between stomatal density (S D) and tree height. Thirty five trees (>17 m tall) of different species were selected. Stomatal type, density (S D), size (S S) and stomatal distribution on the leaf surface were determined using nail polish imprints taken from both leaf surfaces. Irrespective of tree species, stomata were located only on the abaxial surface (hypostomaty), with large variation in both S D and S S among species. S D ranged from 110 mm-2 in Neea altissima to 846 mm-2 in Qualea acuminata. However, in most species S D ranges between 271 and 543 mm-2, with a negative relationship between S D and S S. We also found a positive relationship between S D and tree height (r² = 0.14, p < 0.01), but no correlation was found between S D and leaf thickness. The most common stomatal type was anomocytic (37%), followed by paracytic (26%) and anisocytic (11%). We conclude that in Amazonian tree species, stomatal distribution on the leaf surface is a response most likely dependent on the genetic background of every species, rather than a reaction to environmental changes, and that somehow S D is influenced by environmental factors dependent on tree height.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os achados ao ecocardiograma transesofágico e evolução clínica de portadores de flail mitral valve. MÉTODOS: No período de janeiro/93 a março/97, 1675 pacientes foram submetidos, em nossa instituição, a ecocardiograma transesofágico, sendo que em 35 casos foi feito o diagnóstico de flail mitral valve e, posteriormente, obtida sua evolução clínica. RESULTADOS: A idade dos pacientes variou 12 a 87 anos (média 65±15) e 27 (77%) eram do sexo masculino. O folheto posterior foi o mais acometido (25 pacientes, 71%). O mecanismo do flail foi ruptura de cordoalha tendínea em todos os casos, exceto um, que apresentava importante alongamento e redundância de cordoalha. A etiologia foi prolapso e/ou degeneração mixomatosa em 15 pacientes, degenerativa em 9, isquêmica em 5, reumática em 4 e endocardite em 3. Regurgitação mitral de grau importante ocorreu em 25 (71%) pacientes e moderada em 10 (29%). O tempo médio de acompanhamento foi de 375±395 dias (1 a 1380). Foram submetidos a tratamento clínico 19 pacientes e a tratamento cirúrgico 16, sendo que em todos foi confirmado o diagnóstico transesofágico. O número total de óbitos (hospitalar e pós-hospitalar) foi alto (34%), tanto em pacientes submetidos a tratamento clínico quanto cirúrgico. Entre os sobreviventes, 17 estão em classe funcional (CF) I e 6 em CF II da NYHA. CONCLUSÃO: O diagnóstico de flail mitral valve ao ecocardiograma transesofágico é acurado, permitindo a definição de sua etiologia e mecanismo. A alta mortalidade à época do diagnóstico, provavelmente, se relaciona à gravidade da doença subjacente. Embora os pacientes não operados estejam evoluindo bem, a baixa CF observada nestes pacientes pode ser atribuída ao curto período de seguimento.


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The impending introduction of lead-free solder in the manufacture of electrical and electronic products has presented the electronics industry with many challenges. European manufacturers must transfer from a tin-lead process to a lead-free process by July 2006 as a result of the publication of two directives from the European Parliament. Tin-lead solders have been used for mechanical and electrical connections on printed circuit boards for over fifty years and considerable process knowledge has been accumulated. Extensive literature reviews were conducted on the topic and as a result it was found there are many implications to be considered with the introduction of lead-free solder. One particular question that requires answering is; can lead-free solder be used in existing manufacturing processes? The purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative study of a tin-lead solder and a lead-free solder in two key surface mount technology (SMT) processes. The two SMT processes in question were the stencil printing process and the reflow soldering process. Unreplicated fractional factorial experimental designs were used to carry out the studies. The quality of paste deposition in terms of height and volume were the characteristics of interest in the stencil printing process. The quality of solder joints produced in the reflow soldering experiment was assessed using x-ray and cross sectional analysis. This provided qualitative data that was then uniquely scored and weighted using a method developed during the research. Nested experimental design techniques were then used to analyse the resulting quantitative data. Predictive models were developed that allowed for the optimisation of both processes. Results from both experiments show that solder joints of comparable quality to those produced using tin-lead solder can be produced using lead-free solder in current SMT processes.


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FUNDAMENTO: A adiponectina é considerada importante fator na patogênese das doenças cardiovasculares e metabólicas, por suas propriedades antiaterogênicas e antiinflamatórias. Poucos estudos, entretanto, sugerem a existência de relação direta entre os níveis de adiponectina e os níveis de condicionamento cardiorrespiratório e atividade física. OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência do estado nutricional e do condicionamento cardiorrespiratório nos níveis plasmáticos de adiponectina em homens adultos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados 250 sujeitos, homens, todos militares da ativa do Exército Brasileiro (42,6 ± 4,8 anos). Foram mensurados os níveis plasmáticos de adiponectina, massa corporal, estatura, circunferência da cintura (CC), percentual de gordura por pesagem hidrostática e VO2max por ergoespirometria. Um questionário foi utilizado para obter as características do treinamento físico realizado pelos sujeitos. RESULTADOS: Na amostra, 121 (48%) sujeitos apresentaram sobrepeso e 36 (14%) eram obesos. Ainda, 66 sujeitos (27%) apresentaram percentual de gordura maior que 25% e 26.7% apresentaram CC > 94 cm. Sujeitos com sobrepeso e obesidade apresentaram valores significativamente menores de adiponectina em relação aqueles com estado nutricional normal. Sujeitos no mais alto tercil de VO2max apresentaram níveis de adiponectina mais altos que os demais. Os níveis de adiponectina estiveram positivamente correlacionados com o tempo total de treinamento físico semanal e com o VO2max e inversamente correlacionados com os valores de massa corporal, IMC e CC. A correlação dos níveis de adiponectina e do VO2max não permaneceu significante após controlada pelo IMC e CC. CONCLUSÃO: Sujeitos com melhor condicionamento cardiorrespiratório e com estado nutricional normal parecem apresentar níveis mais saudáveis de adiponectina.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2010


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La responsabilitat social corporativa és un concepte molt genèric i, en moltes ocasions, bastant abstracte i desconegut que no significa que no estigui molt present i citat avui en dia. El treball de la responsabilitat social corporativa en les empreses de l’IBEX-35 té per objectiu ensenyar i educar al lector sobre què consisteix exactament aquest concepte i conèixer més profundament les raons per les quals és imprescindible incorporar-lo en el món empresarial, sota un context de globalització i de competència permanent. Tanmateix, una vegada interioritzat aquesta matèria és molt important per als clients, proveïdors i membres afectats per les activitats de l’empresa rebre la informació de forma detallada sobre quina metodologia, accions i missió que pren l’empresa per aconseguir complir amb els reptes i objectius que se li plantegen i es marca sobre RSC cosa que fa necessari per a assolir una bona conducta, coordinació i feed-back positiu entre l’empresa i els diferents grups d’interès una bona comunicació amb aquests grups d’interès. Això es possible gràcies a l’elaboració d’un informe de RSC. Per dur-lo a terme amb coherència, claredat i, sobretot, perquè pugui arribar a ser útil per a la gestió i govern de l’organització, serà necessari definir-lo i emmarcar-lo en els àmbits i temàtiques que té que contenir i el procediment per elaborar-lo. Tot informe precisa d’anàlisis per a avaluar la qualitat de la informació reflexada i, d’aquesta manera, poder realitzar accions correctores oportunes. Mitjançant la definició d’una sèrie d’indicadors de desenvolupament i altres, intentarem aproximar-nos a l’anàlisi dels continguts de les memòries de les empreses que componen l’IBEX-35 de l’any 2006, ja que podem considerar-les com les més representatives i més influents d’Espanya. Amb tot això sabrem quina és la situació en l’àmbit general dels informes que presenten aquestes empreses i podrem recomanar per a que les empreses puguin completar-lo i respondre més eficientment les necessitats dels futurs lectors d’aquest informe i obtenir millor imatge corporativa.


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RésuméIntroduction : Le travail de thèse est un article publié dans le journal « Fertility & Sterility » s'intitulant « Birth records from Swiss married couples analyzed over the past 35 years reveal an aging of first-time mothers by 5.1 years while the interpregnancy interval has shortened ».Méthodes : Les données concernant l'âge auquel les femmes mariées donnaient naissance ont été obtenues de l'Office fédéral de la statistique. Nous avons examiné la période allant de 1969 à 2006. Cet intervalle de temps choisi nous a permis de prendre en considération un total de 2'716'370 naissances. L'âge moyen des parturientes à la naissance de leur 1er, 2ème et 3ème enfant a été calculé pour chaque année à l'aide du logiciel Excel. Grâce à ces données on a pu obtenir les intervalles inter-gestationnels théoriques entre le 1er et 2ème enfant, ainsi qu'entre le 2ème et 3ème enfant.Résultats : Nous pouvons constater que l'intervalle inter-gestationnel théorique entre la première et la deuxième grossesse était de 23.2 mois en 1969 et passait à 13.0 mois en 2006. L'intervalle compris entre la deuxième et la troisième grossesse passait de 22.4 mois en 1969 à 7.9 mois en 2006. Notre analyse suggère donc que c'est le facteur social qui exerce un effet plus important que le facteur biologique sur les intervalles inter-gestationnels, car ces intervalles diminuaient malgré l'augmentation de l'âge des mères à la naissance.


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The Bacillus subtilis strain 168 chromosomal region extending from 109 degrees to 112 degrees has been sequenced. Among the 35 ORFs identified, cotT and rapA were the only genes that had been previously mapped and sequenced. Out of ten ORFs belonging to a single putative transcription unit, seven are probably involved in hexuronate catabolism. Their sequences are homologous to Escherichia coli genes exuT, uidB, uxaA, uxaB, uxaC, uxuA and uxuB, which are all required for the uptake of free D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate and beta-glucuronide, and their transformation into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate. The remaining three ORFs encode two dehydrogenases and a transcriptional regulator. The operon is preceded by a putative catabolite-responsive element (CRE), located between a hypothetical promoter and the RBS of the first gene. This element, the longest and the only so far described that is fully symmetrical, consists of a 26 bp palindrome matching the theoretical B. subtilis CRE sequence. The remaining predicted amino acid sequences that share homologies with other proteins comprise: a cytochrome P-450, a glycosyltransferase, an ATP-binding cassette transporter, a protein similar to the formate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (FdhA), protein similar to NADH dehydrogenases, and three homologues of polypeptides that have undefined functions.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a serious liver disease. The aim of this study was to explore the long-term prognosis of AE patients, the burden of this disease in Switzerland and the cost-effectiveness of treatment. METHODS: Relative survival analysis was undertaken using a national database with 329 patient records. 155 representative cases had sufficient details regarding treatment costs and patient outcome to estimate the financial implications and treatment costs of AE. RESULTS: For an average 54-year-old patient diagnosed with AE in 1970 the life expectancy was estimated to be reduced by 18.2 and 21.3 years for men and women, respectively. By 2005 this was reduced to approximately 3.5 and 2.6 years, respectively. Patients undergoing radical surgery had a better outcome, whereas the older patients had a poorer prognosis than the younger patients. Costs amount to approximately Euro108,762 per patient. Assuming the improved life expectancy of AE patients is due to modern treatment the cost per disability-adjusted life years (DALY) saved is approximately Euro6,032. CONCLUSIONS: Current treatments have substantially improved the prognosis of AE patients compared to the 1970s. The cost per DALY saved is low compared to the average national annual income. Hence, AE treatment is highly cost-effective in Switzerland.