972 resultados para Alison Jones
A promise by Mr. Jones to pay Thomas Wilson 10 pounds 1/10, New York Currency, with interest. Witness was Mr. T. McCormick
Volume of songs sung in praise of celebrated American War of 1812 heroes.
Letter addressed to Robert D. Band from A.R.W. Jones of the Personal Trust Department of the Royal Trust Company, Toronto listing the securities to be held by Mr. Band and his sister and brother, Sept. 5, 1961.
Payment for Shelby, Cunningham, Jarvis, Mater and Jones accounts. This document has some water damage which has smeared the writing but it does not affect text, July 29, 1882.
Payment for the Shelby, Cunningham, Jarvis, Jones, Mater, Sampson, Conklin, Dennis and Griffin accounts, Jan. 29, 1883.
Payment for the Shelby, Cunningham, Jarvis, Jones, Mater, Sampson, Dennis, Conklin and Griffin accounts, July 30, 1883.
Payment for the Cunningham, Jarvis, Jones, Mater, Sampson, Dennis, Conklin and Griffin accounts, Jan. 29, 1884.
Payment for Atkins, Schmidt, Crick, Mank, Underwood and Crew accounts Jan. 26, 1886.
Payment for Sampson, Griffin, Cunningham and Jones accounts, Feb. 14, 1887.
Note (1 page, handwritten) by Samuel Woodruff regarding the Cunningham, Mater and Jones accounts, n.d.
Letter which was enclosed with the application, bond mortgage and abstract of the Jones and Mater accounts to Samuel Woodruff from Jarvis, Conklin and Co., May 4, 1882.
Printed blank of Statement of Security Form naming the bond as Jones County Texas Bonds for the purpose of building a courthouse. It is made out to S.D. Woodruff and dated June 12, 1885. An envelope addressed to Mr. S.D. Woodruff is also included. The postmarks are Kansas, 1885 and St. Catharines, June 13, 1885.