985 resultados para Airline industry


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This dissertation investigates customer behavior modeling in service outsourcing and revenue management in the service sector (i.e., airline and hotel industries). In particular, it focuses on a common theme of improving firms’ strategic decisions through the understanding of customer preferences. Decisions concerning degrees of outsourcing, such as firms’ capacity choices, are important to performance outcomes. These choices are especially important in high-customer-contact services (e.g., airline industry) because of the characteristics of services: simultaneity of consumption and production, and intangibility and perishability of the offering. Essay 1 estimates how outsourcing affects customer choices and market share in the airline industry, and consequently the revenue implications from outsourcing. However, outsourcing decisions are typically endogenous. A firm may choose whether to outsource or not based on what a firm expects to be the best outcome. Essay 2 contributes to the literature by proposing a structural model which could capture a firm’s profit-maximizing decision-making behavior in a market. This makes possible the prediction of consequences (i.e., performance outcomes) of future strategic moves. Another emerging area in service operations management is revenue management. Choice-based revenue systems incorporate discrete choice models into traditional revenue management algorithms. To successfully implement a choice-based revenue system, it is necessary to estimate customer preferences as a valid input to optimization algorithms. The third essay investigates how to estimate customer preferences when part of the market is consistently unobserved. This issue is especially prominent in choice-based revenue management systems. Normally a firm only has its own observed purchases, while those customers who purchase from competitors or do not make purchases are unobserved. Most current estimation procedures depend on unrealistic assumptions about customer arriving. This study proposes a new estimation methodology, which does not require any prior knowledge about the customer arrival process and allows for arbitrary demand distributions. Compared with previous methods, this model performs superior when the true demand is highly variable.


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El cambio hoy se reconoce como el principal reto que enfrentan las empresas. Desde diversas ciencias como la biología, la psicología y la dirección se vienen estudiando las diferentes variables que tienen relación con los procesos de ajuste y adaptación que los individuos y las organizaciones desarrollan cuando disrupciones de diverso tipo se materializan en el entorno. En las últimas décadas se ha contemplado el estudio de la resiliencia como una característica que pueden desarrollar las organizaciones. Por ello, es un tema de estudio interesante, tanto desde los individuos como desde las organizaciones. Se revisan en este artículo los conceptos de resiliencia, resiliencia individual y organizacional, así como las relaciones que surgen entre dichos conceptos para explicar el desempeño organizacional.


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El presente trabajo constituye una investigación acerca del rol del modelo de negocio en el desarrollo de las organizaciones. Esto se hace, en particular, a través del estudio detallado de la compañía Southwest Airlines. Se identifican para esta empresa, entre otros asuntos, las relaciones entre los recursos y los elementos que ofrece su entorno. Esto, en lo fundamental, para determinar el funcionamiento que ha llevado a la organización a la creación de un modelo de negocio adecuado y exitoso y el poder del mismo para evolucionar en un medio cambiante y aprovechar las oportunidades que este brinda. El presente documento presenta el origen, el desarrollo y los resultados de un estudio realizado a la empresa Southwest Airlines. En este se presentan sus políticas y estructura de procesos en relación con sus clientes —tanto internos como externos Esta se evidencia, al final, en la eficiencia, el compromiso de los empleados y otra serie de elementos que contribuyen al buen funcionamiento de la organización. El aporte de esta investigación está,en generar resultados a partir de un estudio a uno de los modelos de negocio de la industria aérea, específicamente el modelo de bajo costo (low cost). El propósito del trabajo fue desarrollar un análisis de las variables que consolidan todo el proceso de gestión en esta herramienta (business model) para ofrecerle al lector las pautas para fomentar la creación de modelos de negocio en las organizaciones y brindar así una estructura que contribuya a alcanzar el éxito en el mismo.


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Strategic frameworks seeking to explain how an organisation may generate superior performance are numerous. Earlier approaches centred on the competitive position of an organisation within its industry, with subsequent attention focused on an organisation's core competences. More recently, research has concentrated on knowledge and organisational learning. By reference to a study of airline-developed computer reservation systems (CRSs), this article explores the strategic importance of information in creating knowledge to generate superior performance. By examining developments in the use, management and control of information derived from CRSs, evidence is presented to explain how CRS-owning airlines have circumvented regulatory controls and increasingly competition to sustain competitive advantage through the development of their information and knowledge systems. This research demonstrates the need for organisations to develop 'knowledge facilitators' that foster the creation of new knowledge. Equally, managers must develop 'knowledge inhibitors' that help to sustain competitive advantage by limiting the abilities of competitors to create knowledge themselves.


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Reactionary delays constitute nearly half of all delay minutes in Europe. A capped, multi-component model is presented for estimating reactionary delay costs, as a non-linear function of primary delay duration. Maximum Take-Off Weights, historically established as a charging mechanism, may be used to model delay costs. Current industry reporting on delay is flight-centric. Passenger-centric metrics are needed to better understand delay propagation. In ATM, it is important to take account of contrasting flight- and passenger-centric effects, caused by cancellations, for example. Costs to airlines and passenger disutility will both continue to be driven by delay relative to the original schedule.


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This research is titled “The Future of Airline Business Models: Which Will Win?” and it is part of the requirements for the award of a Masters in Management from NOVA BSE and another from Luiss Guido Carlo University. The purpose is to elaborate a complete market analysis of the European Air Transportation Industry in order to predict which Airlines, strategies and business models may be successful in the next years. First, an extensive literature review of the business model concept has been done. Then, a detailed overview of the main European Airlines and the strategies that they have been implementing so far has been developed. Finally, the research is illustrated with three case studies


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Innovations in the current interconnected world of organizations have lead to a focus on business models as a fundamental statement of direction and identity. Although industry transformations generally emanate from technological changes, recent examples suggest they may also be due to the introduction of new business models. In the past, different types of airline business models could be clearly separated from each other. However, this has changed in recent years partly due to the concentration process and partly to reaction caused by competitive pressure. At least it can be concluded that in future the distinction of different business models will remain less clear. To advance the use of business models as a concept, it is essential to be able to compare and perform analyses to identify the business models that may have the highest potential. This can essentially contribute to understanding the synergies and incompatibilities in the case of two airlines that are going in for a merger. This is illustrated by the example of Swiss Air-Lufthansa merger analysis. The idea is to develop quantitative methods and tools for comparing and analyzing Aeronautical/Airline business models. The paper identifies available methods of comparing airline business models and lays the ground work for a quantitative model of comparing airline business models. This can be a useful tool for business model analysis when two airlines are merged


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This thesis describes an investigation into a Local Authority's desire to use its airport to aid regional economic growth. Short studies on air freight. the impact of an airport on the local economy, incoming tourism. and the factors influencing airlines in their use of airports, show that this desire is valid. but only in so far as the airport enables air services to be provided. A survey of airlines. conducted to remedy some deficiencies in the documented knowledge on airline decision-making criteria. indicates that there is cause for concern about the methods used to develop air services. A comparison with the West German network suggests that Birmingham is underprovided with international scheduled flights, and reinforces the survey conclusion that an airport authority must become actively involved in the development of air services. Participation in the licence applications of two airlines to use Birmingham Airport confirms the need for involvement but without showing the extent of the influence which an airport authority may exert. The conclusion is reached that in order to fulfill its development potential, an airport must be marketed to both the general public and the air transport industry. There is also a need for a national air services plan.


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A General Sales Agent (GSA) is an airline's outsourcing counter part that markets and manages cargo services. An empirical investigation is undertaken to ascertain whether GSAs contribute economically to the air cargo industry using three 'litmus test' indicators:1) contribution to the airline's sales and profitability by expanding o perating networks; 2) viability as a marketing option for emerging or struggling airlines to help cut operating costs to reduce prices; 3) cost-effective GSAs were found to establish an airline's market presence through wide network coverage and good local knowledge, leading to an expansion of airline's operating networks and generating greater sales revenue. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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This dissertation develops a process improvement method for service operations based on the Theory of Constraints (TOC), a management philosophy that has been shown to be effective in manufacturing for decreasing WIP and improving throughput. While TOC has enjoyed much attention and success in the manufacturing arena, its application to services in general has been limited. The contribution to industry and knowledge is a method for improving global performance measures based on TOC principles. The method proposed in this dissertation will be tested using discrete event simulation based on the scenario of the service factory of airline turnaround operations. To evaluate the method, a simulation model of aircraft turn operations of a U.S. based carrier was made and validated using actual data from airline operations. The model was then adjusted to reflect an application of the Theory of Constraints for determining how to deploy the scarce resource of ramp workers. The results indicate that, given slight modifications to TOC terminology and the development of a method for constraint identification, the Theory of Constraints can be applied with success to services. Bottlenecks in services must be defined as those processes for which the process rates and amount of work remaining are such that completing the process will not be possible without an increase in the process rate. The bottleneck ratio is used to determine to what degree a process is a constraint. Simulation results also suggest that redefining performance measures to reflect a global business perspective of reducing costs related to specific flights versus the operational local optimum approach of turning all aircraft quickly results in significant savings to the company. Savings to the annual operating costs of the airline were simulated to equal 30% of possible current expenses for misconnecting passengers with a modest increase in utilization of the workers through a more efficient heuristic of deploying them to the highest priority tasks. This dissertation contributes to the literature on service operations by describing a dynamic, adaptive dispatch approach to manage service factory operations similar to airline turnaround operations using the management philosophy of the Theory of Constraints.


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No student of the hospitality industry can long be insensitive to the role of air transportation in creating much, though by no means all, of the "place demand" for his industry. This article confines itself to a discussion of the impact of deregulation on carriers in the industry and discusses implications for the hospitality field


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In his dialogue entitled - A Look Back to Look Forward: New Patterns In The Supply/Demand Equation In The Lodging Industry - by Albert J. Gomes, Senior Principal, Pannell Kerr Forster, Washington, D.C. What the author intends for you to know is the following: “Factors which influence the lodging industry in the United States are changing that industry as far as where hotels are being located, what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities. The author charts these changes and makes predictions for the future.” Gomes initially alludes to the evolution of transportation – the human, animal, mechanical progression - and how those changes, in the last 100 years or so, have had a significant impact on the hotel industry. “A look back to look forward treats the past as prologue. American hoteliers are in for some startling changes in their business,” Gomes says. “The man who said that the three most important determinants for the success of a hotel were “location, location, location” did a lot of good only in the short run.” Gomes wants to make you aware of the existence of what he calls, “locational obsolescence.” “Locational obsolescence is a fact of life, and at least in the United States bears a direct correlation to evolutionary changes in transportation technology,” he says. “…the primary business of the hospitality industry is to serve travelers or people who are being transported,” Gomes expands the point. Tied to the transportation element, the author also points out an interesting distinction between hotels and motels. In addressing, “…what clientele is being served, and what services are being provided at different facilities,” Gomes suggests that the transportation factor influences these constituents as well. Also coupled with this discussion are oil prices and shifts in transportation habits, with reference to airline travel being an ever increasing method of travel; capturing much of the inter-city travel market. Gomes refers to airline deregulation as an impetus. The point being, it’s a fluid market rather than a static one, and [successful] hospitality properties need to be cognizant of market dynamics and be able to adjust to the variables in their marketplace. Gomes provides many facts and figures to bolster his assertions. Interestingly and perceptively, at the time of this writing, Gomes alludes to America’s deteriorating road and bridge network. As of right now, in 2009, this is a major issue. Gomes rounds out this study by comparing European hospitality trends to those in the U.S.


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In - Managing Quality In the Hospitality Industry – an observation by W. Gerald Glover, Associate Professor, Hospitality Management Program, Appalachian State University, initially Glover establishes: “Quality is a primary concern in the hospitality industry. The author sees problems in the nature of the way businesses are managed and discusses approaches to ensuring quality in corporate cultures.” As the title suggests, the author wants to point out certain discrepancies in hospitality quality control, as well as enlighten you as to how to address some of these concerns. “A discussion of quality presents some interesting dilemmas. Quality is something that almost everyone wants,” Assistant Professor Glover notes. “Service businesses will never admit that they don't provide it to their customers, and few people actually understand what it takes to make it happen,” he further maintains. Glover wants you to know that in a dynamic industry such as hospitality, quality is the common denominator. Whether it be hotel, restaurant, airline, et al., quality is the raison d’être of the industry. “Quality involves the consistent delivery of a product or service according to the expected standards,” Glover provides. Many, if not all quality deficiencies can be traced back to management, Glover declares. He bullet points some of the operational and guest service problems managers’ face on a daily basis. One important point of note is the measuring and managing of quality. “Standards management is another critical area in people and product management that is seldom effective in corporations,” says Glover. “Typically, this area involves performance documentation, performance evaluation and appraisal, coaching, discipline, and team-building.” “To be effective at managing standards, an organization must establish communication in realms where it is currently non-existent or ineffective,” Glover goes on to say. “Coaching, training, and performance appraisal are methods to manage individuals who are expected to do what's expected.” He alludes to the benefit quality circles supply as well. In addressing American organizational behavior, Glover postures, “…a realization must develop that people and product management are the primary influences on generating revenues and eventually influencing the bottom line in all American organizations.” Glover introduces the concept of pro-activity. “Most recently, quality assurance and quality management have become the means used to develop and maintain proactive corporate cultures. When prevention is the focus, quality is most consistent and expectations are usually met,” he offers. Much of the article is dedicated to, “Appendix A-Table 1-Characteristics of Corporate Cultures (Reactive and Proactive. In it, Glover measures the impact of proactive management as opposed to the reactive management intrinsic to many elements of corporate culture mentality.