949 resultados para Aguirre, José Antonio, 1904-1960


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The architecture of Vicens and Ramos holds a privileged position within the Spanish architecture of the last few years, due to their outstanding resolution of the architectural project. Each project has posed a creative challenge for them that has resulted in unique works, with great pedagogical value for other architects. In this monograph, a selection of their most emblematic work is shown, including Las Matas, Faculty at the University of Navarra, the Church at Rivas and Coliseum of the Three Cultures among others. The project documentation is exceptionally thorough, with plans and images of all sections, from many angles. There is also an interview with Ignacio Vicens, writings from friends and colleagues, and images that reflect the professional and human aspects of this architect and professor at the Architecture School in Madrid. In English and Spanish, this book is of a seriously high standard.


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Alcance y contenido: Conjunto de mss. relacionados con la donación de una imagen de la Inmaculada Concepción a la Iglesia de Godella, relatando los actos religiosos y festivos que se celebraron durante los dias del festejo.


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Entrevista a José Antonio Martín Pereda, en la que expresa su opinión sobre el proceso de Reforma de las Enseñanzas y sobre el hecho de que la elaboración del Plan de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico coincidiesen con un período electoral.


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José Antonio Martín Pereda, catedrático de Fotónica de la ETSI de Telecomunicaciones, considera que «por el momento, el objetivo es lograr la conexión entre los centros, y sólo más adelante será necesario estudiar las fórmulas de gestión de la red IRIS». Tras su participación en el desarrollo y puesta en marcha del llamado Plan Nacional de Investigación, cuando se escribían estas líneas Martín Pereda ya había presentado su dimisión del puesto de jefe del Departamento de Tecnologías de la Producción y las Comunicaciones, de la Secretaría General del Plan Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, con el objeto de dedicarse a la investigación y la docencia.


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Se recogen los discursos pronunciados en el acto de investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa de D. José Antonio Martín Pereda por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña


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Universidad Laboral José Antonio Girón, en Gijón


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Recopilación de apuntes de Física del Curso de Acceso del año 1967 (plan de 1964). La asignatura fue impartida por D. José Antonio Martín Pereda.


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Sir José Antonio y Sir Ramón


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Hace diez años fallecía, en su domicilio sevillano, el naturalista vallisoletano José Antonio Valverde Gómez. En homenaje a su memoria, me propongo en este trabajo revisitar, y en lo posible también revisar, la relación que este biólogo mantuvo con nuestra ave más impresionante y bella, con esa joya de nuestro patrimonio natural y cultural, el quebrantahuesos. Para ello, se aporta documentación inédita, se añaden datos nuevos, y se corrigen viejos errores.


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First published 1788-95 under title: Gazeta de literatura.


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This flyer promotes the event "The Urban Insurrection against Batista: The Life and Times of José Antonio Echeverria, A Symposium".


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Une préoccupation importante pour le patrimoine culturel universitaire vient de se développer en Europe depuis les années 1980. Dans ce riche patrimoine sont inclus les biens mobiliers de valeur historique, scientifico-technique, académique, documentaire, artistique, architecturale et urbaine. Le continent européen a développé durant ces dernières années des actions significatives qui comprennent la création d’organisations, de comités à caractère international, ainsi que la rédaction de recommandations et règlements au niveau européen et institutionnel. Plusieurs universités ont pris des initiatives dans le domaine de la conservation et de la valorisation. À Cuba, il existe un grand intérêt pour le patrimoine culturel de la nation. Malgré la situation économique difficile depuis plusieurs années, Cuba a réussi des bons résultats dans la gestion des centres historiques et des biens patrimoniaux de la nation. Cependant, la thématique liée au patrimoine universitaire est encore peu discutée sur le territoire national, malgré depuis 2010, des actions pour étudier ce patrimoine sont mis en oeuvre grâce aux initiatives des universités de la capitale cubaine. Notre étude de cas, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, appartenant au campus CUJAE1, fondé en 1964, a produit un patrimoine culturel universitaire de valeur scientifique, artistique et documentaire qui le distingue des autres universités. Malheureusement, ils existent plusieurs problèmes qui affectent les biens culturels mobiliers de l’ISPJAE et son campus. À partir de la situation actuelle, nous proposons une méthodologie en faveur de la conservation et la valorisation de ses biens, basée sur l’étude des tendances actuelles dans les universités européennes et cubaines étudiées. Les actions proposées favoriseront aussi les biens immobiliers, en tenant compte qu’ils ont un fort lien avec ceux mobiliers; ABSTRACT: An important concern for the university cultural heritage has just developed in Europe since the 1980s. The real asses of historic, scientific-technical, academic, documentary, artistic, architectural values are included in these rich heritages. The European continent developed during the last years significant actions which include the creation of organizations, committees with international character, as well as the writing of recommendations and regulations at the European and institutional level. Several universities took initiatives in the fields of the preservation and the valuation. In Cuba, there is a big interest for the cultural heritage of the nation. In spite of the difficult economic situation for several years, Cuba made a success of good results in the management of the historic centers and the patrimonial asses of the nation. However, the subject related to the university heritage is again little discussed in the national territory in spite of since 2010, several actions to study this heritage are implemented, thanks to the initiatives of the universities of the Cuban capital. Our case of study, Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría, belonging to the campus CUJAE, established in 1964, produced a university cultural heritage of the scientific, artistic and documentary value, which distinguishes it from other universities. Unfortunately, there are several problems, which affect the real cultural asses of the ISPJAE and its campus. From the current situation, we propose a methodology in favor of the preservation and the valuation of its properties, based on the study of the current trends in the studied European and Cuban universities. The proposed actions will also favor the real property, taking into account that they have a strong link with those movable cultural asses; RIASSUNTO: Una preoccupazione importante per il patrimonio culturale universitario inizia a svilupparsi in Europa dagli anni 1980. In questo ricco patrimonio sono inclusi i beni mobili di valore storico, scientifico-tenico, accademico, documentario, artistico, architettonico e urbano. Il continente europeo ha sviluppato durante questi ultimi anni delle azioni significative che comprendono la creazione di organizazioni, di comitati internazionali, così come la redazione di raccomandazioni e regolamenti a livello europeo e istituzionale. Molte università hanno intrapreso delle iniziative nella conservazione e nella valorizzazione. A Cuba esiste un grande interesse per il patrimonio culturale della nazione. Malgrado la difficile situazione economica da molti anni Cuba ha ottenuto dei buoni risultati nella gestione di centri storici e di beni patrimoniali del Paese. Comunque, la tematica relativa al patrimonio universitario è ancora poco discussa anche se dal 2010 siano messe in opera delle azioni per studiare questo patrimonio, grazie alle iniziative di alcune università della capitale cubana. Il nostro caso di studio, l’Instituto Superior Politécnico José Antonio Echeverría –ISPJAE-, appartenente al campus CUJAE fondato nel 1964, ha prodotto un patrimonio culturale universitario di valore scientifico, artistico e documentale che la distinguono delle altre università. Purtroppo, esistono molti problemi che influenzano i beni culturali mobili dell’ISPJAE e del suo campus. A partire della situazione attuale e facendo parte di questa ricerca, si propone una metodologia a favore della conservazione e della valorizzazione dei loro beni fondata sullo studio delle tendenze attuali in università europee e cubane. Alcune delle azioni proposte sono finalizzate e destinate anche ai beni immobili, tenendo conto che questi hanno un forte rapporto con i beni mobili.