786 resultados para Agregados reciclados


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The soil management system can modify the natural distribution of the soil attributes and, consequently, the variability of the soil aggregation and organic matter content. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the aggregate stability and organic matter content spatial distribution on a Haplic Cambisol under sugar cane cultivation in the Southern Amazonas State, Brazil. A 70 x 70 m square mesh, with regular 10 meters intervals, was designed over the cultivation area, resulting in 64 sample points. Soil blocks with preserved structure were collected at 0.0-0.2 m depth in order to analyze the aggregate stability and organic matter content. The data were submitted to the descriptive and geostatistical analysis. The soil attributes presented a spatial dependence structure and the greater range was observed for the mean weighted diameter and aggregate class <1.00 mm. Also, there is a spatial relation among the mean geometric diameter, mean weighted diameter and aggregate classes (>2.00 and 2.00-1.00 mm).


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This work presents the results obtained in analyzes of aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by the plant of the City of Guaratinguetá. Using this data and comparing with the specifications of NBR 15115, it was found that the materials do not possess the requisite minimum characteristics to be utilized as a basis for low-pavement traffic. In order to identify the main reasons of the material does not fit in the standard, we used the data obtained in a study conducted by Professor. Dr. Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira at the plant of the company AB Environmental Solutions Ltd., located in Pindamonhangaba. With different characteristics, the aggregates from construction and demolition waste produced by this plant showed the possibility of using pavements. The use of these residues in paving reduces the impact on the environment caused by construction.


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The effect of phloretin in the structure and hydration of dimiristoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles (DMPC) was investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance technique (EPR) at the bilayer core of membrane, using 14-PCSL spin label derivative of phosphatidylcoline. The spectra obtained by pure DMPC vesicles and with addition of phloretin were simulated using the Nonlinear Least-Square program, at the tempearature between 15 oC to 50 oC. Through these simulations it was possible to analyse the membrane hydration and bilayer order, to understand the interaction between DMPC aggregates and phloretin. The results show that the phloretin decreases the membrane hydration in both gel and fluid phases. This reduction of water molecules is accompanied by increasing of the bilayer order at this micro-region


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This graduation project aims to study and analyze the reuse of solid waste projects in Civil Construction, checking the different factors such as economic viability, production processes, classification of the main materials, advantages and disadvantages, always seeking to guide themselves according Brazilian legislation establishing criteria for Waste Management of Construction. In addition, points are studied that prevent the expansion of recycling construction waste. It also offers needs improvements to the implementation of recycling to be carried out on a more expressive than current


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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A trial was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the effect of different management systems applied between the rows of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) on the aggregate stability in water of Dark Red Latosol, with clayey texture from the Municipality of Jaboticabal (SP) and Yellow Red Podzolic, sandy/medium texture fromthe Municipality of Tabapua (SP). The treatments consisted of disk harrowing, Pueraria phaseoloides and mowing. The soil samples were withdrawn after seven years of application of these management systems from depths of 0-0.1, 0.1-0.2, 0.2-0.3, and 0.3-0.4 m. The stability of the aggregates was obtained in sieves with size classes of 8-4, 4-2, 2-1, 1-0.5, 0.5-0.125, and < 0.125 mm. The Pueraria phaseoloides gave a significant difference regarding the distribution of the aggregates on the superficial layer (10 cm) when compared to the other management systems, presenting a higher distribution of larger sized aggregates on the Dark Red Latosol. The tillage management for this same depth presented higher values of small sized aggregates on both soils. The organic matter on the soils showed a direct and significant relation to the stability of the larger sized aggregates and an inverse relation with the stability of the smaller sized aggregates.


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) é responsável pela fertilidade, ciclagem de nutrientes e estabilidade da estrutura, possuindo estreita relação com a agregação do solo. No entanto, ainda não é clara a relação entre as classes de agregados na dinâmica de acúmulo ou perda de MOS em função do uso e manejo do solo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de carbono (C) em agregados do solo sob quatro usos e manejos: Cerrado nativo (CE), sistema plantio direto (SPD), sistema plantio convencional (SPC) e pastagem (PA). As áreas de estudo estão localizadas no município de Rio Verde (GO), em solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura argilosa. Em amostras de solo coletadas em fevereiro de 2007 nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade, foram determinados: a quantidade de macroagregados (maiores que 2,0 mm), mesoagregados (maiores que 0,25 e menores que 2,00 mm) e microagregados (maiores que 0,05 e menores que 0,25 mm) estáveis em água, os índices de agregação diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) e geométrico (DMG) e os teores de C nas classes de agregados estabelecidas. No solo avaliado observou-se predominância de macroagregados, com maior quantidade sob CE e PA, em comparação ao solo sob SPD e SPC, indicando efeito negativo do cultivo do solo na conservação de macroagregados. Contudo, os teores de C nos agregados do solo na camada de 0-20 cm foram maiores no CE e SPD em relação a PA e SPC, sugerindo que o não revolvimento e a manutenção dos resíduos culturais na superfície do solo favorecem o acúmulo de C. Com isso, foi verificado que os macro e mesoagregados podem ser mais sensíveis ao tipo de uso e manejo do solo, quando comparados aos microagregados. A agregação do solo sob PA é semelhante à do CE, embora com menores teores de C, sugerindo dinâmica de agregação diferenciada, o que merece a atenção de novas pesquisas.


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Este artículo se centra en la ocupación y apropiación de tierras en una región del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, que integraba en las primeras décadas del siglo XIX el llamado "nuevo sur": los partidos de Arenales y Ayacucho, entre 1823 y 1860. Comenzaremos por caracterizar el traspaso de estos territorios a particulares, el impacto de las distintas modalidades de transferencia y la evolución de la estructura de tenencia. Esto nos llevará a interrogarnos por los protagonistas de este proceso: ¿quiénes fueron los beneficiarios de este reparto? ¿cómo llegaron a estas tierras del "nuevo sur"? ¿cómo fue la conformación del grupo de propietarios en esta zona?, ¿permanecieron los mismos apellidos a lo largo del período? Además, ¿existieron, en esta zona como en otras regiones, posibilidades de ocupación sin la tenencia legal? La comparación con otros procesos de ocupación y apropiación de terrenos del estado, especialmente al sur del río Salado, nos posibilitará una visión más completa de este caso, que obviamente está integrado en un proceso más amplio.


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Este artículo se centra en la ocupación y apropiación de tierras en una región del sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, que integraba en las primeras décadas del siglo XIX el llamado "nuevo sur": los partidos de Arenales y Ayacucho, entre 1823 y 1860. Comenzaremos por caracterizar el traspaso de estos territorios a particulares, el impacto de las distintas modalidades de transferencia y la evolución de la estructura de tenencia. Esto nos llevará a interrogarnos por los protagonistas de este proceso: ¿quiénes fueron los beneficiarios de este reparto? ¿cómo llegaron a estas tierras del "nuevo sur"? ¿cómo fue la conformación del grupo de propietarios en esta zona?, ¿permanecieron los mismos apellidos a lo largo del período? Además, ¿existieron, en esta zona como en otras regiones, posibilidades de ocupación sin la tenencia legal? La comparación con otros procesos de ocupación y apropiación de terrenos del estado, especialmente al sur del río Salado, nos posibilitará una visión más completa de este caso, que obviamente está integrado en un proceso más amplio.