119 resultados para Agra
No contexto da comunicação da ciência, a produção científica expressa a produtividade dos pesquisadores e das instituições as quais estão vinculados. Este estudo cienciométrico utiliza os indicadores recursos humanos, produção científica e caráter regional da pesquisa com o objetivo de descrever e analisar o desempenho e as características da produção científica dos docentes que atuam em pesquisa no âmbito dos programas de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, credenciados e avaliados pela CAPES: Agronomia, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente, Física, Letras e Lingüística, Meteorologia e Química e Biotecnologia. Utiliza como amostra a produção científica dos docentes da Pós-Graduação da UFAL no período entre 1998-2002 e os grupos de pesquisa vinculados à Pós-Graduação, sem comparar ou avaliar o desempenho dos programas entre si. O estudo é de cunho quantitativo com algumas inserções qualitativas. A análise revelou que a distribuição dos grupos de pesquisa vinculados aos programas, segundo o número de pesquisadores, aproxima-se da tendência nacional de composição apontada por Guimarães e outros (1995). Em relação ao indicador recursos humanos, de maneira global todos programas possuem corpo docente composto por doutores. O trabalho identificou características de publicação dos programas, que refletem particularidades da cultura de pesquisa dessas comunidades. Cada programa possui um ou mais formatos para publicar a maior parte dos seus trabalhos e segue uma tendência própria de idioma e autoria dessas publicações. A análise da distribuição da produção acumulada no período em cada programa revelou que todos os grupos estão afastados de uma distribuição mais homogênea entre os docentes. O resultado da análise do indicador caráter regional da pesquisa indicou que as temáticas desenvolvidas pelos projetos de pesquisa na Pós-Graduação da UFAL são relevantes para o desenvolvimento do Estado de Alagoas. O estudo conclui que a UFAL possui programas de pósgraduação em processo de consolidação, com características próprias de publicação.
Esta monografia tan caro objeto de análise a política de crédito rural em sua relação com os pequenos agricultores, no Brasil, no período 1969/1975. Inicia buscando um suporte teórico que penni. ta analizar o objeto em estudo. Nesta busca conclui pela rejeição da teoria econânica cor rente cano instnmento de análise, desenvolvendo, em consequência, una teori zação altenla.ti va, ande se explici ta es "papeis" que estariam reservados ao crédito rural no processo de acumulação do capital em uma econania perifé rica, dentro da teoria da troca desigual entre centro e periferia, consisteg te can a aa.:mulação do capital no sistema ecanânico mundial. Pesteriomente, o trabalho desenvolve-se analisando a política de crédito rural implanentada e seus resultados quantitativas. Estas análises concluan que, quer eu rraren tes "nonnais n , quer em manentes "especiais" , o pequeno agricultor sanpre foi um clienté marginal do sistana de crédito rural e que, no período, teve sua pcsição relativa deteriorada. A análise dos resultades quantitativos ap:ntan na direção de una cresa;mte concentração do crédito rural, via al~ ção de um volune cada vez maior de crédito nas mães dos que a êle já tinham acesso. A análise do credito por culturas leva a concluir que, se existe, é muito fraca a correlação entre o incremento no crédito rural e o incranen to na área cultivada e/ou no rendimento. Embora de fonna não conclusiva, a finna-se que, cano causa, a expansão do crédito rural pouco teve a ver cem a expansão da prcrlução agrícola. Tudo isso confinna a fonnulação teórica de que o crédito rural, no Brasil, visa, principamente, garantir à elite agra ria conpensações econânicas e sociais para suas desvantajosas relações de troca no nivel interno e externo.
The aim of the present study was to identify the main plant use categories of native varieties from the Caatinga biome, in the rural community of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte state (Northeastern Brazil). Semi-structured and structured interviews were used to gather information from local specialists about the use of the plants. The uses of 69 species are described by 23 observers (woodsmen, herb doctors, healers, farmers and housewives) aged 35 years or more. These species were allocated to seven categories: medicinal, wood plants, nutritional, mystic, fuel, forage plants and domestic use. The most represented families were Fabaceae (14 spp.), Euphorbiaceae (6 spp.), Cucurbitaceae (3 spp.) and Cactaceae (3 spp.). The calculation of use- value showed that the cumaru (Amburana cearensis (Allemão) A. C. Sm) and the jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir) were the most commonly mentioned, in addition to having the largest number of uses. The data obtained confirm the potential of the plants from the Seridó region and reinforce the importance of biodiversity for rural communities, underscoring the need for local plant management
This in vitro research verified the possibility of eliminating staining caused by coffee and red wine in five composite resins, after being submitted to thermal cycling. Thirty-six specimens were prepared and immersed in water at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. After polishing, specimen color was measured in a spectrophotometer Cintra 10 UV (Visible Spectrometer, GBC, Braeside, VIC, Australia). All specimens were submitted to thermal cycling at temperatures of 5 and 55 degrees C with a dwell time of 1 minute, for 1,000 cycles in a 75% ethanol/water solution. After thermal cycling, the specimens were immersed in water at 37 degrees C until 7 days had elapsed from the time the specimens were prepared. All specimens were then taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. The specimens were divided into three groups (N = 12): distilled water (control), coffee, and red wine. For the staining process to occur on only one surface, all the sides, except one, of the surfaces were isolated with white wax. The specimens were immersed in one of the solutions at 37 degrees C for 14 days. The specimens were dried and taken to the spectrophotometer for color measurement. After this, the specimens were submitted to 20 mu m wear three times, and the color was measured after each one of the wear procedures. Calculation of the color difference was made using CIEDE2000 formula. According to the methodology used in this research, it was concluded that the staining caused by coffee and red wine was superficial and one wear of 20 mu m was sufficient to remove the discoloration.
Owing to improvements in its mechanical properties and to the availability of shade and translucence resources, resin composite has become one of the most widely used restorative materials in present day Dentistry. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between the surface hardness of seven different commercial brands of resin composites (Charisma, Fill Magic, Master Fill, Natural Look, Opallis, Tetric Ceram, and Z250) and the different degrees of translucence (translucid, enamel and dentin). Vickers microhardness testing revealed significant differences among the groups. Z250 was the commercial brand that showed the best performance in the hardness test. When comparing the three groups assessed within the same brand, only Master Fill and Fill Magic presented statistically significant differences among all of the different translucencies. Natural Look was the only one that showed no significant difference among any of the three groups. Charisma, Opallis, Tetric Ceram and Z250 showed significant differences among some of the tested groups. Based on the results found in this study, it was not possible to establish a relation between translucence and the microhardness of the resin composites assessed. Depending on the material assessed, however, translucence variation did affect the microhardness values of the resin composites.
Flavonoid-rich Praxelis clematidea (Griseb.) R.M.King & H.Robinson (Asteraceae) is a native plant of South America. This study evaluates the gastroprotective activity and possible mechanisms for both the chloroform (CHCl3P) and ethyl acetate phases (AcOEtP) obtained from aerial parts of the plant. The activity was investigated using acute models of gastric ulcer. Gastric secretion biochemical parameters were determined after pylorus ligature. The participation of cytoprotective factors such as mucus, nitric oxide (NO), sulfhydryl (SH) groups, prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2), reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), reduction of lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde level), and polymorphonuclear infiltration (myeloperoxidase activity), was also investigated. CHCl3P (125, 250, and 500 mg/kg) and AcOEtP (62.5, 125, and 250 mg/kg) showed significant gastroprotective activity, reducing the ulcerative index by 75, 83, 88 % and 66, 66, 81 % for ethanol; 67, 67, 56 % and 56, 53, 58 % for a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID); and 74, 58, 59 % and 64, 65, 61 % for stress-induced gastric ulcer, respectively. CHCl3P (125 mg/kg) and AcOEtP (62.5 mg/kg) significantly reduced the ulcerative area by 78 and 83 %, respectively, for the ischemia-reperfusion model. They also did not alter the biochemical parameters of gastric secretion, the GSH level or the activities of SOD, GPx or GR. They increased the quantity of gastric mucus, not dependent on NO, yet dependent on SH groups, and maintained PGE2 levels. The P. clematidea phases demonstrated gastroprotective activity related to cytoprotective factors. © 2012 The Japanese Society of Pharmacognosy and Springer.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Interest in oligosaccharide production and its general characteristics is growing. The physiological effects resulting from its ingestion make them more attractive than its sweetness, and the versatility of these carbohydrates allows their use for human and animal nutrition, pharmacology and the cosmetics industry, among others. Several microorganisms are involved in enzyme production to create oligomers with biological activity, including fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides and aminoglucanoligosaccharides. Some oligomers are currently on the market, but the search for new microorganisms producing enzymes, high-yield processes for obtaining oligosaccharides, different physiological effects, and a correlation between chemical structure and function continues.
Endocarditis is a type of infection that is common in internal medicine wards and in haemodialysis clinics. The location that is most affected are the heart valves. Herein, we report a case of an uncommon abscess, a sub-endothelial abscess between the transition of the superior vena cava and the right atrium. There were several emboli to the lung and foot, and the agent was related to Staphylococcus aureus and a double-lumen catheter. Usually, this type of abscess is located in valves, either the tricuspid valve if related to catheters or injection drug use or the mitral valve if related to other causes. An exhaustive review was made, but we found no information about the location of this abscess and the rarity of the event motivating the report of infection.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Solanum subgenus Leptostemonum (Dunal) Bitter comprises approximately 450 species, of which 110, including 58 endemics, occur in Brazil, which is recognized as one of the centers of diversity of the group. Due the great morphological plasticity and its large number of species, several taxonomic treatments have been proposed for the genus Solanum, but its infrageneric classification is problematic. The aim of this study was to analyze the alkane composition of the leaf epicuticular waxes of nine species of the subgenus Leptostemonum to evaluate the chemotaxonomic potential of the alkanes. As results, were identified in nine species thirty-one alkanes, including iso- and anteiso-alkanes. The major constituent of wax in most species was tritriacontane. Hentriacontane was the main constituent of Solanum paraibanum and Solanum torvum, and penta-triacontane was predominant in different populations of Solanum stramonifolium. The phenetic analysis of nine species based on the distribution profile of alkanes (Euclidean distance and UPGMA method) show three clusters with distinct main homolog. The profiles of alkanes showed some qualitative taxonomic value for species analyzed, although, a larger number of representative samples of this subgenus must be investigated. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[ES] En este módulo se aborda la intervención social en familias con menores en situación de riesgo desde una orientación integradora, que tiene como eje fundamental la familia en su entorno. Se realiza una aproximación al Programa de Educación Familiar que se articula desde los servicios sociales municipales, y que tiene por objeto la intervención con familias en situación de riesgo que presentan dificultades y/o no son competentes para preservar la unidad familiar. Se analiza el contexto y la petición de ayuda que la familia realiza, haciendo hincapié en la interacción que se establece entre las familias y los servicios que las atienden.
Surgery is the preferred modality for curative treatment of recurrent laryngeal cancer after failure of nonsurgical treatments. Patients with initial early-stage cancer experiencing recurrence following radiotherapy often have more advanced-stage tumors by the time the recurrence is recognized. About one third of such recurrent cancers are suitable for conservation surgery. Endoscopic resection with the CO(2) laser or open partial laryngectomy (partial vertical, supracricoid, or supraglottic laryngectomies) have been used. The outcomes of conservation surgery appear better than those after total laryngectomy, because of selection bias. Transoral laser surgery is currently used more frequently than open partial laryngectomy for treatment of early-stage recurrence, with outcomes equivalent to open surgery but with less associated morbidity. Laser surgery has also been employed for selective cases of advanced recurrent disease, but patient selection and expertise are required for application of this modality to rT3 tumors. In general, conservation laryngeal surgery is a safe and effective treatment for localized recurrences after radiotherapy for early-stage glottic cancer. Recurrent advanced-stage cancers should generally be treated by total laryngectomy.
Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar alguns fatores que têm contribuído para a evasão de adolescentes da Escola Dominical. O trabalho limita-se ao âmbito da Igreja Metodista, em cidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Entender a atual condição da adolescência é requisito para desenvolver ações capazes de prepará-la para o exercício da fé. O primeiro capítulo enfoca o desenvolvimento da adolescência.. Desde o início da Revolução Industrial pesquisadores, médicos, psicólogos, educadores entre outros têm se voltado à pesquisa desta fase de vida. O segundo capítulo propõe uma análise da Escola Dominical. O objetivo deste capítulo é compreender suas origens, seu relacionamento com a adolescência, sua estrutura e funcionamento, pois, ela é um dos melhores espaços para a formação do adolescente. Este precisa de um modelo educativo que ajude seu desenvolvimento e a Escola Dominical pode ser a agência educativa para garantir uma educação apropriada à época atual. O terceiro capítulo aprofunda o conceito de educação de modo geral e educação cristã de modo específico distinguindo-as de ensino. O modelo de educação necessário para o desenvolvimento do adolescente deve ser aquele que o ajude a elaborar seu próprio desenvolvimento numa prática contínua de elaboração e re-elaboração de sua educação, propiciando experiências de vida numa perspectiva cristã. Por fim, o quarto capítulo analisa o resultado da pesquisa de campo, a opinião do adolescente sobre a Escola Dominical e a partir desta compreensão identificar os fatores que contribuem para a evasão.