968 resultados para Age, 14C calibrated, CALIB 5 (Stuiver et al., 1998)
In wide areas of Northern Siberia, glaciers have been absent since the Late Pleistocene. Therefore, ground ice and especially ice wedges are used as archives for paleoclimatic studies. In the present study, carried out on the Bykovsky Peninsula, eastern Lena Delta, we were able to distinguish ice wedges of different genetic units by means of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes. The results obtained by this study on the Ice Complex, a peculiar periglacial phenomenon, allowed the reconstruction of the climate history with a subdivision of a period of very cold winters (60-55 ka), followed by a long stable period of cold winter temperatures (50-24 ka), Between 20 ka and I I ka, climate warming is indicated in stable isotope compositions, most probably after the Late Glacial Maximum. At that time, a change of the marine source of the precipitation from a more humid source to the present North Atlantic source region was assumed. For the Ice Complex, a continuous age-height relationship was established, indicating syngenetic vertical ice wedge growth and sediment accumulation rates of 0.7 m/ky. During the Holocene optimum, ice wedge growth was probably limited due to the extensive formation of lacustrine environments. Holocene ice wedges in thermokarst depressions (alases) and thermoerosional valleys (logs) were formed after climate deterioration from about 4.5 ka until the present. Winter temperatures were warmer at this time as compared to the cooler Pleistocene. Migration of bound water between ice wedges and segregated ice may have altered the isotopic composition of old ice wedges. The presence of ice wedges as diagnostic features for permafrost conditions since 60 ka, implies that a large glacier extending over the Laptev Sea shelf did not exist. For the remote non-glaciated areas of Northern Siberia, ice wedges were established as a powerful climate archive.
In agreement with the Milankovitch orbital forcing hypothesis (Imbrie et al., 1993) it is often assumed that glacial-interglacial climate transitions occurred synchronously in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of the Earth. It is difficult to test this assumption, because of the paucity of long, continuous climate records from the Southern Hemisphere that have not been dated by tuning them to the presumed Northern Hemisphere signals (Lynch-Stieglitz, 2004). Here we present an independently dated terrestrial pollen record from a peat bog on South Island, New Zealand, to investigate global and local factors in Southern Hemisphere climate changes during the last two glacial-interglacial cycles. Our record largely corroborates the Milankovitch model of orbital forcing but also exhibits some differences: in particular, an earlier onset and longer duration of the Last Glacial Maximum. Our results suggest that Southern Hemisphere insolation may have been responsible for these differences in timing. Our findings question the validity of applying orbital tuning to Southern Hemisphere records and suggest an alternative mechanism to the bipolar seesaw for generating interhemispheric asynchrony in climate change.
Alkenone sea surface temperature (SST) records were generated from the Ocean Drilling Program's (ODP) Sites 1014 and 1016 to examine the response of the California Current System to global climate change during the last 136 ka. The temperature differences between these sites (Delta SST(NEP)=SST(ODP1014)-SST(ODP1016)) reflected the intensity of the California Current and varied between 0.4 and 6.1 °C. A high Delta SST(NEP) (weaker California Current) was found for late marine isotope stage (MIS) 2 and early MIS 5e, while a low Delta SST(NEP) (stronger California Current) was detected for mid-MIS 5e and MIS 1. Spectral analysis indicated that this variation pattern dominated 23- (precession) and 30-ka periods. Comparison of the Delta SST(NEP) and SST based on data from core MD01-2421 at the Japan margin revealed anti-phase variation; the high Delta SST(NEP) (weakening of the California Current) corresponded to the low SST at the Japan margin (the southward displacement of the NW Pacific subarctic boundary), and vice versa. This variation was synchronous with a model prediction of the tropical El Niño-Southern Oscillation behavior. These findings suggest that the intensity of the North Pacific High varied in response to precessional forcing, and also that the response has been linked with the changes of tropical ocean-atmosphere interactions.
The Helgoland mud area in the German Bight is one of the very few sediment depocenters in the North Sea. Despite the shallowness of the setting (<30 m water depth), its topmost sediments provide a continuous and high-resolution record allowing the reconstruction of regional paleoenvironmental conditions for the time since ~400 a.d. The record reveals a marked shift in sedimentation around 1250 a.d., when average sedimentation rates drop from >13 to ~1.6 mm/year. Among a number of major environmental changes in this region during the Middle Ages, the disintegration of the island of Helgoland appears to be the most likely factor which caused the very high sedimentation rates prior to 1250 a.d. According to historical maps, Helgoland used to be substantially bigger at around 800 a.d. than today. After the shift in sedimentation, a continuous and highly resolved paleoenvironmental record reflects natural events, such as regional storm-flood activity, as well as human impacts at work at local to global scales, on sedimentation in the Helgoland mud area.
Past hydrological changes in Africa have been linked to various climatic processes, depending on region and timescale. Long-term precipitation changes in the regions of northern and southern Africa influenced by the monsoons are thought to have been governed by precessional variations in summer insolation (Kutzbach and Liu, 1997, doi:10.1126/science.278.5337.440; Partridge et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(97)00005-X). Conversely, short-term precipitation changes in the northern African tropics have been linked to North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies, affecting the northward extension of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and its associated rainbelt (Hastenrath, 1990, doi:10.1002/joc.3370100504, Street-Perrott and Perrott, 1990, doi:10.1038/343607a0). Our knowledge of large-scale hydrological changes in equatorial Africa and their forcing factors is, however, limited (Gasse, 2000, doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(99)00061-X). Here we analyse the isotopic composition of terrigenous plant lipids, extracted from a marine sediment core close to the Congo River mouth, in order to reconstruct past central African rainfall variations and compare this record to sea surface temperature changes in the South Atlantic Ocean. We find that central African precipitation during the past 20,000 years was mainly controlled by the difference in sea surface temperatures between the tropics and subtropics of the South Atlantic Ocean, whereas we find no evidence that changes in the position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone had a significant influence on the overall moisture availability in central Africa. We conclude that changes in ocean circulation, and hence sea surface temperature patterns, were important in modulating atmospheric moisture transport onto the central African continent.
A model is presented for hemipelagic siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentation during the last glacial-interglacial cycle in the Capricorn Channel, southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Stable isotope ratios, grainsize, carbonate content and mineralogy were analysed for seven cores in a depth transect from 166 to 2892 m below sea level (mbsl). Results show variations in the flux of terrigenous, neritic and pelagic sediments to the continental slope over the last sea level cycle. During the glacial lowstand terrigenous sediment influenced all the cores down to 2000 mbsl. The percentages of quartz and feldspar in the cores decreased with water depth, while the percentage of clay increased. X-ray diffraction analysis of the glacial lowstand clay mineralogy suggests that the siliciclastic sediment was primarily sourced from the Fitzroy River, which debouched directly into the northwest sector of the Capricorn Channel at this time. The cores also show a decrease in pelagic calcite and an increase in aragonite and high magnesium calcite (HMC) during the glacial. The influx of HMC and aragonite is most likely from reworking of coral reefs exposed on the continental shelf during the glacial, and also from HMC ooids precipitated at the head of the Capricorn Channel at this time. Mass accumulation rates (MARs) are high (13.5 g/cm**/kyr) during the glacial and peak at ~20 g/cm** 3/kyr in the early transgression (16-14 ka BP). MARs then decline with further sea level rise as the Fitzroy River mouth retreats from the edge of the continental shelf after 13.5 ka BP. MARs remain low (4 g/cm**3/kyr) throughout the Holocene highstand. Data for the Holocene highstand indicate there is a reduction in siliciclastic influx to the Capricorn Channel with little quartz and feldspar below 350 mbsl. However, fine-grained fluvial sediments, presumably from the Fitzroy River, were still accumulating on the mid slope down to 2000 mbsl. The proportion of pelagic calcite in the core tops increases with water depth, while HMC decreases, and is present only in trace amounts in cores below 1500 mbsl. The difference in the percentage of HMC in the deeper cores between the glacial and Holocene may reflect differences in supply or deepening of the HMC lysocline during the glacial. Sediment accumulation rates also vary between cores in the Capricorn Channel and do not show the expected exponential decrease with depth. This may be due to intermediate or deep water currents reworking the sediments. It is also possible that present bathymetry data are too sparse to detect the potential role that submarine channels may play in the distribution and accumulation of sediments. Comparison of the Capricorn Channel MARs with those for other mixed carbonate/siliciclastic provinces from the northeast margin of Australia indicates that peak MARs in the early transgression in the Capricorn Channel precede those from the central GBR and south of Fraser Island. The difference in the timing of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks along the northeast margin is primarily related to differences in the physiography and climate of the provinces. The only common trend in the MARs from the northeast margin of Australia is the near synchronicity of the carbonate and siliciclastic MAR peaks in individual sediment cores, which supports a coeval sedimentation model.