962 resultados para Agarose gel electrophoresis
New 2-chloro-3-formyl quinoline oxime esters were synthesized by the reaction of 2-chloro-3-formyl quinoline oximes with various benzoyl chlorides in the presence of triethyl amine and dichloromethane at 0 degrees C. The DNA photo cleavage studies of some new oxime esters were investigated by neutral agarose gel electrophoresis at different concentrations (40 mu M and 80 mu M). Analysis of the cleavage products in agarose gel indicated that few of quinoline oxime esters (3d-i) converted into supercoiled pUC19 plasmid DNA to its nicked or linear form. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4,5-Dihydroisoxazoles continue to attract considerable interest due to their wide spread biological activities. Here, we identify an efficient protocol for the preparation of 4,5-dihydroisoxazoles (2-isaxazolines) (4a-g) from quinolinyl chalcones. The nucleolytic activities of synthesized compounds were investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis. All these compounds were showed the remarkable DNA cleavage activity (concentration dependent) with pUC19 DNA at 365 nm UV light. The DNA cleavage activity was significantly enhanced by the presence of iminyl and carboxy radicals of DIQ. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Specification of the centromere location in most eukaryotes is not solely dependent on the DNA sequence. However, the non-genetic determinants of centromere identity are not clearly defined. While multiple mechanisms, individually or in concert, may specify centromeres epigenetically, most studies in this area are focused on a universal factor, a centromere-specific histone H3 variant CENP-A, often considered as the epigenetic determinant of centromere identity. In spite of variable timing of its loading at centromeres across species, a replication coupled early S phase deposition of CENP-A is found in most yeast centromeres. Centromeres are the earliest replicating chromosomal regions in a pathogenic budding yeast Candida albicans. Using a 2-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis assay, we identify replication origins (ORI7-LI and ORI7-RI) proximal to an early replicating centromere (CEN7) in C. albicans. We show that the replication forks stall at CEN7 in a kinetochore dependent manner and fork stalling is reduced in the absence of the homologous recombination (HR) proteins Rad51 and Rad52. Deletion of ORI7-RI causes a significant reduction in the stalled fork signal and an increased loss rate of the altered chromosome 7. The HR proteins, Rad51 and Rad52, have been shown to play a role in fork restart. Confocal microscopy shows declustered kinetochores in rad51 and rad52 mutants, which are evidence of kinetochore disintegrity. CENP-A(CaCse4) levels at centromeres, as determined by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments, are reduced in absence of Rad51/Rad52 resulting in disruption of the kinetochore structure. Moreover, western blot analysis reveals that delocalized CENP-A molecules in HR mutants degrade in a similar fashion as in other kinetochore mutants described before. Finally, co-immunoprecipitation assays indicate that Rad51 and Rad52 physically interact with CENP-A(CaCse4) in vivo. Thus, the HR proteins Rad51 and Rad52 epigenetically maintain centromere functioning by regulating CENP-A(CaCse4) levels at the programmed stall sites of early replicating centromeres.
A rapid and cost effective DNA test is described to identify European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and North American eel (Anguilla rostrata). By means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique parts of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene are amplified with species specific primers which are designed to produce PCR fragments of different characteristic sizes for European and American eel. The size differences can easily be made visible by agarose gel electrophoresis
A excreção urinária de glicosaminoglicanos (GAG) está alterada em várias patologias do trato urinário; o padrão de excreção pode estar associado com o estado da doença. A excreção urinária de GAG em crianças com bexiga neurogênica (BN) secundária a mielomeningocele (MMC) pode também estar alterada, mas até a presente data não há detalhamento epidemiológico dos pacientes e não se correlacionou o padrão de excreção com grau de disfunção vesical. Analisamos a excreção urinária de um grupo bem definido de crianças com MMC e correlacionamos os resultados com escore cistométrico. As amostras de urina de 17 pacientes com MMC, 10 meninos e 7 meninas (média de idade DP de 4,6 2,9 anos) foram obtidas durante o exame cistométrico. As amostras do grupo controle foram obtidas de 18 crianças normais, 13 meninos e 5 meninas (6,9 2,2 anos). Todas as crianças não estavam com infecção urinária, tinham função renal normal e não estavam sob tratamento farmacológico. A quantificação do GAG urinário total foi expressa em μg de ácido hexurônico / mg de creatinina e a proporção dos diferentes tipos de GAGs sulfatados foi obtida por eletroforese em gel de agarose. A avaliação cistométrica foi realizada utilizando aparelho de urodinâmica Dynapack modelo MPX816 (Dynamed, São Paulo, Brasil), a partir da qual o escore cistométrico foi calculado de acordo com procedimento recente publicado. [14]. Não observamos diferença significativa na excreção urinária de GAG total entre meninos e meninas tanto no grupo com MMC ( 0,913 0,528 vs 0,867 0,434, p>0,05) como no grupo controle (0,546 0,240 vs 0,699 0,296, p>0,05). Os resultados mostraram também que a excreção de GAG urinário não se correlacionou com a idade tanto no grupo com MMC ( r = -0,28, p> 0,05) como no grupo controle (r = -0,40, p> 0,05). Entretanto, a comparação dos dois grupos mostrou que o grupo com MMC excretava 52% a mais de GAG total que o grupo controle (0,894 0,477 vs 0,588 0,257, p <0,04). Nesses pacientes a excreção de GAG total não se correlacionou com a complacência vesical isoladamente (r = -0,18, p> 0,05) mas foi significativa e negativamente correlacionada ao escore cistométrico (r= -0,56, p<0,05). Em média, os pacientes com piores escores (<9) excretaram 81% a mais de GAG que os pacientes com melhor escore (>9) (1,157 0,467 vs 0,639 0,133, p<0,04). O sulfato de condroitin foi o GAG sulfatado predominante nos grupos neurogênico e controles (92,5 7,6% vs 96,4 4,8%, respectivamente, p> 0,05), enquanto o sulfato do heparan estava presente em quantidades marcadamente menores; o dermatam sulfato não foi detectado. A excreção urinária de GAG em pacientes com MMC é significativamente maior que a excreção das crianças normais e os altos valores encontrados estão correlacionados a um maior compromentimento da função vesical. Evidências em modelos animais com MMC induzida sugerem que alterações no detrusor estão associadas a um elevado turnover da matriz extra celular (MEC) vesical, o que pode explicar a elevada excreção de GAG nos pacientes com MMC. Além disso, esses resultados indicam que a excreção urinária de GAG pode ser usada como fator adjuvante para a caracterização da disfunção vesical em pacientes com MMC.
A total of 361 caudal fin samples were collected from adult A. stellatus specimens caught in the north Caspian Sea, including specimens from Kazakhstan (Ural River), Russia (Volga River), Azerbaijan (Kura River), specimens caught in the south Caspian Sea including specimens from Fishery Zone 1 (from Astara to Anzali), Fishery Zone 2 (from Anzali to Ramsar), Fishery Zone 3 (from Nowshahr to Babolsar), Fishery Zone 4 (from Miyankaleh to Gomishan) as well as from specimens caught in Turkmenistan (all specimens were collected during the sturgeon stock assessment survey). About 2 g of fin tissue was removed from each caudal fin sample, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using phenol-chloroform method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% Agarose gel electrophoresis and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 paired microsatellite primer. PCR products were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels (6%) that were stained using silver nitrate. Electrophoretic patterns and DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected heterozygosity and observed heterozygosity allele number, and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, FST and RST were calculated. The Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendrogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of the hierarchy. It is evident from the results obtained that the 15 paired primers studied, polymorphism was observed in 10 pairs in 12 loci, while one locus did not produce DNA bands. Mean allele number was 13.6. Mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.86 and 0.642, respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Wienberg Equilibrium in most of the loci (P≤0.001). Highest Fst (0.063) was observed when comparing specimens from Fishery Zone 2 and Fishery Zone 4 (Nm=3.7) and lowest FST (0.028) was observed when comparing specimens from the Volga River and those from the Ural River (8.7). Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed between RST recorded in the specimens studied. Highest genetic distance (0.604) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.547) were observed between specimens from Fishery zones 2 and 4. Lowest genetic distance (0.311) and highest genetic resemblance (0.733) was observed between specimens from Turkmenistan and specimens from Fishery zone 1. Based on the genetic dendrogeram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, A. stellatus specimens from Fishery zone 2 or in other words specimens from the Sepidrud River belong to one cluster which divides into two clusters, one of which includes specimens from Fishery zones 1, 3 and 4 and specimens from Turkmenistan while the other cluster includes specimens from Ural, Volga and Kura Rivers. It is thus evident that the main population of this species belongs to the Sepidrud River. Results obtained from the present study show that at least eight different populations of A. stellatus are found in the north and south Caspian Sea, four of which are known populations including the Ural River population, the Volga River population, the Kura River population and the Sepidrud River populations. The four other populations identified belonging to Fishery zones 1, 3, and 4 and to Turkmenistan are most probably late or early spawners of the spring run and autumn run of each of the major rivers mentioned. Specific markers were also identified for each of the populations identified. The Ural River population can be identified using primers Spl-68, 54b and Spl-104, 163 170, 173, the Volga River population can be identified using primers LS-54b and Spl-104, 170, 173 113a and similarly the population from the Kura River can be identified using primers LS-34, 54b and Spl-163, 173 and that from the Sepidrud River can be identified using primers LS-19, 34, 54b and Spl-105, 113b. This study gives evidence of the presence of different populations of this species and calls for serious measures to be taken to protect the genetic stocks of these populations. Considering that the population of A. stellatus in Fishery zone 2 is an independent population of the Sepidrud River in the Gilan Province, the catch of these fishes in the region needs to be controlled and regulated in order to restore the declining stocks of this species.
The genetic structure of pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) and perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations was studied using microsatellite technique. A total of 207 specimens of adult pikeperch were collected from Aras dam (57 specimens), Anzali wetland (50 specimens), Talesh (50 specimens) and Chaboksar (50 specimens) coasts. Also a total of 158 specimens of adult perch were collected from Anzali (Abkenar (50 specimens)and Hendekhale(48 specimens)) and Amirkolaye(60 specimens) wetlands. About 2 g of each specimen's dorsal fin was removed, stored in 96% ethyl alcohol and transferred to the genetic laboratory of the International Sturgeon Research Institute. Genomic DNA was extracted using ammonium-acetate method. The quality and quantity of DNA was assessed using 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was conducted on the target DNA using 15 pairs of microsatellite primers. PCR products were electrophoresed on poly acryl amide gels (6%) that were stained that were stained using silver nitrate. DNA bands were analyzed with BioCapt software. Allele count and frequency, genetic diversity, expected and observed heterozygosity , allele number and the effective allele number, genetic similarity and genetic distance, Fst, Rst, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium based on X2 and Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) at 10% confidence level was calculated using the Gene Alex software. Dendogram for genetic distances and identities were calculated using TFPGA program for any level of hierarchy. The results for P. fluviatilis showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 4.1±1.1 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.56±0.12 and 0.58±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.095) with Nm=2.37 was observed between Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest Fst (0.004) with Nm=59.31 was observed between Abkenar and Hendekhale. According to AMOVA Significant difference (P<0.05) was observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. In another words there are two distinct populations of this species in Anzali and Amirkolaye lagoons. The highest genetic distance (0.181) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.834) were observed between specimens from Hendekhale and Amirkolaye and the lowest genetic distance (0.099) and highest genetic 176 resemblance (0.981) were observed between specimens from Abkenar and Hendekhale. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Anzali and Amirkolaye wetlands have the same ancestor. On the other hand there is no noticeable genetic distance between the specimens of these two regions. Also the results for S. lucioperca showed that from 15 pair of primers that were examined 6 polymorphic and 7 monomorphic loci were produced, while 2 loci didn't produce any DNA bands. Mean allele number was 3.0±0.6 and mean observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.52±0.21 and 0.50±0.14 respectively. It was also seen that specimens from all regions were not in Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium in some of loci (P<0.001). Highest Fst (0.093) with Nm=2.43 was observed between Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest Fst (0.022) with Nm=11.27 was observed between Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed between recorded Rst in the studied regions exept for Talesh and Chaboksar Coasts. In another words there are three distinct populations of this species in Caspian sea, Anzali wetland and Aras dam. Highest genetic distance (0.110) and lowest genetic resemblance (0.896) were observed between specimens from Aras dam and Anzali wetland and the lowest genetic distance (0.034) and highest genetic resemblance (0.966) were observed between specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts. Based on the genetic dendogram tree derived by applying UPGMA algorithm, specimens from Talesh and Chaboksar coasts have the lowest genetic distance. On the other hand the main population of this species belongs to Anzali wetland. Phylogenetic relationship of these two species was inferred using mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequencing. For this purpose 2 specimens of P. fluviatilis from Anzali wetland, 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Aras dam and 2 specimens of S. lucioperca from Anzali wetland were sequenced and submitted in Gene Bank. These sequences were aligned with Clustal W. The phylogenic relationships were assessed with Mega 4. The results of evolutionary history studies of these species using Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Parsimony methods showed that the evolutionary origin of pikeperch in Aras Dam and Anzali wetland is common. On the other hand these two species had common ancestor in about 4 million years ago. Also different sequences of any region specimens are supposed as different haplotypes. 177 As a conclusion the results of this study showed that microsatellite and mtDNA sequencing methods respectively are effective in genetic structure and phylogenic studies of P. fluviatilis and S. lucioperca.
The toxicity of hepatotoxic microcystins produced mainly by Microcystis aeruginosa in mammals and fishes was well studied in recent years. However, there were scarcely reports in toxic effects of microcystins on isolated hepatocytes of fishes, especially investigation of microcystin-induced apoptosis and/or necrosis in carp hepatocytes. In the present study, the isolated hepatocytes of common carp were exposed to various concentrations of microcystins (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mu g L-1) for 2, 4, 8, 16 and 24 h, respectively, and cytotoxicity of microcystins in the toxin-treated cells was determined. Results of this study showed that cytotoxicity of microcystins on carp hepatocytes was time and dose-dependent, and the approximate LC50 of microcystins in carp hepatocytes was 169.2 mu g L-1. The morphological changes typical of apoptosis, such as blebbing of cell membrane, condensation and fragmentation of cell nucleus were observed in the hepatocytes exposed to microcystins (1, 10 and 100 mu g L-1) using fluorescence and differential interference contrast microscopy. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA demonstrated a typical apoptotic "ladder pattern" in microcystin-treated hepatocytes after 16 h of exposure. Results of the present study indicated that the form of cell death in microcystin-treated hepatocytes depend on the exposure dose of toxin. When lower concentration of microcystins (10 and 100 mu g L-1) was used for exposure, carp hepatocytes died in apoptosis while, when higher one used (1000 mu g L-1), they died in the form of necrosis. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Perfluorinated organic compounds (PFOCs) are emerging persistent organic pollutants (POPs) widely present in the environment, wildlife and human. We studied the cellular toxicology of perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on oxidative stress and induction of apoptosis in primary cultured hepatocytes of freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Cultured hepatocytes were exposed to PFOS or PFOA (0, 1, 5, 15 and 30 mg L-1) for 24 h, and a dose-dependent decrease in cell viability was determined using trypan blue exclusion method. Significant induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) accompanied by increases in activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione reductase (GR) were found, while activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) were decreased. Glutathione (GSH) content was reduced following treatment of PFOA and PFOS. A dose-dependent increase in the lipid peroxidation (LPO) level (measured as maleic dialdehyde, MDA) was observed only in the PFOA exposure groups, whereas LPO remained unchanged in the PFOS exposure groups. Furthermore, a significant activation of caspase-3, -8, -9 activities was evident in both PFOS and PFOA exposure groups. Typical DNA fragmentation (DNA laddering) was further characterized by agarose gel electrophoresis. The overall results demonstrated that PFOS and PFOA are able to produce oxidative stress and induce apoptosis with involvement of caspases in primary cultured tilapia hepatocytes. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A rhabdovirus was observed from the diseased turbot (Scophthalmus maximus L.) with lethal syndrome. In this study, a carp leucocyte (CLC) cell line was used to investigate the infection process and cell death mechanism occurring during the virus infection. Strong cytopathogenic effect (CPE) and the morphological changes, such as extreme chromatin condensation, nucleus fragmentation, and apoptotic body formation, were observed under fluorescence microscopy after DAPI staining in the infected CLC cells. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed cell shrinkage, plasma membrane blebbing, cytoplasm vacuolization, chromatin condensation, nuclear breakdown and formation of discrete apoptotic bodies. The bullet-shaped nucleocapsids were measured and ranged in size from 110 to 150 nm in length and 40 to 60 nm in diameter. And therefore the virus is called Scophthalmus maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV). Agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of the DNA extracted from infected cells showed typical DNA ladder in the course of SMRV infection. Flow cytometry analysis of SMRV infected CLC cells detected apoptotic peak in the virus infected CLC cells. Virus titre analysis and electron microscopic observation revealed that the virus replication fastigium was earlier than that of the apoptosis occurrence. No apoptosis was observed in the CLC infected with UV-inactivated SMRV. All these supported that SMRV infected CLC cells undergo apoptosis and the virus replication is necessary for apoptosis induction of CLC cells. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A rapid, sensitive and highly specific detection method for grass carp hemorrhagic virus (GCHV) based on a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) has been developed. Two pairs of PCR primers were synthesized according to the cloned cDNA sequences of the GCHV-861 strain. For each primer combination, only one specific major product was obtained when amplification was performed by using the genomic dsRNA of GCHV-861 strain. The lengths of their expected products were 320 and 223 bp, respectively. No products were obtained when nucleic acids other than GCHV-861 genomic RNA were used as RT-PCR templates. To assess the sensitivity of the method, dilutions of purified GCHV-861 dsRNA total genome (0.01 pg up to 1000 pg) were amplified and quantities of as little as 0.1 pg of purified dsRNA were detectable when the amplification product was analyzed by 1.5% agarose gel electrophoresis. This technique could detect GCHV-861 not only in infected cell culture fluids, but also in infected grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus and rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus with or without hemorrhagic symptoms. The results show that the RT-PCR amplification method is useful for the direct detection of GCHV.
采用微波消解、电感耦合高频等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)的方法,对62份不同小麦品种(系)中锌、铁、铜、钙、钠和钾的含量进行了测定。同时利用红外线品质测定仪对主要品质指标粗蛋白、湿面筋、沉降值进行了测定。结果表明,不同小麦品种(系)中各种矿质元素的含量存在差异,2006年小麦品种中铁含量变幅为18.55-58.19 ug/g,平均为30.83ug/g ,最高与最低的相差39.64ug/g;锌含量变幅为5.70-25.80 ug/g,平均为15.13ug/g ,最高与最低相差20.10ug/g。2008年小麦品种(系)中铁含量变幅为16.68-52.25 ug/g,平均为30.10ug/g,最高与最低相差35.58ug/g;锌含量变幅为12.29-33.47 ug/g,平均为21.11ug/g,最高与最低相差21.18ug/g;钙含量变幅为167.53-348.80ug/g,平均为248.59ug/g,最高与最低相差192.59ug/g;铜含量变幅为2.32-5.83 ug/g,平均为2.98ug/g,最高与最低的相差3.61ug/g;钾含量变幅为1822.71-4414.91 ug/g,平均为2617.87ug/g,最高与最低的相差2634.72ug/g;钠含量变幅为10.25-39.82 ug/g,平均为23.05ug/g,最高与最低的相差29.57ug/g。 两年不同小麦品种(系)中矿质元素的含量分析结果表明:铁、铜、钙、钠和钾含量年际变化不明显,说明小麦对铁、铜、钙、钠和钾的吸收较稳定;锌含量变化较大,可能受环境的影响比较大。分析各矿质元素含量与粗蛋白、湿面筋、沉降值及元素之间的相关关系,结果表明,锌含量与粗蛋白含量呈极显著正相关关系,相关系数为0.317,与湿面筋含量之间呈显著正相关,相关系数达到0.246;铁含量与粗蛋白含量呈显著的正相关关系,相关系数是0.262;铜、钙、钠和钾含量与粗蛋白含量、湿面筋和沉降值之间存在正相关,但不显著,其中钠与沉降值之间为负相关。表明施锌或铁对提高小麦粗蛋白和湿面筋有显著效应,其余矿质元素有促进作用但不明显。 利用RAPD分子标记技术对川育23、41058、川育20及其父母本进行分析,力图从分子水平找到小麦矿质元素含量之间的差异性,琼脂糖电泳结果表明不同的小麦品种(系)间扩增出了差异条带。 以上研究结果,将对筛选“微量营养强化型”小麦新材料,选育“微量营养强化型”小麦新品种奠定基础。 62 different wheat cultivars was digested with HNO3 in a tightly closed vessel heated under micro-wave,then contents of zinc,iron,copper,calcium,sodium and potassium were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy(ICP-AES).The main indexes of wheat quality such as total protein、wet glu and sedimentation volume were detected by Infratec 1255 Food & Feed Analyzer at the same time.The obtained results showed that variation for all of the mineral elements concentrations among different cultivars were observed .In 2006, the amplitude variation of the iron content was 18.55-58.19 ug/g,the average value was 30.83ug/g,and 39.64ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the zinc content was 5.70-25.8 ug/g,the average value was 15.13ug/g,and 20.10ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one.In 2008, the amplitude variation of the iron content was 16.68-52.25 ug/g,the average value was 30.10ug/g,and 35.58ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the zinc content was 12.29-33.47 ug/g,the average value was 21.11ug/g,and 21.18ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the calcium content was 167.53-348.80ug/g,the average value was 248.59ug/g,and 192.59ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the copper content was 2.32-5.83 ug/g,the average value was 2.98ug/g,and 3.61ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the potassium content was 1822.71-4414.91 ug/g,the average value was 2617.87ug/g,and 2634.72ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one; the amplitude variation of the sodium content was 10.25-39.82 ug/g,the average value was 23.05ug/g,and 29.57ug/g between the highest-content cultivar and the lowest one. Analysis was made on the annual variation of mineral elements content in different Wheat cultivars ,the result shows:there is no obvious difference of iron ,copper ,sodium、calcium and potassium concentrations in wheat cultivars, suggesting the absorption of the iron, copper, sodium、calcium and potassium by wheat are relatively steady ,but zinc concentrations change obviously ,maybe influenced heavily by environment . The correlation between mineral elements 、mineral elements and total protein、mineral elements and sedimentation volume as well as mineral elements and wet glut were analysed in this paper, the result showed that there was significant positive correlation between zinc content and total protein (the correlation coefficient is 0.317), positive correlation between zinc content and wet glu (the correlation coefficient is 0.246), positive correlation between iron content and total protein (the correlation coefficient is 0.262). there was positive but not obvious correlation between the contents of copper, calcium, sodium or potassium and total protein, wet glut or sedimentation volume,among which was negative correlation between sodium and sedimentation volume.It was indicated zinc or iron fertilization has prominent effects in improving the total protein in wheat, the rest mineral elements have Non- obvious facilitation. The study then forecasted the genetic difference of different wheat by the molecular marker of RAPD in order to find differences in molecular level. Chuanyu23、41058、chuanyu20 as well as their male and female parents were analysed by RAPD markers,Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA revealed the appearance of differential bands . The above-mentioned results of this study establish the foundation to screening the new materials of wheat of " strengthening type of micro- nutrition ", and to breeding the new wheat cultivars of" strengthening type of micro- nutrition ".
We have developed a new experimental system based on a microfluidic chip to determine severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-Cov). The system includes a laser-induced fluorescence microfluidic chip analyzer, a glass microchip for both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and capillary electrophoresis, a chip thermal cycler based on dual Peltier thermoelectric elements, a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) SARS diagnostic kit, and a DNA electrophoretic sizing kit. The system allows efficient cDNA amplification of SARS-CoV followed by electrophoretic sizing and detection on the same chip. To enhance the reliability of RT-PCR on SARS-CoV detection, duplex PCR was developed on the microchip. The assay was carried out on a home-made microfluidic chip system. The positive and the negative control were cDNA fragments of SARS-CoV and parainfluenza virus, respectively. The test results showed that 17 positive samples were obtained among 18 samples of nasopharyngeal swabs from clinically diagnosed SARS patients. However, 12 positive results from the same 18 samples were obtained by the conventional RT-PCR with agarose gel electrophoresis detection. The SARS virus species can be analyzed with high positive rate and rapidity on the microfluidic chip system.
Here, we demonstrated dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DODAB), a cationic lipid, bilayer coated Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) could efficiently deliver two types of plasmid DNA into human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293) in the presence of serum. The transfection efficiency of AuNPs was about five times higher than that of DODAB. The interaction of AuNPs with DNA was characterized with dye intercalation assay and agarose gel electrophoresis. The morphology of the complex of AuNPs with DNA was observed with scanning electron microscope (SEM). The intracellular trafficking of the complex was monitored with transmission electron microscope (TEM).
The stability of the complex of cationic lipid with nucleic acid, especially when facing serum, is crucial for the efficiency of gene delivery. Here, we demonstrated that the stability of the complex of didodecyldimethylammonium bromide (DDAB, a cationic lipid) with DNA in the presence of serum dramatically increased after coating DDAB onto the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The stability of the complex was demonstrated with dye intercalation assay, and agarose gel electrophoresis.