891 resultados para Aerobic exercises.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of Small-Sided Games (SSG) vs. Interval Training (IT) in soccer training on aerobic fitness and physical enjoyment in youth elite soccer players during the last 8 weeks of the season. Seventeen U-16 male soccer players (age = 15.5 +/- 0.6 years, and 8.5 years of experience) of a Spanish First Division club academy were randomized to 2 different groups for 6 weeks: SSG group (n = 9) and IT group (n = 8). In addition to the usual technical and tactical sessions and competitive games, the SSG group performed 11 sessions with different SSGs, whereas the IT group performed the same number of sessions of IT. Players were tested before and after the 6-week training intervention with a continuous maximal multistage running field test and the counter movement jump test (CMJ). At the end of the study, players answered the physical activity enjoyment scale (PACES). During the study, heart rate (HR) and session perceived effort (sRPE) were assessed. SSGs were as effective as IT in maintaining the aerobic fitness in elite young soccer players during the last weeks of the season. Players in the SSG group declared a greater physical enjoyment than IT (P = 0.006; ES = 1.86 +/- 1.07). Coaches could use SSG training during the last weeks of the season as an option without fear of losing aerobic fitness while promoting high physical enjoyment.
Evidências crescentes têm demonstrado que o exercício prejudica a estrutura da membrana eritrocitária, como consequência do aumento do estresse físico e químico. O óxido nítrico (NO) derivado dos eritrócitos afeta a fluidez da membrana e a sua biodisponibilidade depende do equilíbrio entre a sua síntese e eliminação por espécies reativas de oxigênio. Nós investigamos se o exercício realizado em diferentes intensidades afetaria biodisponibilidade do NO eritrocitário e se levaria a um quadro de estresse oxidativo. Dez homens (26 4 anos, VO2pico 44,1 4,3 mL.kg-1.min-1) realizaram um teste cardiopulmonar máximo em esteira e um teste de exercício submáximo a 70% VO2pico durante 30 min. O sangue foi coletado em repouso e imediatamente após os exercícios para isolamento dos eritrócitos. O exercício máximo aumentou a contagem de eritrócitos, hemoglobina e hematócrito, sem levar a qualquer alteração na massa corporal que pudesse sugerir hemoconcentração devido a uma redução do volume plasmático. Observou-se uma diminuição do influxo de L-arginina depois do teste submáximo, mas não no teste máximo. No entanto, a atividade da óxido nítrico sintase, ou seja, a produção de NO, foi aumentada após o teste máximo. Os níveis de GMPc não se alteraram após ambos os teste de exercício. Em relação aos biomarcadores de estresse oxidativo, o exercício submáximo reduziu a oxidação proteica e aumentou a atividade da catalase e a expressão da glutationa peroxidase, enquanto que o exercício máximo levou a uma maior peroxidação lipídica e diminuição da atividade da SOD. Nem a atividade glutationa peroxidase ou a expressão NADPH oxidase foram afetadas pelo exercício. Estes resultados sugerem que o exercício induziu alterações no estresse oxidativo de eritrócitos, que parecem estar mais associadas com a intensidade do que a duração do execicio. Além disso, nas intensidades recomendadas para a promoção da saúde, o exercício mostrou ser protetor, aumentando a atividade e a expressão de enzimas antioxidantes importantes e reduzindo os danos oxidativos.
Estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) sobre áreas corticais pré-selecionadas, tem aumentado o desempenho físico de diferentes populações. Porém, lacunas persistem no tocante aos mecanismos subjacentes à estes efeitos. Assim, a presente tese objetivou: a) investigar os efeitos da ETCC anódica (aETCC) e placebo (Sham) no córtex motor (CM) de indivíduos saudáveis sobre o desempenho de força máxima; b) comparar os efeitos da ETCC sobre a produção de força máxima e estabilidadade da força durante exercícios máximo e submáximo em sujeitos hemiparéticos e saudáveis; c) investigar o efeito da ETCC sobre a conectividade funcional inter-hemisférica (coerência eletroencefalográfica cEEG) do córtex pré-frontal (CPF), desempenho aeróbio e dispêndio energético (EE) durante e após exercício máximo e submáximo. No 1 estudo, 14 adultos saudáveis executaram 2 sessões de exercício máximo de força (EMF) dos músculos flexores e extensores do joelho dominante (3 séries de 10 rep máximas), precedidos por aETCC ou Sham (2mA; 20 mim). aETCC não foi capaz de aumentar o trabalho total e pico de torque (PT), resistência à fadiga ou atividade eletromiográfica durante o EMF. No 2 estudo, 10 hemiparéticos e 9 sujeitos saudáveis receberam aETCC e Sham no CM. O PT e a estabilidade da força (coeficiente de variação - CV) foram avaliados durante protocolo máximo e submáximo de extensão e flexão unilateral do joelho (1 série de 3 reps a 100% do PT e 2 séries de 10 reps a 50% do PT). Nenhuma diferença no PT foi observada nos dois grupos. Diminuições no CV foram obervadas durante a extensão (~25-35%, P<0.001) e flexão de joelho (~22-33%, P<0.001) após a aETCC comparada com Sham nos hemiparéticos, entretanto, somente o CV na extensão de joelhos diminuiu (~13-27%, P<0.001) nos saudáveis, o que sugere que aETCC pode melhorar o CV, mas não o PT em sujeitos hemiparéticos. No 3 estudo, 9 adultos saudáveis realizaram 2 testes incrementais máximos precedidos por aETCC ou Sham sobre o CPF com as respostas cardiorrespiratórias, percepção de esforço (PSE) e cEEG do CPF sendo monitoradas. O VO2 de pico (42.64.2 vs. 38.23.3 mL.kg.min-1; P=0,02), potência total (252.776.5 vs. 23773.3 W; P=0,05) e tempo de exaustão (531.1140 vs. 486.7115.3 seg; P=0,04) foram maiores após aETCC do que a Sham. Nenhuma diferença foi encontrada para FC e PSE em função da carga de trabalho (P>0,05). A cEEG do CPF aumentou após aETCC vs. repouso (0.700.40 vs. 0.380.05; P=0,001), mas não após Sham vs. repouso (0.360.49 vs. 0.330.50; P=0,06), sugerindo que a aETCC pode retardar a fadiga aumentando a conectividade funcional entre os hemisférios do CPF e desempenho aeróbio durante exercício exaustivo. No 4 estudo, o VO2 e EE foram avaliados em 11 adultos saudáveis antes, durante a aETCC ou Sham no CPF e 30 min após exercício aeróbio submáximo isocalórico (~200kcal). Diferenças não foram observadas no VO2 vs. repouso durante aETCC e Sham (P=0.95 e P=0.85). Porém, a associação entre exercício e aETCC aumentou em ~19% o EE após ao menos, 30 min de recuperação após exercício quando comparada a Sham (P<0,05).
The toxicity of xenobiotic in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by many factors such as ambient temperature, water hardness, pond soil type, etc. In the present study, it was observed that air temperature, water hardness and soil sediment have profound influence on the toxicity of deltamethrin to common carp fry (ay. length 3.5 ± 0.5 cm, ay. weight 0.58 ± 0.25 g); 96h LC(sub)50 values for common carp at 38.07 ± 2.20°C maximum and 27.86 ± 1.22°C minimum air temperature in soft and very hard water were 0.102 and 0.495 µg lˉ¹, respectively. This value had increased significantly to 2.37 and 3.02 µg at 30.55 ± 1.21°C maximum and 26.04 ± 0.61°C minimum air temperature, respectively. When sediment was included, 96h LC(sub)50 at 38.07°C maximum temperature in very hard water was 1.808 µg 1ˉ¹ and this had increased to 8.073 µg 1ˉ¹ when tested at 30.55°C maximum temperature. Due to the 7.5°C increase in maximum and 1.7°C in minimum temperature, toxicity increased significantly. Lower toxicity in very hard water in comparison to soft water may be due to the lower solubility of deltarnethrin and high level of calcium. Adsorption reaction of deltamethrin with clay, humus, FeOOH, MnOOH and particulate organic carbon, and complexation reaction with dissolved organic carbon were responsible for the lowered toxicity in the experiment with sediment. Exposure time had no significant effect on acute toxicity of deltamethrin.
Bacteriological examination of the gastrointestinal microflora of 2 freshwater cichlid fish species (Sarotherodon mossambicus and Tilapia nilotica ) was performed, resulting in the bacteria enumeration of total viable counts of 1.06x10⁷/g and 7.75x10⁷/g of gastro-bacteria intestinal tract plus contents (wet weight) respectively, by aerobic incubation at 30+1°C. The majority (78%) of the total gut isolates from both fish species was Gram positive mesophilic which is characteristic of the higher ambient temperature in the tropics. These isolates were fastidious in their nutritional requirements and together with the rest are isogenous to bacteria autochthonous to soil and water. The occurrence of such organisms is attributed to the feeding habits of these fish. The gastrointestinal bacteria isolated in this study are transient residents but not "indigenous" in these cichlid fish.
The effect of the physicochemical parameters of water and soil on the distribution of nitrogen-fixing bacteria and their nitrogen-fixing capacity was studied. Four species of nitrogen-fixing bacteria, e. g. Azotobacter chroococcum, A. vinelandii, A. beijerinckii and A. armeniacus, were recorded from water and soil samples of Mumbai coast. A higher number of bacterial populations were observed in sediment than in water samples. A positive correlation was observed between the dissolved organic matter and nitrogen fixing bacterial populations of water as well as between available phosphorus and the nitrogen-fixing bacteria of sediment. The nitrogen-fixing capacity of A. chroococcum was found to be 1.076 nmol C sub(2) H sub(4)/l/d and that of A. vinelandii was 0.965 nmol C sub(2) H sub(4)/l/d. Station 1 showed higher level of nitrogenase activity in comparison to other four stations.
A detailed bacteriological survey of the prawn canneries of Cochin area was carried out to study the nature and type of micro-organisms present in the factory environs and their role in causing contamination of the canned products. About 26% of the total of 1030 strains isolated was found to be gram positive spore-formers of the Bacillus type, the cooling water being their major source. Similar types of organisms formed the major group often met with in defective canned prawn samples picked up from the factories for examination, thus establishing a correlation between bacterial characteristics and load of cooling water and can contamination.
The aerobic degradation of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) by an acclimated microbial community which isolated from a contaminated site and acclimated in our laboratory was investigated. The enriched microbial community was capable of biodegrading HCB when cultivated in minimal salts medium and supplied HCB as the sole carbon source. The efficiencies of microbial community in the degradation of HCB under different pH and temperatures were examined. The phylogenetic analysis for the nearly complete sequences of 16S rDNA demonstrated that the bacteria assemblage in the microbial community was dominated by Azospirillum and Alcaligenes groups.
A highly efficient Pd(OAc)(2)/guanidine aqueous system for the room temperature Suzuki cross-coupling reaction has been developed. The new water-soluble and air-stable catalyst Pd(OAc)(2)(.)(1f)(2) from Pd(OAc)(2) and 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl-2-n-butylguanidine (1f) was synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystallography. In the presence of Pd(OAc)(2)(.)(1f)(2), coupling of arylboronic acids with a wide range of aryl halides, including aryl iodides, aryl bromides, even activated aryl chlorides, was carried out smoothly in aqueous solvent to afford the cross-coupling products in good to excellent yields and high turnover numbers (TONs) (TONs up to 850 000 for the reaction of 1-iodo-4-nitrobenzene and phenylboronic acid). Furthermore, this mild protocol could tolerate a broad range of functional groups.