954 resultados para Aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate differences in bacterial numbers, identity, and susceptibility in samples obtained from the tympanic cavity on entry (preflush) and after evacuation and lavage (postflush) and assess perioperative and empiric antimicrobial selection in dogs that underwent total ear canal ablation (TECA) with lateral bulla osteotomy (LBO) or reoperation LBO. DESIGN Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS 34 dogs. PROCEDURE TECA with LBO or reoperation LBO was performed on 47 ears. Pre- and postflush aerobic and anaerobic samples were obtained from the tympanic cavity. Isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were compared. RESULTS Different isolates (31/44 [70%] ears) and susceptibility patterns of isolate pairs (6/44 [14%] ears) were detected in pre- and postflush samples from 84% of ears. Evacuation and lavage of the tympanic cavity decreased the number of bacterial isolates by 33%. In 26% of ears, bacteria were isolated from post-flush samples but not preflush samples. Only 26% of isolates tested were susceptible to cefazolin. At least 1 isolate from 53% of dogs that received empirically chosen antimicrobials postoperatively was resistant to the selected drugs. Anaerobic bacteria were recovered from 6 ears. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Accurate microbiologic assessment of the tympanic cavity should be the basis for selection of antimicrobials in dogs undergoing TECA with LBO. Bacteria remain in the tympanic cavity after evacuation and lavage. Cefazolin was a poor choice for dogs that underwent TECA with LBO, as judged on the basis of culture and susceptibility testing results.


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The oceanographic and tectonic conditions of accretionary margins are well-suited for several potential processes governing methane generation, storage and release. To identify the relevant methane evolution pathways in the northern Cascadia accretionary margin, a four-site transect was drilled during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311. The d13C values of methane range from a minimum value of -82.2 per mil on an uplifted ridge of accreted sediment near the deformation front (Site U1326, 1829 mbsl, meters below sea level) to a maximum value of -39.5 per mil at the most landward location within an area of steep canyons near the shelf edge (Site U1329, 946 mbsl). An interpretation based solely on methane isotope values might conclude the 13C-enrichment of methane indicates a transition from microbially- to thermogenically-sourced methane. However, the co-existing CO2 exhibits a similar trend of 13C-enrichment along the transect with values ranging from -22.5 per mil to +25.7 per mil. The magnitude of the carbon isotope separation between methane and CO2 (Ec = 63.8 ± 5.8) is consistent with isotope fractionation during microbially mediated carbonate reduction. These results, in conjunction with a transect-wide gaseous hydrocarbon content composed of > 99.8% (by volume) methane and uniform dDCH4 values (-172 per mil ± 8) that are distinct from thermogenic methane at a seep located 60 km from the Expedition 311 transect, suggest microbial CO2 reduction is the predominant methane source at all investigated sites. The magnitude of the intra-site downhole 13C-enrichment of CO2 within the accreted ridge (Site U1326) and a slope basin nearest the deformation front (Site U1325, 2195 mbsl) is ~ 5 per mil. At the mid-slope site (Site U1327, 1304 mbsl) the downhole 13C-enrichment of the CO2 is ~ 25 per mil and increases to ~ 40 per mil at the near-shelf edge Site U1329. This isotope fractionation pattern is indicative of more extensive diagenetic alteration at sites with greater 13C-enrichment. The magnitude of the 13C-enrichment of CO2 correlates with decreasing sedimentation rates and a diminishing occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate. We suggest the decreasing sedimentation rates increase the exposure time of sedimentary organic matter to aerobic and anaerobic degradation, during burial, thereby reducing the availability of metabolizable organic matter available for methane production. This process is reflected in the occurrence and distribution of gas hydrate within the northern Cascadia margin accretionary prism. Our observations are relevant for evaluating methane production and the occurrence of stratigraphic gas hydrate within other convergent margins.


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Detailed petrographical and bulk geochemical investigations of organic matter (OM) have been performed on sediments deposited below or close to upwelling areas offshore Peru (ODP-Leg 112; Sites 679, 681, 688) and Oman (ODP-Leg 117; Sites 720, 723, 724) in order to obtain a quantitative understanding of its accumulation and degradation. Microscopical as well as nanoscopical investigations reveal that the OM in sediments affected by upwelling mechanisms mainly (up to 98%) consists of unstructured (amorphous) organic aggregates without any apparent biological structures. In sediments which are not or to a lesser extent affected by upwelling (Site 720) terrestrial OM predominates. Organic carbon (TOC) contents are highly variable and range between 9.8% in sediments deposited below upwelling cells and 0.2% in sediments outside the upwelling zone. The TOC/sulphur ratios of the sediments scatter widely. The samples from the deep-water locations (Sites 688 and 720), show C/S-ratios of "normal" marine sediments, whereas at the other locations no correlation or even a negative correlation between sulphur and TOC concentration exists. In most of the upwelling-influenced sediments OM contains a significant amount of sulphur. The incorporation of sulphur into the OM followed microbial sulphate reduction and occurred in the upper meters of the sedimentary column. Below, OM is still present in vast amounts and relatively hydrogen-rich, but is nevertheless non-metabolizable and becomes the limiting factor for bacterial sulphate reduction. According to mass balance calculations 90-99% of the OM produced in the photic zone was remineralized and 1-3% was consumed by microbial sulphate reduction. The aerobic and anaerobic processes have greatly affected degradation and conservation of OM.


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Selective degradation of organic matter in sediments is important for reconstructing past environments and understanding the carbon cycle. Here, we report on compositional changes between and within lipid classes and kerogen types (represented by palynomorph groups) in relation to the organic matter flux to the sea floor and oxidation state of the sediments since the early Holocene for central Eastern Mediterranean site ABC26. This includes the initially oxic but nowadays anoxic presapropelic interval, the still unoxidised lower part of the organic rich S1 sapropel, its postdepositionally oxidised and nowadays organic-poor upper part as well as the overlying postsapropelic sediments which have always been oxic. A general ~ 2.3 times increase in terrestrial and marine input during sapropel formation is estimated on the basis of the total organic carbon (TOC), pollen, spore, dinoflagellate cyst, n-alkane, n-alkanol and n-alkanoic acid concentration changes in the unoxidised part of the sapropel. The long-chain alkenones, 1,15 diols and keto-ols, loliolides and sterols indicate that some plankton groups, notably dinoflagellates, may have increased much more. Apart from the terrestrial and surface water contributions to the sedimentary organic matter, anomalous distributions and preservation of some C23-C27 alkanes, alkanols and alkanoic acids have been observed, which are interpreted as a contribution by organisms living in situ. Comparison of the unoxidised S1 sapropel with the overlying oxidised sapropel and the organic matter concentration profiles in the oxidised postsapropelic sediments demonstrates strong and highly selective aerobic degradation of lipids and palynomorphs. There seems to be a fundamental difference in degradation kinetics between lipids and pollen which may be possibly related with the absence of sorptive preservation as a protective mechanism for palynomorph degradation. The n-alkanes, Impagidinium, and Nematosphaeropsis are clearly more resistant than TOC. The n-alkanols and n-carboxylic acids are about equally resistant whereas the pollen, all other dinoflagellate cysts and other lipids appear to degrade considerably faster, which questions the practice of normalising to TOC without taking diagenesis into account. Selective degradation also modifies the relative distributions within lipid classes, whereby the longer-chain alkanes, alcohols and fatty acids disappear faster than their shorter-chain equivalents. Accordingly, interpretation of lipid and palynomorph assemblages in terms of pre- or syndepositional environmental change should be done carefully when proper knowledge of the postdepositional preservation history is absent. Two lipid-based preservation proxies are tested the diol-keto-ol oxidation index based on the 1,15C30 diol and keto-ols (DOXI) and the alcohol preservation index (API) whereby the former seems to be the most promising.


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Inversion of isotopic composition in the SO4(2-)-H2S system is shown to be universal in Neoeuxine sediments and an explanation of its occurrence is proposed. Change in isotopic composition of sulfate sulfur in Black Sea waters over last 10-15 thousand years is reconstructed. Periods of alteration between aerobic and anaerobic situations are identified, the beginning of entry of Mediterranean waters into the basin is dated, presence of authigenic carbonates in sediments of the sea is established and amounts are determined. Methane generation from carbon dioxide is shown to have been replaced by its generation from acetate in the paleo-Black Sea period.


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Current understanding of rare earth element (REE) geochemistry in the ocean is given in the book. Chemical properties determining REE migration ability in natural processes, sources of REE in the ocean, behavior of REE in river-sea mixing zones, fractionation of dissolved and particulate REE in ocean waters under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, distribution of REE in terrigenous, authigenic, hydrothermal and biogenic sediment components (clay, bone detritus, barite, phillipsite, Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides, Fe-Ca hydroxophosphate, diatoms and foraminiferas) are under consideration.


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Purified NADPH:cytochrome c (P-450) reductase (FpT; NADPH-ferrihemoprotein oxidoreductase, EC can reductively activate mitomycin antibiotics through a one-electron reduction to species that alkylate DNA. To assess the involvement of FpT in the intracellular activation of the mitomycins, transfectants overexpressing a human FpT cDNA were established from a Chinese hamster ovary cell line deficient in dihydrofolate reductase (CHO-K1/dhfr-). The parental cell line was equisensitive to the cytotoxic action of mitomycin C under oxygenated and hypoxic conditions. In contrast, porfiromycin was considerably less cytotoxic to wild-type parental cells than was mitomycin C in air and markedly more cytotoxic under hypoxia. Two FpT-transfected clones were selected that expressed 19- and 27-fold more FpT activity than the parental line. Levels of other oxidoreductases implicated in the activation of the mitomycins were unchanged. Significant increases in sensitivity to mitomycin C and porfiromycin in the two FpT-transfected clones were seen under both oxygenated and hypoxic conditions, with the increases in toxicity being greater under hypoxia than in air. These findings demonstrate that FpT can bioreductively activate the mitomycins in living cells and implicate FpT in the differential aerobic/hypoxic toxicity of the mitomycins.


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Acetohydroxy acid synthases (AHAS) are thiamin diphosphate- (ThDP-) and FAD-dependent enzymes that catalyze the first common step of branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Although the flavin cofactor is not chemically involved in the physiological reaction of AHAS, it has been shown to be essential for the structural integrity and activity of the enzyme. Here, we report that the enzyme-bound FAD in AHAS is reduced in the course of catalysis in a side reaction. The reduction of the enzyme-bound flavin during turnover of different substrates under aerobic and anaerobic conditions was characterized by stopped-flow kinetics using the intrinsic FAD absorbance. Reduction of enzyme-bound FAD proceeds with a net rate constant of k' = 0.2 s(-1) in the presence of oxygen and approximately 1 s(-1) under anaerobic conditions. No transient flavin radicals are detectable during the reduction process while time-resolved absorbance spectra are recorded. Reconstitution of the binary enzyme-FAD complex with the chemically synthesized intermediate 2-(hydroxyethyl)-ThDP also results in a reduction of the flavin. These data provide evidence for the first time that the key catalytic intermediate 2-(hydroxyethyl)ThDP in the carbanionic/enamine form is not only subject to covalent addition of 2-keto acids and an oxygenase side reaction but also transfers electrons to the adjacent FAD in an intramolecular redox reaction yielding 2-acetyl-ThDP and reduced FAD. The detection of the electron transfer supports the idea of a common ancestor of acetohydroxy acid synthase and pyruvate oxidase, a homologous ThDP- and FAD-dependent enzyme that, in contrast to AHASs, catalyzes a reaction that relies on intercofactor electron transfer.


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AIMS: To investigate the influence of chemical and physical factors on the rate and extent of germination of Clostridium difficile spores. METHODS AND RESULTS: Germination of C. difficile spores following exposure to chemical and physical germinants was measured by loss of either heat or ethanol resistance. Sodium taurocholate and chenodeoxycholate initiated germination together with thioglycollate medium at concentrations of 0.1-100 mmol l(-1) and 10-100 mmol l(-1) respectively. Glycine (0.2% w/v) was a co-factor required for germination with sodium taurocholate. There was no significant difference in the rate of germination of C. difficile spores in aerobic and anaerobic conditions (P > 0.05) however, the initial rate of germination was significantly increased at 37 degrees C compared to 20 degrees C (P < 0.05). The optimum pH range for germination was 6.5-7.5, with a decreased rate and extent of germination occurring at pH 5.5 and 8.5. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that sodium taurocholate and chenodeoxycholate initiate germination of C. difficile spores and is concentration dependant. Temperature and pH influence the rate and extent of germination. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This manuscript enhances the knowledge of the factors influencing the germination of C. difficile spores. This may be applied to the development of potential novel strategies for the prevention of C. difficile infection.


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A review of the literature of work carried out on dextransucrase production, purification, immobilization and reactions has been carried out. A brief review has also been made of the literature concerning general enzyme biotechnology and fermentation technology. Fed-batch fermentation of the bacteria Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512 (F) to produce dextransucrase has formed the major part of this research. Aerobic and anaerobic fermentations have been studied using a 16 litre New Brunswick fermenter which has a 3-12 litre working volume. The initial volume of broth used in the studies was 6 litres. The results of the fed-batch fermentations showed for the first time that yields of dextransucrase are much higher under the anaerobic conditions than during the aerobic fermentations. Dextransucrase containing 300-350 DSU/cm3 of enzyme activity has been obtained during the aerobic fermentations, while in the anaerobic fermentations, enzyme yields containing 450-500 DSU/cm3 have been obtained routinely. The type of yeast extract used in the fermentation medium has been found to have significant effects on enzyme yield. Of the different types studied, the Gistex Standard was found to be the type that favoured the highest enzyme production. Studies have also been carried out on the effect of agitation rate and antifoam on the enzyme production during the anaerobic experiments. Agitation rates of up to 600 rpm were found not to affect the enzyme yield, however, the presence of antifoam in the medium led to a significant reduction in enzyme activity (less than 300 DSU/cm3). Scale-up of the anaerobic fermentations has been performed at up to the 1000 litre level with enzyme yields containing more than 400 DSU/cm3 of activity being produced. Some of the enzyme produced at this scale was used for the first time to produce dextran on an industrial scale via the enzyme route, with up to 99% conversion of sucrose to dextran being obtained. An attempt has been made at continuous dextransucrase production. Cell washout was observed to occur at dilution rates of greater than 0.4 h-1. Dextransucrase containing up to 25 DSU/cm3/h has been produced continuously.


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The monograph focuses on the analysis of data addressing the problem of H2S contamination and oxic-anoxic interface in the Black Sea. Regularities of the fine structure of vertical distribution of oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, biogenic elements, organic substances, suspended matter, and metals of the iron-manganese group in the area of contact of aerobic and anaerobic waters have been revealed. Also effects of biochemical, physico-chemical and dynamic processes on their vertical distribution have been examined. Sulfate reduction in seawater and bottom sediments has been studied. Quantitative estimates of H2S fluxes at the water - bottom sediment and O2-H2S interfaces have been done. Features of H2S oxidation have been studied, its budget in the Black Sea has been calculated. Multiyear spatial-temporal variability of the oxic-anoxic interface has been investigated.


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The data files give the basic field and laboratory data on five ponds in the northeast Siberian Arctic tundra on Samoylov. The files contain water and soil temperature data of the ponds, methane fluxes, measured with closed chambers in the centres without vascular plants and the margins with vascular plants, the contribution of plant mediated fluxes on total methane fluxes, the gas concentrations (methane and dissolved inorganic carbon, oxygen) in the soil and the water column of the ponds, microbial activities (methane production, methane oxidation, aerobic and anaerobic carbon dioxide production), total carbon pools in the different horizons of the bottom soils, soil bulk density, soil substance density, and soil porosity.