958 resultados para Aerobic Granulation


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The flow patterns in a high shear granulator depend on the fill volume. For example, DEM simulations reported by Terashita et al. [1] show that fill volume affects the velocities and kinetic energies of the particles. It also influences the granule size distribution [2]. Here the effects on the properties of the granule are described. The total mass of the granulate material was varied without changing the other variables such as impeller speed, granulation time and liquid to solid ratio. The resulting mechanical properties, such as strength, yield stress and Young's modulus, of the granules were measured. For the materials studied in the current work, increasing the fill factor (batch size) increased the values of these material parameters. This could be explained by the relative increase in the number and intensity of collisions between the particles, when the size of a batch was increased, leading to smaller porosities. (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fluidised hot melt granulation (FHMG) is a novel granulation technique for processing pharmaceutical powders. Several process and formulation parameters have been shown to significantly influence granulation characteristics within FHMG. In this study we have investigated the effect of the binder properties (binder particle size and binder viscosity) on agglomerate growth mechanisms within FHMG. Low-melting point co-polymers of polyoxyethylene–polyoxypropylene (Lutrol® F68 Poloxamer 188 and Lutrol® F127 Poloxamer 407) were used as meltable binders for FHMG, while standard ballotini beads were used as model fillers for this process. Standard sieve analysis was used to determine the size distribution of granules whereas we utilised fluorescence microscopy to investigate the distribution of binder within granules. This provided further insight into the growth mechanisms during FHMG. Binder particle size and viscosity were found to affect the onset time of granulation. Agglomerate growth achieved equilibrium within short time-scales and was shown to proceed by two competing processes, breakage of formed granules and re-agglomeration of fractured granules. Breakage was affected by the initial material properties (binder size and viscosity). When using binder with a small particle size (<250 µm), agglomerate growth via a distribution mechanism dominated. Increasing the binder particle size shifted the granulation mechanism such that agglomerates were formed predominantly via immersion. A critical ratio between binder diameter and filler has been calculated and this value may be useful for predicting or controlling granulation growth processes.


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Variation in the natural abundance stable carbon isotope composition of respired CO2 and biomass has been measured for two types of aerobic bacteria found in contaminated land sites. Pseudomonas putida strain NCIMB 10015 was cultured on phenol and benzoate and Rhodococcus sp. I-1 was cultured on phenol. Results indicate that aerobic isotope fractionations of differing magnitudes occur during aerobic biodegradation of these substrates with an isotopic depletion in the CO2 (Delta(13)C(phenol-CO2)) as much as 3.7 parts per thousand and 5.6 parts per thousand for Pseudomonas putida and Rhodococcus sp. I-1 respectively. This observation has significant implications for the use of a stable isotope mass balance approach in monitoring degradation processes that rely on indigenous bacterial populations. The effects of the metabolic pathway utilised in degradation and inter-species variation on the magnitude of isotope fractionation are discussed. Possible explanations for the observed isotope fractionation include differences in the metabolic pathways utilised by the organisms and differences in specific growth rates and physiology. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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N-Heterocycles can be prepared using alcohol oxidation as a key synthetic step. Herein we report studies exploring the potential of Cu/TEMPO as an aerobic oxidation catalyst for the synthesis of substituted indoles and quinolines. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012


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There is a need for new antibiotics or combination of antibiotics that possess activity against increasingly resistant cystic fibrosis (CF) respiratory pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA.


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This work describes a novel method of producing multicomponent fertiliser granules using high shear granulation. The granulation process was optimised using the response surface methodology technique. The variables used in the optimisation process include granulation time, batch size, impeller speed and binder concentration. Granulation time, binder concentration and interaction between the batch size and granulation time were found to be the main factors affecting the granule median size. The product yield is mainly influenced by granulation time and binder concentration. The interaction between the impeller speed and batch size also have a significant influence on the product yield. Product yield (2-4 mm) of approximately 60% could be obtained with high sphericity and granule strength (> 0.5 MPa). A low product recycle ratio of about 2:3 can be obtained at the optimised process conditions, compared to typical recycle rations of 6:1 which are obtained in typical fertiliser plants. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Generally, the solid and liquid fractions (digestate) from Anaerobic Digestion (AD) energy production are considered as waste. This has a negative impact on the sustainability of AD processes because of the financial outlay required to treat digestate before being discharged into municipal water treatment plants or natural water bodies. The main aim of this research was to investigate feasibility of producing an organic fertiliser using anaerobic digestate and limestone powders as the raw materials employing a high shear granulation process. Two-level factorial experimental design was used to determine the influence of granulation process variables on, the strength, resistance to attrition and yield of the granules. It was concluded from the study that it is technically feasible to produce organic fertiliser granules of acceptable strength and product yield. Increasing the liquid-to-solid ratio during granulation leads to increased granule strength and better product yield. Although the strength of the granules produced was lower than typical strength of commercial synthetic fertiliser granules (about 5 to 7. MPa), this could be improved by mixing the digestate with a polymeric binder or coating the particles post granulation. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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Electrodeposition of metals onto conductive supports such as graphite potentially provides a lower-waste method to form heterogeneous catalysts than the standard methods such as wet impregnation. Copper electrodeposition onto pressed graphite disc electrodes was investigated from aqueous CuSO4-ethylenediamine solutions by chronoamperometry with scanning electron microscopy used to ascertain the particle sizes obtained by this method. The particle size was studied as a function of pH, CuSO4-ethylenediamine concentration, and electrodeposition time. It was observed that decreasing the pH, copper-ethylenediamine concentration and time each decreased the size of the copper particles observed, with the smallest obtained being around 5-20 nm. Furthermore, electroless aerobic oxidation of copper metal in the presence of ethylenediamine was successfully coupled with the electrodeposition in the same vessel. In this way, deposition was achieved sequentially on up to twenty different graphite discs using the same ethylenediamine solution, demonstrating the recyclability of the ligand. The materials thus prepared were shown to be catalytically active for the mineralisation of phenol by hydrogen peroxide. Overall, the results provide a proof-of-principle that by making use of aerobic oxidation coupled with electrochemical deposition, elemental base metals can be used directly as starting materials to form heterogeneous catalysts without the need to use metal salts as catalyst precursors.