991 resultados para Adventure and Beagle Expedition (1826-1830)
La Argelia francesa (1830-1962) constituyó un poderoso polo de atracción para los habitantes de las islas Baleares y del sudeste peninsular. En este artículo se analizan las relaciones migratorias y comerciales entre el archipiélago balear y su por entonces próspero vecino del sur. Además, también se estudian los diferentes exilios que vincularon las dos riberas del Mediterráneo. Para realizar este artículo se han combinado tanto fuentes primarias como la bibliografía existente.
A handwritten letter with suggested subjects from John White Webster, a lecturer of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology at the Harvard Medical College from 1824 until 1827, when he was appointed the Erving Professor of Chemistry (1827-1850).
Four documents with suggested questions in the hand of Andrews Norton, Dexter Lecturer on Biblical Literature from 1813 to 1830. One of the documents is signed by Norton and addressed to President Kirkland.
One letter regarding the arrival of James Cooley as American chargé d’affairs in Lima.
Three letters regarding Buenos Aires news and politics, including his hope that General Juan Lavalle would end up "on a Gibbet." Also includes Ponsonby’s opinion of Manuel Dorrego and his execution.