947 resultados para Adult stem-cells


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The arterial wall contains MSCs with mesengenic and angiogenic abilities. These multipotent precursors have been isolated from variously-sized human adult segments, belying the notion that vessel wall is a relatively quiescent tissue. Recently, our group identified in normal human arteries a vasculogenic niche and subsequently isolated and characterized resident MSCs (VW-MSCs) with angiogenic ability and multilineage potential. To prove that VW-MSCs are involved in normal and pathological vascular remodeling, we used a long-term organ culture system; this method was of critical importance to follow spontaneous 3-D vascular remodeling without any influence of blood cells. Next we tried to identify and localize in situ the VW-MSCs and to understand their role in the vascular remodeling in failed arterial homografts. Subsequently, we isolated this cell population and tested in vitro their multilineage differentiation potential through immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence, RT-PCR and ultrastructural analysis. From 25-30cm2 of each vascular wall homograft sample, we isolated a cell population with MSCs properties; these cells expressed MSC lineage molecules (CD90, CD44, CD105, CD29, CD73), stemness (Notch-1, Oct-4, Sca-1, Stro-1) and pericyte markers (NG2) whilst were negative for hematopoietic and endothelial markers (CD34, CD133, CD45, KDR, CD146, CD31 and vWF). MSCs derived from failed homografts (H-MSCs) exhibited adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic potential but scarce propensity to angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. The present study demonstrates that failed homografts contain MSCs with morphological, phenotypic and functional MSCs properties; H-MSCs are long-lived in culture, highly proliferating and endowed with prompt ability to differentiate into adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes; compared with VW-MSCs from normal arteries, H-MSCs show a failure in angiogenic and leiomyogenic differentiation. A switch in MSCs plasticity could be the basis of pathological remodeling and contribute to aneurysmal failure of arterial homografts. The study of VW-MSCs in a pathological setting indicate that additional mechanisms are involved in vascular diseases; their knowledge will be useful for opening new therapeutic options in cardiovascular diseases.


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Fibroblast-like cells isolated from peripheral blood of human, canine, guinea pig, and rat have been demonstrated to possess the capacity to differentiate into several mesenchymal lineages. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of isolating pluripotent precursor cells from equine peripheral blood and compare them with equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. Human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were used as a control for cell multipotency assessment. Venous blood (n = 33) and bone marrow (n = 5) were obtained from adult horses. Mononuclear cells were obtained by Ficoll gradient centrifugation and cultured in monolayer, and adherent fibroblast-like cells were tested for their differentiation potential. Chondrogenic differentiation was performed in serum-free medium in pellet cultures as a three-dimensional model, whereas osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation were induced in monolayer culture. Evidence for differentiation was made via biochemical, histological, and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction evaluations. Fibroblast-like cells were observed on day 10 in 12 out of 33 samples and were allowed to proliferate until confluence. Equine peripheral blood-derived cells had osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation capacities comparable to cells derived from bone marrow. Both cell types showed a limited capacity to produce lipid droplets compared to human MSCs. This result may be due to the assay conditions, which are established for human MSCs from bone marrow and may not be optimal for equine progenitor cells. Bone marrow-derived equine and human MSCs could be induced to develop cartilage, whereas equine peripheral blood progenitors did not show any capacity to produce cartilage at the histological level. In conclusion, equine peripheral blood-derived fibroblast-like cells can differentiate into distinct mesenchymal lineages but have less multipotency than bone marrow-derived MSCs under the conditions used in this study.


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Seladin-1 (SELective Alzheimer's Disease INdicator-1) is an anti-apoptotic gene, which is down-regulated in brain regions affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD). In addition, seladin-1 catalyzes the conversion of desmosterol into cholesterol. Disruption of cholesterol homeostasis in neurons may increase cell susceptibility to toxic agents. Because the hippocampus and the subventricular zone, which are affected in AD, are the unique regions containing stem cells with neurogenic potential in the adult brain, it might be hypothesized that this multipotent cell compartment is the predominant source of seladin-1 in normal brain. In the present study, we isolated and characterized human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) as a model of cells with the ability to differentiate into neurons. hMSC were then differentiated toward a neuronal phenotype (hMSC-n). These cells were thoroughly characterized and proved to be neurons, as assessed by molecular and electrophysiological evaluation. Seladin-1 expression was determined and found to be significantly reduced in hMSC-n compared to undifferentiated cells. Accordingly, the total content of cholesterol was decreased after differentiation. These original results demonstrate for the first time that seladin-1 is abundantly expressed by stem cells and appear to suggest that reduced expression in AD might be due to an altered pool of multipotent cells.


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Steady-state hematopoiesis and hematopoietic transplantation rely on the unique potential of stem cells to undergo both self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. Fetal liver (FL) represents a promising alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), but limited by the total cell number obtained in a typical harvest. We reported that human FL nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) repopulating cells (SRCs) could be expanded under simple stroma-free culture conditions. Here, we sought to further characterize FL HSC/SRCs phenotypically and functionally before and following culture. Unexpanded or cultured FL cell suspensions were separated into various subpopulations. These were tested for long-term culture potential and for in vivo repopulating function following transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. We found that upon culture of human FL cells, a tight association between classical stem cell phenotypes, such as CD34(+) /CD38(-) and/or side population, and NOD/SCID repopulating function was lost, as observed with other sources. Although SRC activity before and following culture consistently correlated with the presence of a CD34(+) cell population, we provide evidence that, contrary to umbilical cord blood and adult sources, stem cells present in both CD34(+) and CD34(-) FL populations can sustain long-term hematopoietic cultures. Furthermore, upon additional culture, CD34-depleted cell suspensions, devoid of SRCs, regenerated a population of CD34(+) cells possessing SRC function. Our studies suggest that compared to neonatal and adult sources, the phenotypical characteristics of putative human FL HSCs may be less strictly defined, and reinforce the accumulated evidence that human FL represents a unique, valuable alternative and highly proliferative source of HSCs for clinical applications.


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The adult mammalian cochlea lacks regenerative capacity, which is the main reason for the permanence of hearing loss. Vestibular organs, in contrast, replace a small number of lost hair cells. The reason for this difference is unknown. In this work we show isolation of sphere-forming stem cells from the early postnatal organ of Corti, vestibular sensory epithelia, the spiral ganglion, and the stria vascularis. Organ of Corti and vestibular sensory epithelial stem cells give rise to cells that express multiple hair cell markers and express functional ion channels reminiscent of nascent hair cells. Spiral ganglion stem cells display features of neural stem cells and can give rise to neurons and glial cell types. We found that the ability for sphere formation in the mouse cochlea decreases about 100-fold during the second and third postnatal weeks; this decrease is substantially faster than the reduction of stem cells in vestibular organs, which maintain their stem cell population also at older ages. Coincidentally, the relative expression of developmental and progenitor cell markers in the cochlea decreases during the first 3 postnatal weeks, which is in sharp contrast to the vestibular system, where expression of progenitor cell markers remains constant or even increases during this period. Our findings indicate that the lack of regenerative capacity in the adult mammalian cochlea is either a result of an early postnatal loss of stem cells or diminishment of stem cell features of maturing cochlear cells.


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The mammalian inner ear has very limited ability to regenerate lost sensory hair cells. This deficiency becomes apparent when hair cell loss leads to hearing loss as a result of either ototoxic insult or the aging process. Coincidently, with this inability to regenerate lost hair cells, the adult cochlea does not appear to harbor cells with a proliferative capacity that could serve as progenitor cells for lost cells. In contrast, adult mammalian vestibular sensory epithelia display a limited ability for hair cell regeneration, and sphere-forming cells with stem cell features can be isolated from the adult murine vestibular system. The neonatal inner ear, however, does harbor sphere-forming stem cells residing in cochlear and vestibular tissues. Here, we provide protocols to isolate sphere-forming stem cells from neonatal vestibular and cochlear sensory epithelia as well as from the spiral ganglion. We further describe procedures for sphere propagation, cell differentiation, and characterization of inner ear cell types derived from spheres. Sphere-forming stem cells from the mouse inner ear are an important tool for the development of cellular replacement strategies of damaged inner ears and are a bona fide progenitor cell source for transplantation studies.


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BACKGROUND Pulmonary fibrosis may result from abnormal alveolar wound repair after injury. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) improves alveolar epithelial wound repair in the lung. Stem cells were shown to play a major role in lung injury, repair and fibrosis. We studied the presence, origin and antifibrotic properties of HGF-expressing stem cells in usual interstitial pneumonia. METHODS Immunohistochemistry was performed in lung tissue sections and primary alveolar epithelial cells obtained from patients with usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP, n = 7). Bone marrow derived stromal cells (BMSC) from adult male rats were transfected with HGF, instilled intratracheally into bleomycin injured rat lungs and analyzed 7 and 14 days later. RESULTS In UIP, HGF was expressed in specific cells mainly located in fibrotic areas close to the hyperplastic alveolar epithelium. HGF-positive cells showed strong co-staining for the mesenchymal stem cell markers CD44, CD29, CD105 and CD90, indicating stem cell origin. HGF-positive cells also co-stained for CXCR4 (HGF+/CXCR4+) indicating that they originate from the bone marrow. The stem cell characteristics were confirmed in HGF secreting cells isolated from UIP lung biopsies. In vivo experiments showed that HGF-expressing BMSC attenuated bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis in the rat, indicating a beneficial role of bone marrow derived, HGF secreting stem cells in lung fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS HGF-positive stem cells are present in human fibrotic lung tissue (UIP) and originate from the bone marrow. Since HGF-transfected BMSC reduce bleomycin induced lung fibrosis in the bleomycin lung injury and fibrosis model, we assume that HGF-expressing, bone-marrow derived stem cells in UIP have antifibrotic properties.


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The discovery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in perinatal sources, such as the amniotic fluid (AF) and the umbilical connective tissue, the so-called Wharton's jelly (WJ), has transformed them into promising stem cell grafts for the application in regenerative medicine. The advantages of AF-MSCs and WJ-MSCs over adult MSCs, such as bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs), include their minimally invasive isolation procedure, their more primitive cell character without being tumourigenic, their low immunogenicity and their potential autologous application in congenital disorders and when cryopreserved in adulthood. This chapter gives an overview of the biology of AF-MSCs and WJMSCs, and their regenerative potential based on the results of recent preclinical and clinical studies. In the end, open questions concerning the use of WJ-MSCs and AF-MSCs in regenerative medicine will be emphasized.


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Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the potential to differentiate to all adult somatic cells. This property makes hESCs a very promising area of research for the treatment of disorders in which specific cell populations need to be restored. Despite this potential, research that focuses on producing mesodermally derived cell populations from hESCs is decidedly limited, notwithstanding the prevalence of disorders involving mesodermal tissues for which treatment options are limited. Skeletal muscle myoblasts are derivatives of mesodermal cells and are characterized by the expression of the MyoD gene. These cells are difficult to obtain from hESCs in a reproducible and efficient manner. Recent developments in the field have showed some success in obtaining myogenic cells from hESCs through a mesenchymal stem cell (MSC)-like intermediate population. MSCs, which are an adult stem cell population typically derived from the bone marrow, are capable of generating multiple cell types including skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient method that derives myoblasts from an MSC-like intermediate. To accomplish this goal, we first set out to isolate and expand the MSC-like intermediate from hESCs differentiated in vitro. Difficulties in reproducing published cell-differentiation methodologies, which represent a significant and familiar challenge in hESC research, are highlighted in this report.


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Although mechanisms regulating the formation of embryonic skeletal muscle are well characterized, less is known about muscle formation in postnatal life. This disparity is unfortunate because the largest increases in skeletal muscle mass occur after birth. Adult muscle stem cells (satellite cells) appear to recapitulate the events that occur in embryonic myoblasts. In particular, the myogenic basic helix-loop-helix factors, which have crucial functions in embryonic muscle development, are assumed to have similar roles in postnatal muscle formation. Here, I test this assumption by determining the role of the myogenic regulator myogenin in postnatal life. Myogenin-null mice die at birth, necessitating the generation of floxed alleles of myogenin and the use of cre-recombinase lines to delete myogenin. Removing myogenin before embryonic muscle development resulted in myofiber deficiencies identical to those observed in myogenin-null mice. However, mice in which myogenin was deleted following embryonic muscle development had normal skeletal muscle, except for modest alterations in MRF4 and MyoD expression. Notably, myogenin-deleted mice were 30% smaller than controls, suggesting that myogenin's absence disrupted general body growth. These results suggest that skeletal muscle growth in postnatal life is controlled by mechanisms distinct from those occurring in embryonic muscle development. ^


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Human hematopoiesis originates in a population of stem cells with transplantable lympho-myeloid reconstituting potential, but a method for quantitating such cells has not been available. We now describe a simple assay that meets this need. It is based on the ability of sublethally irradiated immunodeficient nonobese diabetic–scid/scid (NOD/SCID) mice to be engrafted by intravenously injected human hematopoietic cells and uses limiting dilution analysis to measure the frequency of human cells that produce both CD34−CD19+ (B-lymphoid) and CD34+ (myeloid) colony-forming cell progeny in the marrow of such recipients 6 to 8 weeks post-transplant. Human cord blood (CB) contains ≈5 of these competitive repopulating units (CRU) per ml that have a similar distribution between the CD38− and CD38+ subsets of CD34+ CB cells as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-IC) (4:1 vs. 2:1). Incubation of purified CD34+CD38− human CB cells in serum-free medium containing flt-3 ligand, Steel factor, interleukin 3, interleukin 6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor for 5–8 days resulted in a 100-fold expansion of colony-forming cells, a 4-fold expansion of LTC-IC, and a 2-fold (but significant, P < 0.02) increase in CRU. The culture-derived CRU, like the original CB CRU, generated pluripotent, erythroid, granulopoietic, megakaryopoietic, and pre-B cell progeny upon transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. These findings demonstrate an equivalent phenotypic heterogeneity amongst human CB cells detectable as CRU and LTC-IC. In addition, their similarly modest response to stimulation by a combination of cytokines that extensively amplify LTC-IC from normal adult marrow underscores the importance of ontogeny-dependent changes in human hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and self-renewal.


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We have discovered that cells derived from the skeletal muscle of adult mice contain a remarkable capacity for hematopoietic differentiation. Cells prepared from muscle by enzymatic digestion and 5-day in vitro culture were harvested, and 18 × 103 cells were introduced into each of six lethally irradiated recipients together with 200 × 103 distinguishable whole bone marrow cells. After 6 or 12 weeks, all recipients showed high-level engraftment of muscle-derived cells representing all major adult blood lineages. The mean total contribution of muscle cell progeny to peripheral blood was 56 ± 20% (SD), indicating that the cultured muscle cells generated approximately 10- to 14-fold more hematopoietic activity than whole bone marrow. When bone marrow from one mouse was harvested and transplanted into secondary recipients, all recipients showed high-level multilineage engraftment (mean 40%), establishing the extremely primitive nature of these stem cells. We also show that muscle contains a population of cells with several characteristics of bone marrow-derived hematopoietic stem cells, including high efflux of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 and expression of the stem cell antigens Sca-1 and c-Kit, although the cells lack the hematopoietic marker CD45. We propose that this population accounts for the hematopoietic activity generated by cultured skeletal muscle. These putative stem cells may be identical to muscle satellite cells, some of which lack myogenic regulators and could be expected to respond to hematopoietic signals.


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Cloning allows the asexual reproduction of selected individuals such that the offspring have an essentially identical nuclear genome. Cloning by nuclear transfer thus far has been reported only with freshly isolated cells and cells from primary cultures. We previously reported a method of cloning mice from adult somatic cells after nuclear transfer by microinjection. Here, we apply this method to clone mice from widely available, established embryonic stem (ES) cell lines at late passage. With the ES cell line R1, 29% of reconstructed oocytes developed in vitro to the morula/blastocyst stage, and 8% of these embryos developed to live-born pups when transferred to surrogate mothers. We thus cloned 26 mice from R1 cells. Nuclei from the ES cell line E14 also were shown to direct development to term. We present evidence that the nuclei of ES cells at G1- or G2/M-phases are efficiently able to support full development. Our findings demonstrate that late-passage ES cells can be used to produce viable cloned mice and provide a link between the technologies of ES cells and animal cloning. It thus may be possible to clone from a single cell a large number of individuals over an extended period.


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Previous studies have demonstrated hematopoietic stem cell amplification in vitro after the activation of three cell-surface receptors: flt3/flk2, c-kit, and gp130. We now show flt3-ligand and Steel factor alone will stimulate >85% of c-kit+Sca-1+lin− adult mouse bone marrow cells to proliferate in single-cell serum-free cultures, but concomitant retention of their stem cell activity requires additional exposure to a ligand that will activate gp130. Moreover, this response is restricted to a narrow range of gp130-activating ligand concentrations, above and below which hematopoietic stem cell activity is lost. These findings indicate a unique contribution of gp130 signaling to the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cell function when these cells are stimulated to divide with additional differential effects dictated by the intensity of gp130 activation.


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The low level of amphotropic retrovirus-mediated gene transfer into human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) has been a major impediment to gene therapy for hematopoietic diseases. In the present study, we have examined amphotropic retrovirus receptor (amphoR) and ecotropic retrovirus receptor mRNA expression in highly purified populations of mouse and human HSC. Murine HSC with low to undetectable levels of amphoR mRNA and relatively high levels of ecotropic retrovirus receptor mRNA were studied. When these HSC were analyzed simultaneously for ecotropic and amphotropic retrovirus transduction, ecotropic provirus sequences were detected in 10 of 13 long-term repopulated animals, while amphotropic proviral sequences were detected in only one recipient. A second distinct population of murine HSC were isolated that express 3-fold higher levels of amphoR mRNA. When these HSC were analyzed simultaneously for ecotropic and amphotropic retrovirus transduction, 11 of 11 repopulated mice contained ecotropic provirus and 6 of 11 contained amphotropic provirus sequences, a significant increase in the amphotropic retrovirus transduction (P = 0.018). These results indicate that, among the heterogeneous populations of HSC present in adult mouse bone marrow, the subpopulation with the highest level of amphoR mRNA is more efficiently transduced by amphotropic retrovirus. In a related study, we found low levels of human amphoR mRNA in purified populations of human HSC (CD34+ CD38-) and higher levels in committed progenitor cells (CD34+ CD38+). We conclude that the amphoR mRNA level in HSC correlates with amphotropic retrovirus transduction efficiency.