994 resultados para Adherent junctions


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Crohn’s disease (CD) is a chronic, relapsing inflammatory condition affecting the gastrointestinal tract of humans, of which there is currently no cure. The precise etiology of CD is unknown, although it has become widely accepted that it is a multifactorial disease which occurs as a result of an abnormal immune response to commensal enteric bacteria in a genetically susceptible host. Recent studies have shown that a new group of Escherichia coli, called Adherent Invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) are present in the guts of CD patients at a higher frequency than in healthy subjects, suggesting that they may play a role in the initiation and/or maintenance of the inflammation associated with CD. Two phenotypes define an AIEC and differentiate them from other groups of E. coli. Firstly, AIEC can adhere to and invade epithelial cells; and secondly, they can replicate in macrophages. In this study, we use a strain of AIEC which has been isolated from the colonic mucosa of a CD patient, called HM605, to examine the relationship between AIEC and the macrophage. We show, using a systematic mutational approach, that while the Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the glyoxylate pathway, the Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway, the Pentose Phosphate (PP) pathway and gluconeogenesis are dispensable for the intramacrophagic growth of HM605, glycolysis is an absolute requirement for the ability of this organism to replicate intracellularly. We also show that HM605 activates the inflammasome, a major driver of inflammation in mammals. Specifically, we show that macrophages infected with HM605 produce significantly higher levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β than macrophages infected with a non-AIEC strain, and we show by immunoblotting that this is due to cleavage of caspase-1. We also show that macrophages infected with HM605 exhibit significantly higher levels of pyroptosis, a form of inflammatory cell death, than macrophages infected with a non-AIEC strain. Therefore, AIEC strains are more pro-inflammatory than non-AIEC strains and this may have important consequences in terms of CD pathology. Moreover, we show that while inflammasome activation by HM605 is independent of intracellular bacterial replication, it is dependent on an active bacterial metabolism. Through the establishment of a genetic screen aimed at identifying mutants which activate the inflammasome to lower levels than the wild-type, we confirm our observation that bacterial metabolism is essential for successful inflammasome activation by HM605 and we also uncover new systems/structures that may be important for inflammasome activation, such as the BasS/BasR two-component system, a type VI secretion system and a K1 capsule. Finally, in this study, we also identify a putative small RNA in AIEC strain LF82, which may be involved in modulating the motility of this strain. Overall this works shows that, in the absence of specialised virulence factors, the ability of AIEC to metabolise within the host cell may be a key determinant of its pathogenesis.


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The establishment of conductive graphene-molecule-graphene junction is investigated through first-principles electronic structure calculations and quantum transport calculations. The junction consists of a conjugated molecule connecting two parallel graphene sheets. The effects of molecular electronic states, structure relaxation, and molecule-graphene contact on the conductance of the junction are explored. A conductance as large as 0.38 conductance quantum is found achievable with an appropriately oriented dithiophene bridge. This work elucidates the designing principles of promising nanoelectronic devices based on conductive graphene-molecule-graphene junctions.


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We investigate transport properties of molecular junctions under two types of bias--a short time pulse or an ac bias--by combining a solution for Green's functions in the time domain with electronic structure information coming from ab initio density functional calculations. We find that the short time response depends on lead structure, bias voltage, and barrier heights both at the molecule-lead contacts and within molecules. Under a low frequency ac bias, the electron flow either tracks or leads the bias signal (resistive or capacitive response) depending on whether the junction is perfectly conducting or not. For high frequency, the current lags the bias signal due to the kinetic inductance. The transition frequency is an intrinsic property of the junctions.


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Blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown, demonstrable in vivo by enhanced MRI is characteristic of new and expanding inflammatory lesions in relapsing remitting and chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). Subtle leakage may also occur in primary progressive MS. However, the anatomical route(s) of BBB leakage have not been demonstrated. We investigated the possible involvement of interendothelial tight junctions (TJ) by examining the expression of TJ proteins (occludin and ZO-1 ) in blood vessels in active MS lesions from 8 cases of MS and in normal-appearing white (NAWM) matter from 6 cases. Blood vessels (10-50 per frozen section) were scanned using confocal laser scanning microscopy to acquire datasets for analysis. TJ abnormalities manifested as beading, interruption, absence or diffuse cytoplasmic localization of fluorescence, or separation of junctions (putative opening) were frequent (affecting 40% of vessels) in oil red-O-positive active plaques but less frequent in NAWM (15%), and in normal (


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An early and critical event in beta2 integrin signalling during neutrophil adhesion is activation of Src tyrosine kinases and Syk. In the present study, we report Src kinase-dependent beta2 integrin-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbl occurring in parallel with increased Cbl-associated tyrosine kinase activity. These events concurred with activation of Fgr and, surprisingly, also with dissociation of this Src tyrosine kinase from Cbl. Moreover, the presence of the Src kinase inhibitor PP1 in an in vitro assay had only a limited effect on the Cbl-associated kinase activity. These results suggest that an additional active Src-dependent tyrosine kinase associates with Cbl. The following observations imply that Syk is such a kinase: (i) beta2 integrins activated Syk in a Src-dependent manner, (ii) Syk was associated with Cbl much longer than Fgr was, and (iii) the Syk inhibitor piceatannol (3,4,3´,5´-tetrahydroxy-trans-stilbene) abolished the Cbl-associated kinase activity in an in vitro assay. Effects of the mentioned interactions between these two kinases and Cbl may be related to the finding that Cbl is a ubiquitin E3 ligase. Indeed, we detected beta2 integrin-induced ubiquitination of Fgr that, similar to the phosphorylation of Cbl, was abolished in cells pretreated with PP1. However, the ubiquitination of Fgr did not cause any apparent degradation of the protein. In contrast with Fgr, Syk was not modified by the E3 ligase. Thus Cbl appears to be essential in beta2 integrin signalling, first by serving as a matrix for a subsequent agonist-induced signalling interaction between Fgr and Syk, and then by mediating ubiquitination of Fgr which possibly affects its interaction with Cbl.


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It is accepted that ventilator-associated pneumonia is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in intensive care patients. This study describes the physicochemical properties of novel surfactant coatings of the endotracheal tube and the resistance to microbial adherence of surfactant coated endotracheal tube polyvinylchloride (PVC). Organic solutions of surfactants containing a range of ratios of cholesterol and lecithin (0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, dissolved in dichloromethane) were prepared and coated onto endotracheal tube PVC using a multiple dip-coating process. Using modulated temperature differential scanning calorimetry it was confirmed that the binary surfactant systems existed as physical mixtures. The surface properties of both surfactant-coated and uncoated PVC, following treatment with either pooled human saliva or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), were characterised using dynamic contact angle analysis. Following treatment with saliva, the contact angles of PVC decreased; however, those of the coated biomaterials were unaffected, indicating different rates and extents of macromolecular adsorption from saliva onto the coated and uncoated PVC. The advancing and receding contact angles of the surfactant-coated PVC were unaffected by sonication, thereby providing evidence of the durability of the coatings. The cell surface hydrophobicity and zeta potentials of isolates of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, following treatment with either saliva or PBS, and their adherence to uncoated and surfactant-coated PVC (that had been pre-treated with saliva) were examined. Adherence of S. aureus and Ps. aeruginosa to surfactant-coated PVC at each successive time period (0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 h) was significantly lower than to uncoated PVC, the extent of the reduction frequently exceeding 90%. Interestingly, the microbial anti-adherent properties of the coatings were dependent on the lecithin content. Based on the impressive microbial anti-adherence properties and durability of the surfactant coating on PVC following dip coatings, it is proposed that these systems may usefully reduce the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia when employed as luminal coatings of the endotracheal tube.


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Oxaliplatin, an effective cytotoxic treatment in combination with 5-fluorouracil for colorectal cancer, is associated with sensory, motor and autonomic neurotoxicity. Motor symptoms include hyperexcitability while autonomic effects include urinary retention, but the cause of these side-effects is unknown. We examined the effects on motor nerve function in the mouse hemidiaphragm and on the autonomic system in the vas deferens. In the mouse diaphragm, oxaliplatin (0.5 mM) induced multiple endplate potentials (EPPs) following a single stimulus, and was associated with an increase in spontaneous miniature EPP frequency. In the vas deferens, spontaneous excitatory junction potential frequency was increased after 30 min exposure to oxaliplatin; no changes in resting Ca(2+) concentration in nerve terminal varicosities were observed, and recovery after stimuli trains was unaffected.In both tissues, an oxaliplatin-induced increase in spontaneous activity was prevented by the voltage-gated Na(+) channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX). Carbamazepine (0.3 mM) also prevented multiple EPPs and the increase in spontaneous activity in both tissues. In diaphragm, beta-pompilidotoxin (100 microM), which slows Na(+) channel inactivation, induced multiple EPPs similar to oxaliplatin's effect. By contrast, blockers of K(+) channels (4-aminopyridine and apamin) did not replicate oxaliplatin-induced hyperexcitability in the diaphragm. The prevention of hyperexcitability by TTX blockade implies that oxaliplatin acts on nerve conduction rather than by effecting repolarisation. The similarity between beta-pompilidotoxin and oxaliplatin suggests that alteration of voltage-gated Na(+) channel kinetics is likely to underlie the acute neurotoxic actions of oxaliplatin.


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During bone development and repair, angiogenesis, osteogenesis and bone remodelling are closely associated processes that share some common mediators. In the present study non-adherent human bone marrow mononuclear cells under the induction of sRANKL and M-CSF, differentiated into osteoclasts with TRAP positive staining, VNR expression, and Ca-P resorptive activity. The effects of various combinations of rhBMP-2 (0, 3, 30, 300 ng/ml) and rhVEGF (0, 25 ng/ml) on osteoclastogenesis potentials were examined in this experimental system. The percentages of TRAP-positive multiple nucleated cells represent osteoclast differentiation potential and the percentages of resorptive areas in the Ca-P coated plates resemble osteoclast resorption capability. The presence of rhBMP-2 at 30 and 300 ng/ml showed inhibitory effects on osteoclast differentiation and their resorptive capability in the human osteoclast culture system. rhVEGF (25 ng/ml) enhanced the resorptive function of osteoclast whenever it was used alone or combined with 3 ng/ml rhBMP-2. However, rhVEGF induced resorptive function was inhibited by 30 ng/ml and 300 ng/ml rhBMP-2 at a dose-dependent manner. Statistical analysis demonstrated that an interactive effect exists between rhBMP-2 and rhVEGF on human osteoclastogenesis. These findings suggested that an interactive regulation may exist between BMPs and VEGF signaling pathways during osteoclastogenesis, exact mechanisms are yet to be elucidated.


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To obtain enough quantity of osteogenic cells is a challenge for successful cell therapy in bone defect treatment, and cell numbers were usually achieved by culturing bone marrow cells in a relatively long duration. This study reported a simple and cost effective method to enhance the number of MSCs by collecting and replating the non-adherent cell population of marrow MSCs culture. Bone marrow MSCs were isolated from 11 patients, cultured at a density of 1×105/cm2 to 1×106/cm2 in flasks. For the first three times of media change, the floating cells were centrifuged and replated in separate flasks. The total number of cells in both the primary and replating flasks were counted at day 21. Cell proliferation rate, potentials for osteogenic, chondrognenic, and adipogenic differentiation were examined in both cell types in vitro. In-vivo osteogenic potentials of the cells were also tested in mice implantation model. The results showed that MSCs derived from non-adherent cell population of marrow cell cultures have similar cell proliferation and differentiation potentials as the originally attached MSCs in vitro. When implanted with HA-TCP materials subcutaneously in SCID mice, newly formed bony tissues were found in both cell type groups with osteocalcin expression. We have obtained 36.6% (20.70%-44.97%) more MSCs in the same culture period when the non-adherent cell populations were collected. The findings confirmed that the non-adherent cell population in the bone marrow culture is a complementary source of MSCs, collecting these cells is a simple and cost-effective way to increase MSCs numbers and reduce the time required for culturing MSCs for clinical applications.


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Application of non-drug-loaded poly(ethylcyanoacrylate) nanoparticles (NP) to buccal epithelial cells (BEC) imparted both anti-adherent and antifungal effects. NP prepared using emulsion polymerisation and stabilised using cationic, anionic and non-ionic surfactants decreased Candida albicans blastospore adhesion, an effect attributable to the peripheral coating of surfactant. Cetrimide and Pluronic (R) P 123 were shown to be most effective, producing mean percentage reductions in blastospore adherence of 52.7 and 37.0, respectively. Resultant zeta potential matched the polarity of the surfactant, with those stabilised using cetrimide being especially positive (+31.3 mV). Preparation using anionic surfactants was shown to be problematic, with low yield and wide particle size distribution. Evaluation of the antifungal effect of the peripheral coat was evaluated using zones of inhibition and viable counts assays. The former test revealed poor surfactant diffusion through agar, but did show evidence of limited kill. However, the latter method showed that cationic surfactants associated with NP produced high levels of kill, in contrast to those coated with anionic surfactants, where kill was not evident. Non-ionic surfactant-coated NP produced intermediate kill rates. Results demonstrate that surfactant-coated NP, particularly the cationic types, form the possible basis of a prophylactic formulation that primes the candidal target (BEC) against fungal adhesion and infection. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The loading of the photosensitisers meso-Tetra (N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphine tetra tosylate (TMP), methylene blue (MB) and IMP with sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) into and release from hydrogels composed of the polyelectrolyte poly(methyl vinyl ether-co-maleic acid) crosslinked in a 2:1 ratio with PEG 10,000 were investigated as a potential rapid photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) treatment for infected wounds using iontophoresis as a novel delivery method. Photosensitiser uptake was very high; (% TMP uptake; 95.53-96.72%) (% MB uptake; 90.58-93.26%) and was PMVE/MA concentration independent, whilst SDS severely limited TMP uptake (5.93-8.75%). Hydrogel hardness, compressibility and adhesiveness on the dermal surface of neonate porcine skin increased with PMVE/MA concentration and were significantly increased with SDS.

The ionic conductivities of the hydrogels increased with PMVE/MA concentration. Drug release was PMVE/MA concentration independent, except for drug release under iontophoteric conditions for MB and TMP (without SDS). In just 15 min, the mean% drug concentrations released of TMP, TMP (with SDS) and MB using an electric current ranged from 22.30 to 64.72 mu gml(-1), 6.37-4.59 mu gml(-1) and 11.73-36.57 mu gml(-1) respectively. These concentrations were in excess of those required to induce complete kill of clinical strains of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Burkholderia cepacia. Thus these results support our contention that the iontophoteric delivery of IMP and MB using anti-adherent, electrically-responsive, PEG-crosslinked PMVE/MA hydrogels are a potential option in the rapid PACT treatment of infected wounds. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.