911 resultados para Active participation of students
Dissertação de mestrado em Genética Molecular
Host cell factor-1 (HCF-1), a transcriptional co-regulator of human cell-cycle progression, undergoes proteolytic maturation in which any of six repeated sequences is cleaved by the nutrient-responsive glycosyltransferase, O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) transferase (OGT). We report that the tetratricopeptide-repeat domain of O-GlcNAc transferase binds the carboxyl-terminal portion of an HCF-1 proteolytic repeat such that the cleavage region lies in the glycosyltransferase active site above uridine diphosphate-GlcNAc. The conformation is similar to that of a glycosylation-competent peptide substrate. Cleavage occurs between cysteine and glutamate residues and results in a pyroglutamate product. Conversion of the cleavage site glutamate into serine converts an HCF-1 proteolytic repeat into a glycosylation substrate. Thus, protein glycosylation and HCF-1 cleavage occur in the same active site.
BACKGROUND: High volumes of alcohol consumption and risky single occasion drinking (RSOD) among university students have been shown to be associated with considerable harm to both those who consume alcohol and their fellow students. The vast majority of these studies are based on US and Canadian samples. AIM: The present article provides an overview of the characteristics of alcohol-consuming university students in Europe. METHOD: 65 relevant articles published within the last 20years using European student populations could be identified. RESULTS: Sociodemographic, individual, social, and university-related characteristics associated with alcohol consumption patterns could be identified. Male students, in particular, tended to consume alcohol more often and in higher quantities, including RSOD. Students consumed alcohol chiefly during social gatherings and for social and enhancement motives. Those without family obligations and those living alone, with roommates or in areas with a high density of students were more likely to consume alcohol in higher quantities, and to engage in RSOD. Students tend to overestimate the extent of their fellow students' alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: Health promotion and prevention efforts which focus on these characteristics (i.e., gender, drinking motives, living conditions and social norms), and which have been successful and evaluated among university students in the US and Canada, may also be very promising for their European counterparts.
This paper argues that women’s absence in peace processes cannot be explained by their alleged lack of experience in dialogue and negotiation, but by a serious lack of will to include them in such important initiatives of change. Women have wide ranging experience in dialogue processes including many war and post-war contexts, but there has been a deliberate lack of effort to integrate them in formal peace processes. After introducing the research framework, the paper addresses women’s involvement in peace, and analyzes the role played by women in peace processes, through the cases of Sri Lanka and Northern Ireland. The paper concludes that peace processes are as gendered as wars, and for that reason gender has to be a guiding line for including women in peace processes.
Els canvi recents en els plans d’estudis de la UPC i la UOC tenen en compte el nou espai europeu d’educació superior (EEES). Una de les conseqüències directes a aquests canvis es la necessitat d'aprofitar i optimitzar el temps dedicat a les activitats d'aprenentatge que requereixen la participació activa de l’estudiant i que es realitzen de manera continuada durant el semestre. A més, I'EEES destaca la importància de les pràctiques, les relacions interpersonals i la capacitat per treballar en equip, suggerint la reducció de classes magistrals i l’augment d’activitats que fomentin tant el treball personal de l’estudiant com el cooperatiu. En l’àmbit de la docència informàtica d’assignatures de bases de dades el problema és especialment complex degut a que els enunciats de les proves no acostumen a tenir una solució única. Nosaltres hem desenvolupat una eina anomenada LEARN-SQL, l’objectiu de la qual és corregir automàticament qualsevol tipus de sentència SQL (consultes, actualitzacions, procediments emmagatzemats, disparadors, etc.) i discernir si la resposta aportada per l’estudiant és o no és correcta amb independència de la solució concreta que aquest proposi. D’aquesta manera potenciem l’autoaprenentatge i l’autoavaluació, fent possible la semi-presencialitat supervisada i facilitant l’aprenentatge individualitzat segons les necessitats de cada estudiant. Addicionalment, aquesta eina ajuda als professors a dissenyar les proves d’avaluació, permetent també la opció de revisar qualitativament les solucions aportades pels estudiants. Per últim, el sistema proporciona ajuda als estudiants per a que aprenguin dels seus propis errors, proporcionant retroalimentació de qualitat.
Aquest projecte de MQD ha permès realitzar una sèrie d’experiències diverses i valuoses que han apuntat formes alternatives en la docència de la Biologia Cel·lular i l’aprenentatge de l'estudiant de la llicenciatura o del grau de medicina. En base a la valoració qualitativa del grau de satisfacció dels usuaris i en un estudi antitatiu de la seva opinió, considerem que ha estat experiències molt vàlides que afavoreixen que l’alumne participi de forma més activa en la seva formació. La principal dificultat observada ha estat o millor dit serà, l’aplicació de les experiències desenvolupades, de forma obligatòria i generalitzada, a tots els alumnes, sobretot als de 1er curs, donat que es tracta d’un grup molt nombrós (més de 300 alumnes). De totes maneres l’experiència adquirida ha estat molt favorable. Les activitats desenvolupades es continuen aplicant i es continuaran aplicant en el nou pla de medicina. Una aplicació perllongada en cursos successius afavorirà poder extreure’n conclusions de tipus més quantitatiu a més de les apreciacions qualitatives.
There are several experimental models describing in vivo eosinophil (EO) migration, including ip injection of a large volume of saline (SAL) or Sephadex beads (SEP). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms involved in the EO migration in these two models. Two consecutive injections of SAL given 48 hr apart, induced a selective recruitment of EO into peritoneal cavity of rats, which peaked 48 hr after the last injection. SEP, when injected ip, promoted EO accumulation in rats. The phenomenom was dose-related and peaked 48 hr after SEP injection. To investigate the mediators involved in this process we showed that BW A4C, MK 886 and dexamethasone (DXA) inhibited the EO migration induced by SAL and SEP. To investigate the source of the EO chemotactic factor we showed that mast cells, macrophages (MO), but not lymphocytes, incubated in vitro in presence of SAL released a factor which induced EO migration. With SEP, only mast cells release a factor that induced EO migration, which was inhibited by BW A4C, MK 886 and DXA. Furthermore, the chemotactic activity of SAL-stimulated mast cells was inhibited by antisera against IL-5 and IL-8 (interleukin). SAL-stimulated MO were only inhibited by anti-IL-8 antibodies as well SEP-stimulated mast cells. These results suggest that the EO migration induced by SAL may be dependent on resident mast cells and MO and mediated by LTB4, IL-5 and IL-8. SEP-induced EO migration was dependent on mast cells and may be mediated by LTB4 and IL-8. Furthermore, IL-5 and IL-8 induced EO migration, which was also dependent on resident cells and mediated by LTB4 . In conclusion, EO migration induced by SAL is dependent on mast cells and MO, whereas that induced by SEP is dependent on mast cells alone. Stimulated mast cells release LTB4, IL-5 and IL-8 while MO release LTB4 and IL-8. The IL-5 and IL-8 release by the SAL or SEP-stimulated resident cells may act in an autocrine fashion, thus potentiating LTB4 release.
This article tries to demonstrate by new pathological findings (with the use of immunohistochemical technique and confocal laser microscopy) that chronic chagasic cardiomyopathy is a result of multiple factors involving myocarditis, immunodepression, severe fibrosis and microvessels dilatation and that all of these alterations are probably directly related with the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi parasites in the host associated with inadequate immunological response of the host.