955 resultados para Activation energy E


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We present a study about the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films prepared by rf glow discharge decomposition of pure silane gas in a capacitively coupled plasma reactor. Two different behaviors are observed depending on deposition pressure conditions. At high pressure (30 Pa) the influence of substrate temperature on deposition rate is mainly through a modification of gas density, in such a way that the substrate temperature of deposition rate is similar to pressure dependence at constant temperature. On the contrary, at low pressure (3 Pa), a gas density effect cannot account for the observed increase of deposition rate as substrate temperature rises above 450 K with an activation energy of 1.1 kcal/mole. In accordance with laser‐induced fluorescence measurements reported in the literature, this rise has been ascribed to an increase of secondary electron emission from the growing film surface as a result of molecular hydrogen desorption.


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In this paper we present results on phosphorous-doped μc-Si:H by catalytic chemical vapour deposition in a reactor with an internal arrangement that does not include a shutter. An incubation phase of around 20 nm seems to be the result of the uncontrolled conditions that take place during the first stages of deposition. The optimal deposition conditions found lead to a material with a dark conductivity of 12.8 S/cm, an activation energy of 0.026 eV and a crystalline fraction of 0.86. These values make the layers suitable to be implemented in solar cells.


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Lutetium zoning in garnet within eclogites from the Zermatt-Saas Fee zone, Western Alps, reveal sharp, exponentially decreasing central peaks. They can be used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion in garnets. A prograde garnet growth temperature interval of 450-600 A degrees C has been estimated based on pseudosection calculations and garnet-clinopyroxene thermometry. The maximum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of D-0= 5.7*10(-6) m(2)/s, taking an estimated activation energy of 270 kJ/mol based on diffusion experiments for other rare earth elements in garnet. This corresponds to a maximum diffusion rate of D (600 A degrees C) = 4.0*10(-22) m(2)/s. The diffusion estimate of Lu can be used to estimate the minimum closure temperature, T-c, for Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age data that have been obtained in eclogites of the Western Alps, postulating, based on a literature review, that D (Hf) < D (Nd) < D (Sm) a parts per thousand currency sign D (Lu). T-c calculations, using the Dodson equation, yielded minimum closure temperatures of about 630 A degrees C, assuming a rapid initial exhumation rate of 50A degrees/m.y., and an average crystal size of garnets (r = 1 mm). This suggests that Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf isochron age differences in eclogites from the Western Alps, where peak temperatures did rarely exceed 600 A degrees C must be interpreted in terms of prograde metamorphism.


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THESIS ABSTRACT Garnets are one of the key metamorphic minerals used to study peak metamorphic conditions or crystallization ages. Equilibrium is typically assumed between the garnet and the matrix. This thesis attempts to understand garnet growth in the Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZSF) eclogites, and discusses consequences for Sm/Nd and Lu/Hf dating and the equilibrium assumption. All studied garnets from the ZSF eclogites are strongly zoned in Mn, Fe, Mg, and Ca. Methods based on chemical zoning patterns and on 3D spatial statistics indicate different growth mechanisms depending on the sample studied. Garnets from the Pfulwe area are grown in a system where surface kinetics likely dominated over intergranular diffusion kinetics. Garnets fram two other localities, Nuarsax and Lago di Cignana, seem to have grown in a system where intergranular diffusion kinetics were dominating over surface kinetics, at least during initial growth. Garnets reveal strong prograde REE+Y zoning. They contain narrow central peaks for Lu + Yb + Tm ± Er and at least one additional small peak towards the rim. The REE Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy are depleted in the cores but show one prominent peak close to the rim. It is shown that these patterns cam be explained using a transient matrix diffusion model where REE uptake is limited by diffusion in the matrix surrounding the porphyroblast. The secondary peaks in the garnet profiles are interpreted to reflect thermally activated diffusion due to a temperature increase during prograde metamorphism. The model predicts anomalously low 176Lu/177Hf and 147Sm/144Nd ratios in garnets where growth rates are fast compared to diffusion of the REE, which decreases garnet isochron precisions. The sharp Lu zoning was further used to constrain maximum Lu volume diffusion rates in garnet. The modeled minimum pre-exponential diffusion coefficient which fits the measured central peak is in the order of Do = 5.7* 106 m2/s, taking an activation energy of 270 kJ/mol. The latter was chosen in agreement with experimentally determined values. This can be used to estimate a minimum closure temperature of around 630°C for the ZSF zone. Zoning of REE was combined with published Lu/Hf and Sm/Nd age information to redefine the prograde crystallization interval for Lago di Cignana UHP eclogites. Modeling revealed that a prograde growth interval in the order of 25 m.y. is needed to produce the measured spread in ages. RÉSUMÉ Le grenat est un minéral métamorphique clé pour déterminer les conditions du pic de métamorphisme ainsi que l'âge de cristallisation. L'équilibre entre le grenat et la matrice est requis. Cette étude a pour but de comprendre la croissance du grenat dans les éclogites de la zone de Zermatt-Saas Fee (ZSF) et d'examiner quelques conséquences sur les datations Sm/Nd et Lu/Hf. Tous les grenats des éclogites de ZSF étudiés sont fortement zonés en Mn, Fe, Mg et partiellement en Ca. Les différentes méthodes basées sur le modèle de zonation chimique ainsi que sur les statistiques de répartition spatiale en 3D indiquent un mécanisme de croissance différent en fonction de la localité d'échantillonnage. Les grenats provenant de la zone de Pfulwe ont probablement crû dans un système principalement dominé par la cinétique de surface au détriment de 1a cinétique de diffusion intergranulaire. Les grenats provenant de deux autres localités, Nuarsax et Lago di Cignana, semblent avoir cristallisé dans un système dominé par la diffusion intergranulaire, au moins durant les premiers stades de croissance. Les grenats montrent une forte zonation prograde en Terres Rares (REE) ainsi qu'en Y. Les profils présentent au coeur un pic étroit en Lu + Yb+ Tm ± Er et au moins un petit pic supplémentaire vers le bord. Les coeurs des grenats sont appauvris en Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy, mais les bords sont marqués par un pic important de ces REE. Ces profils s'expliquent par un modèle de diffusion matricielle dans lequel l'apport en REE est limité par la diffusion dans la matrice environnant les porphyroblastes. Les pics secondaires en bordure de grain reflètent la diffusion activée par l'augmentation de la température lors du métamorphisme prograde. Ce modèle prédit des rapports 176Lu/177Hf et 147Sm/144Nd anormalement bas lorsque les taux de croissance sont plus rapides que la diffusion des REE, ce qui diminue la précision des isochrones impliquant le grenat. La zonation nette en Lu a permis de contraindre le maximum de diffusion volumique par une approche numérique. Le coefficient de diffusion minimum modélisé en adéquation avec les pics mesurés est de l'ordre de Do = 5.7*10-6 m2/s, en prenant une énergie d'activation ~270 kJ/mol déterminée expérimentalement. Ainsi, la température de clôture minimale est estimée aux alentours de 630°C pour la zone ZSF. Des nouvelles données de zonation de REE sont combinées aux âges obtenus avec les rapports Lu/Hf et Sm/Nd qui redéfissent l'intervalle de cristallisation prograde pour les éclogites UHP de Lago di Cignana. La modélisation permet d'attribuer au minimum un intervalle de croissance prograde de 25 Ma afin d'obtenir les âges préalablement mesurés. RESUME GRAND PUBLIC L'un des principaux buts du pétrologue .métamorphique est d'extraire des roches les informations sur l'évolution temporelle, thermique et barométrique qu'elles ont subi au cours de la formation d'une chaîne de montagne. Le grenat est l'un des minéraux clés dans une grande variété de roches métamorphiques. Il a fait l'objet de nombreuses études dans des terrains d'origines variées ou lors d'études expérimentales afin de comprendre ses domaines de stabilité, ses réactions et sa coexistence avec d'autres minéraux. Cela fait du grenat l'un des minéraux les plus attractifs pour la datation des roches. Cependant, lorsqu'on l'utilise pour la datation et/ou pour la géothermobarométrie, on suppose toujours que le grenat croît en équilibre avec les phases coexistantes de la matrice. Pourtant, la croissance d'un minéral est en général liée au processus de déséquilibre. Cette étude a pour but de comprendre comment croît le grenat dans les éclogites de Zermatt - Saas Fee et donc d'évaluer le degré de déséquilibre. Il s'agit aussi d'expliquer les différences d'âges obtenues grâce aux grenats dans les différentes localités de l'unité de Zermatt-Saas Fee. La principale question posée lors de l'étude des mécanismes de croissance du grenat est: Parmi les processus en jeu lors de la croissance du grenat (dissolution des anciens minéraux, transport des éléments vers le nouveau grenat, précipitation d'une nouvelle couche en surface du minéral), lequel est le plus lent et ainsi détermine le degré de déséquilibre? En effet, les grenats d'une des localités (Pfulwe) indiquent que le phénomène d'adhérence en surface est le plus lent, contrairement aux grenats des autres localités (Lago di Cignana, Nuarsax) dans lesquels ce sont les processus de transport qui sont les plus lents. Cela montre que les processus dominants sont variables, même dans des roches similaires de la même unité tectonique. Ceci implique que les processus doivent être déterminés individuellement pour chaque roche afin d'évaluer le degré de déséquilibre du grenat dans la roche. Tous les grenats analysés présentent au coeur une forte concentration de Terres Rares: Lu + Yb + Tm ± Er qui décroît vers le bord du grain. Inversement, les Terres Rares Sm + Eu + Gd + Tb ± Dy sont appauvries au coeur et se concentrent en bordure du grain. La modélisation révèle que ces profils sont-dus à des cinétiques lentes de transport des Terres Rares. De plus, les modèles prédisent des concentrations basses en éléments radiogéniques pères dans certaines roches, ce qui influence fortement sur la précision des âges obtenus par la méthode d'isochrone. Ceci signifie que les roches les plus adaptées pour les datations ne doivent contenir ni beaucoup de grenat ni de très gros cristaux, car dans ce cas, la compétition des éléments entre les cristaux limite à de faibles concentrations la quantité d'éléments pères dans chaque cristal.


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The present work is a part of the large project with purpose to qualify the Flash memory for automotive application using a standardized test and measurement flow. High memory reliability and data retention are the most critical parameters in this application. The current work covers the functional tests and data retention test. The purpose of the data retention test is to obtain the data retention parameters of the designed memory, i.e. the maximum time of information storage at specified conditions without critical charge leakage. For this purpose the charge leakage from the cells, which results in decrease of cells threshold voltage, was measured after a long-time hightemperature treatment at several temperatures. The amount of lost charge for each temperature was used to calculate the Arrhenius constant and activation energy for the discharge process. With this data, the discharge of the cells at different temperatures during long time can be predicted and the probability of data loss after years can be calculated. The memory chips, investigated in this work, were 0.035 μm CMOS Flash memory testchips, designed for further use in the Systems-on-Chips for automotive electronics.


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In this paper is presented electrochemical evidences of the influence of the light on the electrochemical behavior of nickel electrode in diluted sulfuric acid. The current densities related with the electrooxidation of the metal decreases when the electrode is under illumination. The corrosion potential, Ecorr , shift to a more positive value in this condition. This effect was observed with polychromatic light and with different wavelength glass filters such as 700 nm and 520 nm. It was observed that increasing the temperature of the solution, the current densities related with cathodic and anodic processes, increases instead of decreases. The activation energy related with the electrooxidation of the electrode was higher under illumination than in the dark. It is suggested that this behavior may be related or with a photo-inhibition effect either with dessorption of adsorbed water involved in the electrooxidation mechanism.


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A study of the kinetics of oxygen evolution in alkaline conditions from ceramic films of Mn2O3 supported on stainless steel was carried out. This study has been done through the determination of transfer coefficients, Tafel slopes and exchange currents using potentiodynamic and quasi-potentiostatic measurements. The activation energy was determined as a function of the overpotential and, additionally, the electrode active surface was estimated. The results are consistent with data already published for other electrodes, implying that the methods used in this work were reliable and precise.


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The trans-dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride was synthesized in an undergraduate laboratory and its aquation reaction was carried out at different temperatures. This reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics and the rate constants, determined at 25, 35, 45, 55 and 70 º C, are 1.44 x 10-3; 5.14 x 10-3; 1.48 x 10-2; 4.21 x 10-2 and 2.21 x 10-1 s-1, respectively. The activation energy is 93.99 ± 2.88 kJ mol-1.


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In this work temperature dependences of resistivity in zero field have been obtained for epitaxially grown Ga1_xMnxAs thin films with 6 % and 8 % Mn content in 50 300 K temperature range. Decrease of resistivity has been observed. Negative magnetoresistance has been explained by empirical spin dependent hopping model. Hall effect has been studied and anomalous Hall effect, inherent to ferromagnetic materials, has been observed. Both normal and anomalous Hall coefficients have been calculated from experimental data, as well as hole densities. Activation energy of impurity level has been estimated.


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Activation energy (Ea) is a parameter that can be applied to make predictions about the quality of oils to be used in an ICO engine. In this study, Ea was determined by thermogravimetry following two different procedures: ASTM E 1641 and Model-free kinetics. The energies were calculated in the low temperature oxidation (LTO) region for three Brazilian fuel oils (denominated A, B and C) and the results were equal using both methods: 43 kJ mol-1 (alpha=0.1 to 0.9) for oil A, 48 kJ mol-1 (alpha=0.1 to 0.5) and 65 kJ mol-1 (alpha=0.5 to 0.9) for oil B, and 58 kJ mol-1 (alpha=0.1 to 0.5) and 65 kJ mol-1 (alpha=0.5 to 0.9) for oil C. It was concluded that, among the oils studied, sample A was potentially the best option concerning the behavior in the LTO region.


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The reduction kinetics of a CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst by hydrogen was investigated isothermally and by temperature programmed reduction (TPR). Two reducible Cu2+ species were detected; the first one was identified as CuO bulk and the other as Cu2+ strongly interacting with alumina, possibly in the form of copper aluminate. The activation energies for the reduction of these two species were 60 and 90 kJ mol-1, respectively, and the reaction order with respect to hydrogen was one. The isothermal reduction data showed that the isotropic growth model is the most appropriate to describe the reaction rate data for both Cu2+ species.


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Knowledge of coal combustion kinetics is crucial for burner design. This work aims to contribute on this issue by determining the kinetics of a particular Brazilian bituminous coal. Non-isothermal thermogravimetry was applied for determining both the pre-exponential factor and the activation energy. Coal samples of 10 mg and 775 mm mean size were used in synthetic air atmospheres (21 % O2). Heating rates from 10 to 50 ºC/min were applied until the temperature reached 850 ºC, which was kept constant until burnout. The activation energy for the primary and the secondary combustion resulted, respectively, in 135.1 kJ/mol and 85.1 kJ/mol.


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The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB)/ammonium nitrate (AN) based propellants, so called smokeless formulations, and raw materials were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TG). The thermoanalytical profile of different components and of propellant were evaluated and the Arrhenius parameters for the thermal decomposition of the propellant sample were determined by the Ozawa method. The kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition of propellant samples were determined by DSC measurements. The values obtained for activation energy (Ea) and pre-exponential factor were 163 kJ mol-1 and 1.94x10(6) min-1.


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The purpose of this work was to determine the safe shelf life of single-base propellants. The kinetic parameters relative to the consumption of the stabilizer diphenylamine (DPA) added to the propellant were determined as a function of the storage and ageing time. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with spectrophotometric detection was used to determine the DPA percentage before and after the artificial ageing at 60, 70 and 80 ºC. The experimental data were very well adjusted to a pseudo-first order kinetic model and the respective kinetic constants are 8.0-10-3 day-1 (60 ºC); 1.9-10-2 day-1 (70 ºC); 1.2-10-1 day-1 (80 ºC). The activation energy was calculated as 130 kJ mol-1 and the half-time for depletion of the DPA at the hypothetical temperature of 40 ºC of storage was estimated as being 6 years.


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The pentaerythritol-tetranitrate (PETN) is a nitroether used in explosives and propellant formulations. Due to its suitable properties, PETN is used in booster manufacture. Knowing the thermal decomposition behavior of an energetic material is very important for storage and manipulation, and the purpose of this work is to study the kinetic parameters of the decomposition of PETN, compare the results with literature data and to study the decomposition activation energy differences between two crystalline forms of PETN (tetragonal and needle) by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) is used to study the two crystalline forms.