981 resultados para Actin-bundling Protein


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ARNO is a member of a family of guanine-nucleotide exchange factors with specificity for the ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPases. ARNO possesses a central catalytic domain with homology to yeast Sec7p and an adjacent C-terminal pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. We have previously shown that ARNO localizes to the plasma membrane in vivo and efficiently catalyzes ARF6 nucleotide exchange in vitro. In addition to a role in endocytosis, ARF6 has also been shown to regulate assembly of the actin cytoskeleton. To determine whether ARNO is an upstream regulator of ARF6 in vivo, we examined the distribution of actin in HeLa cells overexpressing ARNO. We found that, while expression of ARNO leads to disassembly of actin stress fibers, it does not result in obvious changes in cell morphology. However, treatment of ARNO transfectants with the PKC agonist phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in the dramatic redistribution of ARNO, ARF6, and actin into membrane protrusions resembling lamellipodia. This process requires ARF activation, as actin rearrangement does not occur in cells expressing a catalytically inactive ARNO mutant. PKC phosphorylates ARNO at a site immediately C-terminal to its PH domain. However, mutation of this site had no effect on the ability of ARNO to regulate actin rearrangement, suggesting that phosphorylation of ARNO by PKC does not positively regulate its activity. Finally, we demonstrate that an ARNO mutant lacking the C-terminal PH domain no longer mediates cytoskeletal reorganization, indicating a role for this domain in appropriate membrane localization. Taken together, these data suggest that ARNO represents an important link between cell surface receptors, ARF6, and the actin cytoskeleton.


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The proper localization of resident membrane proteins to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) involves mechanisms for both TGN retention and retrieval from post-TGN compartments. In this study we report identification of a new gene, GRD20, involved in protein sorting in the TGN/endosomal system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A strain carrying a transposon insertion allele of GRD20 exhibited rapid vacuolar degradation of the resident TGN endoprotease Kex2p and aberrantly secreted ∼50% of the soluble vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y. The Kex2p mislocalization and carboxypeptidase Y missorting phenotypes were exhibited rapidly after loss of Grd20p function in grd20 temperature-sensitive mutant strains, indicating that Grd20p plays a direct role in these processes. Surprisingly, little if any vacuolar degradation was observed for the TGN membrane proteins A-ALP and Vps10p, underscoring a difference in trafficking patterns for these proteins compared with that of Kex2p. A grd20 null mutant strain exhibited extremely slow growth and a defect in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton, and these two phenotypes were invariably linked in a collection of randomly mutagenized grd20 alleles. GRD20 encodes a hydrophilic protein that partially associates with the TGN. The discovery of GRD20 suggests a link between the cytoskeleton and function of the yeast TGN.


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Growth factors such as insulin regulate phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent actin cytoskeleton rearrangement in many types of cells. However, the mechanism by which the insulin signal is transmitted to the actin cytoskeleton remains largely unknown. Yeast two-hybrid screening revealed that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase downstream effector phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) interacted with protein kinase N (PKN), a Rho-binding Ser/Thr protein kinase potentially implicated in a variety of cellular events, including phosphorylation of cytoskeletal components. PDK1 and PKN interacted in vitro and in intact cells, and this interaction was mediated by the kinase domain of PDK1 and the carboxyl terminus of PKN. In addition to a direct interaction, PDK1 also phosphorylated Thr774 in the activation loop and activated PKN. Insulin treatment or ectopic expression of the wild-type PDK1 or PKN, but not protein kinase Cζ, induced actin cytoskeleton reorganization and membrane ruffling in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and Rat1 cells that stably express the insulin receptor (Rat1-IR). However, the insulin-stimulated actin cytoskeleton reorganization in Rat1-IR cells was prevented by expression of kinase-defective PDK1 or PDK1-phosphorylation site-mutated PKN. Thus, phosphorylation by PDK1 appears to be necessary for PKN to transduce signals from the insulin receptor to the actin cytoskeleton.


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The small GTP-binding protein Cdc42 is thought to induce filopodium formation by regulating actin polymerization at the cell cortex. Although several Cdc42-binding proteins have been identified and some of them have been implicated in filopodium formation, the precise role of Cdc42 in modulating actin polymerization has not been defined. To understand the biochemical pathways that link Cdc42 to the actin cytoskeleton, we have reconstituted Cdc42-induced actin polymerization in Xenopus egg extracts. Using this cell-free system, we have developed a rapid and specific assay that has allowed us to fractionate the extract and isolate factors involved in this activity. We report here that at least two biochemically distinct components are required, based on their chromatographic behavior and affinity for Cdc42. One component is purified to homogeneity and is identified as the Arp2/3 complex, a protein complex that has been shown to nucleate actin polymerization. However, the purified complex alone is not sufficient to mediate the activity; a second component that binds Cdc42 directly and mediates the interaction between Cdc42 and the complex also is required. These results establish an important link between a signaling molecule, Cdc42, and a complex that can directly modulate actin networks in vitro. We propose that activation of the Arp2/3 complex by Cdc42 and other signaling molecules plays a central role in stimulating actin polymerization at the cell surface.


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Paxillin acts as an adaptor protein in integrin signaling. We have shown that paxillin exists in a relatively large cytoplasmic pool, including perinuclear areas, in addition to focal complexes formed at the cell periphery and focal adhesions formed underneath the cell. Several ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs; ARFGAPs) have been shown to associate with paxillin. We report here that Git2-short/KIAA0148 exhibits properties of a paxillin-associated ARFGAP and appears to be colocalized with paxillin, primarily at perinuclear areas. A fraction of Git2-short was also localized to actin-rich structures at the cell periphery. Unlike paxillin, however, Git2-short did not accumulate at focal adhesions underneath the cell. Git2-short is a short isoform of Git2, which is highly homologous to p95PKL, another paxillin-binding protein, and showed a weaker binding affinity toward paxillin than that of Git2. The ARFGAP activities of Git2 and Git2-short have been previously demonstrated in vitro, and we provided evidence that at least one ARF isoform, ARF1, is an intracellular substrate for the GAP activity of Git2-short. We also showed that Git2-short could antagonize several known ARF1-mediated phenotypes: overexpression of Git2-short, but not its GAP-inactive mutant, caused the redistribution of Golgi protein β-COP and reduced the amounts of paxillin-containing focal adhesions and actin stress fibers. Perinuclear localization of paxillin, which was sensitive to ARF inactivation, was also affected by Git2-short overexpression. On the other hand, paxillin localization to focal complexes at the cell periphery was unaffected or even augmented by Git2-short overexpression. Therefore, an ARFGAP protein weakly interacting with paxillin, Git2-short, exhibits pleiotropic functions involving the regulation of Golgi organization, actin cytoskeletal organization, and subcellular localization of paxillin, all of which need to be coordinately regulated during integrin-mediated cell adhesion and intracellular signaling.


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Testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1) is a serine/threonine kinase with a structure composed of a kinase domain related to those of LIM-kinases and a unique C-terminal proline-rich domain. Like LIM-kinases, TESK1 phosphorylated cofilin specifically at Ser-3, both in vitro and in vivo. When expressed in HeLa cells, TESK1 stimulated the formation of actin stress fibers and focal adhesions. In contrast to LIM-kinases, the kinase activity of TESK1 was not enhanced by Rho-associated kinase (ROCK) or p21-activated kinase, indicating that TESK1 is not their downstream effector. Both the kinase activity of TESK1 and the level of cofilin phosphorylation increased by plating cells on fibronectin. Y-27632, a specific inhibitor of ROCK, inhibited LIM-kinase-induced cofilin phosphorylation but did not affect fibronectin-induced or TESK1-induced cofilin phosphorylation in HeLa cells. Expression of a kinase-negative TESK1 suppressed cofilin phosphorylation and formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions induced in cells plated on fibronectin. These results suggest that TESK1 functions downstream of integrins and plays a key role in integrin-mediated actin reorganization, presumably through phosphorylating and inactivating cofilin. We propose that TESK1 and LIM-kinases commonly phosphorylate cofilin but are regulated in different ways and play distinct roles in actin reorganization in living cells.


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Salmonella spp. have evolved the ability to enter into cells that are normally nonphagocytic. The internalization process is the result of a remarkable interaction between the bacteria and the host cells. Immediately on contact, Salmonella delivers a number of bacterial effector proteins into the host cell cytosol through the function of a specialized organelle termed the type III secretion system. Initially, two of the delivered proteins, SopE and SopB, stimulate the small GTP-binding proteins Cdc42 and Rac. SopE is an exchange factor for these GTPases, and SopB is an inositol polyphosphate phosphatase. Stimulation of Cdc42 and Rac leads to marked actin cytoskeleton rearrangements, which are further enhanced by SipA, a Salmonella protein also delivered into the host cell by the type III secretion system. SipA lowers the critical concentration of G-actin, stabilizes F-actin at the site of bacterial entry, and increases the bundling activity of the host-cell protein T-plastin (fimbrin). The cellular responses stimulated by Salmonella are short-lived; therefore, immediately after bacterial entry, the cell regains its normal architecture. Remarkably, this process is mediated by SptP, another target of the type III secretion system. SptP exert its function by serving as a GTPase-activating protein for Cdc42 and Rac, turning these G proteins off after their stimulation by the bacterial effectors SopE and SopB. The balanced interaction of Salmonella with host cells constitutes a remarkable example of the sophisticated nature of a pathogen/host relationship shaped by evolution through a longstanding coexistence.


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The rho family of GTP-binding proteins regulates actin filament organization. In unpolarized mammalian cells, rho proteins regulate the assembly of actin-containing stress fibers at the cell-matrix interface. Polarized epithelial cells, in contrast, are tall and cylindrical with well developed intercellular tight junctions that permit them to behave as biologic barriers. We report that rho regulates filamentous actin organization preferentially in the apical pole of polarized intestinal epithelial cells and, in so doing, influences the organization and permeability of the associated apical tight junctions. Thus, barrier function, which is an essential characteristic of columnar epithelia, is regulated by rho.


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A selective polyclonal antibody directed toward the C-terminal decapeptide common to the alpha subunits of Gq and G11 G proteins (G alpha q/G alpha 11) was prepared and used to investigate the subcellular distribution fo these proteins in WRK1 cells, a rat mammary tumor cell line. In immunoblots, the antibody recognized purified G alpha q and G alpha 11 proteins and labeled only two bands corresponding to these alpha subunits. Functional studies indicated that this antibody inhibited vasopressin- and guanosine 5'-[alpha-thio]triphosphate-sensitive phospholipase C activities. Immunofluorescence experiments done with this antibody revealed a filamentous labeling corresponding to intracytoplasmic and perimembranous actin-like filament structures. Colocalization of G alpha q/G alpha 11 and F-actin filaments (F-actin) was demonstrated by double-labeling experiments with anti-G alpha q/G alpha 11 and anti-actin antibodies. Immunoblot analysis of membrane, cytoskeletal, and F-actin-rich fractions confirmed the close association of G alpha q/G alpha 11 with actin. Large amounts of G alpha q/G alpha 11 were recovered in the desmin- and tubulin-free F-actin-rich fraction obtained by a double depolymerization-repolymerization cycle. Disorganization of F-actin filaments with cytochalasin D preserved G alpha q/G alpha 11 and F-actin colocalization but partially inhibited vasopressin- and fluoroaluminate-sensitive phospholipase C activity, suggesting that actin-associated G alpha q/G alpha 11 proteins play a role in signal transduction.


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Shigella flexneri is a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen that can grow directly in the cytoplasm of infected host cells and uses a form of actin-based motility for intra- and intercellular spread. Moving intracellular bacteria are associated with a polarized "comet tail" composed of actin filaments. IcsA, a 120-kDa outer membrane protein necessary for actin-based motility, is located at a single pole on the surface of the organism, at the junction with the actin tail. Here, we demonstrate that stable expression of IcsA on the surface of Escherichia coli is sufficient to allow actin-dependent movement of E. coli in cytoplasmic extracts, at rates comparable to the movement of S. flexneri in infected cells. Thus, IcsA is the sole Shigella-specific factor required for actin-based motility. Continuous protein synthesis and polarized distribution of the protein are not necessary for actin tail formation or movement. Listeria monocytogenes is an unrelated bacterial pathogen that exhibits similar actin-based intracytoplasmic motility. Actin filament dynamics in the comet tails associated with the two different organisms are essentially identical, which indicates that they have independently evolved mechanisms to interact with the same components of the host cytoskeleton.


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The SH3 domains of src and other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases have been shown to associate with the motif PXXP, where P and X stand for proline and an unspecified amino acid, but a motif that binds to the SH3 domain of myosin has thus far not been characterized. We previously showed that the SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC interacts with the protein Acan125. We now report that the Acan125 protein sequence contains two tandem consensus PXXP motifs near the C terminus. To test for binding, we expressed a polypeptide, AD3p, which includes 344 residues of native C-terminal sequence and a mutant polypeptide, AD3 Delta 977-994p, which lacks the sequence RPKPVPPPRGAKPAPPPR containing both PXXP motifs. The SH3 domain of Acanthamoeba myosin-IC bound AD3p and not AD3 Delta 977-994p, showing that the PXXP motifs are required for SH3 binding. The sequence of Acan125 is related overall to a protein of unknown function coded by Caenorhabditis elegans gene K07G5.1. The K07G5.1 gene product contains a proline-rich segment similar to the SH3 binding motif found in Acan125. The aligned sequences show considerable conservation of leucines and other hydrophobic residues, including the spacing of these residues, which matches a motif for leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). LRR domains have been demonstrated to be sites for ligand binding. Having an LRR domain and an SH3-binding domain, Acan125 and the C. elegans homologue define a novel family of bifunctional binding proteins.


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The molecular mechanism by which polydnaviruses of endoparasitoid wasps disrupt cell-mediated encapsulation reactions of host insects is largely unknown. Here we show that a polydnavirus-encoded protein, produced from baculovirus and plasmid expression vectors, prevents cell surface exposure of lectin-binding sites and microparticle formation during immune stimulation of haemocytes. The inactivation of immune-related cellular processes by this protein was analysed using a specific lectin and annexin V and shown to be virtually identical to polydnavirus-mediated effects on haemocytes. Cytochalasin D application has similar effects on haemocytes, suggesting that the immune suppression by the polydnavirus protein is caused by the destabilization of actin filaments. Since the exposure of cell surface glycoproteins and the formation of microparticles are part of an immune response to foreign objects or microorganisms and a prerequisite for cell-mediated encapsulation of microorganisms and parasites, the virus-encoded protein may become an important tool for the inactivation of cellular immune reactions in insects and an essential component in understanding immune suppression in parasitized host insects.


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The cis-acting response element, A2RE, which is sufficient for cytoplasmic mRNA trafficking in oligodendrocytes, binds a small group of rat brain proteins. Predominant among these is heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2, a trans-acting factor for cytoplasmic trafficking of RNAs bearing A2RE-like sequences. We have now identified the other A2RE-binding proteins as hnRNP A1/A1(B), hnRNP B1, and four isoforms of hnRNP A3. The rat and human hnRNP A3 cDNAs have been sequenced, revealing the existence of alternatively spliced mRNAs. In Western blotting, 38-, 39-, 41 -, and 41.5-kDa components were all recognized by antibodies against a peptide in the glycine-rich region of hnRNP A3, but only the 41- and 41.5-kDa bands bound antibodies to a 15-residue N-terminal peptide encoded by an alternatively spliced part of exon 1. The identities of these four proteins were verified by Edman sequencing and mass spectral analysis of tryptic fragments generated from electrophoretically separated bands. Sequence-specific binding of bacterially expressed hnRNP A3 to A2RE has been demonstrated by biosensor and UV cross-linking electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Mutational analysis and confocal microscopy data support the hypothesis that the hnRNP A3 isoforms have a role in cytoplasmic trafficking of RNA.


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Cadherin cell adhesion molecules are major determinants of tissue patterning which function in cooperation with the actin cytoskeleton [1-4]. In the context of stable adhesion [1], cadherin/catenin complexes are often envisaged to passively scaffold onto cortical actin filaments. However, cadherins also form dynamic adhesive contacts during wound healing and morphogenesis [2]. Here actin polymerization has been proposed to drive cell surfaces together [5], although F-actin reorganization also occurs as cell contacts mature [6]. The interaction between cadherins and actin is therefore likely to depend on the functional state of adhesion. We sought to analyze the relationship between cadherin homophilic binding and cytoskeletal activity during early cadherin adhesive contacts. Dissecting the specific effect of cadherin ligation alone on actin regulation is difficult in native cell-cell contacts, due to the range of juxtacrine signals that can arise when two cell surfaces adhere [7]. We therefore activated homophilic ligation using a specific functional recombinant protein. We report the first evidence that E-cadherin associates with the Arp2/3 complex actin nucleator and demonstrate that cadherin binding can exert an active, instructive influence on cells to mark sites for actin assembly at the cell surface.


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Background: The eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3) has been shown to affect both tubulin and actin cytoskeleton, suggesting a role in cytoskeleton assembly, mitotic spindle formation and chromosome segregation. Also, direct interactions between eRF3 and subunits of the cytosolic chaperonin CCT have been described. Moreover, both eRF3a and CCT subunits have been described to be up-regulated in cancer tissues. Our aim was to evaluate the hypothesis that eRF3 expression levels are correlated with the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in the tubulin folding pathways. Methods: Relative expression levels of eRF1, eRF3a/GSPT1, PFDN4, CCT2, CCT4, and TBCA genes in tumour samples relative to their adjacent normal tissues were investigated using real time-polymerase chain reaction in 20 gastric cancer patients. Results: The expression levels of eRF3a/GSPT1 were not correlated with the expression levels of the other genes studied. However, significant correlations were detected between the other genes, both within intestinal and diffuse type tumours. Conclusions: eRF3a/GSPT1 expression at the mRNA level is independent from both cell translation rates and from the expression of the genes involved in tubulin-folding pathways. The differences in the patterns of expression of the genes studied support the hypothesis of genetically independent pathways in the origin of intestinal and diffuse type gastric tumours.