1000 resultados para Acidez iónica
A demonstractive experiment was proposed in order to verify students' habilities in recognizing the presence and nature of ions in solutions, before and after their passage through ion-exchange columns. The students have no previous contact with ion-exchange resins, so they must deduce how they work and explain the experimental facts. The performance of classes, at different stages of learning, is compared and discussed.
European Directive (98/83/CE), compulsory after 2008, states that bromate in drinking water must be controlled at levels below 10 mg L-1. Supporting implementation of the Directive, the European Comission has established project SMT4-CT96 2134, in collaboration with various european institutions, aiming at the identification of the interferents to the current analytical method (Ionic Chromatography with Conductimetric Detection - IC/CD), their removal and the automation of pre-treatment and injection steps, as well as the development of alternative methods. EPAL, responsible for the water supply to a great deal of Portuguese regions, has taken steps to meet these requirements. Although not part of such project, this work (the result of a project conducted under a protocol of collaboration between EPAL SA and FCUL - Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon), reports on studies of usefulness to laboratories planning to monitor bromate in ozone treated waters, in conditions different from those described in EPA 300.1. Simultaneous determination of bromide is justified by its role as bromate precursor.
The chemical composition of rainwater samples collected from March 2002 to February 2003 in downtown São Paulo city (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie) is presented. Potentiometric and conductimetric measurements were used to evaluate the [H+] and the total ionic content. Major anions and cations were determined by ion chromatography with conductivity detection. The rainwater was acidic with a mean pH of 4.99. The volume weighted means, VWM, of the anions nitrate, acetate and sulfate were, respectively, 21.2, 16.9 and 12.4 µmol L-1. Ammonium was the most abundant ion with a VWM of 37.6 µmol L-1. The contribution of each anion to the free acidity potential decreases in the following order: SO4(2-) (28.8%), CH3COO- (24.7%), NO3- (22.8%), Cl- (13.4%), HCOO- (7.7%) and C2O4(2-) (2.5%). The relative contribution of the weak organic acids to the free acidity was significant, 34.9%.
KBrO3 is registered by the FAO/OMS as a genotoxic and carcinogenic compound. In spite of this, KBrO3 is still employed by Brazilian bakeries. Nowadays ion exchange chromatography (IEC) is the most rapid and trustful method for BrO3- analysis. When at high concentrations, chloride ions can interfere in the BrO3- analysis, if the detection is performed by electrical conductivity. On the other hand, spectrophotometric detection, presented here is based on the absorption of BrO3- in the ultraviolet region (210 - 230 nm) where the absortion of chloride ions is very low, thus making possible the qualitative and quantitative analysis of BrO3- in flour improver samples.
Plant extracts are usually complex mixtures which contain several molecules of different sizes with varied functional groups. Such extracts are a challenge to the chemist of natural products. Ion exchange chromatography in non-aqueous medium, used for separation of basic or acidic fractions from plant extracts, is an important unit operation in preparative scale separations. Anionic macroporous resin in non-aqueous medium was used with success in this study for separation of the acid fraction of Copaifera multijuga (Copaiba oil), rich in labdanic diterpenes and for the methanolic extract of Croton cajucara (acetyl aleuritoric acid).
Considerable attention has been paid to chitosan and derivatives as efficient adsorbents of pollutants such as metal ions and dyes in aqueous medium. Nevertheless, no report can be found on the remedial actions of chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate to control acidity, iron (III) and manganese (II) contents in wastewaters from coal mining. In this work, chitosan microspheres crosslinked with tripolyphosphate were used for the neutralization of acidity and removal of Fe (III) and Mn (II) from coal mining wastewaters. The study involved static and dinamic methods. The neutralization capacity of the surface of the static system was 395 mmol of H3O+ per kilogram of microspheres, higher than that of the dynamic one (223 mmol kg-1). The removal of Fe(III) in wastewater was of 100% and that of Mn(II) was 90%.
The niobate with formula K4Nb6O17 has a layered structure formed by stacked negative sheets and exchangeable cations in the interlayer region. In this study we discuss some structural aspects related to the ion exchange in layered hexaniobate based on X-ray diffractometry and vibrational Raman spectroscopy data. Hexaniobate has two distinct interlayer regions and the potassium ions of one interlayer in particular are preferably exchanged by other cations, leading to an interstratified material.
En este trabajo se investiga la síntesis de estructuras SiC/Si mediante implantación iónica de carbono en Si. Las implantaciones se han realizado a energías entre 25 y 300 keV y las dosis en el rango lO^^ylO^^ cm , manteniendo el substrato a temperatura ambiente o 500°C. Algunas estructuras han sido recocidas a 1150°C. Los resultados indican que implantando a temperatura ambiente se forma una capa de SiC amorfa y de composición gradual, que recristaliza formando precipitados de ß-SiC con orientaciones aleatorias después del recocido. Además se forma un capa superficial rica en carbono, debida a la difusión del carbono hacia la superficie durante la implantación, y que desaparece con el recocido. Implantando a 500°C se forma directamente una capa con una muy alta densidad de precipitados de ß-SiC orientados preferencialmente con la matriz de silicio. Dada la estabilidad térmica y química de dicha capa se han realizado membranas de SiC mediante técnicas fotolitográficas y ataque químico selectivo, cuya rugosidad superficial es inferior a 6 nm. Estas membranas muestran unos gradientes de tensiones residuales, que prácticamente desaparecen después del recocido. Los resultados confirman la potencialidad de la implantación iónica para la formación de estructuras microme-cánicas de SiC sobre Si.
This work describes the establishment of the concept of pH and the evolution of its measurement. The origin of the pH definition can be found in the development of the chemistry of aqueous solutions during the XIXth century. The electrolytic dissociation theory by Svante Arrhenius played a central role. After the proposal of the pH scale by Sörensen, many years were necessary for the acceptance of this new parameter among chemists in general. Its importance was first recognized in biochemistry and related areas. Twenty years after, its importance had been recognized in many industrial and laboratorial practices. The previous methods were based on colorimetric and electrometric methods, but both suffered from many problems. Acceptance of pH in Chemistry was only possible after the development of experimental trustable measurements. The invention of the pH meter was the primordial step.
A novel type of heavy metal adsorbent was prepared by the covalent grafting of thioglycolic acid molecules on a silica gel surface previsiouly modified with 3-aminopropyltrimethoxysilane. The amount of thioglycolic acid immobilized was 1.03 mmol per gram of silica. This material displayed a chelating moiety containing nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen basic centers which are potentially capable of extracting from aqueous solutions cations such as Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), influenced by pH and ionic strength. This process of extraction was carried out by the batch method when similar chemisorption isotherms were observed for all cations. A modified Langmuir equation describes the experimental data.
Electron stimulated ion desorption (ESID) and degradation studies of polypyrrole doped with dodecylsulfate (PPy/DS) deposited on FTO were performed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) for ion analysis. The results suggest a strong contribution from fragments of the dodecylsulfate hydrocarbon chain to the mass spectra. In the 650-1500 eV energy range the ion yield curves show maxima at about 600, 1200 and 1400 eV, which can be related to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen-containing fragments, respectively, and interpreted in terms of the Auger Stimulated Ion Desorption (ASID) mechanism. Degradation studies indicate rapid loss of heavier hydrocarbons and an increase of bulk and substrate fragments. Some degradation profiles suggest formation of new species.
This study explores the similarities between solid and liquid acid catalysts highlighting the advantages and the main challenges of heterogeneous catalytic processes. We describe the main developments in technical procedures like selection of compounds and reaction models involved in: increasing acidity, characterization of solid acidity and in coke formation.
In this work a new experiment using HPLC is proposed in order to explore the role of acidity and the organic modifiers in the determination of methylxanthines in tea and coffee. Multivariate and univariate optimizations of the experimental conditions were used.
This study aimed the use of coal mining waste as a new adsorbent for H3O+ and removal of Al (III), Fe (III) and Mn (II) from acid mine drainage. Data from kinetic and equilibrium of the adsorption of H3O+ followed the pseudo second-order and Langmuir isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacity of H3O+ was 316 mmol kg-1. The adsorbent removed 100% of Al (III), 100% of Fe (III) and 89% of Mn (II), suggesting its use as an alternative for the treatment of acid mine drainage.
This work describes the creation of an very simple calculation algorithm, based in basic chemical and mathematic principles, for the calculation of weak diprotic acid dissociation constants as, for example, amino acids, from potentiometric titrations. For an easier understanding of the algorithm the logical reasoning of this calculus is schematized in a diagram of blocks. In the second part of the work the algorithm is applied to an Excel calculation sheet to determine the dissociation constants of Nicotinic Acid and Glycine, from the respective potentiometric titration curves. The values obtained using this algorithm are compared with those estimated by Hyperquad2008 (program generally used for this type of calculus) and also with the values of a stability constants database.