998 resultados para Acer monoides


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Background Stress, craving, and depressed mood have all been implicated in alcohol use treatment lapses. Few studies have examined all 3 factors. Progress has been limited because of difficulties with craving assessment. The Alcohol Craving Experience Questionnaire (ACE) is a new measure of alcohol craving. It is both psychometrically sound and conceptually rigorous. This prospective study examines a stress–treatment response model that incorporates mediation by craving and moderation by depressed mood and pharmacotherapy. Methods Five hundred and thirty-nine consecutively treated alcohol-dependent patients voluntarily participated in an abstinence-based 12-week cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) program at a hospital alcohol and drug outpatient clinic. Measures of stress, craving, depressed mood, and alcohol dependence severity were administered prior to treatment. Treatment lapse and treatment dropout were assessed over the 12-week program duration. Results Patients reporting greater stress experienced stronger and more frequent cravings. Stronger alcohol craving predicted lapse, after controlling for dependence severity, stress, depression, and pharmacotherapy. Alcohol craving mediated stress to predict lapse. Depressed mood and anticraving medication were not significant moderators. Conclusions Among treatment seeking, alcohol-dependent patients, craving mediated the relationship between stress and lapse. The effect was not moderated by depressed mood or anticraving medication.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lahosta puuaineesta riippuvaiselle lajistolle tärkeiden onttojen puiden ominaisuuksien vaikutusta pääkaupunkiseudun jalojen puistopuiden onttouden esiintymistodennäköisyyteen. Tutkimuksessa mitattavia ominaisuuksia olivat puiden läpimitta, puulaji, pituus sekä kasvupaikan valoisuus ja metsäisyys. Tutkittavia puulajeja olivat lehmus (Tilia cordata), vaahtera (Acer platanoides), tammi (Quercus robur), saarni (Fraxinus excelsior) ja jalavat (Ulmus glabra ja U. laevis). Tutkimuskohteina olivat pääkaupunkiseudulla sijaitsevat 14 viheraluetta, jotka vaihtelivat metsäisistä puustokeskittymistä valoisiin ja intensiivisesti hoidettuihin puistoihin. Onttouden esiintymisen riippuvuutta muista muuttujista tutkittiin korrelaatioanalyysillä sekä logistisilla regressioanalyyseillä, joissa huomioitiin myös puiden jakaantuminen viheraluiden välillä. Puulajilla ja puun läpimitalla oli vaikutusta onttouden esiintymistodennäköisyyteen. Kasvupaikan valoisuudella oli merkitystä rungon onttoutumisessa ainakin lehmukselle ja vaahteralle. Metsäisyys liittyy valoisuuteen ja näiden muuttujien vaikutus rungon onttoutumistodennäköisyyteen on kietoutunut toisiinsa. Pituudella ei todennäköisesti ollut merkitystä onttoutumiseen. Tulosten perusteella etenkin pääkaupunkiseudun lehmukset sekä vaahterat ovat herkkiä onttoutumaan ja täten ne muodostavat monimuotoisia elinympäristöjä. Valoisuuden ja metsäisyyden vaikutus onttoutumiseen on vahvasti sidoksissa puiden hoitoon ja hoitotoimilla on siis suuri vaikutus onkaloiden syntyyn.


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Vanhat ja ontot puut ovat tärkeä elinympäristö monelle lahopuusta riippuvaiselle eliölajille. Onttoihin puihin on erikoistunut suuri määrä myös vaarantuneita ja harvinaisia hyönteislajeja, jotka elävät puun onkalon seinämillä tai onkalon pohjalle kerääntyvässä orgaanisessa aineksessa, ns. mulmissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä kolmesta pyydystyypistä (ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydys) soveltuu parhaiten onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyyntiin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli kartoittaa hyönteisnäytteiden ensimmäiseen laboratoriokäsittelyyn vaadittua aikaa. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana vanhoja rungostaan onttoutuneita lehmuksia, tammia ja vaahteroita pääkaupunkiseudun puisto- ja kartanoalueilta. Puiden onkaloiden sisään aseteltiin ikkuna-, vuoka- ja kuoppapyydyksiä, kaksi kutakin tyyppiä ja ne tyhjennettiin kolmen viikon välein touko-heinäkuussa 2006. Pyydyksiä oli siis yhteensä 90 per pyyntijakso. Kun näytteistä eroteltiin halutut hyönteislahkot (mukaanlukien kovakuoriaiset) niiden käsittelyyn käytetty aika kirjattiin ylös. Aineistosta tunnistettiin yhteensä 3825 kovakuoriaisyksilöä ja 212 lajia, joista lahopuusta riippuvaisia oli yhteensä 3398 yksilöä ja 121 lajia. Ikkunapyydyksissä esiintyi yhteensä 1639 yksilöä ja 140 lajia, vuokapyydyksissä 1506 yksilöä ja 134 lajia, kuoppapyydyksissä 680 yksilöä ja 111 lajia. Näytteiden käsittelyaikojen keskiarvot olivat 48,3 minuuttia ikkunapyydykselle, 65,5 minuuttia vuokapyydykselle ja 34,1 kuoppapyydykselle. Lajistokoostumuksen huomioiva ?-diversiteetti erosi huomattavasti pyydysten välillä, se oli 36,5 % ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä, 13,1 % ikkuna- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä ja 14,2 % vuoka- ja kuoppapyydysten välillä. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydysten välillä ei havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa saproksyylilajien (p<0,05), -yksilöiden (p<0,05) tai käsittelyaikojen (p<0,05) keskiarvoissa. Ikkuna- ja vuokapyydyksillä saatiin keskimäärin selvästi enemmän saproksyylilajeja ja –yksilöitä kuoppapyydykseen verrattuna. Kuoppapyydyksellä saatiin kokonaisyksilömäärään verrattuna suhteellisesti vähemmän saproksyylejä (59 %) kuin ikkuna- (69 %) ja vuokapyydyksillä (71 %). Ikkunapyydykset olivat tehokkain pyydystyyppi vertailtaessa pyydysten keräämää saproksyyliyksilömäärää suhteessa aineiston käsittelyn vaatimaan aikaan. Tehokkuus (yksilöä minuutissa) ikkunapyydykselle oli 0,74, vuokapyydykselle 0,43 ja kuoppapyydykselle 0,21. Ikkunapyydyksiä ei ole aikaisemmin käytetty puun onkalon sisällä hyönteisiä pyydettäessä vaan ne ovat aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa roikkuneet onkalon ulkopuolella. Ikkunapyydykset kuitenkin toimivat erinomaisesti myös onkaloiden sisällä. Ikkuna- sekä vuokapyydys toimivatkin selkeästi paremmin lahopuukovakuoriaisten pyynnissä verrattuna kuoppapyydykseen, jonka poisjättäminen olisi kuitenkin tuottanut huomattavasti lajiköyhemmän aineiston. Mahdollisimman monimuotoisen onttojen puiden lahopuukovakuoriaislajiston keräämiseksi tulisi käyttää ikkuna- tai vuokapyydyksiä yhdessä kuoppapyydysten kanssa.


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白垩纪末至第三纪初(K/T界限,距今约65Ma),恐龙大规模灭绝,爬行类的优势地位被哺乳动物所取代;裸子植物和蕨类急剧衰退,被子植物蓬勃发展,并逐渐成为地表植被的主体,研究这一时期的植物群的结构和特征进而揭示植物演化和环境变迁的规律及其相互关系是当今地球科学、生命科学和环境科学的重要研究内容。黑龙江省嘉荫地区的乌云组产有丰富的植物化石,其地质时代虽未定论,但不超出晚白垩世马斯特里赫特期至早第三纪古新世的范围,处于K/T界限,对其植物群的研究意义重大。乌云植物群以往的研究在古果实学研究方面明显不足、在植物群的性质的认识及乌云组时代的确定等方面存在很大争议。本文重点研究了乌云组的果实和种子化石,增添了新的植物类群,丰富了此植物群的研究内容,对乌云组的时代问题的确定提供了新的证据。 本文研究了乌云组的Nordenskioldia borealis(昆兰树科)、Nyssidium jianyinense sp. nov. (连香树科)、Hypericum zhuii sp. nov. (金丝桃科)、Amersinia obtrullate(广义山茱萸科)、Acer wuyunense sp. nov.(槭树科)等5种果实和种子化石。Nordenskioldia borealis的果无柄、为分果、小果瓣环绕中央柱轮状排列。Nyssidium jianyinense的果序为圆锥果序、蓇葖对生、蓇葖腹缝相对、果皮三层。Hypericum zhuii的种子外形呈长椭圆形、端部具乳突、表面网状、种脊明显、种皮两层、外种皮细胞的垂周壁明显加厚。Amersinia obtrullate果序头状、果镘形、3果室。Acer wuyunense果为翅果、小坚果被明显侧翼、翅强烈下延,包围小坚果。经修订和补充,乌云植物群目前共有维管植物48属60种,其中,蕨类植物4属6种、裸子植物7属7种、被子植物37属48种,被子植物占总种数的80%、占总属数的77%,被子植物占绝对优势。当时的群落类型湿生群落和中生群落类型为主,湿生群落主要有:由Sequoia、Metasequoia、Taxodium、Glyptostrobus等组成的针叶林;以Nyssidium、Trochodendroides占优势的阔叶林。 以Metasequoia占优势的针叶林和以Nyssidium、Trochodendroides等占优势的阔叶林。乌云植物群中热带和亚热带成分占种子植物总属数的54%,而温带成分则占36%,亚热带成分占优势,当时的气候-植被类型为亚热带常绿林或常绿夏绿混交林。Nordenskioldia、Nyssidium、Amersinia、Acer化石的地质分布不早于古新世的地层,这—证据不支持乌云组的地质时代划为晚白垩世,而支持划归古新世的观点。


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刺叶栎( Quercus ilex L.)是地中海的常绿树种,属于古老的第三纪植物区系成份。本文根据苏黎世——蒙特利尔学派的植被学基本原理,全面地研究了分布在整个威尼托(Veneto)大区的剌叶栎林,详细研究刺叶栎林的群落组成、结构及类型划分。同时,对威尼托的刺叶栎林同北京山区的栎林进行了比较研究。最后,着重研究了威尼托刺叶栎林的生物多样性。 威尼托的刺叶栎林主要分布在亚得里亚海沿岸(包括Foci del Tagtiamento和Bosco Nordio e Rosolina Mare两地)、Lago di Garda和Colli Euganei。 在气候上,亚得里亚海沿岸属于半地中海气候。加尔达湖区域(Laqo di Garda)则是接近欧洲中部的大陆性气候,且维持半地中海的气候特点。Co t l i Euganei是这两地气候的过渡类型,且更接近亚得里亚海沿岸的类型。 在亚得里亚海沿岸的刺叶栎林可以分为三类,第一类(I)是一些矮树丛,这是Fraxinus ornus和Quercus ilex混交林的前身,较干旱。第二类群落(II)缺少乔木层,灌木层是由一些盖度不大的刺叶栎代替,更干旱。第三类群落(Ⅲ)是一群在外貌上相同的成熟群落.Fraxinus ornus和Quercus ilex得到充分发展,较中生。 在加尔达湖区的刺叶栎林可划分为三类。第一类群落(I)代表一组耐旱、开敞的矮树丛,含有Sesterio Variae-Ostryelum群丛的特征种,这一类可划分为SesLerio Variae-Ostryetum群 丛,土壤贫脊和干旱。第二类群落(Ⅱ)代表一类较郁闭的矮树丛,含有较多的Prunetalia群落目的成份,土壤较贫脊。第三类群(Ⅲ)代表一类郁闭的群落,乔木具有很大的密度因而林下灌木不能充分发展。SesLerio Variae-Ostryetum群丛和Prunetalia群落目的成份均不多。 在Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林可划分为二类。第一类群落(I)是一些不郁闲的矮树林组成。大体上分为地中海旱生栎林和地中海假灌丛。第二类群落(II)代表了较中生状态的植被,刺叶标种群绝对郁闭。 北京地处华北大平原的西北部。北京山地的气候为温带陆地性季风气候,其地带性的落叶阔叶林是以栎林为典型。虽然这些栎林同意大利威尼托刺叶栎林是两种不同的森林类型,但两者之间是存在着一定的联系。其共有的科有20个,共有属有11个。他们在植物组成中,以禾本科,蔷薇科和豆科的植物种类为最多。在乔木层中,他们都是以壳斗科的栎属(Quercus)为优势,其中木犀科的白蜡属(Fraxinus)和槭树属(Acer)较多。 本文对威尼托大区刺叶栎林的物种多度分布格局进行了全面探讨,计算出刺叶栎林的几何分布模型、Broken-stick分布模型、Log分布模型、Log-normat分布模型等四种物种多度分布的理论模型,并将这些理论分布模型用“序列/多度”图解和“多度/频度”图解表示出来。其中,几何分布模型.Broken-stick1分布模型用“序列/多度”图解表示。Broken-stick2分布模型、Log分布模型、Log-normal分布模型用“多度/频度”图解表示。 对上述四个物种多度的理论分布同实际现察的物种多度分布进行X2分析,在5%的显著性水平上,对整个威托大区的刺叶 栎林,几何分布模型最能代表其物种多度分布,显著性最大;Log-normal分布模型也可以用来代表威尼托刺叶标妹的物种多度分布,其显著性次于几何分布模型的显著性。这表明威尼托的刺叶栎林尚处于演替的早期阶段,这些刺叶栎林曾受到严重破坏,现正在恢复。 通过比较Foci del Tagtiamento和Bosco Nordio加尔达湖区、Colli Euganei四个地方刺叶栎林的物种多度的几何分布模型和Log-normal分布模型,显示出Lago di Garda(加尔达湖区)的刺叶栎林生物多样性最好、Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性较好.Bosco Nordio的剌叶栎林生物多样性较差.Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林生物多样性最差。 再利用多样性指数计算全部威尼托大区剌叶栎林的生物多样性。计算的多样性指数有丰富度指数(包括Margalef指数、Men-hinick指数、Monk指数)、多样性指数(Shannon信息指数、Bri llouin个息指数、Gini指数、PIE指数、Mcintosh指数)、优势度指数(Berger-Parker指数、Simpson指数)、均一度指数(Pielou均一度指数、Brillouin均一度指数,PIE的V’均一度指数.PIE的V均一度指数,N2的V’均一度指数,N2的V均一度指数,Mclntosh均一度指数,Hill的F10均一度指数,Hill的E21均一度指数,Hill的F21的一度指数)。通过比较丰富度指数,多样性指数、均一度指数与优势度之间的关系,结果,Simpson优势度指数同Men-hinick物种丰富度指数、Shannon信息指数、Bril-louin信息指数、Pielou均一度指数,Brillouin均一度指数,Mcintosh均一度指数、PIE的V’均一度指数呈负相关关系,因此,上述生物多样性指数可以较好地反映威尼托大区刺叶栎林的生物多样性。反映出的结果是:加尔达湖区刺叶栎林生物多样性最好,Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性较好,Bosco Nordio的剌叶栎林生物多样性较差.Colli Euganei的刺叶栎林生物多样性最差。 生物多样性的研究显示出生物多样性同生境状况的密切联系。往往受人为干扰严重的群落生物多样性低、如Coli Euganei和亚得里亚海岸刺叶栋林;而受人为破坏较轻的群落其生物多样性高,如加尔达湖区刺叶栎。 生物多样性的研究还显示出生物多样性同群落演替的发展阶段密切相关,在群落演替初期,由于缺乏优势种,而又有大量物种侵入,物多样性相对较高。在群落演替中期,由于形成了一个或几个优势种,优势度的增加导致了生物多样性相对减低。如Foci del Tagtiamento刺叶栎林生物多样性高于Bosco Nordio刺叶栎林的生物多样性。到演替后期,随着更多物种的侵入,群落结构的复杂化、生物多样性又将逐步提高。


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基于中国东北样带(NECT)30个植被样方调查和表土孢粉资料,从个体、群落水平研究了孢粉-植被关系,结果表明,孢粉类型与植被关系密切,在 = 0.05的显著性水平上,相关系数大于0.5;表土孢粉组合与植物群落间有较大的相似性,相似系数大于50%。采用定量描述花粉与植物关系的参数:联合指数(association)A、超代表性指数(over-representation)O、低代表性指数(under-representation)U、相关系数(correlation coefficient)C和代表性系数(representation coefficient)R等值,应用TWINSPAN分类、PCA排序和回归分析,把表土花粉类型划分为4类:具代表性类群组Group1,它们能正确反映植被;超代表性类群组Group2,它们常具有高花粉值与植被不成比例;低代表性类群组Group3,它们的花粉很难分离提取;以及低代表性类群的Group4,其花粉在土壤地层中较常见;指出一些常见花粉类型:松(Pinus)、桦(Betula)、栎(Quercus)、椴(Tilia)、槭(Acer)、榆(Ulmus)、蒿(Artemisia)、藜(Chenopodiaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)的回归参数在东部森林区和西部草原区是有变化的,因此回归参数在应用于古植被恢复中要注意适用范围。 以Biomization模型为基础,根据植物的生理生态特性,定义了NECT孢粉类型的植物功能型(PETs)各种生物群区(Biome)的PFTs组合,构建了经表土孢粉检验的适用于NECT的以孢粉数据为驱动的模型框架,该模型模拟的生物群区与其化指标(气候、植物生理、土壤等)模拟划分的BIOME(Holdrige, BIOME3)是可比的,与植被类型有较好的对应性。 根据29剖面(986个样品)的孢粉数据,重建了NECT 6 kaB.P以来的生物群区。从时空二方面阐述了NECT6kaB.P以来生物群区的分布特点: (1)6ka B. P是一暖湿期,气温比现在高1~4℃,降水比现在多50%。落叶阔叶林分最广,面积最大。森林草原、落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林向西延伸最远。 (2)5ka B. P 是一降温期,气温比现在低2℃,降水多30%。有苔原、寒温带针叶林分布。 (3)4ka B. P是一暖湿期,气温比现在高1~2℃,降水比现在多50%。针阔光林和森林草原有最大分布面积。 (4)3Ka-2kaBP的气温与现代相似,降水比现在多20%左右。与4Ka B. P相比,森林和森林草原过渡带都向东移动。 (5)1Ka B. P的气温与现代相似,降水比现在多10%左右。草原向东大幅度扩张,森林分布面积减小。 (6)东部森林,中部森林草原,西部草原的分布格局的3Ka B. P基本确定,此后随着气候的不断变干冷,草原向东扩张。 (7)森林向扩张最大距离的时期发生在6Ka B. P,此时也是森林草原向西扩张最远时期。落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、森林草原向西移动最大距离的时间是6Ka B. P,草原向西移动最远距离的时期发生在3Ka B. P。


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在北京东灵山地区以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.)林群落为主要对象,研究了辽东栎种群和主要伴生种的空间格局、种间联结以及辽东栎种子雨的时间格局,井对空间格局的表达方法进行尝试性的探讨。 对辽东栎林群落中主要乔木树种辽东栎、大叶白蜡(Fraxinus thynchophylla)和五角枫(Acer mono)种群空间格局与动态的考察结果显示:各种群大多表现出聚集分布的趋势;辽东栎种群在各个龄级层均显示出较强优势,但种群内竞争激烈,龄级结构相对稳定;人叶白蜡的幼苗对环境适应能力较强,在成熟林中呈现出较五角枫种群更明显的增长型趋势:幼林中3个种群均呈衰退型趋势。 种间联结性的测定结果较好地反映了植物对环境的适应性,用关联分析法作出的树状图利用临界种将样方划分为若干组,体现出小生境之间的差异,反映了植物对其生境亦具有一定指示作用。 辽东栎种子雨的时间格局研究结果表明:种群种子雨密度随时间的变化呈正态分布趋势,种群水平利个体水平的种子雨累积随时间变化均符台Logistic曲线,具有很高的相关性。 空间格局表达方法的探讨显示:可以用集合论的方法对数学模型进行形象表达。


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以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)为主的落叶阔叶林、华北落叶松林(Larix principisrupprechtii)和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林是我国暖温带地区具有代表性的森林群落类型。本研究:1)应用国内外流行的半球图方法,通过对这三种森林群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的测定和综合比较,分析了叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的季节动态,揭示了暖温带地区不同类型森林群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的特征;2)基于野外调查的样地资料,利用维量分析法估算了中国科学院北京森林生态系统定位研究站三种森林群落乔木层的生物量和生产力,并揭示生产力和叶面积指数之间的相关关系;3)利用油松森林群落和落叶松森林群落采集树芯作为研究对象,用树木年轮学方法,建立相应的年表,联系气候资料进行相关分析,揭示树木生长的限制因子。 研究结果表明:1)落叶阔叶林(优势种为:辽东栎、棘皮桦(Betula dahurica)、五角枫(Acer mono))和华北落叶松林两种落叶森林群落的叶面积指数值均随生长季的到来而呈现增长的趋势,最大值出现在8月;林冠开阔度值随着生长季的到来而下降,最大值出现在11月。落叶阔叶林的叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的季节动态较之华北落叶松林明显。油松是常绿树种,其群落叶面积指数和林冠开阔度的变化程度均不明显,但林冠开阔度的变化趋势也是与叶面积指数的变化趋势相反。通过计算得出叶面积指数和林冠开阔度相关显著,并且呈现指数回归的关系。2) 油松、落叶松、落叶阔叶林三种森林群落乔木层的生物量和生产力分别为93.59 t•hm-2、119.36 t•hm-2 、169.94 t•hm-2和4.02 t•hm-2•a-1、5.58 t•hm-2•a-1、7.04 t•hm-2•a-1;三种森林群落乔木层生产力和叶面积指数回归曲线分析显示,生产力和叶面积指数呈现线性正相关关系。3)油松和落叶松生长与气候因子相关分析结果显示,两种群落树木的生长受当地降水和气温的影响,油松与5月份的温度显著负相关,落叶松与2月份和5月份的降水显著正相关。 以上研究结果为以遥感途径获取暖温带地区叶面积指数提供了地面校正依据,为研究该地区利用LAI估算生产力以及利用遥感途径得到的NDVI测定生产力、研究气候因子对树木年轮宽度形成的影响,以及进一步对该地区林分、景观和区域尺度上碳、水、通量等方面的模拟提供了基础数据。


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种子雨是森林植物种群更新的主要方式之一,是森林生态系统自我繁衍和恢复的主要手段。为了解长白山阔叶红松林种子雨的组成及其时空变化,参照BCI 50ha 样地技术规范,在长白山阔叶红松林25ha长期监测样地内设置了150个种子收集器,从2006年5月15日到2007年11月8日,每15天收集掉落于收集器中的果实、种子及其相关附属物等。所收到的样品分别鉴定其种类并分为成熟种实、未成熟种实、花絮、果实或种子碎片及其附属物4类,记录各类别的数量,然后分别烘干称重。 研究期间,共收集到11科12属22种木本植物的种子及其它生殖器官残体,包括成熟种实16种,未成熟种实17种,花序12种,翅2种,果实或种子碎片及其附属物10种。累计收集到种实136664粒,其中成熟种实32358粒,占所有种实总数的23.80%。种实数最多的树种是紫椴(Tilia amurensis),其次为水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshuica),两个树种种实数占总数的89.54%。种实总重量为3320.93g,其中成熟种实总重量为1242.85g,占37.4%。成熟种实中水曲柳和紫椴的重量最大,其次是色木槭(Acer mono),假色槭(A. pseudo-sieboldianum)、糠椴(T. mandshuric)和红松(Pinus koraiensis)。 种子雨数量年际变化明显,2006年种子雨密度为1370.25粒/m2,2007年为249.47粒/m2,差异极显著(P<0.001)。但不同年份种子雨的季节动态趋势一致,均有两个明显的大高峰期和一个小高峰期。不同物种种子雨扩散的时间格局大致可以分为“单峰”和“双峰”两种类型,在时间上体现了不同物种的更新策略。 150个收集器均收到了成熟种实,各收集器中的种实数呈偏态分布,种实数在150-250之间的收集器数量最多,共68个,种实数小于50的收集器有5个,种实数大于250的收集器共37个。样地内成熟种实数量及其空间分布差异明显,收集器中种实数在1000个以上的有3个,最多达1511个,聚集分布于样地的西北角;收集器中种实数最少的只有22个种实。种实重量的空间分布与种实数分布一样存在较明显的空间差异,只是差异性相对偏弱一些,且与种实数量的空间分布不一致。


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由于森林生态系统的复杂性,过去常用统计回归模型模拟它的各种动态现象。但这样的模型不能揭示森林生态系统的内在规律,故可称之为“黑箱”模型。随着对森林生态系统认识的加深,以及电子计算机技术的广泛应用,用来模仿森林生态系统内在结构与功能规律的各种计算机模型得到了极大发展,从而产生一些不同“灰化”程度的森林动态“仿真”模型。本文建立的阔叶红松林生长与演替计算模型(DOPIDE)就属于这样的“灰箱”模型。KOPIDE(for KOrean PIne'DEciduous mixed forests)是在JABOWA(Botkin, 1972)和FORET(Shugart等,1977)两个模型的基础上建立的,它们都可称为GAP模型。KOPIDE模型共涉及八个树种:红松(Pinus koraiensis)、水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)、紫椴(Tilia amurensis)、春榆(Ulmus japonica)、蒙古柞(Quercus mongolica)、色木(Acer mono)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)、以及山杨(Populus davidiana)。建立该模型的理论基础是森林演替的林窗(CAP)动态理论,它以一年的步长模拟了样地里每株树木的整个生长发育过成(即更新、生长和枯死)。虽然KOPIDE是JABOWA和FORET的直接效仿模型,但它的模拟针对性较强,在模型的结构上有了很大改进。它的运行结果表明,KOPIDE模型在树种生物学特性的描写上、在阔叶红松林动态规律的模拟上、以及在择伐生长的预测上都有较好的可靠性,可用来揭示阔叶红松林长时期的更新、生长和演替规律与特征,也可模拟阔叶红松林的各种经营方式,为决策人提供预测性结果,以供参考。经过KOPIDE模型的反复运行与调试,发现各树种在更新、枯死与林窗大小的关系上很不相同。根据这种现象,可将树种划分为四类:1、在较大的林窗下更新,枯死后不产生大林窗;2、更新不需要林窗,死亡后产生的林窗较大;3、更新需要林窗条件,枯死后不产生林窗;4、不在林窗下更新,死亡后也不产生林窗。尽管这样的建有点绝对化和简单化,但从中可以得出几类树种之间复杂的相互关系网。由此把复杂森林生态系统大范围的动态变化过程视为组成其许多同质或异质小林地单元的动态相嵌。林地单元的同质性,决定了它们动态变化的同步性,从而导致整个林分动态的突性或不稳定性;而林地单元的异质性是决定森林生态系统稳定性的关键性因素。这从另一角度为在东北东部山地和发展阔叶红松林提供了较有说服力的理论基础。


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青藏高原东缘的亚高山针叶林是长江上游重要的生态屏障,经过近六十年的采伐后,取而代之的是大量人工种植的云杉纯林。目前,这些人工林已经表现出树种单一,结构层次简单等生态问题,其物种多样性及生态效益与同地带天然林相比差距较明显。如何丰富该地区物种多样性,完善人工林生态系统的生态功能是一个十分重要的课题。林下植物是人工林群落的重要组成部分,对维持群落的生物多样性及完善生态系统功能具有明显的作用。因此,研究该地区人工针叶林的林下植被对不同生境的适应性对于理解人工林生态系统物种多样性的形成和维持机制都具有重要的意义。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型----云杉人工林为研究对象,选择林下11种具有不同喜光特性的常见植物,分别设置人工林林冠下及成熟林窗为研究样地,通过对各种植物叶片形态与物质分配特征、叶片解剖学特征、叶片光合生理特性、植物自然分布特征等方面的比较分析,研究林下植物对不同光生境的适应策略及其适应能力,揭示不同物种对人工林生境的适应共性,为西南亚高山地区植被恢复及人工林的经营管理提供科学依据。具体研究结果如下: 在叶片形态和物质分配特征方面:在林窗光生境中,11种林下植物叶片比叶重(LMA)显著高于林下光生境的同种植物。同时,林窗下生长的植物叶片叶片厚度及栅栏细胞长度显著增加,这是影响叶片比叶重变化的直接原因。而多数植物叶重比在两种生境中无明显变化。说明在长期适应自然生境之后,植物可能更多地采取调节叶片组织细胞水平(即叶片功能细胞形态)及叶片器官水平(即单个叶片形态)特征的策略来适应各类生境,而非整株水平上的叶片总比重的增减。 在叶片解剖结构特征方面:多数阔叶物种栅栏组织厚度(PT)、栅栏组织厚度/海绵组织厚度(PT/ST)、栅栏细胞层数及近半数种的气孔密度(SD)在林窗生境中更大或更多,而叶片表皮细胞厚度(UET、LET)气孔长径(SL)及海绵组织厚度(ST)受两种生境影响不大。喜光特性相似的物种在生境适应策略上具有一定的趋同性。 在光合生理特征方面:在林窗生境中多数种植物的最大光合速率(Amax)、暗呼吸速率(Rd)及喜光植物光补偿点(LCP)显著或极显著高于林内生境同种植物。且在同一生境条件下,多数深度耐荫植物比喜光及轻度喜光植物有稍低的Rd和LCP。各植物在林内低光生境中具有更大的内禀光能转化效率,并在中午12:00~14:00之间光强最大的时刻发生了的最深程度的光抑制。多数种能通过调节自身某种光合素含量或色素之间的比例来适应不同的光生境,即通过增加叶绿素含量或降低Chla/b值来适应林内弱光生境,通过提高类胡萝卜素含量或单位叶绿素的类胡萝卜素含量降低强光带来的伤害。绝大多数物种并不采取调节叶片C、N含量的策略来适应不同的光生境。总之,植物部分光合参数(Amax、Rd、LCP)受生境的影响与其自身喜光特性有关,但另一些参数(Fv/Fm日变化、色素含量及比例、叶氮相对含量)受生境影响与其自身喜光特性无明显关联。 在表型可塑性方面:在叶片各表型参数中,器官水平及细胞水平的形态特征参数平均可塑性大于整株水平形态和物质分配特征参数可塑性;叶片光合组织的可塑性大于非光合组织可塑性;反映植物光合能力的参数可塑性大于叶片色素含量参数可塑性。植物叶片形态和物质分配、解剖学特征参数平均可塑性大小与其自身喜光特性基本吻合,即喜光种及轻度耐荫种各参数可塑性最高,深度耐荫种可塑性最小,而这种规律并未在光合生理参数的可塑性大小上体现出来。但是叶片形态和物质分配参数、光合生理参数的平均可塑性水平却大于叶片解剖学参数。 在植物自然分布特征方面:喜光物种云杉幼苗及歪头菜在林内生境中分布密度明显降低,深度耐荫种疏花槭却恰恰相反,更多数物种(7种植物)在两种生境中密度变化趋势不明显。从分布格局来看,7种植物在两种生境中均为聚集分布,但聚集强度为林窗>林内;少数物种桦叶荚迷、直穗小檗、冰川茶藨、黄背勾儿茶在林窗中为聚集型,在林内生境中的分布型发生改变而成为随机型,说明光生境的差异能影响到植物种群的分布特征。但这种影响程度与植物自身的喜光特性无关,同时与各物种叶片表型平均可塑性的大小也无明显关联。 The subalpine coniferous forest area in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is important ecology-barrier of upriver Yangtze. In past sixty years, those forests had been cut down and replaced with a lot of spruce plantations. At now, there are many ecology problems presenting to us such as singleness species, simple configuration, lower species diversity and ecological benefit than natural forests at the same belt. How to restore the species diversity and enhance the eco-function of the plantations is a very important issue. The understory plants are important part of plantation community, which improved the bio-diversity and eco-function distinctly of forests. So, it is very significance to study the adaptation of understory plants to different environment in plantation, and this study would helping us to understand how plantations to develop and remain their biodiversity. This study was conducted in a 60a spruce plantation in Miyaluo located in western Sichuan, China, and spruce plantation is major types of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this paper, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics, the anatomical characteristics, the photosynthetic characteristics and the distribution patterns characteristics of eleven different light-requirement understory species grown in two different environments (forest gaps and underneath close canopy) were studied and compared. The purpose of this study was to analyze the adaptation of this forest understory plants, to show up the commonness of these different light-requirement understory species in light acclimation, and to provide some scientific reference to manage and restore the vegetation of subalpine plantation of southwest China. The results were as follows: The leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics: These eleven species in forest gaps had significantly higher dry weight per leaf area (LMA) than those under close canopy. The palisade parenchyma cells of the broad-leaved species in gaps were significantly longer than those grown under the canopy, which been a directed factor for the change of leaf mass per unit area (LMA) in different environment. But the leaf weight ratio (LWR) of most plants species were not evidently changed by the contrasted environments in our study. It was shown the morphological characteristics changing been adopted as a strategy of light acclimation for plants wasn’t on whole plant level (leaf weight ratio) but cellular level (the function cells morphological characteristics) and organic level (the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed characteristics) mostly. The leaf anatomical characteristics: Most broad-leaved plants in gaps increased palisade parenchyma thickness (PT), the palisade parenchyma cell layers and the ratio of palisade to spongy parenchyma (PT/ST). So did as almost about half species in this study in stomatal density (SD). No significant differences in thickness of leaf epidermal cells (UET, LET), stomatal length (SL) and spongy parenchyma (ST) between two environments of most species were observed. The results suggested that species with light-requirement approximately had convergent evolution on adaptation to light condition. The leaf photosynthetic characteristics: The dark respiration rate (Rd) of most plants species, the light compensation point (LCP) of light-demanding plants species in gaps were significantly increased than under close canopy in this study. In a same habitat, most deep-shade-tolerant plants had lower Rd and LCP than those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants. Each species has bigger inherent electron transport rate under close canopy than in gaps, and the greatest photoinhibition happened during 12 to 14 in the daytime. Most species could adapt different light environment by the way of changing their photosynthetic pigments content or the ratio of pigments content. For example, some plants under close canopy increased chlorophyll (Chl) or reduced the values of the ratio Chla/b to adapted the low light condition, some plants in gaps increased carotenoid (Car) or reduced the weight ratio CarChl to avoid been hurt in high light. For most plants, changing the content of C and N in leaf wasn’t a strategy of light acclimation. In conclusion, the variation of some leaf photosynthetic parameters in different light environment such as Fv/Fm, pigments, C and N in leaf related with the light-requirmnet of species, but the others such as Amax, Rd, LCP did not. The leaf plasticity indexes: Among those leaf plasticity indexes, the leaf morphological and biomass-distributed parameters on cellular and organic level were greater than on whole plant level for same species, and the photosynthetic parenchyma parameters were greater than non-photosynthetic parenchyma parameters in same leaf, and photosynthetic capability parameters were greater than photosynthetic pigments content parameters for same species. The average plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed and anatomical parameters were accordant with plants’ light-requirement approximately: those light-demanding plants and slight-shade-tolerant plants had bigger plasticity indexes than deep-shade-tolerant plants. But this regular wasn’t observed in physiological plasticity indexes for most plants, though the average leaf plasticity indexes of leaf morphological and biomass-distributed, photosynthetic characteristics parameters was greater than the anatomical characteristics parameters. The distribution patterns characteristics: Oppositely to the deep-shade-tolerant specie Acer laxiflorum Pax., the density of light-demanding species Picea asperata Mast. and Vicia unijuga A. Br. in gaps was bigger than under close canopy. Each of the other species has the approximately density in two different environment. The spatial patterns of seven species were aggregated distribution in two environments, but the trend of aggregation of population under close canopy was decrease from in gaps. A few species such as Viburnum betulifoium Batal., Berberis dasystachya Maxim., Ribes glaciale Wall. and Berchemia flavescens Brongn. were aggregated distribution in gaps while random distribution under close canopy. It was shown that the difference between two light environments could affect the distribution pattern of plant population, and the effect didn’t relate with the light-requirement or plasticity indexes of species.


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大气臭氧的损耗导致了地球表面具有生物学效应的紫外线-B(UV-B)辐射增强。同时,大气成分变化中除了UV-B辐射增强外,氮沉降是一个新近出现而又令人担忧的环境问题,其来源和分布正在迅速扩展到全球范围,并不断向陆地和水生生态系统沉降。本试验在四川省境内的中国科学院茂县生态站内进行,以云山、冷杉、色木槭和红椋子幼苗为模式植物,从生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力和矿质营养等方面研究了青藏高原东缘4种树苗对全球变化-增强UV-B辐射和氮供应(氮沉降)的响应。该试验为室外盆栽试验,包括四个处理:(1)大气UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应(C);(2)大气UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应(N);(3)增强UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应(UV-B);(4)增强UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应(UV-B+N)。其目的:一方面有助于丰富我国对全球变化及区域响应研究的全面认识,进一步完善在全球气候变化条件下臭氧层削减和氮沉降对陆地生态系统影响的内容;另一方面,在一定程度上有助于我们更好的理解在全球变化下森林更新的早期过程。具体结果如下: 增强的UV-B辐射在生长形态、光合、抗氧化能力、活性氧和矿质营养方面对4种幼苗都有显著的影响。UV-B辐射增强对幼苗的影响不仅与物种有关,而且,还与氮营养水平相关。总体表现为,高的UV-B辐射导致了色木槭和红椋子幼苗叶片的皱缩和卷曲,并降低了色木槭幼苗的叶片数和叶重,在额外的氮供应下,云杉、冷杉和红椋子的叶重也显著地降低了;色木槭和红椋子幼苗叶片的解剖结构受到了增强的UV-B辐射的影响,增强的UV-B辐射显著地降低了色木槭叶片的栅栏组织厚度,提高了红椋子叶片的厚度;增强的UV-B辐射显著地降低了4种幼苗的单株总生物量、植物地下部分的生长、总叶绿素含量 [Chl (a + b)]、净光合速率和最大量子产量(Fv/Fm),提高了4种幼苗叶片的膜脂过氧化(MDA含量),改变了植物体不同器官中的矿质元素含量;增强的UV-B辐射提高了冷杉、色木槭和红椋子叶片中的过氧化氢含量(H2O2)、超氧负离子(O2-)生成速率,在额外的氮供应下,云杉叶片中的活性氧含量也显著地提高了;在无额外的氮供应条件下,增强的UV-B辐射显著地提高了4种幼苗叶片中的UV-B吸收物质、脯氨酸含量和抗氧化酶的活性(SOD、POD、CAT、GR和APX)。在额外的氮供应条件下,UV-B辐射的增强却显著地降低了冷杉叶片中脯氨酸含量和红椋子叶片中UV-B吸收物质含量,但是,在4种幼苗叶片中,5种抗氧化酶的活性对UV-B辐射的增强没有明显的规律性,增强的UV-B辐射显著地提高了云杉叶片中的POD、SOD和GR的活性,提高了冷杉叶片中的POD和GR活性,提高了色木槭叶片中的POD、SOD和CAT活性和红椋子幼苗叶片中的POD和SOD活性。从这些结果可知,植物在遭受高的UV-B辐射导致的过氧化胁迫时,植物体内形成了一定的保护机制,但是,这种保护不能抵抗高的UV-B辐射对植物的伤害。 额外的氮供应在生长形态、光合、抗氧化能力、活性氧和矿质营养方面对4种幼苗都有一定的影响,不同幼苗对额外的氮供应响应不同,并且受到UV-B辐射水平的影响。在当地现有的UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应显著地提高了幼苗的单株总生物量、植物地下部分的生长、Chl (a + b)、净光合速率(红椋子除外)、UV-B吸收物质(冷杉除外)、脯氨酸含量(红椋子除外)和部分抗氧化酶的活性,降低了H2O2的含量、O2-的生成速率和MDA含量(红椋子除外),改变了植物体内部分矿质元素含量,显著地提高了云杉和冷杉叶片中的Fv/Fm。这些指标总体表明,在当地现有大气UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应对植物的生长和发育是有利的。在增强的UV-B辐射水平下,4种幼苗的生长形态和光合大部分指标都没有受到额外氮供应的影响,额外的氮供应提高了红椋子幼苗的单株总生物量和Chl (a + b)含量,提高了冷杉和色木槭叶片中的活性氧含量和MDA含量,却降低了红椋子叶片中的活性氧含量;额外的氮供应也提高了云杉、色木槭和红椋子叶片中UV-B吸收物质和脯氨酸含量,降低了冷杉叶片中UV-B吸收物质和脯氨酸含量;在抗氧化酶活性方面,额外的氮供应降低了云杉、冷杉叶片中5种抗氧化酶的活性和红椋子叶片中POD和GR的活性,提高了色木槭叶片中的POD和SOD的活性;4种幼苗植物体内的矿质元素含量对额外的氮供应没有显著的规律性。从这些结果可知,在高的UV-B辐射下,额外的氮供应提高了云杉、冷杉和色木槭幼苗对高的UV-B辐射的敏感性,然而,额外的氮供应却促进了红椋子幼苗的生长,原因可能是,在高的UV-B辐射下,额外的氮供应增加了红椋子叶片的厚度、叶重和叶片数,降低了叶片中活性氧含量的结果。表明在高的UV-B辐射水平下,额外的氮供应降低了红椋子幼苗对高的UV-B辐射的敏感性。 在全球变化的趋势下,UV-B辐射增强和氮沉降可能同时存在,我们的研究表明,与大气UV-B辐射+无额外的氮供应处理相比,增强UV-B辐射+额外的氮供应处理显著地降低了幼苗的单株总生物量(红椋子除外)、Chl (a + b)、净光合速率、Fv/Fm(冷杉除外)和MDA含量(红椋子除外),提高了活性氧含量 (云杉除外)、UV-B紫外吸收物质含量(冷杉除外)、脯氨酸含量和部分抗氧化酶的活性,改变了植物体不同器官中的矿质元素含量。结果表明,在当地现有条件下,全球变化(UV-B辐射增强和氮沉降)对云杉、冷杉和色木槭幼苗的生长是不利,尽管植物体内一些抗氧化性指标提高了,然而,却对红椋子幼苗的单株总生物量的累积没有显著的影响。 The depletion of the ozone led to the increase of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) with biological effects in the earth’s surface. At the same time, except for enhanced UV-B radiation, nitrogen deposition was an anxious environmental problem at present, rapidly expanding to the global scope and continuously depositing to land and aquatic ecosystem. The experiment was conducted in Maoxian Ecological Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sichuan province, China. Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings were selected as model plants to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and supplemental nitrogen supply on growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits of 4 species seedlings in east Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The experiment was potted outdoor, including 4 treatments: (1) ambient UV-B without supplemental nitrogen (control, C); (2) ambient UV-B with supplemental nitrogen (N); (3) enhanced UV-B without supplemental nitrogen (UV-B); (4) enhanced UV-B with supplemental nitrogen (UV-B+N). One hand, it was helpful for enriching our country to comprehensive understanding of the researches in the global change and the region response, further perfecting the effects of the depleted ozone layer and nitrogen deposition on land ecosystem under the global change; the other hand, it was favorable for us to better understanding of the early process of forest renews under the global change. The results were as follows: Enhanced UV-B radiation had significant effects on 4 species seedlings in growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits of 4 species seedlings. The effects of enhanced UV-B on plants were not only related with species, but also related with nitrogen nutrient level. Generally, the increase of UV-B radiation led to the shrinkage and curl of leaves in Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, and reduced the number of leaf and leaf weight of Acer mono Maxim seedlings, under supplemental nitrogen supply, leaf weight of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings significantly also reduced; the anatomical features of leaf in Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings affected by enhanced UV-B radiation, the increase of UV-B radiation markedly reduced the palisade tissue thickness of Acer mono Maxim leaf and enhanced the leaf thickness of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings; the enhanced UV-B radiation significantly reduced total biomass per plant of 4 species seedlings, the growth of the underground parts, Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate and maximum potential quantum yield of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm), and increased the degree of lipid peroxidation (MDA content) and changed the content of mineral elements in different parts of plants; the enhanced UV-B radiation also increased the rate of superoxide radical (O2-) production and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content in leaves of Abies faxoniana, Acer mono Maxim, Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, under supplemental nitrogen supply, the reactive oxygen species in leaves of Picea asperata seedlings also significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation; under without supplemental nitrogen supply, enhanced UV-B radiation evidently induced an increase in UV-B absorbing compounds, proline content and the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT, GR and APX) of leaves in 4 species seedlings. Under supplemental nitrogen supply, enhanced UV-B radiation induced a decrease in proline content of leaves in Abies faxoniana seedlings and UV-B absorbing compounds of leaves in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings, but, there were no obvious rules in the activities of five antioxidant enzymes of 4 species seedling leaves to enhanced UV-B radiation, enhanced UV-B radiation significantly increased the activities of POD, SOD and GR in Picea asperata leaves, the activities of POD and GR in Abies faxoniana leaves and the activities of POD, SOD and CAT in Acer mono Maxim leaves. The results indicated that some protective mechanism was formed when plants were exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, but the protection could not counteract the harm of high UV-B radiation on plants. Supplemental nitrogen supply had some effects on 4 species seedlings in growth, morphological, photosynthesis, antioxidant and mineral nutrient traits. The response of 4 species seedlings was different to supplemental nitrogen supply, and was affected by UV-B levels. Under local ambient UV-B radiation, supplemental nitrogen supply significantly increased the total biomass per plant, the growth of underground parts, Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate (except for Acer mono Maxim seedlings), UV-B absorbing compounds (except for Abies faxoniana seedlings), proline content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings) and the activities of some antioxidant enzymes, and reduced H2O2 content, the rate of O2- production and MDA content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings) and changed the content of mineral elemental in different parts; supplemental nitrogen supply also evidently increased Fv/Fm in Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana seedlings. These results indicated that supplemental nitrogen supply was favorable for the growth of plants under local ambient UV-B radiation. Under enhanced UV-B radiation, mostly parameters in growth and morphology of 4 species seedlings were not affected by supplemental nitrogen supply. Supplemental nitrogen supply increased the total biomass per plant and Chl (a + b) of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedling, increased the reactive oxygen species and MDA content in Abies faxoniana and Acer mono Maxim leaves, and reduced the reactive oxygen species in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves; supplemental nitrogen supply also increased UV-B absorbing compounds and proline content in Picea asperata, Acer mono Maxim and Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves, decreased UV-B absorbing compounds and proline content in Abies faxoniana leaves; in the activities of antioxidant enzymes, supplemental nitrogen supply significantly reduced the activities of antioxidant enzymes in Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana leaves and the activities of POD and GR in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak leaves, and increased the activities of POD and SOD in Acer mono Maxim leaves; the content of mineral elements in 4 species seedlings was no significantly rule to supplemental nitrogen supply. We knew from the results, under enhanced UV-B radiation, supplemental nitrogen supply made Picea asperata, Acer faxoniana and Acer mono Maxim seedlings more sensitivity to enhanced UV-B radiation, however, accelerated the growth of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings. The reason was probably that supplemental nitrogen supply increased the leaf thickness, leaf weight and leaf number, reduced the reactive oxygen content of leaf in Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings grown under high UV-B radiation. This showed that supplemental nitrogen supply reduced the sensitivity of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings to high UV-B radiation. Under the tendency of the global change, enhanced UV-B radiation and nitrogen deposition may probably coexist. The results showed, compared with the treatment of ambient UV-B radiation without supplemental nitrogen supply, the treatment of enhanced UV-B radiation with supplemental nitrogen supply significantly reduced the total biomass per plants (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings), Chl (a + b), net photosynthetic rate, Fv/Fm and MDA content (except for Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings), and increased reactive oxygen content (except for Picea asperata seedlings), UV-B absorbing compounds (except for Abies faxoniana seedlings), proline content and part antioxidant enzymes, and changed the content of mineral elements of different parts. The results indicated that the global change (enhanced UV-B and nitrogen deposition) were not favorable for the growth of plants under local ambient UV-B radiation and nitrogen nutrient level,, though increased some antioxidant indexes, however, the treatment of enhanced UV-B with supplement nitrogen supply did not significantly affect on the biomass accumulation of Swida hemsleyi (Schneid. et Wanger.) Sojak seedlings.


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在青藏高原东部的亚高山针叶林区,如何尽快恢复这一生态脆弱地区的植被,改变生态环境恶化的趋势,是一个十分重要的课题。光一直被认为是植物种间相互替代,尤其是森林演替过程中植物相互替代或植被恢复中的关键环境要素之一。植物能否适应林冠下或林窗中异质的、或多变的光照条件,对其在林中的生存、分布、更新以及森林动态都是非常重要的。 本文以青藏高原东部亚高山针叶林的主要森林类型——岷江冷杉林群落的几种树苗为研究对象,采用实验生态学、生理及生物化学等方法,通过模拟针叶林不同大小林窗内光照强度的变化,在中国科学院茂县生态站内采用遮荫处理设置6个光照梯度(100、55、40、25、15与7%全光照),来研究具有不同喜光特性的植物对光强的响应与适应机制,其研究结果可为揭示亚高山针叶林的演替规律、以及人工林下幼苗的存活与定居提供科学依据,也能为苗木的生产与管理提供科学指导,尤其是对针阔树种在不同光强下的响应与适应的比较研究,能为如何将阔叶树种整合到人工针叶林中提供新的思路。 光强对植物生长的影响 光强对植物的生长具有重要作用,不同植物在各自适宜的光强梯度下才能生长良好。通过一个野外盆栽实验,来研究不同光强对植物生长的影响(第三章)。主要研究结果如下,低光强下植物株高/茎生物量增加,说明植物会将生物量更多用于高生长,以便有效地拦截光资源;在强光下,植物将生物量更多地向根部分配,使得植物在强光下能够吸收更多的水分,而避免干旱胁迫。 在第一个生长季节,以相对生长速率(RGR)表示,红桦和青榨槭在100%全光照下RGR最大,粗枝云杉在55%最大,岷江冷杉在25-40%下较好;然而,在第二个生长季节,2种阔叶树的相对生长速率(RGR)的适宜光强则变为25-55%,云杉为55-100%,而冷杉为25-100%。可见,从第一年到第二年,2种阔叶树苗更适宜在部分荫蔽的条件下生长;而2种针叶树苗对光的需求则逐渐增加,这可能是增加对根生物量相对投资的结果,因为以这种方式,强光下生长的针叶树幼苗更能保持其内部水分平衡,其生长不会因干旱胁迫而受到严重影响。另外,严重遮荫会引起冷杉幼苗死亡。 植物对光强的生理适应 植物可以通过自身形态和生理特征的调整,来发展不同的光能利用策略从而能够在林中共存。通过一个野外盆栽实验,研究了不同光强下生长的几种树苗的生理特征(第四章)对不同光强的响应与适应。结果显示:强光下,粗枝云杉和红桦的光合能力增加,而岷江冷杉和青榨槭在中度遮荫(25-55%)的条件下光合能力最大。植物叶氮和叶绿素含量增高,而光补偿点和暗呼吸速率降低,这些都是植物对低光环境的适应性反应;而强光下植物叶片和栅栏组织变厚,是对强光的一种保护性反应。 植物对光的可塑性反应 不同植物会表现出对光适应有利的生理和形态可塑性反应。本文对第三章、第四章的实验数据进行可塑性指数分析,来研究植物对光强的表型可塑性反应(第五章)。结果显示,生理特征调整是植物对不同光环境的主要适应途径。红桦和青榨槭的可塑性指数平均值要大于粗枝云杉和岷江冷杉,充分表明这2种阔叶树在生理和形态上较强的可塑性更有利于对光环境的适应,而具有比耐荫树种更强的适应能力。另外,2种针叶树相比,云杉的适应性更强。本研究结果支持树种的生理生态特性决定了其演替状况和生境选择的假说。 植物的光抑制与防御 当植物叶片吸收了过多光能,会发生光抑制现象。植物对光抑制的敏感性及防御能力对其生长具有重要意义。本文通过两个野外盆栽实验,研究了生长在强光下(第六章)和变化光强下(第八章)植物的光抑制现象及其防御策略。结果表明,在强光下或从遮荫状态转入强光下,植物都会发生光抑制,其对光抑制的敏感性与植物的耐荫性(或喜光)和演替状态有密切联系。长期生长在强光下的植物受到光抑制是可恢复的,而当处于荫蔽环境的植物突然暴露于强光下时,受到的光抑制不能完全恢复,可能是(部分)光合机构受到破坏的缘故。粗枝云杉和青榨槭防御光抑制伤害的能力较强,热耗散是其防御光抑制的主要途径。长期的强光作用能使岷江冷杉和红桦发生严重光抑制,甚至光伤害,而红桦能够通过“凋落老叶,萌发新叶”的途径来适应新的强光环境。 How to restore the vegetation of subalpine coniferous forest in eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and change the trend of ecological deterioration is a very important issue. Acclimation of tree seedlings to different and varing light environment affects to a great extent the successful regeneration and establishment of subalpine coniferous forests in southwestern China’s montane forest areas, because the ability to respond to such changing resource are commonly assumed to be critical to plant success, and have a growth advantage than others. In this paper, several species seedlings in Abies faxoniana community were chosed to study the response and adaptation to light intensity and the interspecific differences of adaptability in six shaded sheds (100, 55, 40, 25, 15 and 7% of full sunlight) in the Maoxian Ecological Station of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our results could provide a strong theoretical evidence for understanding the forest succession laws of subalpine coniferous forests, and the survival and settlement of seedlings under plantations, and provide scientific direction for the production and management of seedlings, especially the comparative studies of the acclimation to light between the conifer and broadleaf trees could provide new ideas for how to integrate the broad-leaved trees into the artificial coniferous forest. Growth under different light intensity Light intensity plays an important role on plant growth. One field experiments was conducted to study the growth of tree seedlings of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii under different light intensities. The results showed that plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources, while biomass greater allocation to the roots, could make plants under high light environment absorb more water, and avoid drought stress. During the first growing season, the relative growth rates (RGRs) of Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii had the greatest values under the 100% of full light, for 55% of Picea asperata, and for 25-40% of Abies faxoniana. However, in the second growing season the the relative growth rates of the two broad-leaved trees changed and were appropriate for 25-55% of full light, for 55-100% of spruce, and for 25-100% of fir. Thus, from the first year to the second year, two broad-leaved seedlings maybe more suitable to partly shading environment, and two coniferous seedlings would have an increase in light demand, which may be an increased root biomass investment. Because in this way, seedlings grown under high light could better maintain their internal water balance, and thus its growth would not be seriously affected by drought stress. In addition, serious shading would cause fir seedlings to die. Acclimation of physiology to light Plants could coexist in forest ecosystem by forming different strategies of light use. One field experiments was conducted to study the acclimation of tree seedlings to different light intensity of Picea asperata, Abies faxoniana, Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii. The results showed that the photosynthetic capacity of Picea asperata and Betula albo-sinensis exhibited a general tendency of increase with more light availability; but for Abies faxoniana and Acer davidii seedlings, their highest values of the same parameters were found under intermediate light regime (i.e. 25-55% of PFD relative to full sunlight). Plants under low light environment could increase the specific stem length (stem length/ stem dry mass), in order to effectively intercept light resources. Leaf nitrogen and chlorophyll content increased, while dark respiration rate and light compensation points decreased, all of which were adaptive response to the low light environment. On the contrary, plants under high light environment had the thicken leaves and palisade tissue, which was a protective response to high light. Phenotypic plasticity to light Phenotypic plasticity can be exhibited in morphological and physiological processes. Physiological characteristical adjustment is the main for plant adaptation to different light environment.The means of plasticity indexes for Betula albo-sinensis and Acer davidii seelings were greater than Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana, amplied that the two broad-leaved trees were much more adaptable to the environment. In addition, spruce had the higher adaptablity than fir. The findings supported the hypothesis that the ecological characteristics of the species determined the biological status and its biological habitat selection. Photoinhibition and photoprotection to light Compared with conifer, broad-leaved trees could better change leaf morphology and adjust biomass allocation to adapt to changing light environment. However, excess light can photoinhibit photosynthesis and may lead to photooxidative destruction of the photosynthetic appatus. Two field experiments were conducted to study the photoinhibition of photosynthesis. The results showed that when plants grown under high light environment or plants transferred from low to high irradiance, the four tree seedlings would undergo a period of photoinhibition. In four species, photoinhibited leaves could recover to initial photosynthetic rates when they were long-term planted under high light environment. However, when plants were suddenly exposed to high irradiance, this photoinhibition could not be reversible, may be the photosynthesis apparatus were (or partly) photooxidatively destructed.


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黄龙世界自然遗产地岷江冷杉林(Abies faxoniana)生境类型多样,群落结构复杂,群落植物种类组成多样性丰富。揭示不同生境的生物多样性及其差异是认识生物多样性格局、形成及维持机制的前提和进行多样性保育的基础。本文采用样方法对黄龙钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境及半阳坡非钙化生境的岷江冷杉原始林植物群落结构及植物多样性进行了研究。结果表明: 黄龙岷江冷杉林具有明显的复层异龄结构,垂直结构明显,乔木、灌木、草本、苔藓层次分明。共发现高等植物386 种,其中维管植物46 科103 属163 种,苔藓植38 科83 属物223 种。各层片结构及物种组成如下: (1)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境分别发现乔木18 种、13种、8 种。乔木层均可分为两个亚层,第一亚层优势种均为岷江冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树或其它大高位芽物种。钙化滩生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉(Abies fargesii)、粗枝云杉(Picea asperata)以及阔叶树种白桦(Betula platyphylla)等,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树;阴坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外间有巴山冷杉和白桦,第二亚层物种主要为川滇长尾槭(Acer caudatum var. prattii);半阳坡非钙化生境第一亚层除优势种岷江冷杉外混生有巴山冷杉,第二亚层主要为岷江冷杉异龄树。依乔木层优势种的差异,钙化滩生境及半阳坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉纯林,阴坡非钙化生境为岷江冷杉-川滇长尾槭混交林。不同生境乔木层郁闭度、乔木密度、树高结构、直径结构均存在差异。 (2)钙化滩生境发现灌木41 种,平均盖度为18.49±1.72(%),平均高度为52.12±4.45(cm),优势种为直穗小檗(Berberis dasystachya);阴坡非钙化生境发现灌木30 种,平均盖度为29.33±2.56 (%),平均高度为119.55±8.01 (cm),优势种为箭竹 (Fargesia spathacea) 、唐古特忍冬(Lonicera tangutica) 和袋花忍冬(Lonicera saccata);半阳坡非钙化生境发现灌木29 种,平均盖度为31.35±1.93 (%),平均高度为107.55±4.24 (cm),优势种为箭竹(Fargesia spathacea)。不同生境灌木层结构和物种组成多样性差异显著,钙化滩生境的灌木盖度、高度总体上较非钙化的坡地生境低, 钙化滩生境灌木以小型叶的落叶灌木为主,沟两侧非钙化的坡地生境上则发育了丰富箭竹。 (3)钙化滩生境发现草本46 种,平均盖度为7.18±0.79 (%),平均高度为5.04±0.26(cm),以山酢浆草(Oxalis griffithii)为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现草本物种71 种,平均盖度达29.04±2.31(%),平均高度为9.08±0.52(cm),以钝叶楼梯草(Elatostema obtusum)、山酢浆草为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境草本物种50 种,平均盖度为以8.79±0.82(%),平均高度为7.67±0.43 (cm),以扇叶铁线蕨(Adiantum flabellulatum)、双花堇菜(Viola biflora)、华中蛾眉蕨(Lunathyrium shennongense)、山酢浆草为优势种。阴坡非钙化生境草本层片发育良好,多样性最为丰富,盖度和物种丰富度均显著高于钙化滩生境和半阳坡非钙化生境。 (4)钙化滩生境发现苔藓物种140 种,平均盖度达84.25±1.30 (%),以仰叶星塔藓(Hylocomiastrum umbratum) 等大型藓类为优势种;阴坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种115 种,平均盖度为79.29±1.64 (%),以刺叶提灯藓(Mnium spinosum)、大羽藓(Thuidium cymbifolium)、毛尖燕尾藓(Bryhnia trichomitra)等个体较小的物种为优势种;半阳坡非钙化生境发现苔藓物种91 种,平均盖度为60.64±1.93 (%),也以刺叶提灯藓为优势种。 (5)钙化滩生境、阴坡非钙化生境、半阳坡非钙化生境的物种数分别为234 种、221 种、175 种。乔木层的Shannon-Wiener 指数分别为0.75 ±0.12、1.87±0.12、1.78±0.07(灌木层,0.44±0.08、1.71± 0.15、2.49±0.06;草本层,0.33±0.13、1.31±0.15 、2.15±0.08; 苔藓层1.30±0.11、2.08±0.04、1.73±0.11,);Pielou 均匀度指数分别为0.45±0.05、0.29±0.06、0.28±0.08(灌木层,0.75±0.03、0.68±0.05、0.52±0.06;草本层,0.68±0.02、0.77±0.02、0.74±0.02;苔藓层,0.40±0.03、0.63±0.02、0.52±0.03);Simpson's 优势度指数分别为0.63±0.06、0.78±0.04、0.83±0.07(灌木层,0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06;草本层,0.25±0.02、0.12±0.01、0.17±0.01;苔藓层,0.45±0.04、0.18±0.01、0.31±0.04)。三种生境间乔木层、草本层的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较低, 灌木层、苔藓层的的Sorenson 群落相似性系数较高。 综上所述,黄龙岷江冷杉林的群落结构、植物多样性在三种生境间存在差异性,这将意味着我们在进行黄龙世界自然遗产地的森林经营管理时要较多地关注岷江冷山林群落在不同生境中的差异性。 There were multiplex habitat types, complicated community structure and abundant species composition in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. Uncovering the differences of biodiversity among different habitats was a precondition to understand the distribution, formation and sustaining mechanism of the biodiversity, and the foundation of biodiversity conservation. In the present study, using plenty of quadrants, we investigated the community structure and the biodiversity of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest in different habitats (travertine bottomland, semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat and shady-slope non-calcified habitat) in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site. The main results are as follows: All the primitive Abies faxoniana forests in the three habitats were uneven-aged with obvious vertical structure including tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer and bryophyte layer. A total of 386 higher plants including 163 vascular plant species (103 generic, 46 families) and 223 bryophyte species (83 generic, 38 families) were investigated. The structure and species composition of each layer are as follows: (1) There were 18, 13 and 8 tree species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. The tree layers in all habitats can be divided into two clear sub-layers. The upper tree layers were dominated by Abies faxoniana, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana or other phanerophytes species. There were Abies fargesii , Picea asperata and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in travertine bottomland, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana; There were Abies fargesii and Betula platyphylla besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by Acer caudatum var. prattii; There was Abies fargesii besides the dominated species (Abies faxoniana) in the upper tree layer semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the lower tree layers were dominated by uneven-aged Abies faxoniana. According to composition percentage of dominate species in tree layer, both the forest in travertine bottomland and in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as pure forest, and the forest in shady-slope non-calcified habitat could be ranked as mingled forest. There were significant differences in crown density, plant density, height structure and diameter structure among the three habitats. (2) A total of 41 shrub species (average coverage 18.49±1.72%; average height 52.12±4.45 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Berberis dasystachya; A total of 30 shrub species (average coverage 29.33±2.56 %;average height 119.55±8.01 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea, Lonicera tangutica and Lonicera saccata. A total of 29 shrub species (average coverage 31.35±1.93%; average height 107.55±4.24 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Fargesia spathacea. There were significant differences in structure and species diversity of the shrub layers among the three habitats. The coverage and height of shrub had lower value in travertine bottomland than in two non-calcified habitats. Moreover, travertine bottomland was dominated by deciduous shrub species with microphyll and non-calcified habitats developed abundant Fargesia spathacea species. (3) A total of 46 herb species (average coverage 7.18±0.79%;average height 5.04±0.26 ㎝)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was Oxalis griffithii; A total of 71 herb species (average coverage 29.04±2.31%;average height 9.08±0.52 ㎝)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Elatostema obtusum and Oxalis griffithii. A total of 50 herb species (average coverage 8.79±0.82%;average height 7.67±0.43 ㎝) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Adiantum flabellulatum, Viola biflora, Lunathyrium shennongense and Oxalis griffithii. Herb layers developed well in shady-slope non-calcified habitat and had the higher species richness and coverage than travertine bottomland and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat. (4) A total of 140 bryophyte species (average coverage 84.25±1.30%)were found in travertine bottomland, and the dominate species was big bryophyte species such as Hylocomiastrum umbratum and so on; A total of 115 bryophyte species (average coverage 79.29±1.64%)were found in shady-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was small bryophyte species such as Mnium spinosum, Thuidium cymbifolium, Bryhnia trichomitra and so on. A total of 91 bryophyte species (average coverage 60.64±1.93%) were found in semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, and the dominate species was Mnium spinosum. (5) There were 234, 221 and 175 plant species in travertine bottomland, shady-slope non-calcified habitat and semi-sunny-slope non-calcified habitat, respectively. Shannon-Wiener index of the tree layer was 0.75 ±0.12, 1.87±0.12 and 1.78±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.44±0.08, 1.71± 0.15 and 2.49±0.06; the herb layer, 0.33±0.13, 1.31±0.15 and 2.15±0.08; the bryophyte layer, 1.30±0.11, 2.08±0.04 and 1.73±0.11.) for the three habitats, respectively; Pielou index of the tree layer was 0.45±0.05, 0.29±0.06 and 0.28±0.08 (the shrub layer, 0.75±0.03, 0.68±0.05 and 0.52±0.06; the herb layer, 0.68±0.02, 0.77±0.02 and 0.74±0.02; the bryophyte layer, 0.40±0.03, 0.63±0.02 and 0.52±0.03.) for the three habitats, respectively. Simpson's index of the tree layer was 0.63±0.06, 0.78±0.04 and 0.83±0.07 (the shrub layer, 0.21±0.03、0.28±0.05、0.45±0.06; the herb layer, 0.25±0.02, 0.12±0.01 and 0.17±0.01; the bryophyte layer, 0.45±0.04, 0.18±0.01 and 0.31±0.04.) for the three habitats, respectively. There were low Sorenson index both in the tree layer and in the herb layer among the three habitats, whereas, high Sorenson index occurred both in the shrub layer and in the bryophyte layer. To sum up, there were differences both in community structure and plant diversity among the three different habitats, which means that we should pay more attention to habitats heterogeneities of the primitive Abies faxoniana forest when we take action to manage the forest in the Huanglong World Natural Heritage Site.


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应用除趋势对应分析(DCA)与双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)对濒危植物毛柄小勾儿茶(Berchemiella wilsoniivar.pubipetiolata)69块样地进行了排序与分类,共划分9个群落类型。结果表明,毛柄小勾儿茶生境特异性高。毛柄小勾儿茶在枫香(Liquidambar formosana)林、马尾松(Pinusmassoniana)+杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)+青冈栎(Quercus glauca)针阔混交林、杂木林和青榨槭(Acer davidii)+大果山胡椒(Lindera praecox)林中生长较好。这4个群落林下层优势种具有相似性:草本层的优势种中均有求米草(Oplismenus undulatifolius),常有三脉紫菀(Aster ageratoides);灌木层优势种常有大果山胡椒。毛柄小勾儿茶分布于海拔500~900 m的低山区,多分布于湿润、排水良好的沟谷边,生境坡向多为阴坡。