841 resultados para Accreditation: What It Is . . .and Is Not


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Positive-stranded viruses synthesize their RNA in membrane-bound organelles, but it is not clear how this benefits the virus or the host. For coronaviruses, these organelles take the form of double-membrane vesicles (DMVs) interconnected by a convoluted membrane network. We used electron microscopy to identify murine coronaviruses with mutations in nsp3 and nsp14 that replicated normally while producing only half the normal amount of DMVs under low-temperature growth conditions. Viruses with mutations in nsp5 and nsp16 produced small DMVs but also replicated normally. Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) confirmed that the most strongly affected of these, the nsp3 mutant, produced more viral RNA than wild-type virus. Competitive growth assays were carried out in both continuous and primary cells to better understand the contribution of DMVs to viral fitness. Surprisingly, several viruses that produced fewer or smaller DMVs showed a higher fitness than wild-type virus at the reduced temperature, suggesting that larger and more numerous DMVs do not necessarily confer a competitive advantage in primary or continuous cell culture. For the first time, this directly demonstrates that replication and organelle formation may be, at least in part, studied separately during infection with positive-stranded RNA virus. IMPORTANCE The viruses that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), poliomyelitis, and hepatitis C all replicate in double-membrane vesicles (DMVs). The big question about DMVs is why they exist in the first place. In this study, we looked at thousands of infected cells and identified two coronavirus mutants that made half as many organelles as normal and two others that made typical numbers but smaller organelles. Despite differences in DMV size and number, all four mutants replicated as efficiently as wild-type virus. To better understand the relative importance of replicative organelles, we carried out competitive fitness experiments. None of these viruses was found to be significantly less fit than wild-type, and two were actually fitter in tests in two kinds of cells. This suggests that viruses have evolved to have tremendous plasticity in the ability to form membrane-associated replication complexes and that large and numerous DMVs are not exclusively associated with efficient coronavirus replication.


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PAX6 is a transcription activator that regulates eye development in animals ranging from Drosophila to human. The C-terminal region of PAX6 is proline/serine/threonine-rich (PST) and functions as a potent transactivation domain when attached to a heterologous DNA-binding domain of the yeast transcription factor, GAL4. The PST region comprises 152 amino acids encoded by four exons. The transactivation function of the PST region has not been defined and characterized in detail by in vitro mutagenesis. I dissected the PST domain in two independent systems, a heterologous system using a GAL4 DNA-binding site and the native system of PAX6. In both systems, the results show consistently that all four constituent exons of the PST domain are responsible for the transactivation function. The four exon fragments act cooperatively to stimulate transcription, although none of them can function individually as an independent transactivation domain. Combinations of two or more exon fragments can reconstitute substantial transactivation activity when fused to the DNA-binding domain of GAL4, but they surprisingly do not produce much activity in the context of native PAX6 even though the mutant PAX6 proteins are stable and their DNA-binding function remains unaffected. I conclude that the PAX6 protein contains an unusually large transactivation domain that is evolutionarily conserved to a high degree, and that its full transactivation activity relies on the cooperative action of the four exon fragments.^ Most PAX6 mutations detected in patients with aniridia result in truncations of the protein. Some of the truncation mutations occur in the PST region of PAX6, resulting in mutant proteins that retain their DNA-binding ability but have no significant transactivation activity. It is not clear whether such mutants are true loss-of-function or dominant-negative mutants. I show that these mutants are dominant-negative if they are coexpressed with wild-type PAX6 in cultured cells and that the dominant-negative effects result from enhanced DNA-binding ability of these mutants due to removal of the PST domain. These mutants are able to repress the wild-type PAX6 activity not only at target genes with paired domain binding sites but also at target genes with homeodomain binding sites.^ Mutations in the human PAX6 gene produce various phenotypes, including aniridia, Peters' anomaly, autosomal dominant keratitis, and familial foveal dysplasia. The various phenotypes may arise from different mutations in the same gene. To test this theory, I performed a functional analysis of two missense mutations in the paired domain: the R26G mutation reported in a case of Peters' anomaly, and the I87R mutation identified in a patient with aniridia. While both the R26 and the I87 positions are conserved in the paired boxes of all known PAX genes, X-ray crystallography has shown that only R26 makes contact with DNA. I found that the R26G mutant failed to bind a subset of paired domain binding sites but, surprisingly, bound other sites and successfully transactivated promoters containing those sites. In contrast, the I87R mutant had lost the ability to bind DNA at all tested sites and failed to transactivate promoters. My data support the haploinsufficiency hypothesis of aniridia, and the hypothesis that R26G is a hypomorphic allele. ^


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In the area of the professional competition, the coach is a fundamental part in the management of a team and more concretely in the game planning. During the competition, the management of the times of pause and times out as well as the conduct of the coach during the same ones is an aspect to analyze in the sports performance. It is for this that it becomes necessary to know some of the behaviors that turn out to be more frequent by the coach and that are more related to a positive performance of his players. For it there has been realized a study of 7 cases of expert coaches in those that his verbal behavior has observed during 4 games. It has focused on the content of the information only to verbal level, on his meaning. The information that have been obtained in the study shows a major quantity of information elaborated during the pauses of the games and a major tactical content with regard to the moments of game. On the other hand, a relation exists between a major number of questions and a minor number of psychological instructions when the score is adverse, whereas in case of victory, a direct relation does not exist with any category. The rest of categories of the speech do not meet influenced directly for the result, for what it is not possible to consider a direct and immediate relation between the coach verbal behavior during the pauses and the result of the game, except in punctual moments.


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What it is, and what it is not -- The faith of the Old Testament -- The faith of our Lord Jesus Christ -- The faith of the Apostles. Part I -- The faith of the Apostles. Part II -- The faith of the primitive church -- A rational faith -- A devotional faith -- A benevolent faith -- A holy faith -- A consolatory faith -- A progressive faith.


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Marketing communications as a discipline has changed significantly in both theory and practice over the past decade. But has our teaching of IMC kept pace with the discipline changes? The purpose of this paper is to explore how far the evolving concepts of IMC are reaching university learners. By doing this, the paper offers an approach to assessing how well marketing curricula are fulfilling their purpose. The course outlines (syllabi) for all IMC courses in 30 universities in Australia and five universities in New Zealand were analyzed. The findings suggest that most of what is taught in the units is not IMC. It is not directed by the key constructs of IMC, nor by the research informing the discipline. Rather, it appears to have evolved little from traditional promotion management units and is close in content and structure to many introductory advertising courses. This paper suggests several possible explanations for this, including: (1) a tacit rejection of IMC as a valid concept; (2) a lack of information about what IMC is and what it is not; and (3) a scarcity of teaching and learning materials that are clearly focused on key constructs and research issues of IMC.


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[Excerpt] In analyzing labor-management cooperation, it is important to be clear on what it is not. It is not an absence of strikes or conflict. Cooperation is not synonymous with industrial peace. Cooperation may take place even when bargaining leads to work stoppages; conversely, the mere absence of strikes is no evidence that there is labor-management cooperation. In the current period, there is a tendency to equate concessionary bargaining with labor-management cooperation. Demand for and acceptance of "givebacks" reflect economic pressures and relative bargaining strength and ought not to be interpreted as evidence of a cooperative relationship.


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O aumento da internacionalizao das economias emergentes e a tendncia de financeirizao da economia mundial motivaram este estudo que tem como principal objetivo analisar estatisticamente o impacto das variaes cambiais no retorno das aes das principais empresas brasileiras internacionalizadas, segundo o ranking realizado pela Fundao Dom Cabral, no perodo entre 2000 e 2012. Alm disso, buscou-se, tambm, descrever o processo inicial de internacionalizao dessas mesmas companhias. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa, por meio da utilizao do mtodo estatstico de regresso linear mltipla. Constatou-se que nas 28 empresas analisadas no h correlao entre variaes nas taxas de cmbio e variaes no retorno das aes das empresas brasileiras internacionalizadas, evidenciando assim, que outras variveis so as responsveis por impactarem o retorno dessas aes. Verificou-se, ainda, que a maior parte das empresas brasileiras iniciam seu processo de internacionalizao por meio da instalao de linhas de produo no exterior, seguida de exportao e fuses e aquisies com outras companhias.


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This article examines the concepts, definitions, policies, and practices of heritage in a contemporary context. Within recent years, there have been significant shifts in our understandings and applications of heritage concepts and policies in the modern world. Heritage emerged as a buzz word in international policy arenas in the 1980s and early 1990s, and has since weathered the vagaries of turbulent definitional and governancenomenclature storms, as traditional debates about what it is and what it is not reverberate around academia and state agencies alike. Policy and funding structures for heritage are determined by the classifications used to define them in various countries. Typically, reference is made to built heritage, natural heritage, and intangible heritage, loosely reflecting buildings, landscapes, and culture. Aspects of heritage are used by the cultural and tourism industries to add economic value, through heritage tourism sites, museums, and other activities. The cultural tourism product is often anchored around notions of heritage, and in postmodern, post-tourist societies, boundaries between culture, (travel) space, and identities are increasingly blurred. Issues of authenticity become important in the representation of heritage, and questions are asked about the validity of nostalgia versus realism. The role of heritage is examined in the context of identity formulation at individual and nation-state levels, and the political aspects of this are also discussed. Finally, heritage conservation is assessed through an examination of UNESCOs World Heritage Site listing and protection strategy. In a changing world, new constructs of heritage, identity, authenticity, and representation will continue to emerge as meanings are constantly renegotiated over time and space.


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La ciudad y los procesos que sta desencadena en su entorno territorial han variado, de acuerdo con el momento histrico y contexto geogrfico donde ocurri, est ocurriendo o suceder, por lo tanto, lo primero y lo segundo, son tan cambiantes, como lo son los elementos constitutivos de ese espacio ocupado, apropiado y gobernado.Son pocos los asuntos sobre los cuales coinciden las distintas comunidades acadmicas y disciplinas que se encargan del estudio de los procesos urbanos, como urbanistas, arquitectos, gegrafos, socilogos, politlogos, ingenieros o planificadores; por ejemplo, con relacin a la definicin de lo urbano o lo qu podemos entender por ciudad; tal vez hay mayor acuerdo por lo que no es, como se constata con los espacios dedicados, exclusiva o principalmente a las actividades productivas agropecuarias. De la misma manera, sobre lo que se considera como espacio pblico, ya que algunos le dan un nfasis estructural y fsico, como uno de los elementos rgidos que constituyen el espacio ocupado, mientras que otros, adems de lo fsico, rescatan de l referentes histricos, culturales y simblicos.En la actualidad viene ganando audiencia la postura que combina lo fsico y material de la ciudad y el espacio pblico, con lo inmaterial y simblico de los mismos, lo que le confiere un nuevo sentido. De este tipo de convergencias, surge el escenario que contribuye a construir el ciudadano que requiere y demanda la ciudad.De acuerdo con lo anterior, el anlisis que aqu se presenta se aborda a partir de tres aspectos relevantes: en primer lugar, se reiteran algunos de los caminos andados, para esbozar algunas de las nuevas perspectivas sobre la ciudad y el espacio pblico, tal como se sugiere en el ttulo del artculo; en segundo lugar, relacionar aspectos histricos, conceptuales y aplicados sobre la ciudad y de esta con el espacio pblico, con base en el caso de Bogot y finalmente plantear algunos de los desafos que surgen de esta interaccin, a partir de algunas reflexiones que buscan vincular esta temtica con las ciencias sociales y en particular con la ciencia poltica.-----The city and the processes triggered by the city in its territorial environment have changed, according to the historical moment and the geographical context in which it happened, is happening, or will happen; therefore, the former and the latter are as changing as the elements of that occupied, appropriated, and governed space.There are very few subjects on which there is an agreement among the different academic communities and disciplines that study urban processes, such as town planners, architects, geographers, sociologists, political scientists, engineers, or planners. For example, regarding the definition of the urban matters or what we may understand as a city, a greater agreement may be found on what it is not, as shown with spaces exclusively or mainly dedicated to the productive agricultural/livestock activities. Likewise, regarding what is deemed as public space, because some people stress the structural and physical aspect as one of the rigid elements that comprise the occupied space, while others rescue, in addition to the physical, the historical, cultural, and symbolic references.The position that considers the physical and material city and public space combined with their immaterial and symbolic aspects has been gaining terrain lately, providing them with a whole new sense. From these convergences arises the scenario that contributes to the building of the citizenship required and demanded by the city.According to the foregoing, the analysis presented here is addressed from three relevant aspects: First, reiterating some of the already treated topics to outline some new perspectives on the city and the public space, as suggested in the title of this article; second, relating historical, conceptual, and applied aspects of the city and such aspects of the city related to the public space, based on the case of Bogot; and finally, formulating some challenges arising form this interaction, based on certain thoughts that seek to link this topic with the Social Sciences and, in particular, with the Political Sciences.


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La necesidad de involucrar el concepto de comunidad y sus estrategias con el sector salud, generan el problema de investigacin de determinar Cul es la utilidad de la relacin estratgica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud? El sector salud ha apartado las actividades relacionales con sus clientes, el cual es caracterizado por la atraccin, desarrollo y mantenimiento de relaciones con los clientes. El objetivo de la investigacin es determinar cul es la utilidad de la relacin estratgica comunitaria y el marketing en empresas del sector salud y los objetivos especficos son: describir el uso de comunidad e Identificar la utilidad de aplicar las estrategias comunitarias en el sector. La metodologa es la investigacin y anlisis de caso, estudiando una organizacin relevante dentro del sector salud, anexando fuentes de informacin secundarias como que aporten a los resultados. El anlisis arroja una brecha entre la teora y la utilizacin de comunidad, donde la organizacin la define como sus clientes y empleados. Posteriormente cabe determinar si son aplicadas las estrategias comunitarias por la compaa, donde se encontr que algunas lo son. Al encontrar el uso de estrategias cabe estudiar si generan utilidad a los resultados demostrando que conservar y mejorar relaciones con los clientes es de beneficio para la compaa, sin dejar de atraer nuevos clientes para ampliar las posibilidades de ser una compaa rentable y perdurable. Finalmente se establece un eje estratgico que genere un impacto positivo a la empresa - comunidad para crear relaciones ms efectivas y rentables.


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Para el administrador el proceso de la toma de decisiones es uno de sus mayores retos y responsabilidades, ya que en su desarrollo se debe definir el camino ms acertado en un sin nmero de alternativas, teniendo en cuenta los obstculos sociales, polticos y econmicos del entorno empresarial. Para llegar a la decisin adecuada no hay que perder de vista los objetivos y metas propuestas, adems de tener presente el proceso lgico, detectando, analizando y demostrando el porqu de esa eleccin. Consecuentemente el anlisis que propone esta investigacin aportara conocimientos sobre los tipos de lgica utilizados en la toma de decisiones estratgicas al administrador para satisfacer las demandas asociadas con el mercadeo para que de esta manera se pueda generar y ampliar eficientemente las competencia idneas del administrador en la insercin internacional de un mercado laboral cada vez mayor (Valero, 2011). A lo largo de la investigacin se pretende desarrollar un estudio terico para explicar la relacin entre la lgica y la toma de decisiones estratgicas de marketing y como estos conceptos se combinan para llegar a un resultado final. Esto se llevara a cabo por medio de un anlisis de planes de marketing, iniciando por conceptos bsicos como marketing, lgica, decisiones estratgicas, direccin de marketing seguido de los principios lgicos y contradicciones que se pueden llegar a generar entre la fundamentacin terica


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Computational formalisms have been pushing the boundaries of the field of computing for the last 80 years and much debate has surrounded what computing entails; what it is, and what it is not. This paper seeks to explore the boundaries of the ideas of computation and provide a framework for enabling a constructive discussion of computational ideas. First, a review of computing is given, ranging from Turing Machines to interactive computing. Then, a variety of natural physical systems are considered for their computational qualities. From this exploration, a framework is presented under which all dynamical systems can be considered as instances of the class of abstract computational platforms. An abstract computational platform is defined by both its intrinsic dynamics and how it allows computation that is meaningful to an external agent through the configuration of constraints upon those dynamics. It is asserted that a platforms computational expressiveness is directly related to the freedom with which constraints can be placed. Finally, the requirements for a formal constraint description language are considered and it is proposed that Abstract State Machines may provide a reasonable basis for such a language.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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El artculo analiza la situacin actual de los archivos en Uruguay en relacin a las leyes de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica y de Sistema Nacional de Archivos, normativas que surge cuando el Estado uruguayo inicia una fase de reordenacin de su gestin promoviendo cambios que fomentan la democratizacin y la eficiencia, a la vez que anulan la opacidad y extrema reserva en su administracin. Se analiza cmo los profesionales archivlogos estuvieron estrechamente involucrados en el proceso de gestacin de ambas leyes, dando inicio a una etapa de consecucin de fuertes voluntades polticas que apoyaran los proyectos, convencidos que la premisa evidente del Derecho de Acceso es que el documento al que se pretenda acceder exista y sea recuperable. Se estudia como la coexistencia de ambas normas implicaban un cambio cultural, una evolucin en el comportamiento de las organizaciones que no acompa a la puesta en marcha de los instrumentos legales. Se concluye que el Derecho de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica est basado en el principio fundamental de transparencia de los rganos del Estado, por lo que no es de extraar que una ley que obliga a brindar informacin tenga el riesgo de devenir en letra muerta. El Archivo debe ser "condicin" administrativa, lo que exige una nueva dimensin de ellos y de sus profesionales dentro de los organismos del Estado, de forma tal que se conviertan en una inmejorable herramienta para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Ley de Derecho de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica


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El artculo analiza la situacin actual de los archivos en Uruguay en relacin a las leyes de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica y de Sistema Nacional de Archivos, normativas que surge cuando el Estado uruguayo inicia una fase de reordenacin de su gestin promoviendo cambios que fomentan la democratizacin y la eficiencia, a la vez que anulan la opacidad y extrema reserva en su administracin. Se analiza cmo los profesionales archivlogos estuvieron estrechamente involucrados en el proceso de gestacin de ambas leyes, dando inicio a una etapa de consecucin de fuertes voluntades polticas que apoyaran los proyectos, convencidos que la premisa evidente del Derecho de Acceso es que el documento al que se pretenda acceder exista y sea recuperable. Se estudia como la coexistencia de ambas normas implicaban un cambio cultural, una evolucin en el comportamiento de las organizaciones que no acompa a la puesta en marcha de los instrumentos legales. Se concluye que el Derecho de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica est basado en el principio fundamental de transparencia de los rganos del Estado, por lo que no es de extraar que una ley que obliga a brindar informacin tenga el riesgo de devenir en letra muerta. El Archivo debe ser "condicin" administrativa, lo que exige una nueva dimensin de ellos y de sus profesionales dentro de los organismos del Estado, de forma tal que se conviertan en una inmejorable herramienta para el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la Ley de Derecho de Acceso a la Informacin Pblica