504 resultados para Acaulospora laevis


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Activation of the Cyclin B/Cdc2 kinase complex triggers entry into mitosis in all eukaryotic cells. Cyclin B1 localization changes dramatically during the cell cycle, precipitously transiting from the cytoplasm to the nucleus at the beginning of mitosis. Presumably, this relocalization promotes the phosphorylation of nuclear targets critical for chromatin condensation and nuclear envelope breakdown. We show here that the previously characterized cytoplasmic retention sequence of Cyclin B1, responsible for its interphase cytoplasmic localization, is actually an autonomous nuclear export sequence, capable of directing nuclear export of a heterologous protein, and able to bind specifically to the recently identified export mediator, CRM1. We propose that the observed cytoplasmic localization of Cyclin B1 during interphase reflects the equilibrium between ongoing nuclear import and rapid CRM1-mediated export. In support of this hypothesis, we found that treatment of cells with leptomycin B, which disrupted Cyclin B1-CRM1 interactions, led to a marked nuclear accumulation of Cyclin B1. In mitosis, Cyclin B1 undergoes phosphorylation at several sites, a subset of which have been proposed to play a role in Cyclin B1 accumulation in the nucleus. Both CRM1 binding and the ability to direct nuclear export were affected by mutation of these phosphorylation sites; thus, we propose that Cyclin B1 phosphorylation at the G2/M transition prevents its interaction with CRM1, thereby reducing nuclear export and facilitating nuclear accumulation.


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Ataxia telangiectasia mutant (ATM) is an S/T-Q-directed kinase that is critical for the cellular response to double-stranded breaks (DSBs) in DNA. Following DNA damage, ATM is activated and recruited by the MRN protein complex [meiotic recombination 11 (Mre11)/DNA repair protein Rad50/Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 proteins] to sites of DNA damage where ATM phosphorylates multiple substrates to trigger cell-cycle arrest. In cancer cells, this regulation may be faulty, and cell division may proceed even in the presence of damaged DNA. We show here that the ribosomal s6 kinase (Rsk), often elevated in cancers, can suppress DSB-induced ATM activation in both Xenopus egg extracts and human tumor cell lines. In analyzing each step in ATM activation, we have found that Rsk targets loading of MRN complex components onto DNA at DSB sites. Rsk can phosphorylate the Mre11 protein directly at S676 both in vitro and in intact cells and thereby can inhibit the binding of Mre11 to DNA with DSBs. Accordingly, mutation of S676 to Ala can reverse inhibition of the response to DSBs by Rsk. Collectively, these data point to Mre11 as an important locus of Rsk-mediated checkpoint inhibition acting upstream of ATM activation.


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Se describe una nueva subespecie de Jasione laevis Lam., J. laevis subsp. gredensis RivasMartines & Sancho. Se propone un nuevo tratamiento y una clave para las especies ibéricas del grupo Sedum villosum L. Se aporta la distribución conocida del grupo en la Peninsula.


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Os dinoflagelados são um grupo muito diverso de protistas que possuem um conjunto de características pouco comuns. Os peridinióides são dinoflagelados com teca que é formada por seis séries latitudinais de placas, incluindo a série cingular e um anel incompleto de placas intercalares anteriores, embora as últimas estejam ausentes em algumas espécies de Peridiniopsis. São dinoflagelados com simetria bilateral em relação ao plano apical que contem o eixo dorso-ventral. Na série sulcal há apenas uma placa posterior que contacta com o limite ventral de duas grandes placas antapicais. Entre os peridinióides, a presença ou ausência de um poro apical e o número de placas no cíngulo são geralmente consideradas marcas filogenéticas importantes ao nível de género ou família. Actualmente, a definição de Peridinium Ehrenberg, o dinoflagelado mais comum de água doce, inclui organismos com combinações diferentes destas duas características. Trabalhos anteriores sobre a ultrastrutura e afinidade filogenética das espécies tipo de Peridinium, P. cinctum, e Peridiniopsis Lemmermann, P. borgei também sugerem a necessidade de reexaminar as relações taxonómicas dos peridinióides. Esta tese combina o estudo ultrastrutural de uma selecção de espécies com hipóteses filogenéticas baseadas nas sequências de LSU rDNA, para aumentar o nosso conhecimento das diferenças e afinidades dentro dos peridinióides. Tem como objectivo aumentar o nosso conhecimento das características individuais das células que possam levar a reconhecer sinapomorfias que possam ser usadas como marcadores dos peridinióides como um todo e dos seus subgrupos. As espécies escolhidas para exame pormenorizado foram: Peridinium palatinum Lauterborn, de um grupo com duas placas intercalares anteriores, seis placas cingulares e sem poro apical; Peridinium lomnickii Wo!oszy"ska, de um grupo com poro apical, três placas intercalares e seis cingulares; Peridiniopsis berolinensis (Lemmermann) Bourrelly, uma espécie heterotrófica com poro apical, sem placas intercalares e com seis placas cingulares; e Sphaerodinium cracoviense Wo!oszy"ska, um membro de um género de formas com teca com um tipo de tabulação marginalmente peridinióide, com um suposto poro apical e quatro placas intercalares anteriores. Peridinium palatinum difere de Peridinium e Peridiniopsis típicos, quer em características da teca, quer internas. As diferenças estimadas entre as sequências parciais de LSU rDNA de P. palatinum e a espécie próxima P. pseudolaeve, relativamente a P. cinctum são comparativamente grandes e, juntamente com a topologia da árvore filogenética, apoiam a separação de P. palatinum e formas próximas ao nível de género. Palatinus nov. gen. foi, então, descrito com as novas combinações Palatinus apiculatus nov. comb. (espécie tipo; sin. Peridinium palatinum), P. apiculatus var. laevis nov. comb. e P. pseudolaevis nov. comb.. As características distintivas de Palatinus incluem uma superfície das placas lisa ou um tanto granulosa, mas não areolada, um grande pirenóide central penetrado por canais citoplasmáticos e de onde radiam lobos plastidiais, e a presença de uma fiada microtubular homóloga à de um pedúnculo. As células de Palatinus saem da teca pela zona antapicalpos- cingular. Peridinium lomnickii apresenta tabulação semelhante às formas marinhas, produtoras de quistos calcários, do género Scrippsiella A.R. Loeblich. Para comparação, adicionámos novas observações ultrastruturais de S. trochoidea. Peridinium lomnickii tem uma combinação de características diferente de Peridinium, Peridiniopsis e Scrippsiella. As hipóteses filogenéticas baseadas em DNA colocam P. lomnickii no mesmo ramo que Pfiesteria Steidinger et Burkholder, Tyrannodinium e outras Pfiesteriaceae, com as quais partilha um "microtubular basket" e uma ligação peculiar entre duas placas do sulco. As características distintivas do novo género proposto Chimonodinium gen. ined. incluem, além da tabulação, a ausência de pirenóides, a presença de um "microtubular basket" com quatro ou cinco fiadas sobrepostas de microtúbulos associados a um pequeno pedúnculo, um sistema pusular com tubos pusulares bem definidos ligados aos canais flagelares, e a produção de quistos não calcários. Peridiniopsis berolinensis partilha várias características significativas com Pfiesteria e afins, como um "microtubular basket" com a capacidade de suportar um tubo de alimentação, quimiossensibilidade para encontrar presas apropriadas, o modo de natação junto às presas e a organização geral da célula. Hipóteses filogenéticas com base em LSU rDNA confirmam a afinidade entre P. berolinensis e Pfiesteria bem como a relação mais remota com a espécie tipo de Peridiniopsis, P. borgei. Estas razões justificam a proposta de Tyrannodinium gen. nov., uma nova Pfiesteriaceae que difere de outros membros do grupo por viver em água doce e nos pormenores da tabulação. Sphaerodinium cracoviense revelou a tabulação típica do género Sphaerodinium, que apresenta um número de placas intercalares superiores e pos-cingulares maior que o que é típico em peridinióides: 4 e 6, respectivamente. Observações em SEM mostraram uma estrutura apical diferente da dos peridinióides, e um sulco apical numa das placas fazendo lembrar a área apical de alguns woloszynskióides. Os pormenores do aparelho flagelar e do sistema pusular ligam o Sphaerodinium aos woloszynskióides em geral e ao género Baldinia em particular, mas não aos peridinióides. O volumoso estigma de S. cracoviense revelou ser extraplastidial e de um modelo único, composto por elementos que se encontram em woloszynskióides, mas nunca encontrados anteriormente juntos. A análise filogenética baseada nas sequências parciais de LSU rDNA também sugerem uma maior proximidade de S. cracoviense com os woloszynskióides do que com os peridinióides. Futuras análises pormenorizadas de dinoflagelados peridinióides, em especial entre os do numeroso grupo de espécies com poro apical, serão necessárias para clarificar as suas relações taxonómicas; e a produção de descrições melhoradas das características finas particulares das células serão um requisito para perceber a evolução dos caracteres dos peridinióides por forma a podermos identificar marcadores filogenéticos.


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Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha - Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Na,K-ATPase is the main active transport system that maintains the large gradients of Na(+) and K(+) across the plasma membrane of animal cells. The crystal structure of a K(+)-occluding conformation of this protein has been recently published, but the movements of its different domains allowing for the cation pumping mechanism are not yet known. The structure of many more conformations is known for the related calcium ATPase SERCA, but the reliability of homology modeling is poor for several domains with low sequence identity, in particular the extracellular loops. To better define the structure of the large fourth extracellular loop between the seventh and eighth transmembrane segments of the alpha subunit, we have studied the formation of a disulfide bond between pairs of cysteine residues introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in the second and the fourth extracellular loop. We found a specific pair of cysteine positions (Y308C and D884C) for which extracellular treatment with an oxidizing agent inhibited the Na,K pump function, which could be rapidly restored by a reducing agent. The formation of the disulfide bond occurred preferentially under the E2-P conformation of Na,K-ATPase, in the absence of extracellular cations. Using recently published crystal structure and a distance constraint reproducing the existence of disulfide bond, we performed an extensive conformational space search using simulated annealing and showed that the Tyr(308) and Asp(884) residues can be in close proximity, and simultaneously, the SYGQ motif of the fourth extracellular loop, known to interact with the extracellular domain of the beta subunit, can be exposed to the exterior of the protein and can easily interact with the beta subunit.


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The lymphatic vasculature is important for the regulation of tissue fluid homeostasis, immune response, and lipid absorption, and the development of in vitro models should allow for a better understanding of the mechanisms regulating lymphatic vascular growth, repair, and function. Here we report isolation and characterization of lymphatic endothelial cells from human intestine and show that intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells have a related but distinct gene expression profile from human dermal lymphatic endothelial cells. Furthermore, we identify liprin beta1, a member of the family of LAR transmembrane tyrosine phosphatase-interacting proteins, as highly expressed in intestinal lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro and lymphatic vasculature in vivo, and show that it plays an important role in the maintenance of lymphatic vessel integrity in Xenopus tadpoles.


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Ubiquitin ligases play a pivotal role in substrate recognition and ubiquitin transfer, yet little is known about the regulation of their catalytic activity. Nedd4 (neural-precursor-cell-expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4)-2 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase composed of a C2 domain, four WW domains (protein-protein interaction domains containing two conserved tryptophan residues) that bind PY motifs (L/PPXY) and a ubiquitin ligase HECT (homologous with E6-associated protein C-terminus) domain. In the present paper we show that the WW domains of Nedd4-2 bind (weakly) to a PY motif (LPXY) located within its own HECT domain and inhibit auto-ubiquitination. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that mutation of the HECT PY-motif decreases the stability of Nedd4-2, suggesting that it is involved in stabilization of this E3 ligase. Interestingly, the HECT PY-motif mutation does not affect ubiquitination or down-regulation of a known Nedd4-2 substrate, ENaC (epithelial sodium channel). ENaC ubiquitination, in turn, appears to promote Nedd4-2 self-ubiquitination. These results support a model in which the inter- or intra-molecular WW-domain-HECT PY-motif interaction stabilizes Nedd4-2 by preventing self-ubiquitination. Substrate binding disrupts this interaction, allowing self-ubiquitination of Nedd4-2 and subsequent degradation, resulting in down-regulation of Nedd4-2 once it has ubiquitinated its target. These findings also point to a novel mechanism employed by a ubiquitin ligase to regulate itself differentially compared with substrate ubiquitination and stability.


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The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is preferentially assembled into heteromeric alphabetagamma complexes. The alpha and gamma (not beta) subunits undergo proteolytic cleavage by endogenous furin-like activity correlating with increased ENaC function. We identified full-length subunits and their fragments at the cell surface, as well as in the intracellular pool, for all homo- and heteromeric combinations (alpha, beta, gamma, alphabeta, alphagamma, betagamma, and alphabetagamma). We assayed corresponding channel function as amiloride-sensitive sodium transport (I(Na)). We varied furin-mediated proteolysis by mutating the P1 site in alpha and/or gamma subunit furin consensus cleavage sites (alpha(mut) and gamma(mut)). Our findings were as follows. (i) The beta subunit alone is not transported to the cell surface nor cleaved upon assembly with the alpha and/or gamma subunits. (ii) The alpha subunit alone (or in combination with beta and/or gamma) is efficiently transported to the cell surface; a surface-expressed 65-kDa alpha ENaC fragment is undetected in alpha(mut)betagamma, and I(Na) is decreased by 60%. (iii) The gamma subunit alone does not appear at the cell surface; gamma co-expressed with alpha reaches the surface but is not detectably cleaved; and gamma in alphabetagamma complexes appears mainly as a 76-kDa species in the surface pool. Although basal I(Na) of alphabetagamma(mut) was similar to alphabetagamma, gamma(mut) was not detectably cleaved at the cell surface. Thus, furin-mediated cleavage is not essential for participation of alpha and gamma in alphabetagamma heteromers. Basal I(Na) is reduced by preventing furin-mediated cleavage of the alpha, but not gamma, subunits. Residual current in the absence of furin-mediated proteolysis may be due to non-furin endogenous proteases.


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Alternative splicing (AS) is the predominant mechanism responsible for increasing eukaryotic transcriptome and proteome complexity. In this phenomenon, numerous mRNA transcripts are produced from a single pre-mRNA sequence. AS is reported to occur in 95% of human multi-exon genes; one specific gene that undergoes AS is DNA polymerase beta (POLB). POLB is the main DNA repair gene which performs short patch base excision repair (BER). In primate untransformed primary fibroblast cell lines, it was determined that the splice variant (SV) frequency of POLB correlates positively with species lifespan. To date, AS patterns of POLB have only been examined in mammals primarily through the use of cell lines. However, little attention has been devoted to investigating if such a relationship exists in non-mammals and whether cell lines reflect what is observed in vertebrate tissues. This idea was explored through cloning and characterization of 1,214 POLB transcripts from four non-mammalian species (Gallus gallus domesticus, Larus glaucescens, Xenopus laevis, and Pogona vitticeps) and two mammalian species (Sylvilagus floridanus and Homo sapiens) in two tissue types, liver and brain. POLB SV frequency occurred at low frequencies, < 3.2%, in non-mammalian tissues relative to mammalian (>20%). The highest POLB SV frequency was found in H. sapiens liver and brain tissues, occurring at 65.4% and 91.7%, respectively. Tissue specific AS of POLB was observed in L. glaucescens, P. vitticeps, and H. sapiens, but not G. gallus domesticus, X. laevis and S. floridanus.The AS patterns of a second gene, transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), were compared to those of POLB in liver and brain tissues of G. gallus domesticus, X. laevis and H. sapiens. This comparison was performed to investigate if any changes (either increase or decrease) observed in the AS of POLB were gene specific or if they were tissue specific, in which case similar changes in AS would be seen in POLB and TRPV1. Analysis did not reveal an increase or decrease in both the AS of POLB and TRPV1 in either the liver or brain tissues of G. gallus domesticus and H. sapiens. This result suggested that the AS patterns of POLB were not influenced by tissue specific rates of AS. Interestingly, an increase in the AS of both genes was only observed in X. laevis brain tissue. This result suggests that AS in general may be increased in the X. laevis brain as compared to liver tissue. No positive correlation between POLB SV frequency and species lifespan was found in non-mammalian tissues. The AS patterns of POLB in human primary untransformed fibroblast cell lines were representative of those seen in human liver tissue but not in brain tissue. Altogether, the AS patterns of POLB from vertebrate tissues and primate cell lines revealed a positive correlation between POLB SV frequency and lifespan in mammals, but not in non-mammals. It appears that this positive correlation does not exist in vertebrate species as a whole.


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Le myo-inositol (MI) est un soluté organique impliqué dans diverses fonctions physiologiques de la cellule dont la signalisation cellulaire. Il est également un osmolyte compatible reconnu. Trois co-transporteurs de type actif secondaire responsables de son absorption ont été identifiés. Deux d’entre eux sont couplés au transport du sodium (SMIT1 et SMIT2) et le troisième est couplé au transport de protons (HMIT). L’objectif de cette étude a été la caractérisation du transport du MI par SMIT2 dans des membranes en bordure en brosse (BBMv) issues du rein de lapin et de l’intestin de rat ainsi qu’après expression dans les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis. La quantification de l’ARNm de SMIT1 et de SMIT2 dans le rein nous a appris que SMIT1 est majoritairement présent dans la médullaire alors que SMIT2 est principalement localisé dans le cortex. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par immunobuvardage en utilisant un anticorps dirigé contre SMIT2. Grâce à l’inhibition sélective de SMIT1 par le L-Fucose et de SMIT2 par le D-chiro-inositol (DCI), nous avons démontré que SMIT2 semble le seul responsable du transport luminal de MI dans le tubule contourné proximal avec un Km de 57 ± 14 µM. Pour ce qui est de l’intestin, des études de transport de MI radioactif ont démontré une absence de transport de MI chez le lapin alors que l’intestin de rat présente un transport de MI très actif. Une quantification par qRT-PCR nous a permis de constater que l’intestin de lapin ne semble pas posséder les transporteurs de MI nécessaires. Comme pour le rein, SMIT2 semble le seul transporteur de MI présent au niveau du pôle apical des entérocytes intestinaux chez le rat. Il est chargé du prélèvement du MI de l'alimentation avec un Km de 150 ± 40 µM. Les analyses fonctionnelles exécutées sur SMIT2 de rat en électrophysiologie après expression dans les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis donnent sensiblement les mêmes résultats que pour les BBMv de rein de lapin et d’intestin de rat. Dans les ovocytes, SMIT2 présente une grande affinité pour le MI (270 ± 19 µM) et le DCI (310 ± 60 µM) et aucune affinité pour le L-fucose. Il est ii également très sensible à la phlorizine (16 ± 7 µM). Une seule exception persiste : la constante d’affinité pour le glucose dans les BBMv d’intestin de rat est 40 fois plus petite que celle observée sur les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis. Nous avons également testé la capacité de certains transporteurs de sucre présents à la surface des membranes apicales des entérocytes à prélever le MI. Vu que l'inhibition de ces transporteurs (SGLT1 et GLUT5) ne changeait rien au taux de MI radioactif transporté, nous en avons conclu qu'ils ne sont pas impliqués dans son transport. Finalement, l’efflux de MI à partir du pôle basolatéral des entérocytes n’est pas effectué par GLUT2 puisque ce dernier lorsqu'il est exprimé dans des ovocytes, est incapable de transporter le MI.


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Le transporteur de Na+/ acide monocarboxylique sensible à l’ibuprofène (SMCT1) est exprimé dans la membrane apicale de plusieurs épithélia. Son rôle physiologique dans la glande thyroïde reste cependant obscur mais on présume qu’il pourrait agir comme un transporteur apical d’iode nécessaire pour la synthèse des hormones thyroïdiennes. Récemment, on a montré que SMCT1 possède un courant de fuite anionique sensible à [Na+]e qui permettrait de transporter l’iode de façon électrogénique. Cependant, un efflux d’iode sensible à l’ibuprofène, mais indépendant de la [Na+]e a été aussi observé sur des cultures primaires des thyrocytes porcins, suggérant un autre mécanisme de transport d’iode par SMCT1. Ce travail vise à comprendre les caractéristiques de ce genre de transport en utilisant comme modèle d’expression les ovocytes de Xenopus laevis. Les résultats obtenus des essais de captation d’iode radioactif montrent que SMCT1 présente un transport d’iode sensible à l’ibuprofène de l’ordre de 30nmol/ovocyte/h. Si ce transport est non saturable en iode (0-100 mM), il nécessite du Na+ dans la solution externe. En effet, le remplacement du Na+ extracellulaire par le NMDG inhibe complètement le transport. En outre, on s’est intéressé à exclure la possibilité de différents artefacts. En ayant trouvé que la grande majorité de l’iode radioactif se trouve dans la partie soluble de l’ovocyte, on exclut une liaison non spécifique de l’iode à la membrane cellulaire. Cependant, une bonne proportion de l’iode transporté pourrait être liée à des protéines à l’intérieur de l`ovocyte. En effet, on observe une réduction du transport d’iode dans les ovocytes exprimant SMCT1 de 81,6 ± 2 % en présence de 2 % BSA dans la solution extracellulaire. Également, on écarte la possibilité que le transport d’iode soit le résultat de la surexpression de protéines de transport endogènes dont les canaux chlore. Le transport d’iode semble spécifique à l’expression de SMCT1 et de manière intéressante à l’expression d’un autre transporteur de monocarboxylates, MCT1. L’analyse de l’ensemble des essais, y compris le fait que l’amplitude du transport observé est 20 fois plus grande que celle du courant de fuite nous mène à proposer que SMCT1 puisse transporter l’iode de façon électroneutre. Cependant, le mécanisme par lequel ceci est accompli n’est pas évident à identifier. L’utilisation d’un autre modèle cellulaire serait surement utile pour répondre à cette question.


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Le noyau paraventriculaire (PVN) de l'hypothalamus régule une série de phénomènes physiologiques incluant l'équilibre énergétique et la pression artérielle. Nous avons identifié une cascade de facteurs de transcription qui contrôle le développement du PVN. SIM1 et OTP agissent en parallèle pour contrôler la différenciation d'au moins cinq types de neurones identifiables par la production d'OT, AVP, CRH, SS et TRH. Ces Facteurs de transcriptions contrôlent le développement des lignées CRH, AVP et OT en maintenant l'expression de Brn2 qui à son tour est nécessaire pour la différenciation terminale de ces neurones. L'analyse du transcriptome du PVN nous a permis d'identifier plusieurs gènes qui ont le potentiel de contrôler le développement du PVN. Nous voulons développer un paradigme de perte de fonction qui permettrait l'étude de ces gènes candidats sur une grande échelle. Le but de ce projet est de caractériser le PVN en développement de l'amphibien en vue de l'utilisation de ce modèle pour des études fonctionnelles. Nous avons cloné des fragments de cDNA de Sim1, OTP, Brn2, Sim2, CRH, Ot, AVP et TRH à partir de l'ARN total de Xenopus Laevis. Nous avons adapté notre technique d'hybridation in situ pour caractériser l'expression de ces gènes chez l'amphibien aux stades 33-39, 44, 51, 54, 60, et chez l'adulte. Résultats. Les Facteurs de transcription Sim1, OTP, et Brn2 commencent à être exprimés dans le PVN prospectif au stade 33. L'expression des marqueurs de différenciation terminale devient détectable entre les stades 37 et 39. De façon intéressante, le PVN occupe initialement un domaine de forme globulaire puis à partir du stade 44 s'allonge le long de l’axe dorso-ventral. Cet allongement se traduit par une organisation en colonnes des cellules du PVN que nous n'avons pas observée chez les rongeurs. Le développement du PVN est conservé chez l'amphibien dans la mesure où la relation entre l'expression des facteurs de transcription et des marqueurs de différenciation terminale est conservée. Il existe par ailleurs des différences entre la topographie des PVN des mammifères et de l'amphibien. L'organisation en colonnes de cellules pourrait correspondre à des mouvements de migration tangentielle. Nous sommes maintenant en mesure de tester la fonction des facteurs de transcription dans le PVN par l'approche d'invalidation par morpholinos.