981 resultados para Acúmulo de macronutrientes


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A Copa do Mundo trouxe notícias ruins para o país não só em relação ao que aconteceu com a seleção brasileira nos gramados, mas, também, quanto aos impactos sobre o nível de atividade da economia. As preocupações estão mais recentemente fundamentadas nos resultados de junho: da produção industrial (Pesquisa Industrial Mensal – Produção Física); das vendas no comércio varejista (Pesquisa Mensal do Comércio — PMC); e da produção de Serviços (Pesquisa Mensal de Serviços —PMS, todas do IBGE).


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Chromobacterium violaceum is a free-living bacillus, Gram-negative commonly found in water and sand of tropical and subtropical regions. One of its main characteristic it's the ability to produce the purple pigment named violacein, that shows countless biological activities. In 2003, the genome of this organism was totally sequenced and revealed important informations about the physiology of this bacteria. However, few post-genomics studies had been accomplished. This work evaluated the protein profile of C. violaceum cultivated in LB medium at 28ºC that allowed the identification and characterization of proteins related to a possible secretion system that wasn't identified and characterized yet in C. violaceum, to the quorum sensing system, to regulatory process of transcription and translation, stress adaptation and biotechnological potential. Moreover, the response of the bacteria to UVC radiation was evaluated. The comparison of the protein profile, analyzed through 2-D electrophoresis, of the control group versus the treatment group allowed the identification of 52 proteins that arose after stress induction. The obtained results enable the elaboration of a stress response pathway in C. violaceum generated by the UVC light. This pathway, that seems to be a general stress response, involves the expression of proteins related to cellular division, purine and pirimidine metabolism, heat chock or chaperones, energy supply, regulation of biofilm formation, transport, regulation of lytic cycle of bacteriophages, besides proteins that show undefined function. Despite the response present similarities with the classic SOS response of E. coli, we still cannot assert that C. violaceum shows a SOS-like response, mainly due to the absence of characterization of a LexA-like protein in this organism


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O conhecimento sobre o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira permite melhor eficiência da adubação na produção de hipobiotos (porta-enxertos). Objetivou-se determinar o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes em hipobiotos de caramboleira cultivada em solução nutritiva. O experimento constituiu de cinco tratamentos, referentes aos tempos de coleta 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125 dias após o transplantio, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em seis repetições. As plantas utilizadas foram obtidas de sementes de frutos de caramboleira 'Malásia', cultivadas em vasos com solução nutritiva. Nos diferentes órgãos dos hipobiotos (folhas, caule e raízes), avaliou-se o crescimento e o acúmulo de nutrientes e os índices nutricionais, a cada 25 dias. O ponto de enxertia (6 mm) foi atingido aos 110 dias após o transplantio. A ordem decrescente dos nutrientes acumulados em cada hipobioto produzido é de (em mg por planta): N = 634; K = 368; Ca = 152; Mg = 106; S = 98; P = 88 (em µg por planta) de: Fe = 2.963; Mn = 2.165; B = 722; Zn =780, e Cu = 96. O acúmulo médio de nutrientes é maior nas folhas > caule = raízes. O período de maior exigência de nutrientes pelos hipobiotos é compreendido entre 25-75 dias após o transplantio. As diferentes taxas de acumulação líquida dos nutrientes, nas diferentes partes da caramboleira, nem sempre acompanham a taxa de acumulação de nutrientes do respectivo órgão.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study aimed to establish patterns of dynamics of litter and redistribution of rainfall of Caatinga vegetation. Sampling was done monthly for twenty three months in four areas: degraded, successional primary stage, secondary stage and late stage. We installed 72 collectors of 1.0 mx 1.0 m, with nylon fabric background in three areas. Litter deposited was fractionated into leaves, twigs, reproductive structures and miscellaneous, dried and weighed. To assess the stock of accumulated litter we used metal frame with dimensions of 0.5 mx 0.5 m, thrown randomly and collected monthly, taken to the laboratory for oven drying and weighed. To evaluate the decomposition, 40g of litter were placed in nylon bags (litterbags) mesh 1 mm ², dimensions 20.0 x 20.0 cm, being distributed on the soil surface and removed monthly, cleaned, dried and weighed. To evaluate the contribution of rainfall we used interceptometers installed 1.0 m above the ground surface, distributed under the canopy of six species of the caatinga, which evaluated the stemflow through collecting system installed around the stems of these species. The deposition of litter in the primary stage was 2.631,26 kg ha-1; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the secondary stage; 3.144,89 kg ha-1 in the late stage. The fraction of leaves was the largest contributor to the formation of litter in three stages. The degraded area showed greater accumulation of litter and decomposition has been sluggish during the dry period. We conclude that occurred greater litterfall in later stages. The late successional stage showed faster decomposition of litter, the evidence that is a better use of litter in nutrient cycling processes and incorporation of organic matter to the soil. The time required to decompose 50 % of the litter in the later stages of succession was lower indicating greater speed of release and reuse of nutrients by the vegetation. The specie jurema preta with less leaf area and consists of leaflets, showed greater internal precipitation in rain events of greater magnitude. The stemflow was not influenced by DAP and basal area. The water lost by trapping represented the largest proportion of total rainfall in all species studied


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The cotton growth occupies about 1.1 million hectares in Brazil and the midwest, especially the state of Mato Grosso, is the largest producer in the country. This work aimed to establish the sufficiency ranges for macronutrients in cotton crops by the method of mathematical chance. The work was carried out from 2000 to 2003 in the cities of Costa Rica (MS), Diamantino and Sapezal (MT), totaling 152 samples of plant tissue and yield. The chance mathematics method was adequate for to establish cotton macronutrients references values, can be to help parameters were the conventional research cannot to prove in the small time space. The use of different yields for the calculation of mathematical chance (4,000 and 4,500kg ha(-1)) in the population studied, no difference between the sufficiency ranges for macronutrients. The macronutrients sufficiency range was, in the mg kg(-1), 33-45; 3.8-5.3; 15-21; 20-36; 4.0-7.2 e 2.8-8.6 for N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S, respectly. The indicated range, however to similar with the recommendations published, they demonstrate improvement about to obtainment of increases productivities.


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O composto de lixo urbano é um adubo orgânico que vem sendo, com bastante freqüência, utilizado em áreas de produção de hortaliças. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação do composto de lixo urbano na fertilidade do solo, na produção de alface e no acúmulo de nutrientes nas plantas. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em colunas de PVC, em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos, doses de 0; 30; 60; 90 e 120 t ha-1 de composto de lixo urbano e oito repetições. As colunas receberam solo das profundidades de 0-20 (tratado com composto de lixo), 20-40 e 40-60 cm de um Argissolo, textura média, e uma muda de alface. Ao final do cultivo, colunas de quatro repetições de cada tratamento foram desmontadas e, nas demais colunas, fez-se um segundo cultivo de alface. A incorporação de composto de lixo urbano na profundidade de 0-20 cm melhorou a fertilidade do solo da própria camada em que foi aplicado e da camada de 20-40 cm, mas não alterou as características da camada de 40-60 cm. A adubação com composto de lixo urbano propiciou aumento do pH e dos teores de MO, P, K, Ca e Mg do solo, na camada de 0-20 cm, e de pH e Ca, na profundidade de 20-40 cm. A melhora da fertilidade do solo com a aplicação de composto de lixo urbano acarretou aumento de produção de alface e provocou maior acúmulo de P, K e Ca nas plantas.


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The experiment was carried out in green house with the objective of evaluating the effect of the bauxite mining residue in the rates of macronutrients in sugarcane and soil. Containers of 10 L were used. They received the following rates of bauxite residue: 0; 28; 56; 84; 112 and 140 t ha(-1). The used culture was the sugarcane (SP92 4221). The incorporation of the bauxite residue in the soil provided an increase in the levels of the soil macronutrients, and only for sulphur levels above 83 t ha(-1), it was possible to provide reductions of this nutrient. For rates of determined macronutrients in the leaf, levels above 70, 5; 125; 101; 56 t ha (-1) diminished the rates of nitrogen, phosphorum, potassium and sulphur, respectively. However, for calcium and magnesium the use of the residue provided the reduction of leaf rates. The level of the bauxite residue which had the largest production of dry mass was 64 t ha(-1).


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O período de plantio da cultura da mandioca, no Estado de São Paulo, é extenso, de maio a outubro. Existem grandes diferenças no desenvolvimento de suas plantas e na matointerferência nas diferentes épocas de plantio. Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção e acúmulo de matéria seca das plantas de mandioca cv. SRT 59 - Branca de Santa Catarina, na presença e na ausência de plantas infestantes, foram desenvolvidos quatro experimentos, em quatro épocas de plantio, em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições (com plantio em 30-10-1989) ou quatro (com plantios em 28-6-1989; 30-6-1989 e 23-7-1990). As plantas foram submetidas a períodos crescentes na presença e na ausência de plantas infestantes e amostradas aos 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270 e 360 dias a partir do plantio. Análises de crescimento da cultura evidenciaram que, nas parcelas mantidas por períodos no mato, houve drástica redução no acúmulo de matéria seca pelas plantas, estando as perdas de produção de raízes próximas de 90%. As curvas de acúmulo de matéria seca nas raízes foram mais bem explicadas pela equação sigmoidal de Boltzman, embora, para os períodos crescentes na presença de plantas infestantes, para dois dos experimentos, os coeficientes de determinação não tenham sido significativos. As maiores produções de matéria seca nas raízes foram obtidas aos 360 dias do plantio.


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With the objective of evaluating the progress of absorption of macro and micronutrients in cauliflower cultivated in substrate, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, in Jaboticabal, Brazil. The experimental desing used was randomized blocks, with six treatments and five replicates. The treatments comprised times of sampling (20; 30; 40; 50; 60 and 70 days after the transplant). The composition and accumulation of the macro and micronutrients of the shoot and root were evaluated. The biggest demand of nutrient happened in the period of 60 to 70 (DAT) for macro and micronutrients. The decreasing order of the macronutrients accumulated by the cauliflower was K, N, S, P, Mg and Ca and for micronutrients Fe, Zn, B, Mn and Cu.


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This work consisted in an experiment installed at Unesp, Campus of Jaboticabal, from January to May 2006 and the objective was to evaluate dry matter accumulated and nutrients by cauliflower, hybrid Verona, during the cycle. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in plots subdivided on the time, with three replications. The plants were sampled at 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 days after sowing (DAS), and were evaluated: number of leaves, stem length, stem and curd diameter, leaf area, stem, leaves and curd dry matter and accumulate of nutrients. The cauliflower growth had four different phases. In the first one, from 0 to 30 DAS, was correspondent of the period from sowing to transplant. In the second phase, from 30 to 75 DAS, the dry matter accumulated in leaves and stem were small in comparison with the total. The third growth phase, from 75 to 97 DAS, was characterized with great dry matter accumulated, increase in the number of leaves and leaf area. This phase ended with visualization of the curd, and was the beginning to the fourth phase, from 97 to 120 DAS. In the culture estimated in 25,000 plants/ha and productivity of 25.2 t ha(-1) the accumulated quantities with of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S were, corresponding to, 224.5; 54; 156; 136; 21.75; 63.5 kg ha(-1) and 714.8; 270; 236.7 and 33.3 g ha(-1), corresponding to Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu.


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Aiming to evaluate the curve of growth and dry matter accumulation in cauliflower cv. Verona in commercial substrate for vegetables Plantmax (R), an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six treatments, five replicates, each plot had a plan. The treatments consisted of sampling times (20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 days after transplantation). Evaluations of plant height, leaf number, stem diameter, leaf area, dry matter of shoot, root and whole plant, and fresh weight of the inflorescence. Furthermore, calculated the relative growth rate (RGR) of leaves, stems, roots, flowers and whole plant, presented in g day(-1) plant(-1). The hybrid of cauliflower 'Verona' shows initial slow growth, stepping up from 30 days after transplantation. The maximum accumulation of dry matter per plant was 87g at 70 DAT, with the participation of sheets of 53.8%, stem 9.9%, 30.7% of inflorescence and root 6.5%. The cultivation cauliflower Verona in substrate showed high accumulation of dry Inflorescence.


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O uso de resíduos agroindustriais pode acumular metais pesados no solo e na planta. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do lodo de esgoto e/ou vinhaça, aplicados no solo, disponibilizando Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb ao solo e quantificar as respectivas concentrações em plantas de cana-de-açúcar, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas. O experimento foi conduzido em condições de campo, com parcelas experimentais de cinco linhas espaçadas de 1,5 m e 10 m de comprimento. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: 1. Lodo de esgoto com 100% de N; 2. Lodo de esgoto com 200% de N; 3. Vinhaça com 100% de K; 4. Vinhaça com 200% de K; 5. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 100% de N e K; 6. Lodo de esgoto+vinhaça com 200% de N e K; 7. Testemunha (fertilização mineral). Os baixos teores de metais pesados (Cd, Cr, Ni e Pb) disponíveis no solo e nas partes das plantas de cana-de-açúcar indicam que o lodo de esgoto e a vinhaça, empregados nas doses mencionadas, não apresentaram, após três aplicações anuais sucessivas, potencial de contaminação do sistema solo-planta.


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Given the importance of heart, especially among the high brassica consumption, coupled with the scarcity of studies that report symptoms of nutritional disorders in the culture, the work was carried out to evaluate the effect of the omission of macronutrients in the development and nutritional status of cabbage, and describe visual symptoms of nutritional deficiency. The experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions in the UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized design with three replications and seven treatments, corresponding to complete nutritive solution (macro and micronutrients) and individual N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S omission. Plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, shoot, root and whole plant dry mass and macronutrient levels were determined and nutritional deficiency symptoms were described. Individual omissions of N, P, K or Ca were limiting for cabbage growth, considerably reducing plant height, number of leaves, and shoot, root and whole plant dry mass. Nutritional deficiency symptoms were observed for each element. Shoot macronutrient levels in control and nutrient omission treatments were, respectively: N = 31.0-11.9; P = 5.3-0.60; K = 63.5-4.8; Ca = 25.9-4.8; Mg = 5.2-0.5; S = 10.3-1.4 g kg(-1).